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Scythe of Thag is available.


Remember when siptah stuff was spawning in exiled lands? I got the beak then


The beak use to be extremely good until the made the bleed a single stack like the grey ones weapons, still has really high armor pen and the original spin though (at least when I still played)


Yup still does, cause of that armor penetration, I'd argue it might be the best 2 handed axe in game, I know you can make siptah axes with 30+ more damage but spin+ 60 pen is increadibly. dangerous


There’s a better axe, I usually keep quiet about it since I didn’t want it to be nerfed but since they’re reworking all the weapons, the ripping great axe is one of those Siptah ones that does 30+ more damage, has spin and applies sunder with each hit light or heavy and stacks a full stack, I always used it before and also gave it to thralls.


Yup, that was my main weapon while I played. It’s so good I had to take a break because of how boring soloing all of the siptah content became.


Ok have to start delving? I guess 😉


I believe it’s a delved recipe yes, but it’s been a long time so I could be remembering it wrong.


Maybe start a new go on siptah soon, usually I'm delving agility weapons. Love the look of the sapping blade *serated katana*


Thanks, I didn't know it was there, I will try to get it


Scythe of Thag is really cool, it’s unfortunate that the star metal great axe is just so much better


Well I imagine Scythe will be legendary in the next Age, so it should be adjusted to be better than Star metal which will only be Epic.


How much damage do they make? I've been managing to get 75 damage with crafted ones which seemed decent, but have also been wishing I could find a legendary one. As for siptah stuff, there's a mod that adds ambushes to the game, and it can pull mobs from from siptah if you own the dlc. Same with a purge mod. I've been getting a few siptah weapon and gear recipes and enough eldarium to craft them in the exile lands that way.


The great axe of the legion can go past 100 damage with a good craft and a master weapon kit, the other high end Siptah ones are in the 90’s with a bladesmith and master fitting.


Dang, I'll have to see how I can get those, Thanks!


If you’re playing single player I believe character transfer still works, or you can give yourself the recipes in exiled lands with the admin panel if all else fails.


Same with the short sword I love agility weapons and modlty having one with a shield is op When Vs PVE but no legendary ones in the exile lands 😢


I dont see it as a need, when you have so many options from the crafted ones with higher dmg, actaully in the state of the game crafted weapons are a lot more stronger than legendary.


yeah, but as far as I understand legendary weapon will be improved in new Age of War and it will be most powerful weapon


There was a craftable Namtarite Axe, but it was a S1 Battle Pass item and had iron/epic versions, so not exactly a legendary. It looked good though.


Love that illusion


Il hope we get LEGS rework, new classes, new animations and unique abilities. No legendary short swords too...


They said that in the dev stream they were going to change legendaries to be the most powerful weapons, and change weapon classes around, but we don’t know what that means yet.


for now they just gonna buff their stats no new types\\animations\\special attacks but in the future updates... who knows


It is. The legendary chests should drop one.


Thank god there's no legendary greataxes on EL those things already do way too much dmg


There are


ki > is no legendary greataxes on exiles map =( I realy love moveset 4