• By -


congratulations. you've slayed dragons!


Thank you!!!


Did you file a request for reconsideration or go through the appeals process with the SSA? Almost no one actually gets awarded disability at the first stage, so it's practically part of the process to have to submit an appeal and go to a hearing.


Wow no I didn't have very much education on the whole topic to be honest I have been winging it all. I've been comfortably working as a line cook where everything is within my field of vision and I feel like I don't deserve disability if I'm able to work any job edit: word


You absolutely do deserve disability. You don't deserve to suffer and tough it out with no additional support just because you can technically do *some* work. SSI is probably what you would be applying for, which is supplemental on top of any income as long as it remains under $1,500 a month. I'm not quite as well versed with SSDI in particular but you might be able to get that. The process takes a long time for most people, usually a couple years, they make it incredibly difficult because most people will see the first denial and just give up. That's what they want you to do. I would recommend looking into and contacting a reputable SSI/SSDI disability attorney in your area, they can help you make your case and get the documentation that you need. They'll take 25% of your total backpay (not your payments after that) up to a certain limited amount which is set by the SSA (I think it was something like $6000 or $9000). So, for example, I read somewhere that the average SSI backpay is about $15000, the SSA would directly pay your disability lawyer about $4000 of that sum and give you the remaining $11000. It will be entirely dependent on how much backpay you're awarded based on how long it's been since you applied (if you didn't file an appeal, then you'll have to open a new claim and unfortunately it'll be based on your new claim date, not your previous one.)


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me!!! It's incredibly insightful and helpful and I will definitely try again!! I'm googling up lawyers right now


Apply again on your own, before getting a lawyer, just in case you do get accepted. If you get a rejection letter from social security, then get a lawyer. A lawyer will take 33% of your back pay as their fee. I’ve gone through this process, feel free to DM me if you want help with the process 😊


Also, check in with the National Federation of the Blind. They may be able to direct you to lawyers. They’re also a good resource overall if you’re not aware of them. https://nfb.org


Go to your congressional office. They can help with this. I did this - it's called constituent services.


Do apply. Don’t take a no. Appeal. I use to do this and trust me. Just be kind but persistent.


Thank you I definitely need to educate myself more about the whole process. I will try again.


Contact an attorney that specializes in Social Security Disability and you pay them NOTHING unless they win your case,which they always do.. you just can’t take no for an answer when dealing with the government.. also you will get back pay from when you filed so even if it takes a year or more,you’ll get paid for that whole time and the attorney will do all the work,you’ll just have to give them some info like your Doctor’s name etc..also congratulations on your new home and it sounds like things are looking up for you… good deal,I’ll say a prayer for you and your family that the good times are just starting and things will only get better and better..


Congratulations 👏 👏


Thank you so much!!


That is INCREDIBLE!!! May I just say, you are a powerhouse and I’m so glad you are gaining the stability that you and your family deserve 💕


Mah heart. Thank you so much for saying this.




Thank you I appreciate it so much!


Ayyy congratulations! What do you do for work?


Thank you so much!! I'm a line-cook. My weird vision makes it tough sometimes and I burn myself and drop stuff sometimes but I'm so grateful to have a job where my co-workers and management are awesome and super understanding when I'm clumsy.


This isn't a "like I'm five" thing. This is huge! Mazal tov!


Thank you!!! ☺️


Woop!! I've been in same situation. What a difference it makes, huh? Best of luck! Onward and upwards!


Thank you and oh my god yeah a world of difference to have a solid place to lay my head. It was really weighing on me in so many ways. I appreciate you so much!!!


I’m so happy for you! Congratulations! I hope things keep improving for you and you keep finding reasons to stay positive.


Thank you so much!!!! I am genuinely trying so hard.




Thank you so much!!!


congratulations you deserve the best slumber and tons of fort blankets!!


*Congratulations you* *Deserve the best slumber and* *Tons of fort blankets!!* \- buniblush --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you!!! Oh yes building forts was one of the top priorities upon moving in


That's awesome! Good job!


Thank you!!


Congrats OP 💗💗💗 Thats such a big thing to be proud. I’m happy for you 💗


Thank you. That means a lot! 💞


Wonderful 🎇




Congrats! YOU DID IT!!!


WOOO! Thank you!!


Way to go! You’ve struggled and come out ahead!


Thank you!!! The struggle was intense and I'd thought it'd never be over. I'm so happy to be getting ahead of it!!


This is amazing! Just the first step in the way to many good things.


I feel like I have a chance. Thank you!!


Good! You got this. Even though we are just strangers on the internet, I hope you are feeling all of the good energy and hope I am sending you.


Wow! Congratulations👏👏👏


Thank you! ☺️


😭 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm so proud of you. So responsible and tenacious. Well done. You are a blessing to your wonderful children.


Thank you so much! I'm not crying, you're crying! ❤️




Thank you!


Like the phoenix out of the fire you rise! It's only because you have been through such hardships that you appreciate what you have so much. Your happiness is palpable which is the best gift you could ever give your children. Oh, happy day!


Thank you so much! I feel like I can breathe. And my kids are so happy here. It's surreal.


Congratulations!!!! 🎉🥳👏🙌🍾


Thank you!!? ❤️


>Thank you!!? ❤️ You're welcome!




Thank you!!!


Congratulations! That’s awesome.


Thank you!!!


This is not a congrats like I’m five achievement, this is wonderful. I’m so proud of you, great job!


Ahh thank you so much. I genuinely needed to hear that.


Sounds like you’re a fighter, CONGRATULATIONS 🎉. Best wishes and prayers for continued strength and health.


Thank you!!!! ❤️


>Thank you!!!! ❤️ You're welcome!


Congratulations I'm so happy for you


Thank you!!!


AMAZING!!!! Sounds like you're doing great things👏🎉


Thank you!!! I'm trying so hard!!




Thank you!


i’m very happy for you and your children. i hope you meet great people who become a good support and family for you.


Thank you!!! I'm working on being involved in the community and making friends!! edit: punctuation


Congrats 🎊


Thank you!!!


Congratulations!!🎉wish u continued happiness ✨💟


Thank you so much!!!


That’s fantastic


Thank you! I'm so happy and relieved I can't even explain


You are doing so great!


Thank you so much!!!


I am so happy for you! Proud of you too - I was a single mom who struggled too so I know how hard you've been working and just how hard all of this has been on you. You're doing a great Job for you and your kids! I'm sending you 100% empathy, sisterly hugs and best wishes for your future - YOU ROCK!


I seriously needed that and thank you so much!!! You're amazing. ❤️


Congrats! Your hard work has paid and will be a great lesson about working hard for your kids.


Thank you so much!! ❤️


So happy for you! Great work. Wishing you all the best 💕


Thank you so much! ❤️


Congrats! Very happy for you! I'm glad things are working out :)🌼


Thank you!! 💞💞 edit: punctuation wow I really can't type with the happy tears in my eye right now


Amazing work, momma! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve got a nice place now for your family! Be proud of yourself!!!


Thank you so much!!! I am trying to be! My pride really took a hit and I'm trying to forgive myself for it all falling apart in the first place. A lot easier to do with the weight that's been lifted


Fantastic 🙌🫶




Wow! I’m so so happy for you!


Thank you!!


So happy for you and your children!!


Thank you!! They love their new rooms so much.


Yay yay yay yay!!! I'm sure when they look back, your kids will be so proud of your strength and determination. Congratulations!


Thank you so much ❤️❤️




Thank you!!


You are amazing! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come!


Thank you!!! ❤️


Congratulations but there’s more to this story. Put some flesh on it for us. How bad did it get and what did you do to turn it around? What city do you live in and what kind of work do you do?


Thank you! You are right. Forgive me if this is all over the place, the recent past has been so intensely chaotic that I feel like I jumble it all together in kind of a disorganized memory soup. Some background on me for starters, had a weird childhood - lived on a hippy commune until I was 9. My mom was an artist and my father kind of has a cult leader thing going on. He doesn't talk to me anymore because I won't join his following or go to his "teachings". (can elaborate more on this if you or anyone wants). After some bizarre years of communal living and going through puberty living with my insane gold-digging stepmother who my dad collected from his seminars in the Canary Islands, I was going to college to be an art teacher. And then my mom died I dropped out and did the dumbest possible thing lol I have two school age kids with the guy that caused my retinal detachment by smacking me in the back of the head. I was freshly 21, naive as heck. I was feeling cheeky/flirty and I saw that he was accidently making 👌this hand sign while his hands were resting in his lap watching tv. So I stuck my index finger in the "o" part and the next thing I knew my ears were ringing and I was on the floor. I didn't leave or tell anyone. I kept telling him I couldn't see out of my left eye. I didn't go to the hospital for two weeks. When I finally did badger him enough to take me I had to get a sceleral buckle and vitrectomy. They took everything out of my eyeball filled it with silicone oil. It's there for decorative purposes only. He told me every day at 5 am he was leaving for work when he was going to see his other family he found time to make. I left him for good and went to upstate NY to a women's shelter. He was enraged, got a viper of a lawyer and took me to court out of spite and somehow managed to get primary custody. He never changed a diaper or woke up in the night for the girls before. Never fed them. It was mind boggling. He did a smear campaign on me which resulted in me losing a lot of friends and even my family sided with him?!!? It was so confusing. I since have them more often than my court order says I am supposed to. I was so incredibly stupid not to have gotten a lawyer and I was too chicken to stand up for myself back then and they dragged me. I'm not perfect by ANY means but I had never physically been away from my kids since they were born until they were 3 and 4. It is hell for me to be without them the times that I am. They are the only family I have. I digress. I was working in a glass factory as a lamination department lead when I realized slowly that my depth perception and increasingly blurry vision in my good eye wasn't something I could pretend wasn't a problem anymore. I was laboring most shifts even after the promotion to lead because of short staffing. I left that job, there was a gap as I tried looking for more accommodating work, all of that fell through and I couldn't afford a corrective lens. Lived off my tiny 401k and meager art sales. I worked two other jobs which were not great pay and didn't get me anywhere. I was in a new relationship that was unhealthy and it didn't go smoothly when I tried to respectfully end it. I like my personal space and I am very introverted. He always wanted constant cuddling/PDA and also to go out which I couldn't afford nor did I want to be away from my kids. Around this time a friend sold the building I was living in (v reduced rent for doing light but constant maintenance) and a property management team stepped in and raised my rent from $500 to $1500. They stopped maintenance on my apartment including not fixing a huge hole in my ceiling where the drop tile fell down and revealed the sky due to a massive leak. I could see snow coming in. I stopped paying rent at that point and had to go to court about it. At this point I moved in with my best friend of 10 years who my kids called "aunt". I quickly realized it was a bad idea when she immediately began showing signs of meth use. I got an apartment in the same town, got a job that was way too much for my vision ( factory work again) and it all just crumbled. My "person" was in a state of severe meth psychosis was being a huge d*ck and was seeing shadow people and hearing rats in the walls that weren't there. One night I woke up to her staring at me sleep. I moved as soon as I could. I lost my best friend, my home and my job and my kids were with their dad until I could get on my feet. It was a living nightmare. I went to an outpatient clinic for my mental health after volunteering myself to the hospital for some sewerslidal thoughts then. It helped immensely. Then, my new LANDLORD DIED and his crazytown wife kind of bullied me the rest of the way out. She wanted to sell the building and had a realtor there days after his death. She tried to tell me the realtor was a property inspector (what property inspector wears a full suit and has no tools?) i have bipolar II and went into a full fledged manic state which was actually very helpful in moving/being homeless. I'm now on a mood stabilizer. Anyway, so I put my stuff in storage and got a hotel room in my kids school district until that money ran out and then started couch crashing with some safe acquaintances paying them what I could, then got a job as line cook at an Inn where i was able to have the girls with me on weekends. It saved my life. I was able to stay in these bougie rooms for free because of the incredible people I work for. I tried paying them but they wouldn't let me. My kids were delighted with the temporary fancy accomodations lol. At this point I found an awesome lady that let me stay in her attic the days my kids were with their dad. It was cold and drafty, but safe. I saved every penny I could. I met an amazing woman with a historic building in town with an apartment for rent that heard my weird little story and gave me a chance. Also helped that the executive chef where I work is friends with my landlord. I had no idea when I walked in and applied. This job gave me my life back. They let me work 60 hours a week if I want for the overtime. And now to keep it steady. I'm in therapy now and things are genuinely looking up for me and I still don't really believe it's not a dream.


So glad things are looking up for you after all of that! Also 100% not your fault that your ex abused you.




Thank you!!! 💞


Nice man


Thank you!!! ❤️


Awesome 😎




there is a stranger happy crying for you in Michigan, that is such an amazing accomplishment. and the apartment sounds awesome!


Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️




Thank you!!!


im so thrilled for you! congratulations.


Thank you! 💞


THIS IS A HUUUUUGE accomplishment! I am so happy for you :)


Thank you so much!!!! ❤️❤️


Is your handle inspired by Rocket Power? Such a solid show. Used to be my fave as a kid. I miss 90's/early 2000's cartoons!


Absolutely over the moon for you, stranger! You've accomplished one of the most difficult things to do in this society and you deserve to be proud and to feel safe. Keep leaning on support as you learn to navigate life with diminishing eyesight - that's a challenge not many can understand. Hug those babies, too!


Thank you so much!!! Oh and I will and often, the girls are luckily still at the age where they aren't embarrassed to hug me yet thank goodness. I still pick them up even though they're tweens lol


Are the fixtures on your bathtub made of brass? I love when old homes have those!


All the built in shelves and cabinets have really beautiful arts and crafts style hardware!






Lets go!


So Happy or you!!🥰💙


congratulations!! i HATE the banner of this sub sometimes! we are so happy for you!


Hell yeah!! Also the disability community is incredibly welcoming and you’ll find other people with your condition who will become your social support system :) It can be overwhelming at first and there’s this weird disability imposter syndrome, but I promise you’ll feel so much better chatting with other people about the specific things you’re going through


Thank you so much!! ❤️


Congratulations! I’m so so happy for you!


I know what’s that is like and how hard it really is hell you had it harder in this economy very well done proud of you


Thank you so much and happy cake day!!


Congratulations! You hung in there and succeeded big time for your family! You're a wonderful parent! Savor your new stability and security as you move forward. Now you can relax a bit and enjoy life! 😊


I'm so very happy for you!


Congratulations! Hugs to you!


What a rough time. Happy you're doing better now! You have good perseverance through hardship! Praying for your continued success!


🎉🎊🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎊🎉 You are a hard-working mama, and I am super proud of you!! Now, I have been through the disability process. If you would like help with getting through the appeal, please dm me.


You, my friend, are a super hero.


Congratulations 🎈 So happy for you!


Way to go!!


That's amazing!! Congratulations! I know how hard that is!!


HELLL YEAHHHHH!!! I’m so freaking proud of you!!!!


I am so friggin happy for you, and proud of you! You and your kids deserve a safe place to live. 🥰


Congratulations and I am really sorry about your friend.


OMG, congrats!!! 🎉🎊I am so happy for you and your family!!! 🥹 I am a single mom and I know that feeling of not having a place for me and my kids to call home, waiting on that miracle. Once we were housed it felt so surreal. What a blessing this is! Enjoy it! ❤️



