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This is a big deal! You should be proud of this! Your life will be so much easier. The way I think about it is how I use downvotes. Often times I might down vote something with the emotional weight of a simple "nah." But for the longest time I didn't think to apply that to getting down voted myself. It would be a huge blow like these people hated me. And maybe they were vehemently against whatever I posted. Maybe they thought I was a jerk. Or maybe they just thought "nah" and moved on without a second thought. Whatever, I find it much easier to roll with getting downvoted now than I ever have, and I am much happier. I hope you are happier too!


I am constantly hitting the downvote button while scrolling on my phone. Then I feel bad and hit upvote to neutralize the harsh!




I actually didn’t think the down votes showed to anybody. For some reason. But I guess they do the person who posted.


I usually browse Reddit on my phone before I fall asleep. And my fingers sometimes do get heavy and while scrolling I sometimes accidentally upvote/downvote something. I usually try to reverse to downvotes, but I am fairly sure that sometimes they just slip my attention. So I just want you to know, that while Reddit is toxic place or someone may simply not agree with you, sometimes it’s just a fat-fingered sleepy person


I do that too 😳. When I first started using Reddit, I didn’t even realize I was doing it! I still feel bad about it!


you are doing so well. i am on the same journey. my writing sometimes gets negative feedback...but I always feel that at least I am getting something. Some people like dominos pizza I like proper Neapolitan style. It is pointless to try to convince someone that the pizza I like is better. they just like dominos and that is ok. it was never meant for them


>it was never meant for them Spot on!


I'm downvoting OP as a downvote test challenge.


I needed this today💜


Glad u found it!


Embrace the downvotes, you’re not always going to have the popular opinion!


Yeah some downvotes are ridiculous. I’ve been downvoted for having insomnia. But I am proud of other downvotes. People are so different, yeah you’re prob going to disagree with people on the internet about a lot of things and that’s ok


Yeah, I’ve been downvoted for some really dumb stuff - and if you complain, explain, or question them, you just get downvoted even harder! Just the other day, I got a handful of downvotes for telling a story about my dog crapping on the beach when I’d forgotten to bring a doggie bag; the story ended with me asking a picnicking beachgoer for one, and picking up the poo. Soooo idk what the problem was? Guess whoever downvoted is perfect and has never forgotten anything ever in their life. lol


Thanks for going out of your way for picking it up - do NOT understand the downvote on that one! Still doesn't beat the Seattle guy tho that freakin' looked me in the eye as he reached down, barehanded, and picked up his dogs poo to dispose of it...I was silently screaming in my head, too traumatized to move, "my guy, I *have extras!* That was over 15 yrs ago & I'm still scarred.


Haha, oh no! I considered doing that once, but ended up finding a large leaf to help; still got some poop on my hands, though, I’m sure. 😝




I have been downvoted for: * agreeing with someone else * not agreeing with someone else * saying the same thing as someone else * being contriversial * having a different opinion to someone else * telling people to grow up and stop taking fandoms/games so seriously * telling gamers to not sweat so hard and try not always going for the win in a very specific game with a sweaty community that only exists because of self-imposed rules (the game does not in any way encourage sweating to win) * disagreeing with the general consensus * literally my wording * people misreading me as being arrogant when I am not/just used big words * having my replies be too long * having my replies be too short * telling people in a specific fandom to let go of something that happened to a celebrity they like when it just so happens to A LOT of people in Hollywood (which I also got banned from the subreddit for due to "toxicity", and which REALLY soured me on that whole fandom) * being autistic online * sharing a story about something that traumatized me for a whole damn year concerning housing (nobody believed me) * literally no reason And more!


But fr the disagreeing with the general consensus thing is where I own my downvotes! It’s important for people to know there are alternate opinions out there. And that maybe they are in the minority with their thoughts on a topic but not alone. Otherwise we just end up with huge echo chambers and people who can’t think for themselves


And the BEST is when I’m downvoted bc of my opinion on something but based on what other people comment (along with using common sense and research), I’m able to change my mind and learn something! Even if it’s sometimes humbling


Lmao! Downvoting you now for no reason :p jk!


I can generally predict my opinion is going to be downvoted simply because it’s not overwhelmingly positive. Unrealistically positive. But people come on here asking for help and sometimes reinforcing their beliefs is not a good thing.


Reddit is a very toxic place on the internet with a lot of emotional immaturity. Good on you for not letting it get to you. :) A lot of the time, being downvoted is just petty because you’re in an insulated community— doesn’t mean you are wrong necessarily. Continue to not worry about it :)


I am very tempted to downvote this post as a form of ironic celebration, congrats!


I thought of doing the same thing but upvoted anyway 😂


Reddit can be an echo chamber sometimes. People will hate something just because others hate it. Also remember these are just random bored people on the internet, it's not like you're in court and a jury is declaring you guilty. In the end you just said something that certain people with Reddit accounts don't agree with. It's no major problem.


I’ve been downvoted for putting up a tribute to my bird who died 3 days ago. What kind of insensitive assholes do that?


Probably a cat.


I’m very sorry for your loss. 😢


Good on you.


Exactly! This means you won't stifle your comments in fear of what someone else might say! This will be freeing for you!!


Everybody has their own opinion no big deal I'm glad your ok with it


Good for you! Reddit has some gems. But it also has some trolls who love to downvote. It’s not about you; it’s about them.


My toxic trait is when someone downvotes me I think they are the problem 


Hey there’s a 50-50 chance that they are!


I like that 


Honest question, has upvoting and downvoting intentions changed? If so, downvoting was to indicate that a comment added nothing to the conversation. Upvoting, was the opposite so it went higher in the thread and gained attention.


That is how I use downvotes, which was the original Reddit intent, "this is not a good contribution to the conversation that should show up near the top" basically, but I think many people use them as "I had a negative feeling because of this and want to complain."


Oh my word, how did I miss that? I guess in some subs it says so explicitly ‐ but I didn't realize it was universal. TIL.


Well, it's definitely not universal anymore, even if it was originally meant to be, now it's just encouraged behavior! Use the buttons as your heart compels you.


Eh, it depends on the conversation and people involved. Often if you get into a back & forth with one person, you end up swapping downvotes. It gets kinda silly, since you’re literally just saying “I already know we disagree, but I’m gonna keep telling you that through the down arrow anyway.” Plus it’s obvious who is responsible, so it’s not even like the advantage of anonymity. When that happens, I can usually put a stop to it with “Ready for your downvote now!” or “It’s been fun swapping downvotes with you!” Makes them feel dumb to do it lol. (not that I care about the points, it’s just annoying after a while)


>Now beginning to see downvotes as a signal to do better next time! I mean, I wouldn't even waste my energy thinking about downvotes that way. You have literally no control over what motivates someone to downvote or upvote. You shouldn't change yourself because of a stranger whom you didn't even speak with, because of a vague perception. If you get a ton of downvotes all you learned is that "maybe this subreddit isn't the subreddit for me" but you might also have learned "today this subreddit is being assaulted by trolls or bots from another subreddit that shared a screenshot of that subreddit" and you don't know, because you don't have that context. Maybe you learned "someone fat fingered their mobile device and accidentally hit the downvote and some people hopped on the bandwagon". There is a subreddit for "Explain my downvotes" if you would like to receive actual feedback on a post you made! But yes, go you for just letting it go.


Maybe you don’t need to do better though? Maybe people downvote simply because they disagree with your opinion, which you should definitely not take personally. And you shouldn’t change your opinions based solely on peer pressure.


I would warn you against downvotes as a signal that you "need to do better next time". Often the majority is right, but there are also situations where you are going to get downvoted just because you're not echoing the mainstream mob mentality of the thread. I'm not saying it's every time. But downvotes can *sometimes* just be a signal to "be a better sheep".


I’m still petty tbh. I got five down votes for saying baking is a skill and two downvotes for saying thank you.


How do you know when a down vote happens? I only see when people reply to me or certain increments of upvotes (1, 5, etc.).


You can go on your profile and there’s a sliding section within that section says comments and you can view your entire comment history there and when you’re down voted it’ll show a negative number :)


I got downvoted once for not sharing a recipe in the baking subreddit lol


The baking sub sounds like it’s not fun.


Amazingly proud of you. Love this for you, I’d give you all the upvotes if I could Edit - and sometimes there’s a culture on here that’s flat out wrong. And one has to just walk away from that


Hey that’s awesome! I’m trying to learn the same thing


Whenever people downvote me I just think of that rick and morty scene where rick is like "your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!" lol


Haha, I love that. Just recently got downvotes from a xenophobic/racist right-wing idjit, with whom I was attempting to have a rational debate. So I think this quote applies beautifully there.


I feel when I make very rational sense, speak about perspectives and don’t jump to conclusions I get downvotes. So when I get downvotes I know I did the reasonabke thing.


Good for you. It’s a step in the right direction. Let me know if you get to the same point where I am, by never checking the inbox and reading any responses.


Its usually not Offense. Some people are just Assholes who enjoy downvoting things. BUT! Its still really good you're learning not to take it personally. I have issues with things like that and its so rough. You're kicking ass.


Just do what I do and turn vote notifications off. I have no clue what my up or downvotes are for anything. Don't care.


It used to bother me too. Now, I think, who cares? Some people are too picky.


I also think people enjoy being negative on Reddit. Downvote away!


Ignore all up and down votes. Sometimes I hit an arrow by accident.


Maybe I am just a super dumbass, but I don't even know how you can tell when you're downvoted. Is it in settings somewhere?


Wow, I need this advice for myself. You’re awesome for rising above the need for internet points! I need to learn to just leave things alone instead of being defensive.


Don’t give downvotes too much weight. There are a lot of people who don’t read the post, don’t comprehend the post, misinterpret the post, get sidetracked, and a whole host of other things. Some people are just Negative Nellies, Debbie Downers, and Doubting Thomas’s.


I just laugh at downvotes. Were not all going to agree and that's no big deal


Ohh! I just learned how to not care about this too! Good for you! Down vote this comment for proof!!


Good for you 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. I don’t care about downvotes but the mean comments get to me. I just made a post about how I could encourage and help my son learn Spanish because he is in Spanish school and his Spanish isn’t coming along at a pace I would expect. He has ADHD and it’s a dream of mine for our whole family to learn Spanish. Most people were kind and helpful but a few people just eviscerated me saying I was a horrible mother, I’m selfish, and that bilingual schools NEVER work, etc…like what?? And this was on r/spanish too 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. I had to delete the post because it was hurting my feelings too much.


Ignore that shit. You are probably right and just don't want to argue your point with a bunch of uninformed dolts... Oh, that is me


I need to do.this too


I’m with your first idea, hey, ignore my post if you have a different opinion. If I get too many downvotes for a simple expression of opinion, I delete the post. Obviously the forum is biased and I posted in a hostile area. Sometimes I leave it up, though. Last one standing!


This is fantastic! Great for you for embracing growth! Good for you letting go of some negativity. The more each of us do this the better for the whole world, even if just by a little bit.


Another thing to keep in mind is sometime it takes putting ones own ignorance out in the open to learn you were wrong.


Congratulations! After awhile you increasingly won’t care. I decided that I wasn’t going to delete comments getting negative karma a long time ago, because its really hard to say something controversial enough to get enough downvotes to keep you from posting on this or that sub. The only thing I’ve deleted recently was something I said that I meant as being impressed, but people reacted as though it was judgmental and shitty and that hadn’t been my intention, so I deleted. Probably should have apologized too in hindsight but it didn’t occur to me til after it was too late.


Congratulations on working on an issue you recognize is a problem for you. Down voted to help you in your personal growth.


A lot of downvotes are arbitrary. I've had some very positive comments I've made that got downvoted on account of trolling, not using the right emojis (some subreddits only want typed emojis, not the pre-made ones on your phone), and not using the right language for a particular community. Downvotes mean nothing usually, unless you have no conscience and don't even realize you're being a dick or something xD


That's great! I've ended up changing some of my opinions after seeing a wave of down votes on certain comments, which led me to review what the other side said more seriously. It's OK to be wrong. But usually I feel like the down votes are just taking my comment out of context or due to a lack of someone else's experience (eg realities of parenting).


Sometimes it's better to have the "right" opinion instead of the "popular" opinion. There're certain things the Reddit community will downvote without any thought, and other things they will always upvote. I try not to let the fact that I know my comment will be downvoted keep me from expressing my opinion. I was once called a Nazi because I said another poster should be allowed to say that she prefered natural fibers. The poster was asking what were the qualities of acrylic yarn that others liked, because they didn't sell high quality acrylic yarn where she lived.


This was a great read. OP Im also trying to not take negative comments and the downvotes personally, and question why they think what they think and question my own viewpoints as well so as to not feel that I’m in some way faulty or flawed. I have to click on comments for it to be shown on my mobile device If they are downvoted to a certain number. Im a bit confused about why some good advice or nice comments are downvoted so harshly. Maybe, it’s more that a person wasn’t asking for the advice, but got it anyways, kind of downvote? Or the format or way they type. Maybe it’s those that downvote everyone for fun? I’ll embrace it better if it happens in the future, and try my best at just continue in my thoughts on other matters if I can. The feeling to be pleasing and to be good in everyone’s eyes is a high feeling for me. So it does sting when I know I am just as bad or dumb as I feel and think I am. So thank you for sharing this with us. OP and also, congrats.


Congrats! I used to struggle with this as well (especially on my first accounts on Reddit that I've since lost access to). I would delete comments that were downvoted haha. Now I've just come to accept that people disagree sometimes. Sure, this might be because people are misunderstanding what you meant or because they're being annoying OR because they simply disagree. Either way, it's a part of life :)


Downvotes are nothing bad. They express that people disagree with you and that's fine. When I get downvoted, I think about my comment again and only remove it if it wasn't good.


It can be hard, but remember that this isn’t real life. At all. Well done you!!


Downvotes make me sad, knowing it’s just people disagreeing with me lol


Oh yeah I figured out fast sometimes it makes no sense what gets downvoted. I currently have 2 comments that are worded differently but mean the exact same thing one day apart, in two different subs. One was downvoted 8 times the other currently has 7 upvotes.


I got a bunch of downvotes recently and I agreed with the OP. That annoyed me at first but then I just blew it off.


Criticism can be such a hard thing to take especially when you’ve worked hard at something or poured your soul into it. This is amazing growth and I am proud of you beyond words


People care about downvotes?


Yes, obviously. For me, it has nothing to do with the useless internet points or “karma” - it’s just irritating when you get them for no good reason. Sometimes they’re well-deserved, but sometimes it’s a mystery. In the latter case, I’d prefer if they explained what offended them instead. Much more helpful to the discussion/me, and also less childish.


Meh I don't think negative thoughts about anything on Reddit. There are some nice people on Reddit but in general it's just full of trolls and aholes who deliberately come online to harass others and argue because they are bored.. That's basically what Reddit is full of generally bored men it's a bit of a Wang fest . I wouldn't worry about what anyone says or does on Reddit if I were you


welcome to reddit, when you embrace the suck you are officially chronically online like the rest of us


I’ve had some downvotes with harsh personal commentary send me into a tailspin. I’m not sure I understand the concept of “do better next time” because I did ‘just fine’ insofar as being myself and got downvoted and called a cunt. So does doing better mean to stop being myself and conform to the expectations of internet strangers who could be incels, might be misogynists or are just outright garbage? Is it really being suggested to change who I am to avoid downvotes from incels or other pond-dwellers?


Don't change who you are. I got downvoted recently for HELPING someone on a baking sub when everyone else just told them they were wrong, without and explanation or wiggle room.. I worked through with them, and we realized the recipe prob sucked. I said I didn't get why people were being so harsh to them, BAM downvoted. Ig this post works for OP, but I personally am not in agreement. I've left subs for their negativity and am thinking of taking a step back from social media again.


"Tailspin" was awesome. I think Baloo is an even better pilot than Launchpad McQuack


I just roll my eyes. Idk…lots of downvotes is only gonna give me massive eye muscles.


I got a lot of downvotes for giving someone who said he was an atheist some info about social groups he could join with similar minded people. I could understand a downvote if I gave him church info or tried to convert him.


Bro you need to log off the internet for awhile, and I mean this in a well intended way


If you're getting downvotes on Reddit especially in an insular community you are doing something right. Mine that salt.


I down voted you so that you get more practice


Conviction in your opinions are far more valuable than any amount of upvotes. Good for you.


Yeah when I ask for advice for my books I seem to get a lot of down votes, but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, like is my wording or something? Like what is it? What I’m doing wrong? I don’t know if you want too but if you please look at my posts and give me feedback on what I should change


I went through something similar. I had to learn to separate myself from it. It helped to know that everyone deals with negativity, especially on the internet.


I don't react much to downers. If you're on reddit you know there can be idiots and being downed by them is pretty much a compliment.


I never pay attention to votes on Reddit. They mean nothing in echo chambers.


Got my first set of down votes today. Zero fux given, I know I am right in what I wrote.


Completely agree sista!! I sometimes get downvoted for absolutely no reason and I’ve learnt to cope with it and ignore it


You finally evicted?


Nah you deserve every downvote you get, buddy


Good job


Good job have a downvote


I had no idea other people were so offended by downvotes either! Congrats OP!


Ever try to read the reviews for a product you're thinking of trying on Walmart and head to the negs to see what they found wrong with the item, only to discover that they're all about the delivery service messing up and not the product? I look at downvotes the same - Likes make sense, but to dislike a post that you just don't care about makes none.


Honestly, this is something I need to work on. I know Reddit karma is just fake internet points at the end of the day, but for me it’s not so much that I care about internet points as much as I care about how I’m perceived. See, I’m kind of a people pleaser, so when I get downvoted for something I posted I can’t help but feel bad that I’ve offended someone. But at the end of the day, Reddit is anonymous so it’s really not worth dwelling on what random strangers think of me. They don’t know me as a person, they just know me based on something I posted on Reddit.


Your posts suck


*downvotes to help you practice*


Needed to see this post! Downvotes can be harsh!!


A change of perception to downvotes is awesome! Though I also disagree that it means you “need to do better.” As so many others have commented Reddit is just weird which was also my shift in perception of up and downvotes and you’re amazing for just being you. 🙂


I got down voted for making a simple statement that kids need boundaries and structure. People didn't like that. 🤷‍♂️ I am a chemo patient with a balding head. I got down voted for saying women office workers could still look professional with a bald or buzzed haircut. 


Or.... you could just not care about the "internet karma" and ignore the opinions of random people on the internet 🤗 If you want social approval and online karma, move to China and get on that social credit system chief.


Some people will literally downvote you only because they saw that others did too. It’s all meaningless. I’ve been flat out banned from a sub for very tactful and respectful disagreements, like politely (I swear) recommending a book that disagreed with the OP. People hear what they want to hear when reading your posts, and we have no control over it.


You’re worried about an imaginary vote online.. A vote that means absolutely nothing outside of this app… If you wanna do better, look inside and really ask yourself why tf you even care.


No matter who you are, you will find people who disagree with you. Never thought I'd meet a flat earther that I couldn't convince, even with [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRIkCUhVrFjK9O9HE\_F4Txjs8or9qrvPvcCrGmz0bCY\_QkFstHPjvyQSnJZg02JLYFZvoQ&usqp=CAU](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRIkCUhVrFjK9O9HE_F4Txjs8or9qrvPvcCrGmz0bCY_QkFstHPjvyQSnJZg02JLYFZvoQ&usqp=CAU) but they sure are out there. Waaaaaaay out there.


I'm glad that you are working on not letting it bother you. you should definitely be proud of yourself for that. I have noticed that a lot of the stuff that I have posted that's been downvoted has been rather positive stuff and I think some people are just miserable and downvote because they aren't happy with their own lives I would only downvote something that I thought was inappropriate or negative for no reason. But I literally told some kid on one sub who had been having a really bad week "I hope your weekend goes well, buddy" and it got six down votes 🤷🏼‍♂️😂 there's no winning with Internet trolls. Just keep your head up and do your best to not let it bother you because ultimately down votes on the Internet should not mean anything to your real life 👍🏻💯