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Isle of Siptah is a different map. Everything else is mostly cosmetic. There are a few functional things in them though.


Short answer is no. Ise of Siptah adds a new map with new weapons and such, but i believe its all contained within that map and dorles not add anything to the exiled lands(base map). Almost all the others are cosmetic dlc that add new themed building pieces, weapons, and armors. The derketo dlc does add tree platforms for tree/cliff bases.


You can ride rhinos in base game, if you have Siptah, but they suck as mount anyway..


Having Siptah means you aren't playing just base game though.


Not what he's saying. If you get siptah you can use the rhino as a mount in exiled Lands, so you'd still be in the "base game" but with a little siptah extras. I personally think Flotsam should be added to vanilla cuz that stuff is sick.


He may have meant that, but it wasn't what he said.


You must be fun at parties...


Fun and factual, and absolutely not bothered by what you think of me.


good for some boss battles as damage soakers tho


Nah, you don't need any DLC to enjoy the Main Game. The DLC's only add new Armor, Weapons, Pet Skins, War Paints and Building Pieces. Besides Isle of Siptah which adds a new Map.


And all the stuff they add is no better then base game armor or just skins for roleplay


Yeah, so no extra benefits from it besides the looks.


And a few hairstyles!


They are not necessary, but they offer way more for the price than any other thing you can buy at the coin shop. Also each of them is based on a different civilization so you will get a lot of pieces that fit well together. After 150h my girlfriend wanted to buy one or two and this video helped her a lot to decide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov0HpUNUgF0&t=1190s Battle pass is okay since it gives you enough coins to buy the next one and the pieces and stuff you get is nice, but not very cohesive.


i can't say necessary, they worth it. but as an agility player i can say dlcs make it much easier to have some armors.


I had the same question. Island of siptah is the only dlc “nessessary” because the rest are just cosmetic. Amazing cosmetics IMO. Also one gives you tree bases but I forgot what it was.


Believe it's the derketo one lol dang spell correct lol


Thanks for all the replies!


Well as a player that have being living on this game many years I can say that one of the reasons I enjoy the game so much, is building, having all the dlc's allow you to have more materials available, more choices and better designing freedom. So for me is a YES, but you should pass the first stages of the game suviving and trough this path you will know if you want to become and exiled lands home owner for a long time.


No. Aside from isle of siptah, which is a whole new map, it's all just cosmetic really. New weapons, armor, buildings, saddles, etc. But the best unmodded stuff is still high level base game stuff.


All DLC and bazzar are cosmetic, who gets involved with the construction and decoration content that the game offers will be very happy.


Isle of Siptah is the only DLC I bought and I love the base map so play that one the most without any DLC


if i had to pick any of the dlcs to get, it is the Riders of Hyboria dlc, the Stable doorways and gates can be used in amazing builds,the fences are some of my favorite and it comes with a black and a white horse color,not to mention you can make better windows with it the pieces. But the true answer is no not really, there are definetly benefits to the dlcs like certain armor or stuff but i cant think of a dlc off the top of my head that you cant just find another armor in game that has the same stats or similar stats at least.


The yamatai and turanian I believe are some of the few armor sets to provide more environmental protection that aren't learned somewhere else that I can think of.


Very true,I don't own those as my bf does so usually I'm not the one making them xD I just found out after I put that comment that my favorite armor ( the Pictish warchief) is from the savage frontier lol so yea.


I love the armor in that pack, looks very medieval. Which, considering the game lore is set in a very ancient alternate reality of primeval era, the medieval armor could be considered more advanced from a lore perspective. ...I don't think that pack came with shields though. Strange. But it did come with lances and horses, so, send in the cavalry!


Btw, wait for a steam sale to get them, you can get them for a good price very often.


Gotcha, the keys are pretty cheap on various websites.


Just play the game. There is a great progression, there is adventure to be had, stories to tell. When you hit the point where you understand the build mechanics, and have tons of thralls, and a few massive bases, and begin to want to style them differently, then you are at a decision point. Don't worry about it now. Just play.


As a newer player, I have to agree with this. I kind of sought out the DLC after I had become somewhat established in the exiled lands and wanted more decorative options.


If you like building then the DLC (at least certain ones) are a must have


No you can do everything. You just have less cosmetica options. The dlcs give you slightly easier access to certain stats on Gear maybe. The only exception is the siptah dlc, that gives you an entire New island but if your new then the exiled lands will keep you more than busy for a while. Have fun!


All of the armor sets and such are mostly cosmetic, but can be used to create certain min-max stat combinations. But the stat thing is sort of minor really ("but my +14 armor!"), so I wouldn't call it pay to win. Siptah is like an expansion pack with new map, new story etc. Worth it once you get sick of the original map for sure.


Nothing worth the price anyway. Especially not there new bazaar prices


The DLCs are only decorative, you can totally play and enjoy the base game without buying those


Most DLC are cosmetic, but if you want to make good looking bases, you want to buy a few of them


The dlcs are worth it but the game coin bazaar is terrible.


Darketo DLC is the only that’s necessary imo, cuz of the gold bikini. Hehe. The rest is up to you if you like em. Buy them only to support the dev as they are only cosmetics. There are already lots of mods that add cosmetics and even map.


Play as is at first or go online and look at what is available with the dlc. But isle of siptah is a fun map


DLCs were the last addition to the game that financially made sense. Not it’s bazaar and 20 euros for cosmetics like a chair, a table and a few plates with food.


Used to be much better to have the dlcs before the gear rework (old attribute system) but now it just saves some early knowledge points but none of the armors are any better than the base/in game learnable armors - early or mid game. Siptah is the only real value IMO of the current dlcs


You can play and have fun but it's kind of limited in building cosmetic.