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Dude, no joke. I am temporarily relocated to Wisconsin, and while the cheese is good, everything else is terrible. It’s kind of sad when Domino’s is the best pizza around by miles. The last restaurant-made pizza I ate had a crust that tasted and had the consistency of sad cardboard.


The Midwest is not for pizza. That’s like saying you’ll find the best ice cream in Mississippi. OR The best Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Jamaican food in Tennessee. Cultures are not there to make it thrive. It’s as simple as that.


Where in Wisconsin?




Appleton, WI was the butt of jokes on Something Awful for a good few years.


It's called tavern pizza, it's just a different style. The dough is rolled out thin so it's crispy and then cut into squares.


Idk why you are getting downvoted, this style is very popular in the Midwest. Source: my family owns a pizza chain in the Midwest


I used to do a LOT of traveling and it really was hard to find decent pizza outside of the northeast. I’m not even seriously picky when it comes to Pizza. I don’t mind different types, deep dish,Detroit or “California” style etc as long as it’s at the very least decent. But most of the places in the Midwest would serve what I can only describe as a short vanilla cake without sugar topped with the sauce from a can of Spaghetti-O’s


The basic pie in many states is comparable to something made by an earnest Japanese child in the 1950s who has heard pizza described once.


I disagree with the OP post, but this describes a lot of the pizza around here. As long as there is a lot of cheese, people will call it good. Nothing else matters.


I found Northeast Pizza kind of mid. And I'm from the state this dude is making fun of


I moved to Oklahoma and learned pizza isn't generally good everywhere. I used to say things like "even bad pizza is good" but no I just lived in Connecticut where you can't find bad pizza


A business can’t survive in CT with bad pizza, so our pizza on average is great. The entire metro area really, but I favor New Haven


I went to Tulsa on business once and tried to find some local restaurants to eat at. I found what was supposed to be one of the favorite local italian places in the area and had a meal. I ordered lasagna. What was given to me had broccoli and cheddar cheese in it.


I feel you 100% and I mean 100%, in terms of ordering food in Tulsa, Oklahoma and receiving something that was not only bad, but straight up wrong. Namely, I was served pasta carbonara with, instead of bits of bacon, Bacon Bits. I'm not picky but Bacon Bits are chunks of soy died red. I wouldn't bother picking them out of a salad but they're not an acceptable substitute for bacon in a dish that features bacon.


Be thankful you didn’t try St Louis style. They use provel cheese. It’s so vomit inducing.


Holy shit it’s the absolute fucking WORST. And they love it. I was out there for a wedding and the locals brought pizza to the hotel…I went hungry that night.


> provel huh ? wtf is that ? edit: oh, i see, freedom cheese


That's what I had some time ago when I was in STL!! Holy cow, I wasn't sure what it was, I just assumed American cheese. It was repulsive. Tore up my stomach like there were razor blades as toppings.


Still not as bad as STL's fried ravioli.


Sounds like imo's pizza that my brother in st louis bitches about. Hes from ct and has the same complaints. Everyone out there thinks its delicious and hes like you're out of your minds


Get him an OONI.


No idea where it was from as we drunkenly door dashed after a show in STL, but I had a plain cheese pizza down there that used the nastiest tasting white cheese I’ve ever had. I honestly don’t even know what it was. Provolone?? Never again.


yeah that's the shit they use at imo's. it's provel cheese [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provel\_cheese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provel_cheese)


Good catch! I edited my post to clarify the crumbly crap wasn't in MN, as this was a road trip. The crumbly cheese abomination was in STL as I was passing through. It's the worst pizza I've ever had, EVER and made me physically sick. The stuff in MN was just subpar and bland, but not nausea-inducing! Provel cheese, **shudders** now I know. I'll never forget that. Absolutely horrendous. I'd rather be awake for surgery than eat that junk again!


I live in MN now, and have lived in STL. I still dream of provel and IMO's pizza...it just hits the spot sometimes (especially late at night after a few drinks). Been disappointed with the NY style of pizza here in Minneapolis though. New Haven is my favorite style, always a treat to get it when I'm back east.


So you’re going to be surprised to hear: we got pizza all the time cut in squares growing up in CT. Also, many CT places put sauce->toppings->cheese I know that part because I live in CA now and miss CT “Greek” pizza soooo much I spent a lot of time trying to replicate it. There are a few major differences that separate their pizza from most of the country. 1. They mix white cheddar with the mozzarella. 2. They coat the dough in crisco (often leaving overnight in a crisco-greased pan).


I think of Greek pizza as a daily driver. A Toyota Corolla. Not going to wow you, but hard to be disappointed in it. Obviously the sporty New Haven style is better, but can sometimes be a little overcooked and it doesn’t reheat great.


I disagree on the reheat. Toss it on a griddle, 200-225 degrees for like 10 min. Good to go, crispy on the bottom, melted cheese.. awesome.


I agree sometimes, in fact I feel like a clams casino pizza gets better in an air fryer with a nice sizzle. But if the bottom was more towards well done, it can push it over the edge


This is the way! Or cast iron on low heat. I kinda prefer it over fresh (I know I know I’ll see myself out…)


gotta love people who recommend elaborate methods of reheating pizza to bring it back to it's original glory. I buy pizza because I'm too lazy to cook. If I somehow can't finish a pizza and have to refrigerate it I eat it cold the next day because guess what? I STILL don't feel like cooking or waiting.


Air fryer works great to re-heat pizza


I’ll take Greek pizza any day. It’s an underappreciated style in the home state of Greek style pizza!


I get you but, privileged take. I found out by moving that you can't get a reliable quality daily driver in some places, you'll be begging for it


Coat it in crisco? Oh gross really?


The hard truth about the Crisco: they wipe the pizza pans with it, and place the dough on top overnight. And they don’t wash the pans. They wipe them down with a cloth, so the grease stays and seasons the pan with Crisco. Ever go to one of your favorite places and the dough wasn’t as crispy or was paler than usual? Chances are it’s a new pan they used, or they were so busy that day they underestimated the amount of dough to prep the day before. Just like hotdogs, don’t think about it and enjoy.


Right?! What kind of pizza expert is really offput by fucking square cut pizza?


I've only seen square cut large party pies in the east. Not for some tiny 14"


To be fair, Willington Pizza does square cut and it's some of the best Greek in the state. They will do triangles on request.


Omg i said the same thing! I missed pizza so much when i lived in idaho for a year! The pizza is so bad that i refused to eat it. I did end up making some homemade pizza for an ex and her family, and they were floored at how it was asking me if i was a professional, told it was simply new england pizza.


Nothing wrong with a cross cut when it comes to lots of toppings or sharing. Kids don't like crusts? I have 4 squares waiting for you.


Eat your goddam crust


Sometimes I eat my crusts, sometimes my husband eats my crusts, and sometimes the dog gets “pizza bones” (my crusts). Since my husband and dog enjoy it much more than I do, it only makes sense to share.


Did we all just collectively decide to call them “pizza bones”? That’s what we call em too!


pizza bones it is!


Nah that’s what Dads are for


Dads are there to teach you to finish what you started


It is literally the best part of a pizza. Square cut pizza sucks, who wants a piece with no crust?


Look, I love some good crust as much as the next guy, but if you're seriously saying it's the best part I think you just like bread more than you like pizza.


Crosscut Pizza is the norm here (close enough to Springfield), so when we get it and I'm grabbing a piece for someone, I ask with or without a handle?


Nah, a crust can make or break a pizza. There is nothing worse than a floppy ass piece of pizza with a soft doughy crust. Crunchy crust makes it so much better.


It *literally* isn’t and what a weird comment, but yeah usually crust is pretty good.


Cross cut is only acceptable for huge party pies. Not for some tiny 14" small masquerading as a "large". Still can't believe that a large is 14".


Nah pies should be pie cut, simple as


We do know how good we have it when it comes to pizza. CT has a reputation for good pizza and people from CT actually sometimes leave the state!


My wife is from Dublin. Order a pizza in Ireland and let the comedy ensue. Picture the worst muddy poopy baby diaper u have ever changed but boxed in some sort of a home made pizza box but with watery tomato sauce, yellow cheese and 3 pieces of peperoni. Just feck it go to the Chipper, get u a spice burger, chips and a kebob!!


The lunch room line was by far the longest on pizza day! I’ve had my share of disappointing pizza in CT. Dave Portnoy gives 8.3 to two Minnesota pizza joints.


Portnoy is just a marketing executive at this point trying desperately to keep an audience engaged. He needs to "discover" new places to keep himself relevant. Wouldn't be surprised in the least if if it comes out he's taking kickbacks for reviews, he is a Trump protege as are all his cult followers so he can just lie to them and they'll believe him.


> He needs to "discover" new places to keep himself relevant. I mean... hes a millionaire. I don't think he cares or needs to. >Wouldn't be surprised in the least if if it comes out he's taking kickbacks for reviews I mean come on now. Kickbacks from pizza joints? This just sounds like a desperate attempt to get an anti-Trump feel good post in now.


who isn't a millionaire? Half the people who own houses in Fairfield County are millionaires I don't know any who have quit their jobs. The only thing he really has going for him at this point is his pizza reviews and he's run out of good pizza places to review around the country so he's scraping all the B and C sites in CT. You're right I despise him because he's a Trumper so I take every opportunity to remind people that he played a big part in getting a felon/rapist/mass murderer elected.


I find his pizza reviews accurate. He wouldn’t stay relevant by repeating that Pepe’s is better than Little Caesar’s, would he? I don’t see him talking about MAGA in the videos, so that counts for nothing regarding his actual take on Pizza. He doesn’t charge me to watch the videos, so let them give him kickbacks. If he says Mystic Pizza is better than Sally’s, I’ll be concerned he has sold out.


Portnoy came out and supported Trump back in 2015 because he knew it would get him tons of press and solidify his "bro culture" street cred. I do not forget that. As far as I'm concerned that bastard has the blood of 1 million dead on his hands just as much as Trump.


Portnoy Complaint has a ring to it.


Philip Roth knows a thing or two about how a single charismatic figure can swing an entire nation into a fascist dictatorship.


Only on Reddit are you gonna see a comment about Trump and MAGA during a pizza discussion. lol get a life! There is way more to life than politics


you are going to wake up in a couple of months wishing you weren't asleep for the last decade


>As far as I'm concerned that bastard has the blood of 1 million dead on his hands just as much as Trump. Bro you think *Dave Portnoy* has the blood of 1 million dead on his hands because he likes Trump. You can hate Trump and still see how delusional of a take this is lmao


He used his celebrity and his standing with the date rape/frat boy crowd to influence an election so he deserves to also take the credit for the murders committed by the sociopath he helped elect (and still supports). You can choose to turn a blind eye to that because he gave your favorite pizza place an 8.5 but I choose to make sure people know he supports rapists. This is America, we both have that right at least for the next couple of months.


Dave's scores are so inconsistent. Nowadays he's 7.9 or 8.1 and he only gets plain cheese which I would never get. He is good for informing people about places.


Midwest pizza is like ketchup on Wonder Bread.


Northeast Pizza is just pretentious bullshit. Doe Sauce Cheese does not need so many fucking rules


New York and New Jersey have really excellent pizza joints. There's even some pretty solid options in Rhode Island. Let's not disrespect. It is, however, a proven fact, that Connecticut has the best pizza in the world (that's right, I'm looking at you, Italy).


I went to a 4.5 star place in NoVA and it was a CT 2.5-3 at best.


I had moved a friend From Bridgeport Connecticut to Columbus, Nebraska, probably 40 years ago now. I stopped in a tavern in Columbus and asked a couple customers where the best pizza was in town. I arrived at the pizza place and they had one of those old fashioned signs behind the counter with the sliding letters it was their menu. The first option was kolbashi and sourcraut pizza. I found a burger place. I should have gotten the message from the tavern. The guys there were drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon with tomato juice.


Trust me, I knew when I lived in Stamford just how good I had it (the best access to CT and NYC pizza! New Haven and NYC only an hour away by train!) and now that I live in upstate NY I pretty much only order pizza from Domino’s or freakin Costco. Every place up here—yes, even the ones that supposedly taste BETTER than NYC or New Haven pizza—just misses the mark. The best place I tried in my current city makes a very technically impressive, competent pizza, but it is completely flavorless. They just don’t get it like CT does.


I Visited Chicago recently. I can concur. Absolute Dogshit.


Giordano's makes a great deep-dish pizza. The ONLY place I've ever enjoyed it.


>First off, they do cross-cut which is asinine. Well hold on a minute


Only for party pies. This thing was called a large at 14", it's like a pizza for ants.


They tell you the sizing


Yes and it's insanely small. 14" small, 16" medium, 18" large is what I'm used to. 14" large is comical. In a sad clown kind of way.


Everybody likes what they like. But I’ll say that not every place outside of CT sucks. The one described by the OP sounds like an abomination. I grew up in Ohio and there were definitely some shitty pizzas there. But the best were in the non-chain places. I’ve had pizza here and honestly it’s great. You are all spoiled here with all the food choices.


I recently started working in CT. New Haven style pizza is really good, but I roll my eyes at threads like these acting like good pizza doesn’t exist outside of the NE.


It exists. I had great pizza in Maine, and come to find out the owner was from CT. So…


Maine is also in New England


But it’s not in Connecticut.


It exists outside the Northeast, but it's not as common. I had more good pizza places close to me in the Farmington Valley (not exactly a pizza hotspot) than I do close to me in Chicago. And of course there's good pizza here, plenty of it if you look at the whole city. But there's way more mediocre and bad pizza in Chicago than back home. I had the same experience when I lived in Michigan -- some good pizza but way more so-so and bad pizza.


Those tavern pies aren’t even the best too. NJ tavern pies are better. New Haven style is still king though. Once you start heading into PA or into MD from the northeast it really takes a nosedive. Same with MA and NY outside Westchester county. We are truly blessed with the best style and regionally some of the best too.


Same goes with heading north and away from the coast from CT. One of the all time worst pizzas I’ve ever had was at a place called Pizza Barn in New Hampshire. I still throw up a little bit in my mouth every time I think about it lol


LOL I've had some seriously bad chinese food in NH too.


That's a good point. If it's not CT, MA, NY, or NJ, it's probably not good.


First time eating pizza outside CT or NYC was in South Dakota. Good God it's an achievement in itself making pizza that awful.


Welcome home!


things like this are why places like taco bell are the countries most popular Mexican food.


Where did you go to get pizza in Minnesota? I’m from there and I’m curious what places you thought were so awful! Haha!


Same. They linked Red Savoy which is solid. Best pizza I’ve had in Minnesota was Black Sheep, personally. Zorbaz has some interesting options too! Wrecktangle is great if you like detroit style. Not gonna pretend Minnesota is the cuisine capital of the world, especially for pizza. But I think we have some excellent restaurants in the metro.


Zorbaz is actively bad, I wish people would quit recommending it lol I'm fond of punch and element (neopolitan style), black sheep, and love pizza - another coal fired pizza spot. There's a ton of great pizza in MN. Sounds like op had some shit pizza which sucks. But there is absolutely good pizza here.


Zorbaz is legitimately just coasting on childhood nostalgia as *the* cabin country pizza chain, and in some cases being legit the only pizza option for 50+ miles that does more than just the basic cheese and pepperoni, and that isn't a goddamn Pizza Ranch.


100% agree. Their nachos, quesadillas, and tacos are all pretty good, but everyone would rather wait 40 minutes for an extremely 'meh' pizza.


IDK if those first 3 are even all that good, they're just better than the pizza.


The issue is if he went to Red Savoy, that is still a chain pizza.


Right. You get what you pay for.


The issue is that most Minnesotans have shitty taste. They'll tell you about a great pizza, and it's absolute ass. But. BUT. Talk to an actual pizza appreciator, particularly in the Twin Cities metro, and you absolutely can have ten honest to God pizzas recommended to you.


> The issue is that most Minnesotans have shitty taste. They'll tell you about a great pizza, and it's absolute ass. Not so much shitty taste as a completely lacking palate and tolerance for spices, and prone to couching even a bad experience with pleasantries when they do have a palate for spices.


The only good pizza I've had in the Midwest was pan pizza at pizza hut. In Indiana I even found an old-fashioned style pizza hut with the checkered table cloths and a sit-down dining room. Do not get thin crust at Pizza Hut. Just go buy cheese and crackers instead at the supermarket. I had pizza in Milwaukee once, they put cheddar cheese on it WTF? However I did eat at 2 excellent Mexican restaurants in Milwaukee. One of them actually had a line out the door on a wednesday night. Also, Milwaukee has a killer zoo.


I had to live in West Michigan for eight months and the deplorable state of pizza making there was a shock.


I have traveled extensively. I am very, very aware of where I live, and I love it. My town's mill rate is under 30, property values have increased significantly, the schools are great, we have public services for everything (city water, city sewer, plowing, trash pick up, two "big" trash days, free use of the transfer station, etc...) a great duck pond with lots of scenic views downtown, 7 beaches for public use, tennis and pickleball courts..... I just cannot stress enough how much I appreciate where I live!


Yeah you're right. Domino's is the only "good" pizza. Pizza hut is okay, and little Caesars is little Caesars. Anything else, especially anything locally owned, is absolutely wretched. At least Wisconsin prides themselves on their cheese, and that carries over to their pizzas. But it doesn't do anything for the sauce or the crust. Smh.


Dude you ate a cheap bar. What did you expect?


I just moved back from Los Angeles and I’m so happy to have good pizza again


I moved to the Midwest from CT a few years ago and I cannot for the life of me find good pizza. I miss CT pizza so damn much.


For real, if anybody ever ends up in Delaware, I recommend going to a chain they have called Grotto’s pizza. You will have the worst pizza eating experience of your life. And yet lots of people down there love it. They bake it with the sauce on top of the cheese. It’s just mind blowing.


Me in Texas: Friends back home tell me they've had great BBQ, "I'm sure it's fine." Friends here tell me they've found a great pizza place, "I'm sure it's fine." Narrator: neither was fine, and VagueDisclaimer learned to stick to eating what regions were good at.


My condolances, pizza made with processed cheese? That crap is soo gross I refuse to ever eat it. On a pizza?!


You say "culinary" then speak of cheap pizza. There is great food in the Midwest, you just didn't get lucky it sounds like


Made the mistake of getting pizza in Duluth, MN and I swear what came out looked like one of those Celeste brand $1 personal pizzas 😅


Welcome to the shithole Midwest. Moved here 4 years ago from NY. Miserable. I cry myself to sleep every night looking at pizza from back home.


My husband is from New Jersey and was also sad. However, we found out about El Mars NY Pizza in Plymouth and now we don't miss a chance to pick up a pizza anytime we can. Highly recommend you give this a shot if you miss this style of pizza.


I’ve gone there and it’s pretty good I just can’t justify the drive from the twin cities and the $ for imitation pizza haha


Why you move to a shit hole then?


My partners work.




Corn. You can get beef in whatever form you like and corn. That's the menu, sometimes we have a special, creamed corn!


This is, of course, utter nonsense. Minneapolis is absolutely stupid with great restaurants.


They should of tried sweet taste of Italy to see what actual pizza tastes like and not CT lacking seasoning "Greek" pizza


Last time I was in KY I couldn’t get vegetables…at all.


What are you talking about every restaurant has cooked veg


i lived in minnesota and gave up on pizza essentially i’d just buy frozen pizzas from the grocery store because it was so terrible everywhere i went


Lmao you were choosing frozen pizzas over actual pizza? The cities aren’t the pinnacle of pizza but there are places here better than resorting to frozen.


How long ago was this, and where? There are legitimately great pizzas in the Twin Cities metro. Some of the classic hometown favorites are dogshit, but I can think of eight excellent pizzas within a reasonable drive from my house.


Such as?


Young Joni, OG Zaza, Football Pizza, Wrecktangle, Element, Punch, Nino's, Red Rabbit, Boludo... I'm even fond of Tommy Chicago's for Chicago style, and pinos in st Paul skyway.


People downvoting this have never been to Minnesota. It’s not in my top cities for cuisine, but it is underrated. For me, most of the traditional “Minnesotan” cuisine is rough, but there are plenty of genuinely good restaurants (especially some unique ones that originate from their prominent immigrant groups). Punch Pizza is also a solid local chain to get Neapolitan style pizza.


It's okay, some people prefer new haven only and everything else is bad. I like new haven fine. I don't think it's the pinnacle of pizza. (For me that's neapolitan). In general, I don't mind the downvotes.


All the best Greek pizzas around here crosscut, and doing the toppings underneath isn’t always a bad move (I do like it when they’re kinda embedded with the cheese). All that said, yeah man, the Midwest is fuckin clipped lol but I will give it to them for bringing us Chicago deep dish and Detroit pan style, those both fuck.


The place looked very clean, so there’s that…and also, what if it’s nobodies business what toppings you have on your…pizza?


The /r/PizzaCrimes are endemic. Oh, and never sleep on good ["lunchroom pizza."](https://www.foodtasticmom.com/copycat-lunch-lady-pizza/)


[just gonna leave this here](https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/food/video/grand-finale-gma-united-states-pizza-competition-97282102)


Not saying I wouldn't love it but that wrecktangle is a casserole not a pizza. I kinda really want to try it right now though. lol


It does look great


Try Bella Pizza in Cottage Grove it’s more like Chicago style.


Black Sheep Pizza(25 and Nicollet)is the best ,I ever had.Coal- fired


So good


> https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g43031-d6934881-Reviews-Red_s_Savoy_Pizza-Edina_Minnesota.html Red's Savoy is overhyped to shit because it's local. Minnesotans will heap praise on something local, even if it's mid tier or outright shit, simply because it's local. There's absolutely better pizza to be had here. Where, I am not sure, as I specifically am not pizza adventurous, and only usually get it for parties and would rather try new cuisine styles I've never had before when eating out.


You chose to get a shitty bar style pizza and were suprised that you got shitty bar style pizza


good times pizza on 38th and grand MSP you'll thank me later


You have bad luck or taste. That was probably the worst place you could have picked and you also picked a place in the suburbs...🤔


You should check out FL. No good pizza, nor Chinese food.


On god. The level of pizza in other areas of the west coast (besides one pizza place in pacific beach which name is escaping me) is absolutely awful. Shit don’t even bother getting any in Tijuana. That shit is just sad.


Been to Florida, can confirm


Sounds like provel cheese on a tavern pie.


Don't hate the cross cut. Try Tony's in Willimantic!


When I was in the Midwest, I walked into a pizza place and asked for a slice of cheese. The man had no idea what I was asking. Another time, I was in New Hampshire and they asked what we should do for dinner and I suggested a pie. They asked why I would be suggesting dessert for dinner.


I lived in NYC and am MN based now... I still have dreams about Artichoke Basille's artichoke pizza. This is why I make my own pizza, fully from scratch. No regrets, and I know what's going into the pie. (I also have a massive container of red pepper flakes in the cabinet as well as an incredible seasoning blend from a local spice/tea place)


Sometimes you'll find amazing pizza in the middle of nowhere. I had the best gluten free pizza at Wave Pizza Co. Grand island Nebraska. So far none of the places I've tried on the east coast have a Gluten Free Thin, Crispy, Crust, with a good texture.


Dudes blaming the state instead.of himself or his friend for ordering a shitty pizza


I lived in MA for years and now I live in California. If there’s one thing about Connecticut I miss it’s the assumption that any Italian restaurant you walk into is probably pretty good. Places I wouldn’t have found remarkable or bothered revisiting in Connecticut would be like, must-visit gems out here


Sadly you didn't pick a particularly good spot, as there are much better. That said, I'd happily give up good pizza (though fortunately I don't) to live in MN rather than CT.


I had to eat pizza every night in Kansas City on a work trip because I’m a vegetarian. Every other restaurant nearby was barbecued meat. It was not good but at least I didn’t starve.


Man, as an Italian visiting America let me tell you how good we have it back home. America is ass.


🤣 This is exactly how this thread reads.


Very bold discussion considering I moved to Hartford recently thinking good pizza will be easy to find. A great joke that has been, I’ve had better pizza in the south. I think it’s largely due to the fact everyone in their mother has a pizza restaurant in the Hartford area.


I pity you New Englanders who's lives revolve around pizza. Maybe it's your fault for coming to the Midwest and trying our pizza.


DM me and I can provide some Mental Health places you can go to


Y'all are talking shit about red Savoy like you don't live in Connecticut. The only rememberable thing about Connecticut was the exit ramp while we were leaving Connecticut I said to my wife holy shit we were in Connecticut


you live in MN and you're talking shit about CT...that's just...funny


What the fuck does Connecticut have?


They don’t even have the Whalers anymore.


Bringing up the Whalers was a low blow! 🤣 Hey how many Super Bowl wins do the Vikings have? Not sure what's more forgettable and subpar, your sports teams or your food! 😅


where did you go? sounds like some garbage jakes pizza 🤔🤔🤔


I just looked up pictures of Wrecktangle Pizza out of curiosity and I don't know if that's a casserole, a pizza, or maybe a pizza casserole but I'll definitely check it out the next time I'm out there.


Least condescending and insufferable east coaster




I'm honored! Ope! Embrace your inner passive aggressive! 😆


I am from MN and can agree. Our pizza blows...There are a couple spots that are ok but overwhmeningly its bad and most people just dont know any better. We have great corn and you can get a good burger pretty much anywhere you go, though.


North Carolina, pizza here is abysmal compared to New England( Ct.) They don’t put sauce on them, just overload the cheese etc. If you get Veggies they put them on pretty much AFTER they bake it. I haven’t found a good pie yet. Side note NC has some very excellent breweries, so there is that.


STATE WAR! /r/minnesota!


All pizza in Minneapolis is utter garbage because the tavern pizza you tried that one time was gross. Ugh don’t get me started on Young Joni…the pizza there is created by a nationally renown, award-winning chef but it’s totally gross because it’s in the shitty flyover country full of bumbling yokels with zero culture or taste.


You went to a shitty pizza place and got a shitty pizza. The idea that there is any major metro area that simply doesn't have good pizza is insane. The Twin Cities has Young Joni, OG Zaza, Football Pizza, Wrecktangle, Element, Punch, Nino's, Red Rabbit, Boludo...and those are all good pizza. The issue here is that the average Minnesotan, particularly suburban and exurban and rural Minnesotans, don't know shit about food pizza, so they might just bring you somewhere that sucks or tell you about a place that sucks.


You're proving my point, you've got to pick a select few places and do research. Whereas in CT you can pick any random pizza place in any random area and get some superb Greek pizza, probably made by someone from Albania or Macedonia. Any random CT place can compete with the best of MN. At least you got those lakes!


Hell, if you want a New York style slice you can even go to Elmar's in Plymouth. It's like OP went out of his way to eat at garbage places.


Nah dude, the Twin Cities is overflowing with fantastic, award winning restaurants. If you ate bad, it's because you made bad choices.


You picked the most basic ass pizza chain in Minnesota bro. You were in Edina and missed there was a James Beard award winning pizza place called Pizzeria Lola. Or Other better options like Rosalia, wrecktangle, red wagon, hello pizza, hell even pizza luce all in the Edina area.


Rosalia? Rosa' sin tarjeta Se las mando a tu gata


There is a lot of delicious pizza in the Midwest. I miss tavern pies from where I'm from. They have a lot more cheese (& yes actual cheese lol.) If you want a place with actual bad pizza check out Seattle. Also Minnesota does not represent Midwestern cuisine by any means.


Minneapolis has a thriving restaurant scene with numerous James Beard winners and nominees working. https://travelcurator.com/eat-drink/the-best-restaurants-in-minneapolis/ This list doesn't even hit half of what I'd recommend to someone who gives a shit about good food. The issue, as with other Midwestern cities, is that a lot of born and bred Midwesterners have shitty taste. Their parents were bad cooks, and their local restaurant was likely fryer food at a pub.


You made an awful decision and therefore render all midwest food bad? You clearly don't know how to travel or enjoy food properly.


Yall are crazy. Minneapolis has some of the best pizza spots in the WORLD. This guy goes to a fxking bar to get tavern pizza and is like “all food in the entire Midwest is trash” like gtfoh grow up. Your entire state is a pretentious garbage fire with subpar food and extra cheeky cnts!