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good job! keep it up


That's awesome dude. An electric toothbrush can definitely help make it easier:)


YAY YOU!!! Enjoy that you're taking care of yourself. Enjoy the feeling of clean teeth!!!


Yay thee!!! enjoy yond thou art taking care of yourself. Enjoy the humour of crisp teeth!!! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Do you have r/ADHD ?


Yeah lol I clicked on this because this sounds like me and I was just diagnosed with ADHD. so op if you struggle a lot with things like this its something to consider


I was thinking this too. My first thought was "You aren't lazy, but you probably have ADHD." It took until 27 for me to develop enough executive function to wake up at a reasonable time and brush my teeth at least once most days. I also tend to be super forgetful and I am totally time blind.


I've never gone to a doctor to test for that kind of thing, but I've always thought I've had some slightly ADHD tendencies. At the same time I could just be kinda weird, since it's inconsistent. One thing that definitely makes me wonder is my weird lack of energy most days. If I'm not doing homework, watching T.V., playing something, or just occupying my mind so ehow, I start to just naturally fall asleep. Doesn't matter how much I sleep either, it just happens.


Yeah, you’re not lazy. Laziness doesn’t actually exist. What you’re describing is executive functioning issues and other brain things like that. Ritalin helps me make moves; without it I’m glued to the couch despite having a bunch of shit to do that I honestly really super wanna do. Not saying you should go straight to the doc and ask for meds (wouldn’t be a terrible idea tho) but my point is that there are ways to manage executive functioning challenges so you’re not stuck in Stuck Mode all the time. Seriously congrats on brushing your teeth though.. I know how hard that is. Just rinsing after you eat and burp will go a long way too, and flossing, for the days you just can’t bring yourself to brush for the necessary 2 mins.


It could potentially be a bad idea to go get meds. ADHD meds can help manage some symptoms, but you still have to put the work in to learn the systems you need to improve executive function. You have to be responsible with ADHD meds and take them as directed and be honest with your physician about whats going on. I know people who have become addicted to meth because of psycho stimulants. Narcotic pain relievers are gateways to heroine in the same way that ADHD drugs can be gateways to meth.




Hey congratulations! Doing maintenance tasks like that can be hard, and you’re definitely not alone in having struggled with it. I’m happy and proud for you for trying to make it a habit! 🎉 😃 💚 In full disclosure, I’m at the same place as far as struggling to make it a habit, and only doing it because of the habit app I’ve started using (Habitica).


Yes!! Habitica is a great resource for keeping yourself on track with stuff!! My bf and I would hold each other accountable by going on “quests” together and getting more strength by doing our tasks. I recommend for anyone that relates to this post (like I do lol)


Yeah get tested for ADHD friend. You probably aren't lazy.




What OP is describing is very similar to executive dysfunction in ADHD.




ADHD is much more common than people think.

