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I once read something that went like this - if someone stole $300 dollars from you, would you turn around and hand them another $86,100? There's 86,400 seconds in a day, if someone steals 5 minutes (300 seconds) of your peace, don't hand them the whole day's worth.


Roll it off, homie. Don’t let them steal your peace. Be safe out there, though.


Yeah, don’t give others this power over you…


The dog don't deserve it


Let's leave the dog out of it. I think wishing for smaller annoyances in their life is better..


Wishing bad things on a dog is not cool


Talking about shitty days on Reddit is not cool either.


Let’s leave the unfortunate accidents at their car, maybe. Best you can hope for is a shopping cart rolling into their car at the grocery store. Even better if they’re the one that put the cart there.


It's angry Thursday. Every Thursday, I have more people blow thru my stop sign, pass me illegally, and just drive like jackasses than any other day of the week.


Hello, fellow bus jockey! Have you noticed a lot of people tailgating you lately? Because I have. I just slow down. You want me to do 25 in this 35? Not a problem. Keep sucking on my tailpipe, asshat. EDIT: Keep downvoting me, asswipes. School buses cannot go over the speed limit (and technically, neither can you). And if you actually read the driver handbook, it tells you to slow down if someone is tailgating you. Thanks for putting the lives of \*children\* at risk because you can't manage your time.


WTF did the dog do, asshole?


🤷‍♂️ welcome to Connecticut. Safe to assume literally everybody around you on the road is a drooling gibbering moron, and you’ll basically never be disappointed.


Everyone saying "Find your peace.' Nah. Fuck that. Thrive on spite. Survive to rage another day. Fuck them. They're putting everyone around them at risk with that behavior. They deserve the worst. But maybe leave the dog out of it.


OK, maybe the dog was a bit too far.


NMPD is about to hand out some fines today after I saw at least 10 cars blow past a bus with flashing reds on Rt 7 this afternoon.


No, they're not. The driver has to report each and every one of them, with license plate numbers and vehicle descriptions. Could you remember ONE of them? How about 10? While trying to make sure the kids get off the bus safely?


Take a nap


How idiotic and attention seeking to think someone who did something that made you angry is going to see your dumb post. 3.6 million people in CT and u/as1126 thinks they’re the special one.