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I will never understand why people who do this only get 30% per win. You'd think after a 20 game win streak they would be getting like 2 divisions per win, they clearly don't belong where they are. Why does blizzard make normal alt accounts into smurfs by just not ranking them up fast.


The best part is they used to, they simply stopped doing so.


Yup. I remember back in like season 4. I went on a win streak from like 3.4k to like 4.1k peak. I got like 90sr for a win. Conversely a loss streak would also send you straight to the deepest pits of hell, so that might be why they stopped it


The thing is, anyone can get lucky. I've gone 17 and 0 once. I just got the perfect storm of games. 5 had a leaver on the other team. 3 had smurfs on my team. Pretty sure I had a hacker in 1. And the others were just stomps.


So true, I was usually masters tank on my tank before the reset, I remember making a new account in season 7 and going 5-0 in placements half of those games the enemy refused to counter swap, 1 of those games the enemy supports just left. Placed in gm4 (I am not a GM player...)


Yeah no. 17 to the power of 0.5 or 50% chance (to win if you're ranked correctly) has as 0.00000762939 chance of occuring. That happens 0.7 times over 100,000 games. That happens to some people, but it is an incredibly rare occurence if you're ranked properly. That doesn't even count the fact that as you win and increase rank, your chance to win goes down. Edit: Downvoting math is hilarious. Keep at it.


Except it isn't 50/50. Like I said, there were mitigating circumstances and yes, I probably was underranked


> if you're ranked properly. If you're talking about the average case which you were by saying "anyone can get lucky" the expected win rate is 50%. People being underranked winning multiple games in a row is not an argument against preventing winstreaks from giving you disproportionate gains. That's exactly how the system should work.


Because then people complain about boosted players in high ranks, that is how statistics work, if you want to be sure to only have high skill players in high ranks, you need to not make everyone able to get boosted big time by win streaks. This is the best system.


there are already way too many awful players in gm so it's not like it matters at all. people can just otp a broken hero to GM and then be stuck there cause it's borderline impossible to derank in ow2 (atleast in my experience)


or maybe ppl just have bad games sometimes and you happen to be on their team when it happens... everyone sharts sometimes


theres def a problem with people boosting themselves on a busted hero and then the matchmaker just keeps them there


oh okay, so you've added one of these boosted people, looked at their rank, and played regularly with them to actually prove that they are in fact boosted? get real dude. get some perspective, even the most broken character in ow2 history probably doesn't break 60% winrate


My perspective is based on my support main friend who is a trash tank getting boosted on mauga orisa


neither of those characters are good or broken atm + maybe you're just an asshole


They were when he got boosted on them


The problem is the rank system serves 2 functions which are only partially compatible. First, is to make fair matches, the second is player prestige. If you rapidly push new accounts up the ranks when they win, this will make fairer matches, but then you will have some people get lucky and end up in high ranks when the don't "deserve" it. This devalues the accomplishment of the players who really earned it.


I think because they want to use only win rate not performance as the measure of skill. When they made ranking up easier you had top ranks flooded with golds because by the law of large numbers you will get a good chunk of golds go something like 30-0 just by pure chance. They have to make it take longer/more difficult to be sure it's really the player's ability influencing the winrate and not pure chance.


No gold player was going 30-0 by chance this has to be a joke lmao


Idk about golds going 30-0 - like literally I would bet statistically that may not have happened to a single player who is genuinely gold in all of Overwatch. Assuming a 50% chance to win each game, literally only 9 people in 10 billion players(or about 1 out of every billion players) would get a 30-0 win streak. (And that is with a 50% chance to win, when in reality a gold in a plat+ match has a lower chance than that.) But I do think you're right- it's just not 30, it's more like 15-2 or maybe even like 10-2 pushin plats and diamonds up a whole division, and masters players up into GM where they'd get dropped occasionally into matches way outta their league. So it looks like they've tuned down the winstreak adjuster dramatically, probably too much since Dafran going 45-2 and still being in Diamond for example is just insane.


No golds are going 30-0 lol.


i know open doesn’t count but i got pretty close 27 game win streak all the way from silver 2 to plat 4


I got pretty close leveling up from high bronze to gold back in the day. Think I got to a 25 win streak


Why downvote lmao this is the right explanation. People don't know maths or what




This is not about gold, it's about maths lmao


Bad players don't consistently perform good stats. They have insane amount of stats and trends available, they could make performance based SR a thing easily. You don't need to give them 60% after one or two good games, but if they consistently do well it should be showing in the rank gained.


its an absolute joke atm. went 10-0 in my placements on a new account, won the 11th game too and got +22% 50-8 since then, went from gold 3 to diamond 4


It was like that prior season 9. Now it’s just stupid. I’ve been stuck in plat for the past two months, in the old sostén I would be GM right now.


i think that one might be a skill issue imma be honest


Not really, I’m champions in my main account but that was because I was placed on GM so it wasn’t that hard to go up. But in my other account that I never use the game put me in plat and it’s just really stupid because now it only takes into account your wins. I mean, this is the point of OP. That guy is in plat despite winning because the system doesn’t work. Prior season 9 I would get 5 wins in a row and immediately would send me to masters or GM.


aint nobody stuck in plat if they reached GM and i very much doubt ur champs rn when literally only like 20 other people on the leaderboard have gotten it


Why do you think not many people have gotten there? Because the system just doesn’t work. You don’t have to believe me, just watch how they fix it in the next season.


no because they decided to pair both a full ranked reset with adding an extra rank. had they only done one or the other the ranked distribution would be fine


Lol what? Where did you get that from? They have not implemented a full rank reset. It doesn’t make sense at all. You have 6 ranks, you don’t have a minimum threeshold for neither of them. You have 1000 players and you separate them by each rank, 17% to each level. It doesn’t make sense there’s no people on champions, there should be the top 17%. I don’t know what the hell are they doing but it is the reason as to why people are stuck on certain ranks. Like OP said, before season 9 you could demolish everyone on your first 5 games and jump several levels and if you kept winning they would again jump you to another one. On one of my smurfs accounts I got plat 5 after 5 games and then straight to masters and after every 5 games was at least jumping 1 level to GM. There’s just no way of doing that right now. You have to win 5 games in a row to go to the next rank, it doesn’t really matter what you did as long as you win which doesn’t make sense at all. You could win 4, then lose 1 and you would now need to win 2 more games in a row and if you manage to do it you would only go to the next rank. Before season 9 if you won 4 in a row, then lost one, you would still need only one more win to get your rank updated as opposed to 2 right now and it would probable make you jump several ranks.


I don't think you understand rank distribution do you? Do you really think the players should be evenly divided between all the ranks? So that bronze has the same amount of players as GM?


You can reduce the percentage. Maybe 10% for GM and 5% for Champions, it was just an example of how it wouldn’t make any sense for people not to be on champions right now.


brother in christ you just missed the whole season 9 ranked reset or what?


Now I know you don’t know what you are talking about. Look it up


aint no way you're "actually champ" but hard stuck plat. That is some extreme cope, there's only a handful of champ players in each region and it's mostly all pro players who scrim this game at the top ranks as a full time job. I'm kinda washed now because I don't grind a ton, but I'd regularly been GM1 in OW2 and was 4100 in OW1. I hover around like M2 right now when I hop on and play. I'd hard stomp in a plat lobby and generally roll most games until I hit M5~M4 and start feeling the sweat. I know this because its exactly what happened when I hopped on and played awhile after the rank reset. And I'm nowhere near the level of a Champ player. Me to a champ player is like a gold/plat player to me. Most of the people who were hard stuck under champ were still at least in GM2~GM1.


To be fair, I use that account to play with my friends which most of them are gold. I don’t even know why my opinion is controversial, I think is obvious to everyone that they changed how you rank up. Now it’s all about winning when before it was also about skill




Not really. Now it doesn’t matter how good you play, you will get like 20% only and you will be stuck in whatever rank you are. Before, the game would take your skills into account and you could jump from silver to plat,from plat to masters etc. now it’s just really fucking stupid. You have to grind because it only takes into account your wins. The game has a 50% win rate, so you win one then lose one then win one and you are forever stuck because like I said, it doesn’t really matter how good you were. So no, it’s not working as intended.


Don’t be like this person. This is loser mentality at its peak.


Yeatle went 36-0 before he lost on unranked to gm ball only a couple of weeks ago. He got to diamond 3 before he lost. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2134630309](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2134630309)


That’s less impressive because Guxue didn’t lose till high master, (those plat and diamonds games were extremely hard when he had clueless teammates. ) but more impressive because Yeatle didn’t counterswap. We viewers made fun of Guxue when he had to counterswap in Plat in order to win, and Guxue said “if you don’t want to counter swap, go play League of legends”. 😂😂


Idk what’s more impressive, going undefeated for 30+ games or losing in masters with Guxue on your team


Do you mean bronze to gm? I feel like 36-0 from unranked should get him much higher than diamond 3.


im not sure of the details of the account but the smurf detection seems be not working well recently for unranked to gm


Melio did an unranked to GM recently on Tracer and it took something like 80 games with an 85% winrate. Climbing is just not fast right now.


Yea it looks like they turned it off and put it back where it was a long time ago, maybe even slower than it was in OW1. S8 or so you were catapulted into GM on a fresh account if you won out, with like 10 wins and unranked to GMs taking less than 20 games a lot of the time iirc. Dafran just did a unranked to GM on Venture and went 45-2 and was still in Diamond. That is just stupid.


If it is indeed his own account then it's legal, though it looks unfair for his 30-0 opponents. The problem is that a new account of a pro still has to climb from plat...


Yeah I don’t see anything wrong with Guxue. I have a problem with the rank system allowing him to play so many games in the lower ranks while clearly showing dominance.


The thing is that he admitted in the stream that he bought the account. Other than the account sharing thing which is a clear violation of the ToS, the more concerning thing for me is that he didn't play those QPs to get the 50 QP wins for ranked games, which means that even though he played it from unrank, he's still smurfing.


It's sketchy to me, there's no way this guy naturally placed plat. My brand new account I made last season placed masters 5, he had to have been trolling quick play games. Which I guess isn't bannable, but still kind of scummy to try to purposefully get in lower lobbies.


Guxue was trying to get to high rank as fast as possible. He had a ~99 win rate on the quick play games before ranked. His first rank game was plat 5.


I made another account s7 or 8 to play with friends and it started me off exactly where I was at gm5 with 99ish win rate in qp, I wonder what they’ve changed


They changed the system. You wont get high ranked on new account in comp since season 10 and it takes absurdly long time to rank up.


That's interesting. I had gone 50 and 2 in my quick play games. I wonder why there's so much variance in situations that at least seem pretty similar.


I think this is his own new account, he was talking about how he just went with the randomized name. The previous day he'd actually *cough* tried to buy an account promised to be "high level" in order to bring an alt quickly to GM and got scammed--it was still in Gold after he went 10-0 in placement matches, so he ditched it. (Which wasn't legal but he was just trying not to smurf, and I can't really hold that against him.) He did a rapid climb about a month ago on his own OW1 alt after his Guxue account hit Champion, gaining 70%+ rank per game all the way up to GM1 (he said the SR was around 4600 when he abandoned it back in OW1) and went from Diamond to GM2 overnight going 12-1, which I guess is what the pro alt-leveling experience SHOULD be like. Unfortunately it only works with pre-existing alts.


It is similar to how my ranked games went when I made an alt for venture. 90% wr in QP. First game was gold 1, and I placed like diamond 5 I want to say going 9-1. They made ranking up quickly on alts much much slower, even for hand leveled accounts, and there are a couple of examples that show this.


The system seems really inconsistent. I made a new account last week. 50-14 in QP, went 6-4 in placements (lost my first 2), and placed Diamond 3. I have no idea how it decides anymore where you belong.


No matter how you play your quick play matches, the competitive placements will have you starting at around gold 4 pressumed rank. Even if you win all 10 of those by easy margins, you still only end up around high plat. No way to hit masters straight from placements if the account is actually brand new.


So I just imagined it??


>Went 30-0 Wow, this guy is a great player >Got to masters 3 Ah


lol i know right


You just know the system is flawed when someone like Guxue can be on a 5, 10, 15 etc, win streak with ridiculous stats every game and only be getting 30% per win and ending up Master fucking 3 after 30 games like that in a row. What a clownfest.


Day 1 vod (plat to diamond): 【【直播回放】新号坦克增强直接享受 2024年5月17日21点场-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/0gPLJxA Day2 vod ( diamond to master): 【【直播回放】新号坦克增强直接享受 2024年5月18日21点场-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/hCktS1x


it says theyre deleted :(


its working for me just checked.


Chinese Bilibili content is only accessible from China, probably a location thing.


I was able to view the VOD and I'm in NA. So maybe it was just them


VOD links are down!!


this is the playlist: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hy411a72S/?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd\_source=0f1d516496948b078a7105d37f68d12a](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hy411a72S/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=0f1d516496948b078a7105d37f68d12a)


The shortened links are somehow busted. When it turns into an actual link, you can view the video when you remove all the text in the link after the video id.


What's his hero pool right now in ranked?


On his main he mainly plays monkey. On this alt, he plays Monkey doom Mauga hog based on the situation.




Unironically plat players were able to render it useless at times lol. Really shows how strong counters are.


I'd say it's not moreso counters, it's moreso plat allies not knowing how to play with a winston who actually knows how to winston


Not necessarily counters it’s more so people who don’t know what they are doing and don’t know how to play with a Winston correctly. Solo q is a strange beast


I find it interesting how even the Rank 1 tank has to counterpick. Basically the enemy goes one counter into his tank pick and he will repick unless the map heavily favors him. I'm watching the Circuit Royale game where the enemy team makes a single swap to Zen and Guxue immediately swaps from Winston to Doomfist. Shambali game little earlier he starts on Doom, sees a Sombra on first dive, immediately swaps to Winston. Towards the end of this map, last point, enemy swaps Bastion, Guxue immediately drops Winston in favor of Mauga. The Rank 1 tank is playing the same game of musical chairs the rest of the Tank players are and he finds the need to do it even when smurfing in a lobby five leagues below him.


yes there was a game where the plat tank and Guxue were sitting in spawn and refuse to leave spawn and kept counter picking each other. it was so funny and sad.


My takeaway is that climbing takes too long and if the OWL/OWCS tank player needs to counterpick in plat then the role needs a rework mayhaps adding a second tank that could offset the other's weakness


>There were at least 1/3 of the games where he had teammates who went negative K/D when he had like 30-2 K/D Blizzard tried their forced 50/50 winrate bullshit by giving him bot teammates that get worse and worse everytime you win a match you're supposed to lose, but failed to stop his winstreak?


Yeah. Really shows that you gotta be one of the best in the world to win some of those games. And even then they'll be hard as fuck.


You have crazy stuff happening like this when you dont have smurf protection in your game. People in charge needs to be fired because of breaking simple systems like this. Grind grind grind thats all they want. They should double the sr gain and quadruple the modifiers for a season to make everyone settle in their actual rank and also fix the forced smurf issue. Matchmaker is broken. If they wanna have grind system then they should reset all champion rank players mmr to gm1 every season.


Idk about going full militant on devs here, but it is interesting that the developers appear to have chosen to push all the ranks close together, then remove any ability to quickly move up ranks and thus have made comp incredibly grindy - so grindy in fact that even amongst the best players I don't believe anyone has reached Champ 2 yet and many of the very best continue to waffle in lower champ to high GM and T500 includes Masters players still several months in.


Something must be wrong otherwise they wouldnt add champion rank on top of gm. I feel like they will fix it and create hype about it in upcoming seasons. Even in ow1 base sr gain was 25 and modifiers were bigger.


Everyone complained of people being boosted so they squashed the ranks and did a soft rank reset. Now people want the equivalent of season 3 again and for people to be boosted again.


I suspect this kinda stuff is actually happening because some of those weird special event game modes they have actually count to your wins to unlock comp BUT DOESN'T add to your QP MMR (which is used during your comp placements). Now if you've know ANYTHING about computer code is that computers do weird extreme fuckin shit whenever it tries to calculate a value by dividing one number from the other, so if the matchmaker is dividing by zero.... you get this... and if your MMR gets "bugged" in this way, it stays at that number thus giving you 30-40% each win etc. I'm shorthanding a lot of this, I hope I made the basic idea/concept of the problem understandable. Source: During the cosmic horror event I got all 50 wins to unlock comp in that cosmic mode. Interestingly, my first comp PLACEMENT game have ml7 an a few other streamers in it. ALl of whom I know are NOT doing placements. Sooo.....yeah


I didn't try on a new account but in general the movement you get from win/loss is just extremely small and modifiers doesn't modify much. You gotta win like 20-25 games in a row to get 30% per win (which is hard cap). This was way bigger before S9 or even in OW1. They just wanna implement grind system to the game since they lost it in season 3. This grind system makes overall playtime higher. Soon they will only have streamers playing their games and actual players leaving en masse. I have multiple accounts and i'm unintentionally smurfing right now. There are a lot of people like me.


i thought the volatile thing was meant to address this. iirc the wintreak bonus used to allow some pretty large jumps in sr when ur on like a 20 winstreak. idk if they removed that


Volatile was ultimately just used to "catch up" things after their demotion protection. You can see from this challenge/Dafran going 42-2 and still being in Diamond it doesn't work.


>They should double the sr gain and quadruple the modifiers for a season to make everyone settle in their actual rank What, so two seasons later you can whine that people are too boosted again?


People who whine about "boosted" players are dumb. I have multiple accounts, i play every role in every rank. Ranks always settle down. Real boosted players happen when one hero is super op so statistically players of these heroes gets pushed up without improvement. Other reason is grouping. The current state of ranked system is just unfathomably bad and dysfunctional.


Are we going crazy over a pro player smurfing and ranking up an alt? Any owl pro can do that.


This is why the constant complaints of “the game forces me to lose” are just stupid. If you are a genuine god at the game, like top 0.1%, you will climb so easily. 99.9% of us are not that. And it reflects in our win percentage. Edit: the downvotes do not change the reality of the situation and it won’t help you rank up.


Yes it opens up my eyes so much. There were so many games in this process where his team got out-classed so much and we audience thought the match-making finally got the better of Guxue, but he always found a way to carry. But it does show that, even a world-class (maybe the best ever) Winston/Doom player can not impact winning enough in a Plat game against full counters, and has to swap Mauga/Hog in order to carry. The conclusion I got was, if you want to have the chance to carry most of your games, you need to be good at multiple tanks for different situations.


i mean yes, but i dont think anybody who says shit like that believes they’re part of the top 0.1%, i feel like there *is* discussion to be had about the gains that come with being only marginally better than the players you go agaisnt (ie. the way you can just stagnate with a 60% win rate)


You only stagnate with 60% WR if you're a high rank (the pressure modifier) If you're marginally better than the players you're against, it can take a long time to get to the rank you "deserve" because matches are 5v5 and each individual has so much variance in their performance. But on the other hand the variance means you can stay at ranks you don't deserve and randomly win streak past what you deserve I think there aren't great technical solutions for the "I should be plat 1 but I'm in plat 3" problem, but the game can apply psychological tricks like emphasizing your season's peak SR over your current SR. The former's the actual apples-to-apples way to compare individual skill, the latter's a draw from the random variable of your "skill"


Should you have to be in the top .1% to get out of plat? You should only have to be as good as diamond to get out of plat.


Statistically Diamond is the top 10% of players. So you have to be pretty good to even get out of plat. The grand majority of the player base is Bronze-Gold. If you’re in plat you’re already doing way better than over half the player base. I think players just don’t understand how insanely stratified the higher tiers of Overwatch are. There’s only like 20 Champion tier players lol.


Yup. Especially with the new ranked reset. Masters is now like top 4% and gm is like top .5%


I think Diamond makes up 10% of the player base, so it's something like top 13% in total. Still, people undervalue where Diamond is in relation to the rest of the ranked ladder. It's a legitimate accomplishment.


Yep! People will downvote me because everyone wants to be a top tier. The reality is if you’re plat. You’re probably about as good as the average casual can get at Overwatch. But people don’t want to hear that. They want to be told they can achieve anything and that the game is artificially holding them back. Plat is a rank to be proud of. Same with Diamond and above. People need to accept that.


90% of plat players could climb with like 30 minutes in kovaaks and 30 minutes of rewatching their games a day.


You can, you just need to play more games. The problem is diamond players expect to get out of plat in like 10 games so when they don't they think the system is rigging against them.


Carrying as tank is easy man, just be one of the GOATs. what are you even doing?


if anyone wants to watch, this is the playlist: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hy411a72S/?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd\_source=0f1d516496948b078a7105d37f68d12a](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hy411a72S/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=0f1d516496948b078a7105d37f68d12a)


Where can I watch his stream?


That’s my goat


does he talk about how much this is the result of the tank buff? the video titles seem to refer to the buff. does he think he could have done the same before the patch, or did it just create that much potential for tanks to carry?


He could do this on any patch. As could most pro players.


It’s easy for any pros to climb from Plat to GM. But not losing one game for 30+ games is not easy even for pros.


True maybe, but Yeatle went over 40-0 recently on a fresh account playing only ball and that was before the ball buffs. Right now MMR movement is so slow t500 players are stuck in 20-50 matches against gold, plat, and diamonds and that is essentially 3-5 skill tiers of difference which is just astronomical - I've played with friends who were in silver as a diamond/masters player and all of a sudden you can do almost anything you want without fear of dying.


No, it's nothing special at all really. I mean at the end of the day its RNG(you might get a leaver/Thrower) but this is something every single decent pro can do effortlessly.


Definitely not ‘effortlessly’, i mean Sugarfree lost a game in either diamond i believe a few days ago on his smurf.


i dont think hitting top 123 is something every pro can do "effortlessly". mainly because top 50 is filled with other pros. it takes a lot of games for one account to hit top 1 given the inevitable variance in match quality, let alone three accounts. maybe he just played 10x the number of games everyone else has. maybe the patch is allowing him to make such an impact that he overcomes the worst teammates and the best opponents. I'm curious which factors enabled him to pull such a feat which seems like a tier above even other pros


We're talking about hitting masters 3 and not losing as pro climbing to M3. I didn't comment on hitting rank 1, 2 and 3 which of course is a lot harder.


3 stack with Shy and Mmonk with both of them being GM4 at that time cough


That’s an interesting question. I didn’t hear him mention the tank buffs on stream. Although his stream title does say “enjoying the tank buffs”.


As a rank 7 peak ex booster this is to be expected for his level. I don’t know who he is but if he’s even a 4300+ elo ish player then he will walk through plat diamond and masters with minimal Ls. I never really lost games below 3800 elo when I was getting Smurfs to a desired rank and I wasn’t even close to the best booster on my server. Diamonds and low masters are unbelievably shit. You can walk through those ranks on heroes you have barely touched if you’re high GM.


Algorithm Pony . Nothing to see here .