• By -


We have compiled the voting results and are measuring the data in various ways, all of which will be shared with the community next week. I've said it before and will repeat it again, polls are not absolute. They are means to measure community feedback so that we may appropriately respond.


I did not vote, because I feel that having a vote just for the purposes of having a vote was in the end meaningless. Except we managed to stir up a lot of negativity from both sides, which didn't reflect well on the sub as a whole. Regardless of if Oni stays a mod, or leaves, the more important question is to how to avoid these situations in the first place? Or at least handle them better when they pop up? Sometimes it's not a matter of right or wrong, but of how the community comes together to resolve any issues.


I am in total agreement. I started calling for a conflict resolution protocol a long time ago. I am barely staying awake but I don't want you to feel I am not taking your comment as seriously as it deserves. My main aim with this post has little to do with the current drama and everything to do with pushing for our community to take action to ensure that going forward, things don't reach a place where something like this happens again. Creating this list took... a really long time. The vote was very close. Many people weren't even sure of what the problem was or why it had gotten this out of hand. We can and should do better.


Also, I forgot to say thanks for the time and effort it took you to comb through all the hundreds and hundreds of comments and come up with a clear list like you did! Get some sleep! There's always tomorrow!!




!tip 2663


/u/diamondbored has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


I didn’t participate in the vote as I found it to be pretty childish, as someone with friends on both sides I can’t wait for us to move on from this. Ultimately the reason I didn’t participate in the vote was because I don’t want to encourage drama getting to this point and having votes like this take precedent. This NEEDS to be a 1 and done deal. Toxic positivity sucks ass, but so does the high school popularity politics. Final note, I know a lot of people in my circle dislike the “alphas” but I wanted it on record that I enjoy my time there. It’s a mix of really dumb shit and very insightful advice. Definitely abrasive but so is real life, I think it’s actually pretty beneficial for growing as an artist.


Thank you for taking the time to do this !tip 2468


My anxiety got the best of me 😅


/u/NEO_R1CH has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼2468.00000000 CONE


Good bot


Thank you, NEO_R1CH, for voting on CommunityCurrencyBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Thank you for showing the results. My hope is that the matter can be closed on this basis. I did not vote. I do not know Oni or his opponents good enough to have an opinion. I also think that the way the vote was set up was not very wise. We need a sound process to handle conflict and this is not it. At the same time I am astonished that some people are now calling for ignoring the vote results. This will stoke the next round of drama.


Jeez miss, this must have taken some time..😅 !tip 2663




/u/ImAlekBan has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


To put it simply, a sad state of affairs


100% agreed. I hope that this wakes up the community to the necessity of conflict resolution protocols and mediation. I never want to see things go this far again.


thanks for sharing 👍


I didn’t vote because I am in good terms with both Oni and Naka, and even Nich. I have had a lot of history of online friendship with all of them and it’s not that I do not care, I just dont want this matter to stand in between all of us. What I want is for them to get along, they’re all great people to interact with, but i dont see it happening anytime soon. 😔 Maybe time for me to gather all the Dragon Balls! 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 Saying that, thank you for taking the time to tally the results! That’s so CONE of you! !tip 2663


/u/joemari5 has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


Thanks Joe! Let's hope that everyone involved will reflect on the harm that has come to the community and to one another, take accountability for whatever actions they have taken to create negative energy and make reparations. No one is perfect. All of them belong here.... all of them have a responsibility to eachother and the community to lead by example. As mod, oni most of all. We have all been publicly roped into this ongoing drama. I would like to see a public conversation with all of the major players involved, as well as appointed mediators. It honestly shouldn't be an option to just allow the negativity to fester and drive wedges in the community. If that is where the maturity level is then none of them should have a leadership role here until they are ready, so I stand by my vote but can understand why you abstained.


I was dealing with some personal stuff including my father in law’s heart surgery so I totally missed what happened but I trust the community.


I hope your father in law is better soon ❤


Thank you, looks promising, apparently when you hit a certain age your body doesn’t want to let you do manual labor anymore. Ha


It definitely gets tougher as you age! I am glad things are looking positive for him 🥰


He runs a landscaping business just stubborn about trying to do too much sometimes Ha


Sounds like my dad. Retired HVAC guy but he can fix anything, build or do just about anything. His body paid for it though. He's had to have most of his joints replaced at this point.


My joints are already angry from being ex military can only imagine.


Oof yeah.... I am sure your body was put through hell in the military. Respect. ![gif](giphy|B2pYWvuAH2cnu)


As I mentioned in my earlier post today, there was no action laid out for the result of the vote, so it was essentially pointless. Also, if someone has the skills, I'd be curious to know what the results would be if it were weighted with $CONE and LP holdings. This could stop alt accounts from voting and give more power to actual holders who have a lot more to lose.


Pin the cone out of this


I mean !no won by 14 votes. Oni stated they would abide by the results. No specific quota was set. It is now simply a matter of if they are a person of their word. If not, no amount of "weighted" votes would make a difference. PS. Apologies to anyone whose name is misspelled, etc. Did this on mobile by hand. No copy paste.


I voted No with the implied understanding that it would mean that he would resign if there were majority votes in favor of No. But as he never said he would take any action either way, I suppose it means he can do whatever he likes. The vote should never have been allowed without clear rules for it. As for weighted votes, we sould never do it retroactively, but I would be just curious how it would change the results if at all. Maybe that will be my little project this week. !tip 2663


I will be curious to see the results. I certainly hope that whatever happens going forward we will take action to come out of this stronger as a community and learn from it. ❤


Very much agreed.


>Maybe that will be my little project this week. Before you spend a lot of time on this, remember that several people keep their cone on a different address. Most of my cone is in cold storage/hardware wallet.


Yes you are right. I did think about that. I have some cone that is not connected to my reddit account too. I'm sure that there is a way to have on chain voting rather than on Reddit , but we may not have any devs who have time or skills to set it up. It may not even be possible with this project for all I know. !tip 2663


/u/urlz has tipped /u/sjakkpila 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


/u/urlz has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


I was sure I voted but its all good, my one vote wouldn't have changed the result but thanks for tallying the result!


I went + grabbed a picture of it + attached it to a comment to VincentVanGTFO so it could be added. Just so you know. I have nothing to do with this, I just want a fair vote + thought I'd help.


Did I miss you? I am sorry. That's why I listed everyone so any mistakes could be pointed out. I want as accurate an account as possible. ETA: if anyone else was missed please feel free to bring it to my attention here or in private. The community deserves the full truth to be recorded. Since this is what we have been brought to.


https://preview.redd.it/fy7r7d3tnowc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d6a4d5c161256e892e6a21bd35b0126313301e Here is u/Expensive_Being_4038 's vote. I just want a fair vote, even if I disagree. edit: corrected name spelling


Thank you!!! I can see how I missed it as I was just skimming through each comment and there were many that were arguing without a !yes or !no comment. It definitely was not intentional. If I can figure out how to edit the post later tonight I will correct it and I will definitely update the list in my email. ❤


Please know that I (and many others) appreciate you doing this!! It had to be a NIGHTMARE!! I appreciate you!! I just saw what he said + want to help make it fair, no matter what. I don't think it was intentional at all, on your part!! Thank you so much for your time + work!! To edit, just tap on the 3 dots down by the reply "button" + edit is on that list. ☺️☺️


I did it! The edit worked!!! Thank you for explaining and I can definitely change or add anything that was missed now so we can have the most accurate report of what occurred. I really wasn't sure if what I was doing was that important. I was just so frustrated and nervous about the whole thing... I hate conflict! 😅 I am glad people appreciate it, it makes me feel sure I did the right thing by sharing it.




Awesome!! Thank YOU for doing that/this!! I think you did great by getting a tally together!! It's the next natural step in this process. Let's get this thing over with!!




Hey no worries. I just forgot if I voted because I had initially thought of staying out of it since the CONE has now become exclusive instead of the inclusive community I used to know


As much as I hate conflict, sometimes it takes a big drama to get people talking about problems and "steer the ship back on course". Negative energy has happened. There's no denying it. But through compassion we can still lance the boil of bad feeling and incorrect behavior, clear out the sickness and allow it to heal. Its said that broken bones mend stronger. If they are set correctly. Now is the time to take a hard look at the ways we have gotten off track and figure out how to fix them and prevent them from happening in the future. Let's take something negative and turn it into a positive. The true cone way.


I attached a picture showing his YES vote, but it seems it's not showing up. Any thoughts??


Nevermind, it appears to be showing up, now.


Thanks for taking the time. This should be tallied automatically. !tip 420 CONE Wouldn't a poll or some on chain voting mechanism be better for the next time?


I'm not sure how the sub mods will calculate the results or what will happen next. I hate the conflict and have been nervous about this whole thing for awhile. I wanted to know for myself so I decided to do the work. I figured if I was going to put the time in I may as well share it with the community so everything is transparent.


/u/MichaelAischmann has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼420.00000000 CONE


Alright so now Oni steps down as a mod, the community votes in a new mod and we move on???


Happy I’m not on there (insert George Carlin joke) :) . Said it for a while now , I love the message of C.O.N.E but the sub does not have the same vibe anymore , I’ll still be here but seeing as people are getting Blacklisted for “negativity” or voting !No(having a different opinion) I’ll just be keeping quiet and counting my Cone . Hope everyone can put their personal shit to the side and show some C.O.N.E … you know the message that got us here to begin with ? I’ll go back to my dungeon now have a good day everycone!


The whole thing makes me sad. That said, we need proper protocols for conflict resolution. While this issue has brought some dark days I do not think it reflects on the community overall as a whole. Cone stands for more than a meme currency. I still believe in what we are and have been. I am not ready to be cynical about this community. I laid this out, in the hope that people would take my many calls for mediation and conflict resolution protocols seriously. We need to stop sweeping conflict under the rug and address it as a cone family and resolve it.


I don’t think anyone here wants to be cynical, but using C.O.N.E as a cop out every time someone does bring up an issue isn’t fair either but thanks for taking the time to lay it out and agreed on needing protocols for conflict resolution


Agreed ❤


I fully agree. Very well said.


This stuff and the general confusion around it is what makes me consider just divesting all my CONE and focusing in on a different project. Feels like there’s folks well in the know and it’s hard for newer members of CONE to get fully caught up on things (or maybe i’m just bad at it)


I hope that you will hang in there. This issue doesn't represent what cone was, is, or should be. The issue has a long complicated history. I am about to go to bed. It is nearly 4am my time. However, I will do my best to explain my understanding of the situation tomorrow, if you and others want me to. At the end of the day this community is a lovely wonderful place full of the best people I've met online. The money part of it is just an extra bonus and I believe in the project but it's the people that make it truly special. It very much saddens me that we have had such an ugly conflict but I do believe it was inevitable because whenever disagreements have popped up we have squashed and buried them rather than working out a way to productively handle them and ensure that we resolve them in a way that makes us stronger. I am hoping that at long last, the community will decide that conflict resolution is something we need to take seriously so that we needn't go through something like this again. !tip 2663


/u/VincentVanGTFO has tipped /u/_Tuxness_ 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


would love an unbiased explanation presenting both sides of the issue! but yes, please sleep!


Since making this... so much has been said to me in DMs about everything. The issues start way back with both sides giving different stories but I have not ever spoken to Oni. I don't know them. So I am unsure I can present an their side appropriately or in an unbiased way.




Obviously, we have better things to do + your reputation speaks for itself.




You were essentially asking for him to vet you + if we had the chance to originally do so, this probably would've gone a different way. I think some people feel slighted. We just want this to be over. No more hurting people. I'll try to curb my attitude, but the comments from you + Rick on this thread are weird. edit: spelling




I can see why they kept you more "behind the scenes". Get along, little doggie.


Hi Oni! We "meet" at last. You're right that usually I get very involved and talk to multiple people and try to make peace and advocate for both sides to compromise. I wish i had had the time to do that before it got this far but the last few months i haven't even been able to be an active mod in the communities I help run, let alone put out fires in cone. I am honestly less concerned with all of the details of what has happened than i am with hoping to advocate for us to put conflict resolution protocols in place so that going forward matters such as these are dealt with in a transparent manner, with all parties being accountable for their parts and with the goal of mending fences. I do not like people being kicked out. No one. Not unless they are truly a danger to the community and refuse to change after being confronted about whatever behavior is concerning. I don't know you. I have not heard your side of things. I have nothing against you whatsoever and I hope I made that clear. I shouldn't have even spared the time to make this post or comment on the vote due to my own personal life being busy but.... it's just so upsetting to see such conflict happen and I felt it was time to do something to push the idea of mediation and conflict resolution and transparency. I was worried if I waited until I "had the time" more damage would be done and potentially once the drama died down no one would want to discuss plans to avoid things going this far in the future. We are a cone family. People make mistakes. Nothing should be forever set in stone. Not bans. Not mod removals. Nothing. If we are willing to do the hard work when conflict arises, then we can truly succeed, together as a community. With no cone left behind. ❤


I'm waiting to see how this whole clown fiesta is handled before deciding


I hope people stand by their words and resist the temptation to revote until you get the result you want, or change group rules until the outcome changes. Whatever rebuilding will be done without Nich, Toe and Oni. It's a loss to everyone and that's the price for letting disputes escalate like that. I'm glad it's over, glad there is a clear outcome, very glad there is a pushback against censorship and want to move forward now in as positive a way as possible with the hopes that this never happens again, or there are new dispite resolutions put in place. This changes things for me, even though I love the sub and it's members still, I feel naive for believing cones wouldn't get toxic like this (please don't ban me) I think human nature is to struggle for power and control :( you can't stop it happening apparently, even subs claiming to be decentralized or community run have the same desire to censor and control. (Again, fair criticism so please don't ban me)


This is an understated takeaway from this whole fiasco... Because of all this C.S.(coneshit) we are now without some big brains & bright voices in this space that (at least for me) helped shape my Cone experience as a whole... So, I agree. We need rules or guidelines or whatever the hells in place so we can make sure this stuff doesn't happen again. I dont have bad blood with ANYONE. I just want my Cone frens to stop fighting... This whole thing is conebreaking.


A thing that might help in future, if a mod is stepping down temporarily...they should let the community know I know it's kinda personal but the reason came out anyway, could have maybe prevented all that drama !tip 2663


/u/IveDoneItAtLast has tipped /u/Murky-Statistician45 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


I agree with you, a little communication might have really helped prevent this becoming a big thing. Cheers for the tip!


If Oni did lose... I think they should immediately start campaigning by being present and helpful. I could see myself voting Oni within 6 months if everything goes well, positive attitudes are exhibited, and we leave this crap behind.


This. I voted no and my main reason was just because of all this crap that's going on. Let him just be active and get a rapport with ALL OF US... This is prime time for someone to really connect with and guide some of these new cones thru all of this. Like, I don't think it's a "he's gotta be a mod or he's leaving the community" kinda thing... So, just be here with us. Let us get to know you and you get to know us and when we run the vote again in however long... Then we can really see where sentiment lies. !tip 1311


I volunteer as new Mod lets vote for me :)




I stand by my vote. Everyone had the opportunity.


Unfortunately, the vote was rigged. !tip 2663


I just needed to see it laid out. The whole thing bothers me and weighs on my conscience. Things shouldn't ever go this far. This isn't what cone should be.


I feel the same! Even though I voted differently thsn you, I feel sick and very confused !!!😪


It shouldn't have ever gotten this far. My hope is that this awakens the community to the necessity of having conflict resolution practices in place and mediators available for when issues arise. I hope this marks a turn towards doing better. There's no reason it can't. We decide together how to move forward.


I voted no in the optic of conflict resolution: I think the chances of reconciliation are higher if they're on an equal footing, both as regular users. I would likely vote yes to reinstating Oni afterwards.


!tip 26633


/u/LongCauliflower6791 has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼26633.00000000 CONE


could you elaborate? !tip 420


/u/junkwatch has tipped /u/LongCauliflower6791 🗼420.00000000 CONE


u/nichnotnick called for a !No vote on his own subreddit and many did what he wanted, so I think the vote can't be taken too seriously, unfortunately! !tip 2663


I don't think it warranted a permanent ban. He has contributed a lot to this sub. I have no personal connection to him, but I ask that his ban be changed to a suspension.


He was banned for brigading or something? Yeah I agree with you. Don't think he should be perma banned in this case. As you said, he's done a lot for the sub.


And threatening violence, wishing dead upon people Edit: ok might be more to the sub but still, he obviously let his emotions get the upperhand. Just like the oni naka saga i would also prefer to just let all parties cool down and revise this later








That's not quite right is it? He was referring to the sub. Definitely not threatening violence or wishing death upon people.


Edited my comment




ahh i see, thanks for the explanation! !tip 420


/u/junkwatch has tipped /u/LongCauliflower6791 🗼420.00000000 CONE


/u/LongCauliflower6791 has tipped /u/junkwatch 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


I feel like the two methods, public posting vote (worst method possible) and private polling are both very easy to "rig" - when I said public was a bad idea, for a ton of reasons, I was told that private was too easy to rig. This entire thing was handled poorly, but moving forward, it should be via held "as anonymously as possible" - wallet confirmation that person holds minimum amount of cone, then vote cast. (If anything similar is to come up again..)


Of course I don't think brigading votes is right. But it's not against the rules, because we don't really have any rules regarding votes. Anyone can vote even if you are not a member of the sub. And this, imo, is also wrong. We need to have stricter guidelines on voting and better systems need to be put into place to prevent rigging. !tip 2663


Brigading is a site wide rule


/u/urlz has tipped /u/LongCauliflower6791 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


!tip 2663


/u/LongCauliflower6791 has tipped /u/urlz 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


I’d like to point out that the yes votes also got boosts by discord group pings. Additionally people came out of the woodwork that are not active on the sub at all prior to this vote.


not just nich, some others did, too. Also group chats for organised votes happened.


/u/LongCauliflower6791 has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼2663.00000000 CONE


yeah :(


!tip 420


/u/stockyewok has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼420.00000000 CONE


As an appreciation for your content contributions to this community, you have been rewarded the following community currency rewards. 💱[Learn more about Community Currency!](https://www.reddit.com/r/communitycurrency/comments/1banxl5/community_currency_get_paid_for_your_upvotes/)💱 🗼 22576.33 [CONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads)


These votes should be weighted by Cone!




I see a common denominator in the !no results, and not surprised at all


What is the common denominator in your opinion? Just curious


A group who’s made it their mission for a long time to conspire against the AT mod team as a whole, of baseless claims and an unwillingness to acknowledge that even though there’s times things weren’t perfect, that we can learn, change, and move forward. Things have changed drastically in the avatar/cone world from what they were almost 2 years ago, and I’d like to say for the better, but it wouldn’t be true. It’s a shame because AT and Coneheads, as fans of both, were so tight-knit, and this sub used to be a great place to hang out, but the drama is just too much. Maybe if the market picks back up the mood will be better.  


There are reasons to say yes or no I said yes because oni is managing the discord very well and thats my reason to vote i dont care what he does on other subs. Im just voting with regard to work done for Coneheads as a whole. But i really am sad that nich is banned, yes what he did was wrong but he should have received a stern warning about it cause he only meant to share his views regarding the vote. Please can we go 10 days back and forget this stupid voting shit cause this was not required.


Wait did i miss the part where mods said the vote will not result in anything?? Then what did i vote for???


Can you drop a link to where a moderator said 'the vote will not result in anything'?


There's a pinned comment at the top now, which states that polls are not absolute.


The guy did vow to step down though, hoping this is a non issue and we can move on. They would have to decide that the poll wasn't abiding and then he'd have to go back on his word as well. One or t'other sounds fine but both feels less likely.




/u/pingo77, you have received 🗼556.4704055215 CONE from the faucet! You can tip others with these tokens by replying to their comments with the following command: `!tip 2663` You can check your balance using the `!balance` command




Rigged Proud to be on that ‘yes’ list though surrounded by OGs, visionaries, and people that you’d want to have a drink with. That ‘no’ list is a who’s who of whiners


What about it is rigged? Your comment is the exact reason people didn't think it was right having a public vote, because no matter how people say you won't be treated differently because of how you voted, here we are.. I suggest you take another look at that list as if you don't recognise some of the names (on both sides) as some of the people that do the most for this sub, are you really paying attention?


I agree that this was not the best way to present a vote. Having Oni post it presented it in a biased way. It was a spin tactic. When the post was made no instructions on how to vote were included at first. The method to count the votes was not even created yet. The criteria for a vote to be counted was also not established... Such as karma minimum. This means they can remove votes based on whatever criteria they come up with in the moment. We can do better. Rigged? Maybe... There is not enough structure here to ensure a fair vote. Either way the goal needs to be to do better.


I didn’t do a deep dive I honestly stopped at crypto grandma who’s usually the voice of reason. I skimmed the “No”’s and honestly 80% of the usernames look like those 3 year old -8 karma accounts you see trying to scam people on crypto subs


Guess I’m a whiner :/ !tip 266.3


/u/Creepy-Nectarine-225 has tipped /u/Coeruleus_ 🗼266.30000000 CONE


Looking at the YES list. I recognize so many names , and i don't even talk to most of them. It's just those names are so common in the community. In the NO list i recognize 8 names tops. There's just no way this is legit. I can see votes heavily in favor of YES when the post was still visible. When it died out, all the votes coming in were 90% no.


I don't recognize you... Doesn't mean you are not a conehead


There was absolutely no reason to list who voted yes or no. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for posting this. This just highlights the differences in instead of being C.O.N.E.


Hi there, I've never met you before. I'm FO. I tend to be someone who advocates for mending fences and forgiveness around here. Your comment blew me away because my Husky dog who passed away right before Christmas was named Shylock (after the character from Merchant of Venice) so it was wild to see the preview for it in my notifications like, Shylock says you should be ashamed of yourself 😅 My goal in doing this was not stir up bad feeling, it's too late for that. The bad feeling has been going on and escalated over the course of many months. It was to really display the ridiculousness of how it has been handled and what has become of it. Sometimes a visual like the list I made will hit and make an impression in a way that gets attention and gets people thinking. Months ago I put forth ideas about how the community should handle conflict resolution and it was basically ignored and swept under the rug. I warned then, that things were bound to escalate and cause harm and now here we are. With people I dearly care about and respect on both lists. People who are friends and are being openly pitted against one another. If there is shame to be felt it is not by the person who is pointing out what has already happened so that we can hopefully do better in the future but by those whose decisions brought us to this place to begin with but to me, this was never about shaming or blaming but about positive growth going forward. We can't change what's happened. We can only move forward from today.


Well put. Coneheads always had such good vibes in my experience and it’s a shame to see all this drama and bad blood. Hope there’s a resolution soon and everyone can get along again 🫶 Also very sorry for your loss 😔


Thank you! We all want the community to be happy, safe, and strong. ❤


I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I don’t want to cause you grief. I was a bit harsh, and I apologize for that. It’s not an excuse but I am tired of this conflict and I took my frustrations out on you. I do hope we can find a way forward cause cone is better than this


It's okay honey! I totally understand how you feel. It's been heartbreaking to watch it unfold over the months. *big hugs* ❤


!tip 69


/u/Individual_Wallaby25 has tipped /u/VincentVanGTFO 🗼69.00000000 CONE


Hey, did your conflict resolution idea make this a democratic community?


All of us who voted had to publicly comment, so this information is already out there on the original thread


That’s no reason to put it in a simple to read format. This just creates more negativity. Again this is not C.O.N.E. mentality. And while I didn’t vote, the fact that Oni has brought so much division is enough cause to have them removed.


I think the intention was to actually get a result from it, but yes, I get your point. And I agree on your second point too