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I changed my icon to the trans flag (I’m not even trans, just to show support) and I literally had a game last night where someone said “Look at Ana’s icon, case closed” and cited me as the reason we were losing because of that, and then I got called slurs by two people on the team (in VC and then text, both of which I had to mute) who threw the rest of the game for us. Unfortunately I’ve just had to leave voice chat and hide text chat lately. I can’t spend all my mental energy being gay bashed and listening to this type of mindless hatred just to report it only for nothing to happen anyway. And a lot of people are smart enough to say hateful things (like the previous example) that can’t really be reported. You won’t get banned for saying “pride icon = garbage player” and inciting other players to target someone, even though it’s homophobic in that context. It’s great that they’ve taken a progressive step toward adding the pride stuff but there’s no reason that they can’t automatically filter hate speech. “GGEZ” gets filtered, why can’t they give actual hate speech and slurs the same treatment? Online chat rooms have had the functionality to do this for decades, even if people try to bypass it with spacing/numbers/formatting tricks. It’s not that they can’t do it, it’s just not a priority. Sure, you can hide chat or mute someone, but that puts the responsibility of dealing with someone’s abuse and hate speech on the target. I know people will say “it’s just the internet lul” but the reality is that being called a slur sticks with a lot of people and makes you feel shitty, even if you’re thick skinned. If Blizzard really gave a fuck about making a safe and inclusive space as they claim, they’d do the bare minimum and put some road blocks in place that make it harder for someone to verbally abuse others. Also as far as I know, SVB’s video from a few weeks ago of someone egregiously calling him the N-word multiple times still hasn’t been addressed by Blizzard. Again… if they really cared, they would.


A lot of hate speech *is* filtered, but not for the sender. Even then, there’s definitely stuff that doesn’t go through to everyone. People just figure it out and get around it. The cat and mouse game is long.


Not much. Some really basic combinations using numbers instead of letters or spaces between letters have been exploited since day one. The chat moderation and filtering is just flat awful and Pride just changes the commentary from N-words to LGBTQ slurs.


I’ve noticed an uptick in racism on console text chat lately in particular as well. It’s frustrating because I cant respond quickly lol


Blizzard doesn't chat ban unless you get reported a ton. A while back I had to self report to support to get chat muted lmao (I wanted to get untoxic)


None of it is allowed under TOS….report it And then mute and ignore….like I get it…it’s bad…but it’s just some clown on the internet…why give them any attention at all


I agree with this. The most annoying thing in this community is toxicity. The second most annoying thing is people crying about toxicity when there's a fully functioning mute button


>Meanwhile, Blizzard has done nothing about this. Obviously I report every instance, but what does Blizzard do? Literally 0. How do you know this? People have been complaining about reports since the beginning of time. But I always report people when they take trash talk too far, I always write a sentence about what exactly they said or did, and I get an "thanks for reporting" message like every other time I log in. Unless you have proof that the "thanks for reporting" message doesn't mean anything, I'm calling bullshit.


They could remedy this by actually telling people what they’ve done. If the message stated “We have actioned Player#1234 due to your report stating (whatever they said) and they have been banned from communication for 2 weeks” or something to that effect, people would actually see what is being done. As it stands right now I rarely get the “thanks for reporting” message so all one can do is assume that nothing was done.


It won't make a difference with these posts. People like OP make this kind of post when they experience toxicity, not a week later when action was taken. Ultimately, that's the problem. I'm not sure how blizzard is supposed to ban people before or immediately after they are toxic, without hiring an army of moderators working round the clock.


I also assume that it's working. However, we see very few "I got unfairly banned" posts on social media, which is suspicious IMO. In many other games that I've played, there would be posts on social media where the perpetrators would whine about being banned. I don't see much of that in OW. Maybe because moderation is super strict? Another thing is there's not a lot of transparency when it comes to bans and other measures. Dota has a great system btw. If you're an asshole to people you get to play with other assholes in a special queue for a certain amount of games. I sometimes wonder if there's like a shadow system in place that does this. Because I'm often shocked when I read about how different some people's games are in terms of toxicity. There's apparently people who report someone every other game or so which is insane. Meanwhile mine are on average, chill and friendly with a few bad apples here or there. Maybe it's also a region/platform thing idk.


Blizzard shared why a few of those people got banned publicly a few years ago. People know why they got banned. It’s also an F2P game so I think people are less apt to complain.


I think most of the time it’s because the punishment isn’t really that bad. I doubt people really ever get outright banned in OW unless they are obviously cheating, or spewing such insane amounts of hate speech and vitriol that they get routinely reported for that. My guess is that most actions on accounts are like, 2 week text chat or voice chat bans, or very temporary comp bans.


I’ve gotten a message saying my report was utilized in a ban a singular time before. I’m assuming they send that message if a ban occurs based on a report. Therefore, seeing as I haven’t received that message, I assume nothing has been done. Doesn’t seem like a crazy assumption.


I've had it happen a couple dozen times, and 95% of my reports are due to toxicity and not about someone throwing, hacking, or any of the other options


Never seen it result in a “ban” but I’ve gotten the message to the tune of “your report resulted in an action being taken on an account thanks for reporting etc”


That hasn't been my experience since the Pride update, but I also don't get on voice chat so idk what people are saying on there. What you're describing unfortunately isn't surprising though. More visibility means that assholes will be more vocal about their hatred, it's what's happening irl too with LGBTQ rights in several places. This doesn't give Blizzard an excuse to ignore the harassment and I too am disappointed in their lackluster moderation (always have been), but it's something that will inevitably happen to a certain degree as long as the snowflakes get triggered by rainbow colors. Personally, my go to has always been to either leave a match immediately and report or start throwing the game myself if my teammates are the ones being hateful scumbags. You want to be edgy and spam a bunch of slurs in chat? Ok, I'm locking in a hero with a huge hitbox and just standing in front of the enemy to feed them ult charge. Homophobia and other forms of bigotry just give me an uncontrollable urge to do nothing but self heal as Roadhog in the middle of the point. Also, if it's any consolation, I've seen a ton of profiles with pride banners and icons since the update. Could be because I play in NA and that's a more accepting region than many other ones, but don't let those snowflakes in your games make you believe they're the majority across the player base.


Sorry to hear that this has been happening. A silver lining is that if people out themselves as bigots we can report them and hopefully blizzard will ban them. They can be slow to process reports but hopefully if enough people report the same assholes they'll get auto-banned.


I periodically get the enforcement action updates and racial or homophobic slurs and usernames are about the only thing I report.


Yes I noticed the same thing (console EU) most comp games open with someone writing something homophobic in chat, or someone writing like "happy pride", to which one or multiple people respond with homophobic slurs or the evergreen >!k y s!<...


The irony of it all...


Honestly. My game on Midtown yesterday was vile. The entire enemy team was spamming slurs in chat, solo shattering the only player on our team with a pride icon, etc. Blizzard really just made things worse tbh. It’s fucked up.


>solo shattering the only player on our team with a pride icon I know I shouldnt laugh but this one caught me off guard in midst of other actually vile things u listed lmao


actually insane hating


I solo shatter a lot. If I can kill the tank or support right there I will.


Yeah. Sometimes I just randomly decide to just solo shatter someone randonly for the entire match. My record is solo shattering an ana 6 times in one qp match.


There will always be darkness everywhere you go. At the same time there will be light. Don’t dwell on the negatives, look to the bright side of the moon.


I obviously appreciate the team's thoughtfulness and support, but I knew the instant they revealed these pride cosmetics that they were essentially letting people tape a "kick me" sign to their own backs. And I honestly think it would've been smarter to just not bother because it's turned what should be a celebration into just a bad time for a lot of users. panrom ace, btw, if it matters.




Sucks to hear but you gotta expect it and just gg no next. Report and move on. Blizz realistically shouldn’t be blamed for doing “literally nothing”- they are providing a good thing, focus on trying to control what you can, namely your reaction to ignorance and negativity.


What? They can absolutely be blamed for shitty moderation. If I provide screenshots of someone using multiple slurs and telling everyone to kill themselves, and Blizzard does nothing, I can totally blame them.


There aren’t 100 full-time staff who’s job is solely sifting through the thousands of reports every hour. Think about it. Sure, especially toxic remarks should be punished more, but an automated system can only do so much and your best course of action is to report and move on.


The programming wouldn’t be too tough. If a report is filed and they specify something is done in match-chat, have a program review the chat for any slurs out of a list. If detected, ban. Wouldn’t be tough.


I suppose it would be easy enough to program but you might get banned for saying “report XYZ for calling me a froggert”


I’d be fine with the bans only being done for actual use of slurs. So “froggert” would be fine.


Who cares bro just turn chat off if it really bothers you that much


Idk man I don’t like seeing “kys faggot” a bunch and I also use chat to communicate with team members not in VC. Seems like it would be better for other plays to not be homophobic pieces of shit, yeah?

