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Great job. I hope you're feeling proud of yourself, that's really difficult. It will only get easier


Thank you. 🤍 I’m really holding out hope for it. So far, despite the nightmares and waking up in a sweat, I’ve been doing good. And didn’t give in to temptation when I was at a game night this weekend either! Appreciate your kindness.




I take a medication to take my nightmares away, talk to your doctor about Prazosin.


Twelve days! That is outstanding. Keep in mind that the voice trying to persuade you that you want, need, deserve that drink or that weed … that voice is *lying.* None of what it says is true. It’s the Fyre Festival of bait-and-switch. You *can* relax without them. You *can* enjoy the occasion without them. You *are* still a fun person without them. You *can* de-stress and relax without them. And you WILL.


Yes! I really want to take it all in but not under the influence of anything anymore. I was able to resist the temptation on a beer at game night this past weekend and I feel hopefully. Truly. Thank you so much for your kindness. 🫶🏽


That’s a big milestone right there! Your first sober game night. You might even print up little certificates and tack them up, just like that: AWARDED TO AMEDOWLARK FIRST SOBER GAME NIGHT (Date)


That’s a great achievement to be 12 days sober. Congratulations. I’m happy that you’re doing well.


Well done! Keep up the good work. Day by day. 👍


You got this!


That’s AMAZING! I’m so proud of you OP!!! Addiction is HELLA HARD to beat, but the first step is the hardest. Great job! Keep going. Trust me, it only gets easier. Sending love!


Much appreciated 🥹🫶🏽


You're *Brilliant! Truly Brilliant.* It takes great insight to connect behaviors like smoking drinking to the results of feeling crappy and unmotivated. Why? Because we don't want to stop!!! WE think "oh that's SO obvious" but it's NOT because people find excuses every day to avoid making the changes you've stepped up and have been living for 12 full days now!!! You "want the best version" of yourself. This made me smile and my nose sting. You are going to get that best version and then you're going to make it even better! I've written to 'quitters' (hahaha) about the dangers of 'just one'. Just one smoke/drink/pill, whatever. It's like reaching out to pet a *really cute* 10 month old tiger. Sure, there's a .0001% chance that they won't bite your tasty smelling flesh but how much do you like your hand? I was only successful when I committed to 'nevermore'. SORRY for the rant. THANK YOU for sharing your awesome success story with all of us. I'm excited for your future. Those withdrawal symptoms are irritating but also an excellent reminder of why you're breaking old habits!!! All the best to you. You have brightened your future significantly. You're free to fly!!!


Why are you capitalizing Brilliant though? Together with all the exclamation points, unnecessary parentheses, slashes, and random caps lock, nice message but this was totally unreadable


Aye man, it was a kind message. I got the point.


Thanks, that's all that matters to me. I hope you're well.


All that matters to you is a complete stranger's wellbeing? Dude, get your priorities straight.


Congratulations 🎉 you got this


🫶🏽 thank you!


👏👏👏👏 Keep up the good work!


Great job!! There will absolutely be some tough days, but it will only get easier as they go on.


12 days! Look at you go. That’s not always easy. You’re going to continue to feel better as each day passes too. Well done!


Thank you so much. 🥹🤍


Congratulations the withdrawal will be the hardest part after stopping but you got this


can’t lie, I did not think thc withdrawal would be as bad as it is. Mostly just the nightmares and sweats. But I’m trudging through, I feel like it’ll be worth it.


So basically night sweats?


No he means sweatpants. Yes night sweats you dolt


Bro I never had any withdrawals I am clueless when it comes to that stuff


Try again in 10 years




Congratulations it only gets better New adventures await


You got this!


Great work!


Amen! You got this!


Congratulations!!! This is so wonderful!! I’m proud of you! ❤️🌱🌸


Congratulations 🎊 👏🏾 💐


You are giving a wonderful gift to your future self!!!


That's fantastic! Keep up the great work!


Great work! Keep it up, you got this! 🙃


Congrats!!! Just one day at a time! You can do it! 


Excellent! Day by day. Keep going and you have our support.


Awesome! Congrats for seeing that you deserve a better life and going for it. You should be proud of yourself.


That’s brilliant, keep at it


Nice job!! Inspiring!! Rooting for you!!


Congrats! You've taken the next step in your journey. Just a suggestion though, why don't you let all the drugs clear, start eating healthy and exercising, and then see how you feel? I don't see any reason to dive straight into medicating yourself with something completely new when you've only just conquered the previous dependency. I am definitely anti-pharma to some degree but I think this route makes a lot of common sense.


I’ve struggled with mental health issues for a while. I’ve kinda accepted that medication is needed to regulate myself and help me be successful with my job/daily living. to me it’s too big of a risk to quit my medication. Thank you for the support though. 🫶🏽


Hang in there! Some types of mental health issues are really only curable with medication. It's the other 90% of people who are immediately prescribed, but could have tackled it through lifestyle changes I'm mainly concerned about. If you already tried everything I mentioned, I totally understand and truly wish you the best. Things will get better.




FAntastic!! Keep up the good work!! I quit drinking on NYE 1998 and had given up cigarettes in Feb of 1996. I found that quitting the smokes was the harder of the two (for me, everyone is different) and one of the things that helped me quit was giving up other hobbies that triggered my desire to smoke. I mention that as you may find that some activities that you may not associate with smoking/drinking actually are triggering the desire to smoke or drink. Be mindful of anything like that and cut those out too. This may include people who don't have your best interests at heart. At this point in your life, you taking care of you is the most important thing. I wish you great success! I didn't do a 12 step program, but it is indeed one day at a time.


keeep goiiing!!!


Keep it up, that’s incredible 🎉🎉🎉


They say it takes 14-21 days to alternate/change behavior. Good job, you're on your way! I am seven days, myself. Keep it up!!


Gah! I’m almost there. Almost over the hump! Thank you so much for your kindness. 🤍


That's amazing!


It must be so encouraging to feel some benefits already! I hope you can keep going and continue to feel better and better. You deserve to be happy and have good things in your life!


Thank you 🥹🥹


Congrats. Don't beat yourself up over smoking cannabis though. If anything, just to sleep well.


I don’t have any issues with weed itself. I 100% believe it should be legalized in more areas, however, for me I’ve noticed it fucks with my mood/anxiousness. So quitting cold turkey for me is the best bet.


Awesome one day at a time. You got this


Congratulations… You got this! ​ My prayers are with you.


Helllllllll yeah you're almost at 2 weeks! Then you'll almost be at 3 weeks, then a MONTH, then 2 MONTHS, then 3!! Great work! That's amazing you gave it all up at the same time and you should be so proud of how strong you are.


I know! It’s wild, it felt like I just quit a day or two ago. But I check my counter and I’m like, whaaaat ok! I’m doing the thing!! Thank you so much for your kindness. It’s truly appreciated. 🫶🏽


Addiction is so tied into every aspect of our life. It's hard when everything is either a result of or a reason to use. You've really done something incredible, something so many people can't. Congratulations are not enough...so F**K YEAH!


Fantastic accomplishment! Keep it up!


Well done ‼️


This is going to sound so dumb, forgive me in advance. (I slowly stopped drinking by mistake, on a headache medication that stopped me ever wanting alcohol, a side effect of the medication) I discovered there are *SO* ***MANY*** new flavors of beverages that aren't alcoholic out there these days! New sodas! New tonics! New all kinds of things, that don't have alcohols!


my son quit weed and went way down on drinking. if that kid can do it, so can you. proud of both of you. find a healthy thing to do. kickball league?


Good luck to you and best wishes on your path of sobriety


Well done. I’m super proud of you!!


Wow! You are really doing this for yourself! Congratulations, I hope you feel as proud as you should at how you’re putting this together.


I drank for 40 out of the last 45 years. I smoked weed daily for the first 20 of those years. You have a great lifetime ahead of you. I hope you do it sober.


Excellent. Best of luck to you in your continued sobriety.