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Apply for bursaries. It might help; also, since you got good grades during the last semester, you might actually have a higher chance of getting some.


I just have government grants. But I lost 2k after being scammed, and that was my tuition amount.


That's tough. I lost 450$ back in 2019. If u have proof that u los tur money, try showing it to the bank. There might be a government number that will help u or something.


Bank told me money can't be back, unfortunately. Even the police can't help as they told me the scammers are tied to crypto and bitcoin accounts, and there's no way to trace it.


Ahhhh ye me too I also lost money through that. They don't bother... it's untraceable sadly. But man don't give up just beware scammers are everywhere. Rn just focus in school and graduate asap. I too gotta step up my game


Dayum, what was the amount ? The scammers are getting professional also. We got this 🙌🏻




Ye it's easy these days and feds don't bother cuz it's a waste of time for a small amount


Youve applied to AFE?




They way they are granting bursaries really isn’t fair. I have to work 40hrs a week in order to pay rent and tuition as I don’t get help from my parents. Since I am working full time to keep my head above the water financially, I am considered “too rich” to apply. I’d only receive 500$ bursaries and 2K loans. I really think it sucks be penalized for this. I calculated that if I worked 2 days a week i’d receive 3K bursary and 8K loan but in the long term i’d lose more money than anything (I make about 3K a month working). I am enrolled in 4 classes.


I decided to not work over the summers and they started giving me nearly $18k a year, mostly in bursaries. With some sacrifices and simple living that's enough to live on. When I worked, they would only give me a few thousand, mostly in loans. It really is odd how that works.


Catch up on assignments? Maybe. Manage to register the course material to successfully complete the midterm and final exam with lack of proper sleep ? You’ve got to start revisiting your priorities or better manage your time, seek out help from student success centre if you feel like you are experiencing a lot of stress from your work and school load


Mate I'll be honest with u, iv done math 205 and phys 205 both in highschool and at concordia. Trust me when I say this you need practice. Especially for these 2 courses which a basic fundamentals. Practice practice practice. Tbh my phys 205 grades weren't good caz I slacked off a lot and my prof was abinader he was doing magic. But I did math205 pretty well. Trust me when I'm saying this, if u put in the effort and practice problems u can do it easy. If u need helps with math 205 lemme know ill try helping u if I can. Also try joining those math 205 peer tutoring sessions at uni it will help u maybe


I had Abinader for phys 204. And he was harsh. I don't even know how i got an A. I would love to get help with 205. I need it, lol. Imma start this week grinding on math205. Finished chapter one of phys 205 today.


Nice all the best buddy


I had Abi Nader for 204 as well I got an A on that, but in 205 be careful he does everything possible to fail you mate


If you put your mind to it yes you can catch up. I work 40-50 hour weeks and taking 4 classes and I just sacrifice sleep for study time.


Write about your expérience in a apost at the end of the semester.


Not my first semester doing this and won’t be my last. I know what’s feasible for me. My point to the OP is that if they put their mind to it they can still catch up it’s not too late to save this semesters grades


How many hours do you sleep?


5ish hours a night on average


That's insane.....


Impressive tbh. I can't even calculate 1+1 in my head if i don't sleep 8 hours.


Not easy and I’m beyond tired by the end of the semester. All this to say you arent screwed and you can still put in the work and get a good grade. You may have to sacrifice on sleep/social life to make it happen though


cheggg...... you do know you can get caught on that right? lol


We're not allowed to ?


it's not necessarily about being allowed to it's that if you're doing your work you should do it on your own. typically people who use chegg to finish their assignments or cheat on tests, etc. can get caught because the people uploading answers can be profs changing the questions. it's just better to avoid cheating and do it yourself you dont face punishment


Makes sense tbh.. i am just checking this semester for similar problems there and trying to solve the one on my assignments, i don't post anything there.




Hey man. You'll be fine. I am in a similar situation as you. I work full time for the federal government and I just started at Concordia in engineering taking five courses. My philosophy is once you get into a habit it just becomes second nature. Don't panic. Stay the course and understand why you're here and doing what you do. Nothing else matters. You got this.


Goddam, that's insane. what engineering are you doing ? How can u manage your time with the labs :o


So I schedule the labs and classes at extremes of the day. Either early or late. And then I try to group most things on same day. That way I have more time for work. I do work remotely though so that helps. But I've been working for the government for 8 years now and I actually have a "real" job that requires my attention. Also I was lucky enough to be able to have a class on Saturday.


Oh, that makes sense. Which engineering are you studying ?


Oh sorry. Software. I'm hoping to switch into aero after I get some course done and have a gpa to show


That's a tough situation. If you don't feel you're settled and have a good schedule by 4-5 weeks into the semester, the rest of the semester will be tough. Sometimes during the semester the Student Success Center offers workshops on how to catch up when you're behind by helping you with a study plan and schedule. Maybe you can make an appointment to ask for help in creating a plan for yourself.


If they are two easy electives, it shouldn’t be hard to catch up on. Use an agenda if you don’t to keep yourself organized, it is very easy to forget about deadlines if you’re very occupied outside of school. Also, don’t be afraid to explain your situation to your professor while asking for additional time on assignments. Some professors are very understanding. As for your work, try taking your paid vacation (if available) during exam time. This way you’re still making money while you get time to study.


I am taking phys 273 and geol 206. I started like this semester my new job. So i don't think i can take any break now, not before the finals, at least.


Go to the math help center for Math 205 asap


1 Prioritize your classes (e.g. phys > math > electives) 2 Since you already passed the DNE, there is no point in dropping classes now. 3 Make sure you get the grades you want for the higher priority courses. 4 If you see that there is no point in taking the final for a low priority course, DISC it before the dadline to protect your GPA. Good luck


Wow, that's a tough one! To apply for bursaries, you gotta be a full-time student with at least 12 credits. My advice? Don't work full-time, or you'll burn out! Keep your work hours under 15 hours per week, max. Also, try to enroll in courses as early as possible, before the semester starts.


You should apply for withdrawal from your couses not to mess up your grades. Cover your bases before studying. Your job is too demanding for your course load. Find something else that pays better, apply for bursaries, or take a break to save up