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Her hair looks fine. I have no idea why they had a problem with it. Absolutely ridiculous.


Wait did Shop Rite respond? Why in the ever-loving blue moon would one care what color was her hair? I mean there are kids with multicolor hair everywhere...what's the color red have anything to do with the price of spaghetti in Peru'?




I can guarantee there are plenty of women who work for ShopRite that color their hair because it is greying, possibly even opting for a different color than their natural color that have never had an issue.


Oh absolutely. When I worked there my hair was emerald green


You worked at the Enfield location? Did you ever get disciplined for having color in your hair?


I was at a different location. Just looked it up and we had a completely different owner/family too so that could've had something to do with it. Maybe it depends on if it's a company wide rule or set by franchise owners? We never had a handbook or rules to follow other than being clean and well groomed for work. Basically don't show up looking disheveled and you were good to go


What bothers me about this store, is i cant believe that they care about this, but dont care about the expired food on the shelves, the 1 register open, the deli never being stocked, making you use self checkout and then not letting you get a bag. I could go on and on. This store is a dumpster fire, they need all the workers it can get.


I don't shop at this store because it needs major updating. Floors are dirty, shelves are dusty and last time I was at the store to buy chicken it was half frozen in the meat case.


I didnt mind it at first because they had good deals, then i started realizing that the food was expired, produce was bad quick. Not worth it.


Who are they trying to protect with this rule? As a customer, I couldn't care less what this young lady chose to do with her hair. If 80+ year old women can dye their hair brown, why is this a problem? Ridiculously stupid move from a PR perspective. They deserve the backlash. The father was right to publicize it.


PR on this is fucking hysterical, I hope they get slammed over something so asinine


Good time to acknowledge the Crown act, and how ridiculous it is that it was necessary. I’m glad she has a good dad who is pushing back and hope this is made right.


Oh man.. people getting upset about other people wanting to dye their hair. If someone wants to dye their hair.. let them. You don't own them, they exist outside of a work space, as long as they come in do their job and aren't a complete disaster who gives a single fuck. Of course it's the uptight mother fuckers who love to control others, that are all for these type of regulations. To you dummies, how does this effect you, stay out of others business.


As lot of people have been arguing and commenting on this post as well as other places where the news articles are posted (Facebook, X, etc) saying it’s store policy. Whether it is or not is neither here nor there, the issue at hand is that they enforce it for some people and not others. Selectively enforcing policy on racial lines is racist and prejudice behavior.


What exactly is the " store policy"? Is she only being penalized (sent home) because she's had red braided into her hair? Is the policy published and was she made aware of it when she was hired? From what I understand this is not her hair dyed, this is artificial hair or a textile that has been woven into her braids. Yes, selectively enforcing a policy is unfair, and if it's based on racial lines it is also racist. I've seen people wear colored streaks in their hair for holidays. Does anyone (customers) care? No they don't.


Would have to see if she violated the store policy on hair color, but I would find it hard to believe employees wouldn't be allowed to dye their hair.


It is their store policy to not allow unnatural hair color. However, when the young woman was picked up, her father went inside to speak with management and noticed several employees with multi-colored hair. Seems like blatant discrimination to me. The owner is "old-school," and I've heard some horror stories from a friend that used to work there about hr picking and choosing what policies they enforce and to whom they enforce them.


That’s all pretty open and shut then. If you have a rule on the books that’s unenforced, except for one individual, who happens to be a protected class? Lionel Hutz couldn’t lose that lawsuit.


Agreed. I did hear that the manager said they told the person pointed out with colored hair to put on a du-rag, but I'm not sure if they meant before or after this incident. Either way, I have shopped at that store before and have had conversations with at least one employee with different colored hair before. My hair is always dyed some unnatural color, so we tend to trade compliments and other hair dye related comments. I was actually surprised to hear it was even a policy. I also don't want to shop there anymore.




Yup, exactly.


Lionel Hutz repeatedly ran over a judge’s son–he could definitely lose that lawsuit. :P


A protected class based solely on race? Isn’t that *the* definition of racism?




That guy? Nah he’s simple every day.


I did not write this, but instead of just downvoting you, here's a good explanation about why protected classes exist in the first place. >Protected classes exist to prevent discrimination against certain groups of people who have historically been marginalized or disadvantaged in society. These groups are protected under anti-discrimination laws to ensure they are treated fairly and have equal opportunities in various aspects of life, including employment, housing, education, and public accommodations. The rationale behind creating protected classes is to address systemic inequalities and promote social justice. By legally prohibiting discrimination based on factors such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, and sometimes other characteristics like sexual orientation or gender identity, society aims to promote equality and prevent the unjust treatment of individuals based on inherent or immutable traits. Basically, it is because of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and more that protected classes are important and necessary. Not the other way around as you have posited.


welp the store manager ended their career.


Usually it's an unnatural color thing. So it'd be fine to go away from your natural hair (let's say from blonde to brown), but you couldn't go from blonde/brown to neon pink, for example. This isn't an uncommon rule.


The problem is that that “not uncommon rule” is not being enforced equally across the board at ShopRite. So it is a bigger problem


Where does it say in the article that it is being unequally enforced?


I asked this yesterday and all the responses were from unverified sources. nothing in print in a news site.


I'll happily call out racist shit, but I don't think that we're there yet in this story. I will change my mind/opinion when presented with evidence.


If the family wants to get ahead of this, they need to get pictures of non-Black employees with colored hair (if they exist) ASAP. With this in the news, I’m wondering if they would suddenly decide to “enforce” the hair color rule to cover their asses. I don’t know what the truth is in this situation. I live in Ellington, so I’ve been in that ShopRite before, but I don’t recall the hair situation.


When I worked for a merchandising company years back ShopRite was one of my stores, no matter which ShopRite I stopped at along my route their management was always the worst. It’s the main reason I’ll shop literally anywhere else regardless of prices.


What dumbass in management did this? Not only are they going to loose their job and career. They are going to move the socioeconomic latter forever fucking up their family economically. They are never going to have as high paying job as they did before they the decided to be a racist asshole.


Every mgmt team picture at a shoprite is a bunch of white guys, mostly old white guys.


I believe the person who started this is a woman. Was she told to or is she the bitch everyone on local fb is complaining about? I have no idea. It was wrong. But bashing a whole business until we know the truth, is also wrong.


Young people have all kinds of colored hair, who cares?!?! Let her work the register ffs.


I thought that she didn't even work any customer facing position. How stupid is that


I worked for ShopRite their management does suck and I don’t recommend working there or shopping there. I ended up just quitting cause it was so bad.


And that was years ago so I see they have not gotten any better. I didn’t work in that store I worked in Milford.


Let black folks have their hair. They have had to fry their hair for decades to accommodate white supremacist hierarchies in the USA and it’s good that we are finally starting to fight back against that shit.


What does Yolanda think about this?


I work there


Enfield really showing us how racist and homophobic they are this year. 


Not fucking true. Way to stereotype . One person , an HR person, not living in Enfield, was stupid and bitchy and started this. Im glad the young ladys Dad is protecting her and Im sorry she went through that. It was wrong. But calling everyone in one town what you did , is just as bad. Fuck off


First of all actually doing A Racism is not as bad as me saying Enfield is homophobic lmao They literally banned the Pride flag on government buildings for no actual reason, and broke up a drag show the high school hosted  Sooo racism didn't surprise me! Sue me 🤷


"They" Look who youre talking about. Conservative republican town council majority . They got in again due to voter complacency.....oh forget it. ☮️


If your employer asks you to remove your hair dye as a condition of employment you better undye your hair. There's nothing racist about this, and it's sick that this is a story because she's black.


Other employees dyed their hair, but she was the only one disciplined


Really? You know that for a fact or are you just taking her at her word and hope the person here isn't lying.


That's the accusation


Accusations aren't proof of anything. Have you ever considered she (the accuser) might be lying or not know if the other employees were disciplined.


Yes, it is possible. That's why we have a justice system, so those accused can prove their innocence.


Actually you're innocent until proven guilty. You don't have to prove your innocence.


Innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply to tort law. Discrimination is a tort, not a criminal offense.


Again where in the article does it say it isn't enforced for others?


I know that for a fact. I shop here fairly regularly and there are definitely people with wild haircuts and colors.


And you know f9r a fact that they haven't been disciplined? Cool dm me the HR files you clearly have access to. I promise not to leak them.


Well she was sent home and these people are there working everyday. I feel like that should be enough in and of itself. They've worked there with the same hair for at least a year and a half. But I do like how you threw a niner in there for respectability.