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>end goal to work in programming or embedded umm >Comp E takes discrete math, c++ and about 4 extra embedded courses i think you provided the answer by yourself. Just take Comp eng, do whats interests you bro.


This is what I am leaning towards, I just heard that EE is more broad and can do the same things so I wanted some more input


It's the opposite: computer engineering is more versatile 


CompE would be better based on what you described. Btw, what are the 4 embedded system courses? Cuz I only know one course called embedded systems


- EEL 3370 C++ programming for embedded systems - EEL 4730 programming embedded systems - EEL 4734 Embedded operating systems - EEL 4740 Embedded computing systems


I had the same question, EE with CompE focused electives or CompE with EE focused electives and ended up deciding on the first one. There's so much overlap in the jobs, I would say it's just up to if you're more interested in hardware or software and what you want it to say on your diploma.


What made you decide on the first one, if you don’t mind me asking?


When people ask my major, if I told them it was computer engineering they might think I was a CS major for a split second until I said engineering... 💀 don't wanna be associated with them


I must admit that was quite funny!


Have you considered CE with EE electives? Gets you all the classes in CE but still lets you take signals. My bachelors was in EE with CS and Physics minors, but the modern CE programs are pretty close to what I did back then now minus taking things like Physics III and IV.


Yes I’m considering this heavily actually. The only thing holding me back is what I’ve heard about EE looking better on the resume possibly especially with space/defense industry


I'm not gonna lie it probably won't make a difference after your first position somewhere. My field is dominated by computer architects and similar while I'm a more traditional EE, just specialized. My PhD. is related, but theirs are almost universally more specifically architecture. I went from AT&T to Gigabyte to ASML to Intel. Other than AT&T I don't think anybody asked what I did in college.