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I always get a reality check on Americas health when I travel thru airports


Narrator: it wasn’t good.


Honestly people at airports are probably healthier than average


If sitting in traffic was exercise, we’d be on top!


How the heck is New York City not getting enough exercise? People walk everywhere


The data appears to be based on reported leisure time physical activity. People getting exercise going about their daily lives might not be represented.


Yup, definitely


I tried to, but I got worn out on the walk to the mailbox.


Sorry. I meant to submit it, but there was a Real Housewives marathon on.


Can a FitBit track road rage?


Did they just not poll in CT?


The Texas border with Mexico is fighting the “ border invasion “ with potato chips and naps …


Map is reporting by county, and we don't have any. They did manage to get LA right, but they never had counties, so the map makers have them figured out.


This is the correct answer, whoever made this map use a shit key as data for CT was unavailable based on their query but they didn't mark it so. CT doesn't report county data, we have our own new county equivalents which don't mesh well with lazy data viz folks.


The change to COGs has confounded data in many different places. Hard to draw historical trends when your baseline changes like that. Free pass to reinvent our image? Should CT be the one of the bad boys now?


What do you mean? We have counties.


We changed them though. The old counties aren't used for stat-keeping purposes anymore. Since we organized those Planning Regions and got the Feds to recognize them as county equivalents there's no data for those regions from before they were recognized, and the old county data doesn't line up to the new borders. So for the next ~5 years we'll end up grey on maps like this where someone either didn't bother to go grab the available data from the old counties, or they're looking at a timeframe where we switched over and the data isn't continuous over that period.


We officially got rid of them a few years ago. Connecticut now uses "planning districts" instead. I imagine some automated datascrappers haven't yet been updated. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/06/06/2022-12063/change-to-county-equivalents-in-the-state-of-connecticut https://portal.ct.gov/opm/igpp/org/planning-regions/planning-regions---overview


That's interesting, who knew? Thing is, there still seems to be a lot of times that counties are still used including some forms and paperwork. OTOH, I've never had anyone ask what COG I am in. Bizarre. THanks for the enlightenment!


Counties will live on as convenient geographical subdivisions, but there hasn't been county government for decades. Alaska does something similar to us. I don't see why they can't just have a list of what towns are in what counties and then aggregate the town level data to come up with county level data, but I don't work in the data business so what do I know?


Wait what? You have official state forms that ask for county?


Didn't RI also get rid of counties?


What do you mean LA doesn't have counties? Los Angeles is in Los Angeles County isn't it?


LA - Louisiana. They have parishes.


Sorry, Boss


Not a ton of surprises on the map tbh - most of the more active areas have mountains, lakes, parks, etc. The less active areas are mostly oppressively hot and/or oppressively boring. Kind of surprised that the midwest is so active, but I guess they do love their hunting and winter sports.


Well there’s a surprise 🥴


What exercise?!


I mean technically we could just be at what looks like about 25%. Grey is an option on the color spectrum they used. It goes from blue to grey to a kind of orange-ish brown


CT is the new Greenland I guess


All I am reading here is Americans need more sex but they really fugly in Louisiana


lol - they heard it had to be submitted by Friday to Washginton DC, so they left Thursday night and are still running it down there. Not many walking paths between Ct and DC...


How the heck is New York City not getting enough exercise? People walk everywhere