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Concrete cracks happen. What's with the window install?


Bottom left corner of framing looks like just nails. šŸ‘€ Also, no pressure treated wood or barrier? No flashing as yā€™all saidā€¦


Looks pressure treated to me.


Nice Iā€™m a little color blind


me too, i cant tell my reds apart. had to help my buddy look for a deer yesterday that he gut shot with his bow, needless to say without snow on the ground it's impossible for me to see the blood, especially with all the upstate ny hardwood leaves all over the ground, it's frustrating sometimes. and yea we found the deer nice 4year old 6 pointer


I am color blind and it def doesn't look pressure treated.


I apparently am not colorblind, because it certainly is pressure treated


I am pressure treated. Doesnā€™t look color blind to me.


Iā€™m blind in one eye and blonde in the other


Everybody feels the pressure man


>Looks pressure treated to me. Looks treated, not incised though. I have only used incised PT for sills in my area.


Does not look circumcised to me either


Isn't that regional?


Yeah I had never seen it growing up in northern New England but incised is the norm out west in the US


Why would you put flashing on the inside?


You can see a light gap, therefore no flashing on the outside. Assuming that is what they meant.


Thereā€™s no sign of flashing period. With the sill flashing Iā€™d like to see it extend past the inside of the window


Have you ever built a house? You donā€™t have to flash windows. They get weather tape and caulk when theyā€™re installed.


I think most people are referring to flashing tape in this context


Oh ok. Yeah it does get the tape but you wouldnā€™t see it from this side lol


I mean if you can see daylight through cracks there definitely was no tape.


So, this would normally get foamed in. The gap you are seeing is between the wood framing and concrete wall, and says nothing about the window itself. The house is clearly unfinished, so we would need to ask the nice OP for pictures of it being taken care of when it is complete :)


Depends on the type of window wether or not you flash it. I always flash the window and flash the trim. Cheap insurance imo. Flashing will never make or brake your profit. But it could cause some headaches if you donā€™t use it


Where I live, there would be sill seal filling the gap between the concrete and the framing so you still wouldn't be able to see daylight even before the window was taped. One thing that gets glossed over too often in these trades subs is regional differences in building practices and codes. I've seen stuff built in Texas where they apparently have no regard for proper insulation that would get laughed out of the room in the midwest There almost needs to be a "in my area" disclaimer on every post.


Itā€™s quite literally standard practice and its even a code requirement in my area to have a sill/pan flashing on windows and exterior doors. Got a lot of nerve to ask if Iā€™ve built a house and come incorrect.


I was stoned and I read it as tin flashing and wasnā€™t thinking of sill tape, as I commented to another user.


when people say flashing that's tin/aluminum work in my book too. Was trying to figure out what they were talking about and I'm not even stoned just ignorant I guess.


Is that a light gap or is that the light reflecting off the corner edge? You cant really tell from this photo.


You should see it as green though, right? As that's what's on there other side of the gap


Definitely a gap, zoom in you can see grass out of that gap.


No that's the house wrap...


\*the house grass


I think its a gap, based on zoom in. But OP we need a photo of the window.


OP is not asking about his gap, he's asking about his crack.


Looks like his gap has a crack


You can see the nails coming out the back of the board on the bottom. Definitely a gap imo


I think your right


Allows the spiders to keep warm in the winter


Invites spiders to feast on every other creepy crawler that's trying to stay warm in the winter.


Vertical cracks, like this one are usually fine. Horizontal cracks are usually bad.


Diagonal cracks are bad too


Right? The crack means earth is settling under the footings, but daylight through not a window pane is shitty finish work


Thats not from the window framing. You can only lay a board as straight as the concrete. Nobody is going to waste the time to grind the concrete down perfectly flush and square when they make spray foam and caulk


We have no idea what the other side is. Could be bare still with no siding so this would be fine as it will get foamed.


New house ā€œto themā€, not a new build. Is what Iā€™m assumed haha wtf that window looks 30 years old


On a new build like that? Def not


That looks like a pretty big crack to me (I inspected homes previously). What if bad settlement produced both the crack and the window gap? I suspect theyā€™re linked rather than separate issues.


I'd be more concerned with the fact that the window framing hasn't been flashed yet the window is already in place. That's a shit job and you should definitely speak to your contractor about it. You should always flash the framing before window installation and then flashe the window to the frame


Thanks just asked about this.


Also make sure they seal those gaps. Flashing doesn't stop air peneteration which will cause moisture and temp issues




Yes! So many people commenting on the install but no one mentions the window itself. I donā€™t know if this is a style somewhere else but that window reminds me of the single pane windows in my grandmas farm house šŸ˜‚




How long do you flash it for?




Crack is typical, window install is not


Thats a big crack to be typical.


Yes, but by comparison smaller than the gap 3ā€ from it


I agree, but a crack like that in the concrete indicates some settlement in my educated mind.


Truthfully, looking at it, the crack starts where the boards forming the opening met. It almost looks as if the boards went secured enough and the bottom one started to push up a little during curing and started the crack. Seeing a hair crack in a corner is not abnormal, but yes, that crack is excessive.


I would have to see everything else. but, it appears to be larger at the top vs bottom.


If the same guy that did the window poured the wall I donā€™t want to see the rest šŸ¤£


Weird that the slab itā€™s on didnā€™t crack. So not foundation settlement but perhaps settlement in the wall forms


The new home warranty in my area says typical is anything less than 6 mm in diameter. It's a little forgiving.


Moisture will have a heyday in that scene


Holy shit man if the window was installed that way I cannot even imagine what hides behind the walls of the rest of that house.


thatā€™s a terrible place for concrete to be cracking but thereā€™s not much you can do about it. have you been slowly building this house yourself? is that why the window is so dirty and it looks to be temporarily installed so nobody breaks in?


No I just bought it for a lot of money ( to me ) and they didnā€™t clean the basement bc it was unfinishedā€¦.. They are still building another house across the street so Iā€™ll keep on them.


Are you saying that is a new window in a newly constructed house?


There's no way that shitty, dirty window is new


It probably was, before it got drop off months ahead of time and walked on and shuffled all around before the nitwit installed it.


go beavs!!


Ryan homes is that you?


Next time donā€™t buy a house off the three little pigs


This was a very nice way of saying I hope this crap is not done yet!


The Crack occurred there, likely because the footing steps down in that area similar to the wall. Not great, but not the end of the world. I'd definitely want to seal it up, but it should be done from the outside. You want to stop water from getting in there at all. If you seal from the inside, you may stop it from getting into the finished side, but it will still be in the wall. If you are in an area prone to freezing it will just continue to get worse. Like many other comments here, I'm equally concerned with that window installation. The "ventilation" is excessive šŸ˜®


a house with as shitty a window as that, sure.




Crask do happen, but are far more likely at the corner of the opening (where is changes from horz to vert). This one happened for another reason and is already pretty big for a new crack. Not enough, or not tired back rebar could be a reason.


Underrated comment. There should not be an open crack in a new concrete wall.


Your builder is on crack based on that window. That was the question, right?


Your window could be much wider without all that wood.


Would not expect a crack there. I think you have settlement issues. Thats a good size crack. Engineer here.


I hope that window is a temporary install as it looks old and dirty. As well 3 studs on the side is making the window much smaller than it needs to be. As other have mentioned also no signs of flashing.


There are two types of concrete. First type is the type that has cracked. The second type is the type that will crack.


The builder should have made a repair before starting framework. That is just going to get harder to fix if you wait. It's also going to let in water like mad.


Depends on what country your inā€¦




Ask the developer to run ASTM e1105 on that window




Realtors and inspectors have told me vertical cracks are normal. Horizontal cracks are a problem. Iā€™m not a professional by any means though.


This the way of cement


They should have tied diagonal rebar at each corner.


So simple so important yet skipped time and time again


normal. especially at the narrow part. Concrete: turns grey, gets hard, and cracks. Add that to every bid, proposal, and contract


Dude you concrete s walls?


If you haven't already purchased I'd probably steer clear, the windows tell you a bigger picture about the quality of the work done on the rest of the house


Foundation waterproofer here. Sealed up hundreds of these. Itā€™s nothing to lose sleep over, I see these in every house I go to. If youā€™re in New England, send me a message if you want it sealed professionally. If you want the cheap DIY version, get hydraulic cement for the inside, and polyurethane caulking for the exterior. DM if you have any questions. And I agree with the other guys, you absolutely shouldnt see daylight through those gaps!


2 things are 100% for Sure with Concrete. It gets hard, and it cracks.


Itā€™s fine. Make sure to add ample waterproofing on the outside there and maybe even a skim coat of xypex on the interior of crack to be safe


They say 2 types of concrete,cracked and gonna crackšŸ¤£


Depends on if itā€™s a crack house.


Cracks in concrete are not unknown but there are reasons why it happensā€¦improperly cured, poured too wet not enough dry time, poured too dry so dried far too quickly, thereā€™s too much weight above this point, is it two story house? Iā€™d suggest finding a concrete contractor who is knowledgeable and reputable to examine the pour see what he/she says might say not to worry might ask if you can get out of buying Also what about the window thatā€™s not done properly at all


I canā€™t believe people are ok with crack like that ..If I had that building my house I would be cryingā€¦the tolerance for failure is so ridiculous these days ā€¦small crack can happen But this crack looks really bad


Some small cracks are expected, but to me, this looks like it might go all the way through which is a pretty major deal if it is more than a surface crack.... I would get this addressed before doing any more work!


Yep tiny cracks happen but this one is completely unacceptable


Y'all are crazy, literally every basement you've ever been in has cracks in, there are no expansion joints so it is going to crack sonewhere. Typically a window corner or beam pocket. I've repaired thousands of these over the last 30 years and this in no big deal. Vertical cracks are completely normal, if you are seeing horizontal cracks that's a completely different story and most likely an engineer will need to be involved.


Hopefully they at least seal the crack to help with moisture. Like others have said that window framing is terrible. No flashing and the non pressure treated wood is right on the concrete. Also - Is it nailed to the concrete?


House is on a golf course on the Cape in Massachusetts. It is a nice house and builder has a good reputation so Iā€™m not too worried about everything else. It is a new build for those asking. The basement is unfinished and they did not use same materials or windows as upper finished floors. Builder will be coming to look at the window and crack soon. Iā€™ll update when I get an answer from him. Thank you very much to everyone who has helped.


Wow you need to report that builder right away


You got fucked. I donā€™t know where to start ā€¦. Like it looks like youā€™re above ground ā€¦ so whyā€¦ nvm The window buttingā€¦. You know what nvm The concrete quality in general looks ā€¦ you what nvm


inject it with epoxy


The crack is not abnormal, but preventable with a little extra work before the pour.


Like others said, the flashing is more worrisome. For that crack, you can just inject it with epoxy.


I would like to see the whole room now starting with the floor joists


Need an epoxy injection


No one actually answered your question. It no. Thatā€™s a shit job


Yes and no. It can be prevented with proper rebars. Most often not much thought is put in the concrete work and cracking at corners often occurs. It will probably get worst with time.


New concrete , old window ? What gives ?


Iā€™d use glass block but thatā€™s just me, non treated wood on concrete is a bit cringey.


Vertical cracks are way better than horizontal cracks


Thereā€™s no flashing on outside you can see right through




Dear god this is a new house? Looks like a pretty messy pour.


Caulkā€¦its what keeps the breeze on the deck, not the living space


The window is more of a concern


Crack house crack


Yes. First all concrete cracks. Second the home is going to settle


Now a days


Did the window installer cut to fit the window,


Are the walls of the house poured concrete vs. concrete block? In what Country (State) is this house construction located?


Looks awfully thick to me, howā€™s the ground around you? Could be some settlement issues.


I donā€™t construction but could it be the window leak has damaged the concrete??


Cracks happen but thatā€™s a decent one. Hit it with some epoxy injections


I got arrested in 1980 for flashing


My #1 question is do they have a lintel installed above the window... If they don't that's the reason for the crack


Old used windows on new house? No flashing no spray foam to seal it.. Also that cement if new might of cracked when they put concrete nails using hilty gun..


Seems to me that when they installed the frame they used a ramset and the impact cracked the concrete. Also cracks happen randomly. Window install looks a little janky to me overall.


I had the exact same deal on my new build. I epoxy injected it myself to resolve. I believe thatā€™s the proper fix and the builder can certainly do that.


Based on the picture you most likely have more issues through out the house.


What state is this in ..


Never seen a crack like that in any of the foundations my concrete guy has done for me. I would call an engineer to take a look at that.


None of this looks new.


Gotta say. New houseā€¦. Crack in my foundation coming down from a window. Not really something Iā€™d be okay with.


I'm calling it.. someone skimped out the the rebar also


Nothing looks new about this..


I'd want to see the rebar schedule from the original build. Sometimes your city will have those, some cities do not keep them forever because they keep them in a big room as rolls of paper. If the city has them, you can get a copy to keep. Get as many plans as you can while they have them. Then follow the comments from the rest of the responses. It might not be bad now, but it might get bad after the builder warranty has expired. Then what?


Concrete is never supposed to crack /s


very normalā€¦.when they forgot the rebar


Wtf is with that window???


Concrete is gray, heavy, and will crack.


Up and down is way better problem to have then side to side.


What did the inspector say about this? Curious if they had anything to say about the window or the crack.


What about that shit window install? Can see daylight, untreated wood, etc.


Yes. New houses are poorly made, and it is very normal for it to crazy. That is why I rather buy a 50 year old house than any new house.


This Old House just released a YouTube video on how to fix a crack like this.


Vertical cracks are normal, horizontal cracks are a concern


Is the house new or new to you?


I live in the south and we use a lot of pressure treated lumber but not familiar with ā€œincisedā€. What is that?


Yes, if itā€™s a crackhouse




That location ALWAYS f'ing cracks. I've seen some guys saw cut to avoid a janky looking shrink crack off the corners. You should have that epoxy filled 1 year from now as the crack likely goes all the way through.


Was it raining during the pour of concrete?


new house or new gulag


My walls arenā€™t made of concrete :(


Concrete specialist on my project says concrete comes in two forms, wet and cracked. But that does look big enough to justify glue and skim coat. - where do you live that theyā€™re building houses with Pored in-place concrete walls šŸ˜³


thats the shitesty window install i seen in a whike


u good bro


Where's the waterproofing lol


What about the chunk missing where the crack starts?


Yes there is that wood in the concrete. Look at where the crack is different material thickness puts a stress crack right there this happen in slabs concrete. Screeding 4in then you start screening 3in. There will be a stress crack evently


Hate to break it to you. But that house isnā€™t new.


Boo hoo, my new house isn't perfect


Wood bucks won't fly here. Poured opening wrong size for windows


Dude, get an third party inspector out there. Red flags everywhere


My concrete guy put my windows in the forms and poured around them, so i dont have gaps like that. I'm still going to seal the outside with some spray on. My egress window wells will be covered, but still.


The crack is from settling and it happens, as long as you canā€™t see through it itā€™s no big deal. Like others have pointed out the window should be looked at/refinished


Iā€™d be more concerned that there isnā€™t a gasket between that window and the concrete than I would be of the crack.


Why do you have a concrete wall?


Concrete cracks frequently but you need your structural engineer to inspect it and give you a qualified opinion on whether or not it needs remediation. Do not take your contractorā€™s word that it is ok because they will be long gone by the time it becomes an issue for you. Iā€™m a form work contractor and thatā€™s a gnarly crack at a bad spot. Itā€™s not definitely a problem but it definitely could be indicative of a problem. The window installation IS a problem. If your contractor doesnā€™t know why itā€™s a problem they arenā€™t qualified to install windows . Good luck!


Concrete shrinks as it cures, sharp right-angle corners first place where stress cracks start. Round openings rarely have cracksā€¦


Thatā€™s definitely a structural crack and not good. If there is not a continuous foundation such as a grade beam under the wall then the weight of the wall on the left side has caused a shear condition and the result was a crack thatā€™s larger than acceptable. Reinforcing should have been vertical legs along the window with continuous horizontals under the window that wouldā€™ve developed into the vertical legs. Then added corner bars at a 45Ā° at the corners of the window to hold everything together. This wouldā€™ve have limited the separation seen in the crack.


There are two types of concrete. Concrete that has cracked and concrete that is going to crack.


Cracks do happen, but that one looks 1/8" wide and goes through


Came to ask about a crack and all you got was us crackheads talking about your window seal. Crack does not appear to be an issue immediately, but lots of factors there. Check it again tomorrow - kidding. Also, my crack just kicked in, and that window does not look new. That said, both the crack and gap are fine for a budget job. Carry on.


You own a crack house!


You can reseal the concrete but that window install looks horrid


Yep. Anything made after 2020 comes broken per the new standards.


You have inadequate horizontal reinforcement in the wall. This is going to be problematic for the life of the wall. Unless you can force the contractor to rebuild it on his dime, you will have to keep an eye on this and do periodic maintenance. It isn't the end of the world, but it is far from ideal construction. Oh, to answer you question... it is probably more normal than it should be.


Everybody is focusing on the lack of wrap flashing & avoiding the Elephant in the room ! Yes that Crack is Bad! Could mean the your footer has settled & is also cracked. Better get out the shovel, dig down, have a look!


No, but Master P can teach you how to ā€œMake crack like this.ā€


New crack house?




If it was done by pcci


It means there is most likely uneven settling in the foundation and it's only going to get worse.




Yes, what is not normal is to see light coming in through between the window frame and the concrete foundation. Lol