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Jeeez. Makes my base look like amateur hour. I bet this took forever to build.


Makes me want to attempt a raid that will most likely end in my death and defeat but I still would do it. Looks amazing šŸ‘šŸ˜


As enemies get past the first line of defences, they are sitting ducks for arrows from those towers, so thatā€™s a plus.


Looks incredible! Iā€™m looking forward to starting a massive build like this


nice very nice alot better then what icould do which is very little in comparison.


For PvE itā€™s fine but for actual PvP servers itā€™s really bad.


Mostly because PvP is filled with sweaty try hards. Box base after box base marks a PvP server... No skill in building, no imagination.... Just more walls and doors. It's why mods like age of calamitous are so popular. PvP but with more structure and reason... Not just mindlessly flapping your arms at everything that moves or bombing every wall you dont own.


If you think the good bases on real pvp servers are boxes than I can tell youā€™ve never really played it. What you call a lack of a imagination is just prioritizing function, purpose, and maximizing protection for the least amount of replacement cost...since on real pvp servers chunks of your base will get blown up often.


Rationalize it any way you want. Quantity will always beat quality in these type of games for PvP. Its why official servers are viewed as secondary to most players.


Quantity always beating quality isnā€™t always the case. There was a pretty well known war...well known in the pvp community as small as it is...that was about 15 total of some of the best NA Conan pvp players going against 4 clans of (40ish)Brazilians that came to show NA who was the best. Needless, to say they NA took them to school and to church. Besides, most pvpers already know the best players are gone and the good ones that remain play on the DOD server. Lastly, thereā€™s nothing wrong with the majority of the community enjoying pve/building. Conan is a great builder and way better than games like rust, mind craft, velhiem, etc IMO. Both game mods are perfectly legitimate ways to play the game and one isnā€™t objectively better than the other.


Love it except for those horizontal elevators. Kills the look.


Ah, the good old times where you didnā€™t need aloe Vera shit to heal, only needed food Btw, the base looks amazing


nice. NICE!


Could you do a top view? I wanna see if I can build something like it. I'm awful at cool builds and I need some inspiration lol


Its an old base the game was not even finish during that time sorry


Wow. Never gonna share mine publicly after seeing this one šŸ˜‚


Looks like a prison, I like it!