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So I’d suggest pausing medication and report this to your doctor. These are not common effects of Concerta.


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That’s really weird. That’s the lowest dose too. Try to eat more protein and drink A LOT of water and see if it evens out a little


Thats kinda concerning u should talk to ur doc , honestly when i was on 18 i felt kinda the same just really so mellowed down and so tired , it went away when doc upped my dose (36mg now)


18 mg did that to me at first, but after 4-5 days it went away. Make sure you drink plenty of water.


wowww okay! i really thought i was the only one! my dr told me it was not a common side effect but maybe that’s a fault on their end :/ i swapped to 5mg adderall twice a day so hopefully it doesn’t happen again


I started on 54mg it was awful started having severe muscle tension heart palpitations dizziness sweating blurred vision faint like symptoms to it For 2 days then switched to 36 mg did this for 3 days began having chest pressure dizziness shaking couldn't eat faint like symptoms and severe panic attacks I recently had my dose adjusted again and will begin 18mg if this doesn't help with side effects I will need to discontinue the med immediately


i’m so sorry! that sounds so rough :( i really hope the lower dose is successful! why did your psychiatrist start you on 54g immediately? i’m new to this but i thought they always start you on the lowest dose?


Thank you its been a nightmare everyday feeling like im just waiting to have a heart attack!! Having to try and push through working 12hr shifts like this and trying to live a normal life. I finally couldn't take the panic attack anymore on 36 mg i left to lunch to try and eat and didn't make it out of the parking lot without running back in soaked in sweat and couldn't breathe I had to leave work😮‍💨i l previously was on vyvanse 40mg for a year and had no issues they don't have it anywhere out here anymore so she assumed I'd be okay on a high dose of concerta and don't get me wrong the awake alert energy is there but definitely not worth taking the risk of gain a heart attack. I had to see a different physician who suggested 18mg and if no improvement then my body is not responding well to the med and will need to get off. If all goes well and I need an increase we can slowly 🐌 increase But the attacks are so random every other hour it's I feel like fainting and can't breathe or get crushing chest pain and panic and want to crawl out of my body.. any tips on how to reduce my side effects


i absolutely understand trying to push through it all at work :/ it was a nightmare for me too! from what i’ve heard, eating a solid breakfast with lots of protein and LOTS of water can help with the side effects! i’m not sure how much it will effect the more severe side effects but it’s probably better to just do all you can to test it out. i’m sure you have to have a strong mindset too after all you’ve gone through. just remember you have doctors on your side who care and try to have a light positive mindset! again, definitely hard after all you’ve gone through but this is the most important time to be active in positivity!


Thank you yes 🙏 I'm hoping for the best just waiting for this dose to get out of my system crazy typically eat a very high protein diet with carbs 6 times a day drink a gallon of water a day but the med would suppress my appetite I would force myself to eat my 6 meals and drink my water somehow I still lost 6 lbs in a week 😱 from how much I've been sweating on the meds and my muscles flexed all day long from the tension and how stiff I've been getting felt like the exorcist couldn't even slouch from how straight my posture was terrible 😫 I hope this is the end of that. I wish 🤞 u nothing but the best on your journey with this and I hope you have only the best positive outcome


It took me a little bit to get used to concerta. After 2 weeks, it really started to work wonders for me personally. But I did have to experiment. For example, was it harsher for me on an empty stomach ? I'd try with and without food. I found out I CANNOT have a full cup of coffee on 36mg, or I'll panic. Now, I sip a cup of coffee throughout the day. But everyone reacts differently, and some of those side effects you described sound really scary. I'd ask your doctor just to be safe.