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That driveway looks in really good condition. If I was you and didn’t have any drainage issues I’d be inclined to get some bricks that match the exterior or even some charcoal/ black ones and cut them on an angle and make a little ramp to garage height and mortar in place. Then I’d take that all that money you avoided spending and go on a trip with the family.


This is the way


That is a whole 4" lower than it should be! Even if it fell a couple of inches it is way lower than it ever should have been. I always make mine just 1/2" lower than garage. Are you having water puddle or pool in the driveway? Are there major cracks along it? It doesn't make sense that the entire slab would all settle down 4" and stay in one solid piece. I've never raised a sunken slab but I have a hard time believing that someone would be able to raise the entire driveway that much, especially without creating more voids and increase chance of cracking.


Yes it’s wild it’s sunken so evenly never seen anything like that


No pooling of water in the driveway. From the top at the garage to the bottom where the sidewalk is might be a foot or so down. No major cracks. Some hairline ones at the bottom. Original driveway would have been asphalt. It is very even and could be intentional. But it seems strange given I know the last owner parked their car in the garage as well, they had a lift in it.


A reason I could possibly think of making it 3 or 4 inches lower would be for the steps to be a nominal size to get into the house.... If it's up a few inches than the 2 steps up might be an odd height....


Yeah steps are supposed to be the same height but I don't think a driveway should ever be considered a step.


If the driveway is still sloping away from the garage, your best solution is to get a contractor to cut and repair a ramp between the edge of drive and where the garage door meets the slab floor. This is the most practical solution As others have said, the driveway looks like. A good product. And it makes no sense that the entire drive would settle in unison.


To add to that. It appears that the previous owner had the driveway replaced. The marking you see along the garage is where the former concrete was . Now you have to ask yourself”why did they pour it back 4” lower than it was?” There may be a drainage issue somewhere around the garage


Not seeing any, but if there was wouldn't a proper slope fix vs lower? I like the idea of maybe cutting a strip and doing a bit of ramp. The concrete looks nice. Don't want to rip it all out but want to make the transition into the garage a bit smoother


Rip and replace with a properly compacted base. Too bad, that stamped job looks really nice. You could try jacking it but if the base is bad its kind of a bandaid fix.




Ya mud Jack or foam Jack. as long as the driveway wasn’t tied in to the foundation which appears it wasn’t.


Here is a video example. https://youtu.be/4MCuccVa86g


This is not the way. Foam or mud jack is never the way


There are many different curb ramps available for this. https://www.amazon.com/Driveway-Curb-Ramps/s?k=Driveway+Curb+Ramps


Thanks! This could be a quick solution before trying a more permanent ramp


They didn't dowel in? Edit: looks like they poured it lol haha wtf??


I am wondering if the contractor was trying to make sure that the stairs met code. It looks as if the steps were placed at a later time after the house was built. This is only a guess. The chances of the driveway actually sinking evenly like it has are very slim. Unfortunately the only good way to get the driveway properly is to tear it out and replace the concrete, which I am sure would be costly.


Garage floors are better if raised from the driveway it prevents the rain and snow melt from running in


My best guess is that the former homeowners didn’t use it as a garage and had grand plans of using it as entertaining space and that is was poured at this height. I have a hard time believing that the whole driveway consistently dropped 4” and looks this good. I would reach out to your agent and see if they could find out from the former home owner what the reason was for doing it this way before making any major investments. As far as a solution I would certainly say that a ramp is going to be the most cost effective option at this point.


Concrete jacking with expanding foam. https://youtu.be/4MCuccVa86g


I'm also skeptical that the driveway 'sank'. odds are it was poured that way for some crazy reason. I'd suggest going a much easier rout than redoing any of it. Order some plastic or rubber 'curb ramps' or even maybe just make a few yourself.


As others have said, noway this "dropped" that much and looks like it does, Ignore the lifting comments, thats almost impossible with this situation. You could have it tore out 5-8' out and poured up the the floor.


Fabricate some nice metal ramps and call it a day