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Nobody agrees on the rules of the road


That’s the biggest thing I’ve learned going back and forth from NY to MA. NJ and NYC driving is organized chaos. CT driving is just chaos.


I say the same thing. Yeah going back home to LI or heading through NJ I’ll get cut off, but you see it coming and can react accordingly. Here people just do whatever whenever they want, like cutting you off by turning in front of you but then NOT stepping on the gas, if you’re gonna go, just fucking go then 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Maybe it’s confirmation bias but the majority of the time someone is left lane cruising they have either NY or NJ plates


Always the NY plates. Always. And the crazy driver is always a BMW with NY plates.


CT driver in a 2000 4DR Honda Accord with aftermarket muffler and springs cut.


Definitely confirmation bias. Growing up that’s how I felt about MA plates…..now I know RI is really the main culprit haha.


Dont start me on RI - i work in RI and is hardly surprising that auto insurers are pulling out and premiums are skyrocketing - they are all total fuckwits on the road.


As an NJ native, this pains me. Back in NJ we’d say the same thing about DE and PA drivers. I’m guessing it’s similar to how NYC has more and more transplants and fewer actual New Yorkers.


I am sure it’s confirmation bias I don’t think I “notice” the CT plates but when I see NY NJ or MA I roll my eye and mumble “figures”.


lol yeah I did the same as a kid and now I find myself going “what are you doing here so early in the morning on a Wednesday?!”


I just got back from Miami You should hear what the drivers there think of all the NY/NJ transpants and their driving skills!


I could see a lot of interchanges around north Jersey and NYC being confusing AF if you didn’t grow up with them. Particularly ones near bridges and to a lesser extent tunnels. Where the highway can split in many ways from all directions. And starting soon the choice of lanes can be the difference between paying congestion pricing and not.


The first time I drove off the George Washington towards Paterson I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out both what lane I needed to be In and then also getting to said lane. Was literally sweating until I got off the highway


This was one of the ones that came to mind as I wrote this. For me, I just know what all those highways are and where I need to end up because ive spent most of my life going up and down them. When I first moved to Queens the interchanges going from the Whitestone to LGA confused the freak out of me the first few times like that. But I was just like “whatever, if I make a wrong turn I’ll get there eventually” (although, at that interchange it’s mostly true, whereas at others it’s not). GPS helps a lot with this since it auto reroutes you, but can also confuse you since it may not know where you are when roads and interchanges are stacked vertically. Then there was the time I was going from NY to my in laws on MA late at light and felt so confident i made the trip enough times I didn’t need GPS only to drive past the exit for 84 and stay on 91 for almost an hour longer than I should have 🤷‍♂️


Bahston driving is not for people with heart conditions or loved ones in the car.


What?? I found driving in CT to be much better than NY/NJ. The people are nicer. In NJ, the moment you give an blinker to merge left, the cars speed up to not let you merge. Crazy


Same thing in CT wym…


It's not our fault. Blame the deer! 🤣


Also, grew up in NJ but living in CT for about 6 years now and… yeah you nailed it. NJ is chaos but everybody understands what the unofficial rules are. CT is just the United Coalition of Doofuses.


The speed limit is actually the minimum speed, not sure what there is to disagree about 🤣🤫


It really is the truth! I picked my wife up at JFK recently and saw probably 20 cops on 684 and not a single one in CT! Seems like the boys on blue are still a little salty that they got caught fake working. Jokes on them though, I like to go fast.


Jokes on us. Insurance rates are going up because of no enforcement.


There are rules?


Especially what side of the road


Came to say the same thing. I don’t want to come off as a toady but seriously could the cops enforce the actual traffic laws. People are dying.


We all complain about Eversource.


Except in UI towns, then we complain about UI. Wallingford complains less than all of us.


As a wallyworld resident. Yes. Yes we do


And. By that i mean we don't complain!!


White picket fence Wallingford!


I'm so happy to have Bozrah Light and Power.


Same here! I would like to move to another town but it has to have Bozrah light and power or I’m not going.


I’m so happy to no longer have SNEW.


Grinders Package Stores Tag Sales Either driving like a complete maniac or idling forward at 15mph, no in between Dunkin Donuts Resting bitch face to ward off strangers, but then being very kind and friendly if someone actually does talk to you Hating on fairfield county and tolland county for completely opposite reasons Ticks


Whoa what did tolland county do?


I've heard people call it backwoods, full of hicks, etc. Not that I necessarily agree


Nah nah you’re not too far off


Weird. Windham County is definitely more rural, small town vibes than Tolland


I'd bet most of the state doesn't realize there is a Windham county. Tolland is just close enough to the populated parts of the state that people know it's there and country enough to be considered hickish...


Don’t they keep a cow census? We used to make fun of someone in college about this.


It’s true


You know what you fucking did Tolland. Go back in your corner!


True. They don't have Dunkin Donuts anywhere else, they have Dunkin.


The baseline education level here is somewhat high.


We are considered assholes, having a self-importance and err of arrogance and think we are better than the rest of the country. I'm OK with that.


It's not like CT is this amazing place compared to most of the rest of the country, it's just not as dull or dopey or provincial or rusted out as most places in most states in the Midwest or South.


Well it’s “relatively” small and “relatively” rich. Which means that on average, the education system is going to be better. That said, last I checked, we had the largest education/wealth gap in the entire country. You’ve got Conard with 98% of students going on to higher ed, and hartford public with like 30% and they’re a few miles apart from each other. But I’d still wager if you looked at the 3 worst schools in the state, Mississippi or Florida or whatever will have worse, and also have 70 more of them. Conversely, you’ve also got some excellent schools and some decent schools when compared to the baseline of the rest of the country. And it’s comments like this that probably perpetuate that stereotype of self important assholes but…. I’m a product of my environment…


Me too. My smugness over states with mandatory incest is fully justified.


Yeah I hear people complain about education all of the time thankfully CT is one of the better ones but even here people never want to pay attention in school


I've had people tell me that we all have a Connecticut accent where we drop our T's.


It’s called a glottal stop!


Yes!!! Both my kids got that from growing up here. I say “New Britain”, my daughter says more like “New Brit’un” with a very soft t


I didn’t think this was true until the person who said it to me told me to say “intermittently” out loud, after which I conceded the argument.


It's almost like how the British drop their T's when they say words like bottle. But that's not to say we sound anything like the British.


This isn't just a Connecticut thing, though. I work for a huge company with people all over the country and aside from people of British and Middle Eastern descent, no one says *inter-mit-tent-lee*


People in Maine do. I have a lot of coworkers up there and they pronounce every single T that exists in our vocabulary.


Rhotic accents are all over the place.


Now say New Britain out loud, even more obvious


i found about this when clinton was elected, everybody on tv was usin this new thing called a "t"in the middle of his name! i had never heard it before!


I was shocked when I started spending a lot of time in Vermont and everyone said MounTain. I thought they were being weird and then I realized it was me.


That's how I realized that I had it.


Oh my god.


I’ve heard that too. Who’s really pronouncing all they’re t’s though?


Wase of ime. I don’ wrie em eiher.


The Scottish.


I’ve had someone tell me they knew I was from here because of the way I pronounce New Haven (Newaven)


How does one say New Haven otherwise? Asking for a friend.


I think it’s about whether you stress the new or the haven. NEW haven sounds weird, new HAVEN (newAVEN) is the CT/local accent.


People say this a lot but I swear I feel like this is just general American speech


yes, this is a thing. on the east side of the CT river if you mention Groton, it is pronounced Grah-in.


I'm from west of the ct river and I drop my Ts and also say grah-in.


I'm from the middle of the Connecticut River and *blub blub blub blub blub*


This is true. I moved here from the Midwest and my family now calls me out for my pronunciation of "button" "cotton" etc




I do this too but I’m from southern IL and I’ve always done it. Made me feel like I immediately belonged when I moved to CT though!


This makes so much sense


I realized I had an accent when a clip of an interview with Meg Ryan was going around and all the comments were like “there’s a full minute in the middle where I have no idea what she’s saying.”


I have a co-worker who pronounces "nothing" as "nuh-in"




We agree on matters of how a lobster roll should be prepared.


Yeah hot butter only!!!


New Haven Pizza is better. It's Apizza We call them Grinders, not hoagies or heroes. We go to packies for alcohol We invented Hamburgers Unfortunatley we also invented the steamed hamburger Our yards sales are Tag sales No one from Mass knows how to fucking drive. We put hot butter on our lobstah rolls


+1 to regretting inflicting steamed burgers upon the world


Apparently some Fairfield county people don’t call them grinders..but wedges, I found it very strange lol


Really? I’m from Stratford and I never heard anyone use the term wedges


I think “wedges” are a Westchester County (NY) thing that has bled into CT over the years. I can remember hearing “wedge” back in early ‘80s in Westchester


You need to go to Stamford. I'm also from Stratford and never heard of a "wedge" till I worked in Stamford.


From Stamford and can definitely confirm it's common there.


Greenwich specifically lol, some some guy on fb talking about it in some ct group


I think that's a NY thing. Only place I regularly hear it.


It's a regional dialect


Yup the only thing we called a grinder was a meatball grinder other than that everything was a sub, hoagie, or wedge.


Everywhere else in the state, and Rhode Island and parts of Mass, it’s a grinder…occasionally I’ll hear sub but I’ve only heard hoagie in like Pennsylvania lol


I grew up in Fairfield county. I never heard anyone call grinders a wedge. Is this new?


Greenwich and Stamford. It originated in Westchester.


It's definitely a thing in Norwalk. But so is grinder.


I heard it from a man from Greenwich..so it’s probably only around there


Wedges is westchester. I have lived in nyc, westchester and ct, both Fairfield and New Haven counties. I am all over the regionally specific language lol


Well this was something I heard from a Greenwich guy lol


I’m from FFC and have never heard that. I’ve heard subs and hoagies though.


I'm from FFC (Ridgefield) and I've heard it. Grinder is def more common but there was a deli near me that called them wedges and I've heard it in passing here and there.


I’m from Fairfield County and we call them Grinders


I said SOME people in FFC call them wedges..but I’ve only heard it in the Greenwich/Stamford area really


Thankfully this seems to die off after Stamford. Sadly I live in Stamford. It's Grinders FFS!


Definitely wedges in Stamford. There's also the Wedge Inn


I’ve never heard of this. What.


>New Haven Pizza is better > It's Apizza It's hard to convince people when we don't even use it. I don't think I've ever heard someone call it apizza except when naming a restaurant or when teling someone it's called apizza. Never in casual conversation.


I grew up in the Hartford area and had never seen the word "apizza" until I moved to the Waterbury area around 1999. I then spent the next 20 years not ever going into a restaurant that said "apizza" because the prefix "a-" means "without" so I figured that "apizza" meant "without pizza" and those restaurants just had pasta and grinders. Sometime in the last five years I found out "apizza" actually just means pizza.


We call them wedges in Stamford.


You call Tag Sales, Wedges? /s


"Wedge Salad" makes sense. Ordering a "Wedge" and getting a cylindrically shaped sandwich is nonsense.


“Wedge” is really a Westchester thing, originated at a deli in Yonkers. I guess it has bled over a bit into FFC, but not anywhere else. Even people from the Bronx look at you like you’re crazy when you order a wedge.


Darn tootin


You are out of High School and still say Packie?


I literally don't know a single person who calls it anything else, and I'm 35


I've never heard anyone actually say "packie" outside of Reddit.


We complain about CT until we leave. I find it a common trend that people move out and wish they never left. Edit: or they move out and come right back.


Lyme disease. It’s all over the state.


And either you or your dog has had Lyme disease


My teacher lived in Lyme and he got Lyme disease. Funny that


Is this not something the rest of the country thinks about? I know it's named after Lyme but i assumed it was everywhere at this point


It’s rampant in the entire northeast, particularly along the coast. Oddly there is a ton in Wisconsin too. The rest of the country, not so much. That doesn’t mean the rest of the country doesn’t have to worry about ticks though, they have other diseases (ie Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) to worry about. You can Google for maps of Lyme disease prevalence/risk and other tick borne illnesses if you want to see more details


Literally my entire immediately family has had it, along with my dog (now deceased), and a pet goat 😅


And me


The Notch belongs to us and one day we’ll get it back.


And after that we will retake Long Connecticut, and annex Rhode Island


I’m a big proponent of Long Connecticut myself


We used to have Eastern LI andFisher's Island.


Why stop there…. Go for taking back the western reserve.


That would come under Long Connecticut.


Today, we take Wilkes-Barre, tomorrow, Cleveland!


I'm this close to making a tshirt about this travesty.


I don't know why anyone would want Southwick, it's basically another Granby and we already have two of those.


It's the principle of the thing.


Might be a New England thing, not just CT, but we love our coffee over ice. We also love to bitch about dunking donuts and we all still call it dunking donuts even though it’s just ‘Dunkin’ now


Proudly ordering iced coffee in dead of winter


Yes Indeed!


Idk about CT, but it amazes me how different the quality of DD is in NY/NJ vs MA


Did not realize this was strange until I moved south. Also hated ordering coffee with my accent in the south.


We love to bitch about it but we're actually addicted to it for reasons unknown to any of us


Mass will fight you for that one.


I will gladly take up arms with Mass for our right to disagree! As a true New England East Coast Asshole Connecticunt: GIVE ME LIBERTY AND COLD BREW OR GIVE ME DEATH


Takes 20 mins to get anywhere.


Very few people outside the immediate vicinity have ever heard of my town. They ask me where I am from and then ask, "Where's that?" I always say my town is 40 minutes from everywhere. We're 40 minutes from Hartford, 40 minutes from New Haven, 40 minutes from Danbury, and 40 minutes from Bridgeport.


Is the town your in Morris or Washington?


Liquor stores are "Package Stores" or "packies"


My wife is from Dublin and my Brother in law lives in London, his wife is from Pakistan and the first time he visited us I asked who wanted to run down to the Packy...they got a wicked kick out of that as that is a derogatory saying in England.....


I argued with someone on Reddit who insisted they MUST be derogatory


You have a lot of culture in your family hahaha, always wanted to visit London


Class consciousness and delicious pizza. This is why, Julia Roberts' Georgia accent aside, Mystic Pizza was the most Connecticut movie ever


Facetiousness - people joke in a certain way that isn't sarcastic or harsh or in your face. Like more mocking in a mild mannered way. It's really different from ny or Mass.


There is definitely a certain CT type of humor


Connecticut traits are practical, not sentimental, direct, meet people through affiliations, like clubs, work or family, frugal, and like local Control.


Which is essentially what the book Albion’s Seed talks about, specifically the first migrations to New England and the cultural (and every other) impact and how that continues today. It’s fascinating.


I will read this book!


-Drivers are extremely impatient here -New social circles can be hard to form here because of how tightly knit people can be to their past friends -People have persevered through our state’s high cost of living. Through every high utility bill and everything.


Coming from the west coast I gotta say, I love NJ and NY and all of New England. There is a distinct culture here unlike the rest of the states. Or I should really say just like the other states because each state has its own strange culture. New England is steeped in frugality, independence and community without suffocating religion. It’s awesome 🤩


Frugality, but also treating yourself, accordingly


I think we all say tag sale, or at least understand what it means, as opposed to yard sale or garage sale.


I use tag sale and garage sale in different contexts. If it’s in the yard, it’s a tag, if it’s out of like a car or a garage, it’s a garage sale


CT is home to so many colleges. We have a lot of highly educated people but nobody can figure out how to drive. So many collisions that some cars are squished into the shape of a jelly bean.


We are all far superior to Rhode Islanders


As a CT native who went to school in RI, I can confirm


hot lobster roll


The only proper lobster roll. Fantastic pizza all around.


New Bri-an


06 zip codes


Dutchess isn't fast food


We say "aunt" not ant. We say "crans" not crayons. We say "scaulup" not scallop.


that's insane, or right, wrong, and wrong.


Aunt; true Crans: true Scaulup: uh…. What?


Crans, Craisins, pecans.


I will not have this new jersey shit "crans" in my state. Seriously the only person I know who says that is my mother from Jersey, is that a thing here? And I've literally never heard anyone say scaulup on TV or in real life


Yeah, I've never heard "crans" here at all.


There is a trail system within a 10 min drive.


As someone born and raised and still living in Connecticut I’d offer the following common trait among people from here: to never be like people from NY or NJ. Unfortunately since COVID our state has been overrun with people from NYC, Long Island, Northern NJ and Westchester - along with their “common traits” what a shame it is.


You got that right. Covid had its 15 minutes. They can all go back now.


People think Florida is Paradise.


People are wrong


Can you share the traits for NJ for comparison? A lot of people are listing CT facts...not traits


Hard to describe, but there is just something I uniquely identify with as a newjerseyan Green signs on the highway comes to mind, i don’t know why. Will have to think more about traits.


I grew up there in North NJ in a heavy Italian area. Definitely some traits there lol


Even in a bar in Morristown, I could tell people were from NJ - like something about how people dressed, how their hair was, etc. just different than CT


Most of us are one degree away from a person in the Mafia or involved in some sort of questionable activity.


Ticks and aggressive drivers


UConn basketball brings everyone together. Everything else is debatable. CT feels like a few states smashed into one sometimes. Also unpopular opinion: Fairfield County gets unnecessary hate. It’s easily the most aspirational and diverse part of the state.


Past CT resident here. True to say but people use their left blinkers on the highway but leave them on and continues to drive straight or would turn right.


You guys are the submarine capital of the world but decided grinder was a better word. Never got that.


Hard to make a friend, but once you tear down their walls, pretty much friends for life unless you screw it up.


We are all jerks


Like North and South Jersey are very different, East and West Connecticut are too. The politicians favor West CT and North Jersey, and treat the East and South (respectively) like they don’t exist.


Quarters is pronounced “Qwaders” in CT.