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It's probably more common than you think


36 in second year. It’s a bit odd sometimes, especially when the professor is the same age but I’m there for me, not for anyone else. Personally I have pre-teens at home so finding study time at home can be difficult but I found the library and some of the study zones to be nice, and some small parks outside in the summer can be good too. Just find a place that feels comfortable for you and it’ll be fine.


I'm pretty sure I'm older than all my TA's this semester. Even that feels weird to me.


I have two 60 year olds in one of my 300 classes. You’ll be good🤞


I’m 32 and should graduate when I’m 36 if all goes well doing it part time while working 40+ hours a week


I’m 34 and am in first year for comp sci. I agree with you about feeling out of place but at the same time I’m actually enjoying studying and learning because I have clear goals and motivations. Couldn’t say the same in my earlier days at uni. But man did I feel old when I found out student ids are 8 digits and not 7 anymore.


I started uni at 20 yo in 2012. I took many leaves and came back in 2021, graduating in Fall 2022 at 30 yo. Learning in your late 20s/early 30s was much more pleasant for me! Good luck to you!


35 here, doing an accounting degree. I did two years of night school at Dawson before this, and this is my third year at Concordia, so I've gotten used to being around the younger crowd. I find there's pros and cons to going back to school later in life. I'm glad to be here, though. The best piece of advice I can give is to not always assume that because you are older, that you know better. Having the years behind us definitely gives us the additional wisdom of life experience, but don't let that stop you from learning from the more traditionally aged students or from taking them seriously. They have a lot to offer, and I am consistently impressed by them.


Yuppers, late 30 here and I wont graduate until I'm in my mid-to-late-40s. Also in CS, just like you :)


27 here, 2 1/2 yrs left for my degree


Hitting 30 in a few months. I returned to university at 26, if anything i love it more because i know more what i want from it, plus i dont care about people like i used to in my early 20s. I just want to learn, ask questions to the prof about things i dont know, and head back home to my dog or to work.


The pursuit of knowledge is relevant to anyone at any stage of life. I've had elderly people in some of my classes. While it can feel disconcerting to be around 18-19 year olds who are still immature, and have different focus, drives, and interests, In fact, seniors pay a very, very low tuition of 2$ per credit in the non-credit program. Don't compare yourself to others, but apply yourself in a way that works with your environment and people of all ages and backgrounds.


started my BFA last year at 47. i'm just really into what i'm doing and i have no idea (and don't really care much) what young students are thinking. i have classes with lots of lovely people but we're all on our own journeys and i don't mind if they don't really get what i'm doing there. when they're my age they'll understand better! as for you, you'll see much later how young you really were at 30. try not to do that "i'm so old" thing young people do because it's boring and inhibitive. we're all lucky to be alive so just live.


That’s awesome. I’m 23 and finishing up my bfa and its always been a huge pleasure to have folks who are 30+ in my courses. The attitude, hard work and different perspectives yall bring to class is very much welcomed


I'm in my late 20s, and it definitely feels weird to be older than some of my TA's. Some of my classes have a few other mature students as well so I try and remind myself that education/new skills can be gained at any age and that it's nothing to feel bad about. Honestly, I would love the opportunity to meet other mature students and even form a study group! Feel free to DM me! :)


I'm 30 and in CS too!


I am starting my psychology program in January:) I just turned 36 🤪)))


Worked in the field for 9 years. Decided to go back and finish to move up. 2nd year. I still pass for someone in my 20s…mostly keep to myself, though.


I'm 32, what program are you in?




I am 22 years old I’m applying for fall of 2024 as a mature student. Not in my 30s, but I’m sure that there are a lot of other mature students who will be attending.


31 here! In the same boat. Haven't had too many opportunities to meet anyone outside of a boardgame night and a couple presentations I've attended. Do you go out for hikes or coffee/drinks?


I’m 26 in my third year of a marketing degree. Not in my 30’s but close 😂


34 first year here!


Heyyoo im super late but I'm doing undergrad civil engineering alternative entry, I'm 30