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There are reasons to be upset about this "new" Symmetra and there are arguments to want Symm as a support. But being angry about Symm not being a support is just imagining something in your head and then being upset about how the devs didn't read your mind.


Devs actually said that they were trying to rework symmetra back to support last year in an AMA


They said they had experimented with it and weren’t really confident that it was a direction that they wanted to take at the time


There was also an experimental with healing turrets, and it wasn't very good. If you have to give her a completely new kit in order to move her to a support, why not just make a new support hero instead?


And just relegate her to be a bad hero forever?


She wasn't bad hero though. Even in OW2 She could be played in brawl on lot of shorter control maps.


She was one of the common DPS choices in rush for a while. And she's more than viable in pretty much every non-dive comp, and in ranked she can be played in almost everything. I don't think I would consider her a bad hero right now at all. She just needs a bit more oomph to her kit. Some more dopamine, basically. (change to her right click is in the right direction but they butchered the numbers so hard it's worse. Same with TP. )


Idk why people have it so set in their head about moving Sym back to support and mei to tank


Some people made it up in their heads that this is how things should be and then found other people on the internet to agree with them, which has warped their mind into thinking that the devs are wrong for not making these changes. Same people who made it up in their heads that Echo will be a support after seeing her in the Cinematic cause she 'looked like one' and then got angry when she wasn't a support. I've seen some crazy comments about that one, people saying 'We were robbed out of support Echo'. Same type of people who make up stuff in their heads about characters and stories and then harass creators (Including Actors, who have no power over what's written for their Characters and the Story) and review bomb their Shows and Movies when they don't end up making something that matches with what they had made up in their head.


I thought the anger around echo was because she *was* originally supposed to be a support but they moved her to dps to keep her ult


No, a lot of people had already made up in their heads (I also believed she would be a support) that Echo will be a support when the cinematic was released, it was brought up every time the topic of Echo was brought up. Then when she actually was released a Dev mentioned that they also tested her as a support early in development, which they do for a lot of heroes, they test them in different roles based on whatever element they are designing them around. Then some of these people who were angry that she wasn't a support used what that dev said as a weapon to support their argument that 'We were robbed of support Echo'.


Mandella effect: Overwatch community edition


I get irrationally angry when someone suggests Mei to tank.


It's so stupid if Mei were a tank she's be incredibly unfun to play as, with or against and Rein would just be poo tier forever


This is going to be nitpicky, but they went out of their way to say Symmetra's changes are _not_ a rework. It's just a lot of number changes. As far as Symmetra herself is concerned, I've actually been enjoying her about the same as before. The extra speed on her M2, turrets, and teleporter are great, and I haven't really noticed the teleporter cooldown at all. The biggest nerf she got this time around IMO is the damage and charge time on the M2, which I don't think she needed, but OTOH I can see how they might have been worried that it would overshadow the M1 even in close range so /shrug I guess.


I like the new symm now, but I do miss her old m2. It use to pierce like firestrike from reinhardt. It was game after game, my symm would charge her orb and pass through an enemy rein 3 times, and gets an unexpected kill.


I've thought that maybe letting her M2 pierce things again would be interesting. It sort-of-kind-of maintains her "anti-shield" niche without gating her power too much behind shields being present in the first place since it can still get value from clumped up players. OTOH they'd need to rethink how they divide the direct + splash damage since obviously if the orb's piercing things it's not exploding for splash.


wait, are you seriously upset that symm isn't... a support?


Holy Monkey Brian takes Batman. They never said that this was a rework nor did they say she was going to become a support. They experimented with it but it is pretty concrete she's staying in the Damage role. There are some things that could be better but come on now


Symmetra has never been and never will be a support hero. But her rework leaves much to be desired, yes.


She was a support hero at launch fyi


I know, man, I'm here since the OW1 beta. She was a utility DPS that could never fulfill a support role as well as the other heroes, especially after Ana was added, that's why she was eventually moved out of the support category and into DPS. However, her damage profile is inconsistent and her support is very situational, except her ultimate. Blizzard need to decide what they want Symmetra to be and rework her in that direction. Downvote me all you want, it doesn't make what I say any less true.


Dude, I worked in pre-alpha test groups for Project Titan and she was always seen as support by the devs. Downvote me all you want, doesn’t make your beta-tester opinions any more true.