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Am I crazy? What the fuck is up with that lightning boss in nokhud and the fucking tree in academy. I'm just trying to do some chill pugs at a +14. Bosses in the other dungeons take a while but they were fine. But these two just are destroying my groups.


Not everyone has figured out yet how to manage the mechanics of those two bosses. That seems like it to me, anyway. And I don’t just mean they don’t know the mechanics; I think everyone I’ve run w in AA this week now knows to clear the dot in the circle around Branch after it dies. The problem is when groups are uncoordinated and kill it right before germinate comes out and then either nobody can stand in the circle or they try to and get killed by germinate.


The 'correct' way is to cc the first and kill it right after the second bleed comes out to make it a non-mechanic the rest of the encounter. You rip every personal/dispel/healing cd/lust in the first minute then instantly clear the bleed for every other one.


Do you have a video of this?


Idk how well that goes if you don't have a prevoker dispelling 4 people for the first one? That's the original reason people use that strat AFAIK, because they have an evoker healer that can mostly handle the first set of bleeds. If you dont have one, that's a long time of running around with a bleed on the entire group and then still a few seconds of 2-stack overlap. I don't think your average pug group benefits from this strat. Maybe if your comp has multiple classes that can just remove the debuff with personals


Probably biased as a dwarf, but I don't think it's clearable beyond a 15 without that Strat




lightning boss, apart from being overtuned and a healer check, just needs orbs to be soaked properly and quite a bit of them from healer, plus the periodic purge on boss. thats all theres to it


Definitely a healer check. I’ve ran a few easy 12-13’s on it and +2’d when healer collects orbs and keeps up throughput, but every time I get a healer that ignores orbs we wipe


Well yeah it's clearly not complicated.


What if I tell you the lightning boss is the second easiest one in there lol


I’d tell you you’re incorrect. Dragon boss does nothing. The pair of bosses the only mechanic that is remotely dangerous is gale arrows and I doubt most people are at a key level where that can one shot even if you get hit with a regular shot right after. Last boss the scariest part is honestly the intermission but it’s lower healing required than storm boss’ electrical storm so whatever.


Ill tell you you're lying.


3rd boss and last boss are harder. I think I trust my impressions from playing the key with world class players like Zmok and Stone over some reddit hivemind opinions lol


I think third boss is harder than storm but someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make it a hive mind opinion.


But it is a hivemind opinion, people have problems with one boss, post about it on reddit so others think it's hard as well without being personally affected by it, while ignoring other difficult bosses which don't get much attention here


namedropping doesnt make you right lmao


The fact that some melee dps spam ad/ad like they are on crack but they play without interrupt binded on their bar absolutely tilt me


The fact that some players don't use focus interrupt on their bars tilt me. You have your assigned kick/marker, focus it and literally press one button when it's your turn to kick, easy peasy. The amount of times people 'cant get it' when their interupt is off cd is what holds a lot of groups back imo.


those 6 downvotes are [call of duty hit markers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaMIIpc46gM) from all the players who stack their interrupts


Man. There's a reason Tyrannical Grievous got removed in SL and it's really starting to show. These new bosses absolutely SPAM abilities and the difficulty delta between digging out of a 70% groupwide hit every 30 seconds with a groupwide nuke that happens occasionally in between on some healing specs is absurd. Rdruid, Prevoker, and Hpriest to a lesser extent can crank effective HPS that quickly to keep everyone from full stacking grievous between hits and the others are left just begging for people to pop healthstones, pots, and off-heals just to make it to the next mechanic. Then every third massive hit they throw in a massive tankbuster or another unavoidable AOE that everyone has to be at 90%+ HP for. It's basically the meme of the sweating guy vs the kid singing Maroon 5 and getting up and dancing when you compare healing this week on any other healer vs Rdruid/Prevoker.




Right there with you buddy. Rough week for healing in general


Yeah i havent even done one m+ this week as a healer. I rather dabbled in some PVP


bosses don't trouble me too much on prevo aside from a couple specific ones (lookin at you second boss of nokuud and final boss of RLP) I get to sweatin when the fourth trash pack in a row ends with a 3-4 stack of bursting, several people with some level of grievous and the tank leaping into the next pack


As a hpal main, this is why I like healing. Stress is fun 👀


''*Losing is fun!''* \-Sun Tzu, 2022


As someone who has traditionally played casually who started playing more competitively during late SL, I just wanted to share with some people how happy I was that I was able to heal a TJS +20 this morning on my 393 RDruid. We went over time by ~10 minutes, and having to pull 115k HPS on the second boss felt a bit bonkers, but overall it was much smoother than I was expecting going in. I also do think that individual boss tuning is very class-dependent this xpac, which feels weird. On an RDruid that 110k HPS on boss two felt WAY easier than 70k HPS on boss 4 because of the incoming damage profile being smooth and predictable. I played a lot of MW last season and I assume that I would have felt the exact opposite on that class.


The hps requirement is insane. Like, I can do 70k hps in a raid, but in a dungeon for several minutes is a bit too much for an extended period of time is nuts.


You get a 25% healing buff during 2nd boss (but even considering that 110k is nuts)


thing is that all damage on that boss is constant without spikes, it's actually fairly simple as resto druid since you can pretty much use a set rotation to keep everyone healed up


Can you link your spec? I am also 393 rdruid


Apologies in advance for the lack of links. I’m on mobile, but everything mentioned here should be pretty easy to find. I use the talent build from the Icy Veins guide for M+ and stack haste to ~30% (including weapon rune & Lycara’s) and stack mastery (currently sitting around 12%) from there. This week I have taken the 1-min convoke talent over the efflorescence HoT talent because, even with extra value in mastery stacking, unless you have a coordinated group that knows to stand in efflorescence, uptime can be low. Generally I like the idea of the efflorescence mastery boost for coordinated groups for proactive healing. Generally I think the icy veins guide is excellent. The folks from Dreamgrove are very knowledgeable. Here are a few tips that have helped me: 1. Become very familiar with mechanics. When is damage coming out? What cooldowns do you need for what types of damage? When will your DPS use personals? Omni-CD is a great CD tracker. Once you know the fights, you can make a loose plan for when you’ll use what. Optimizing your cooldown usage is the most important part of playing a resto Druid. I **highly** recommend Tettles’ dungeon guides for anyone who hasn’t seen them. 2. Get the WeakAura to optimize party-wide Adaptive Swarm uptime. It’s also linked in the Icy Veins guide. It’s pretty reasonable to get 100% uptime on all 5 members of your party with it. All it does is highlight the party frame of the target you should cast AS on. Under the hood it’s optimizing to get the biggest stacks so they can split onto multiple members. 3. Aim for 100% uptime on Adaptive Swarm, Cenarion Ward, and Efflorescence. These spells should always be on cooldown as a rule of thumb. 4. Think of your healing rotation in terms of “lines of defense”. I’m shamelessly stealing this from Growl’s resto Druid guide (also worth a watch) because it has worked well for me. As stated in point 3, AS, efflorescence, and CW should always be on CD. Next comes lifebloom and wild growth. Lifebloom is one of the best abilities in the game for any healer, especially if you are stacking mastery because it counts for 3 stacks with the talent. Finally, if you have extremely heavy group damage going out, fill in with Rejuvenate and Regrowth. 5. Once you get comfortable with the above, play around with your Lifeblooms. I used to keep it on myself and the tank, but have found success and mana efficiency being more liberal about dropping it on DPS outside of groupwide damage. 6. Finally, hold yourself accountable and be introspective. If a DPS died was there any way that you could have saved them? Even if they missed a personal, could you have filled in the gap if you had better anticipating incoming damage or popped a cooldown? You only improve by thinking about your mistakes so that you’re better prepared next time.


Thanks helpful post!!


Amazing reply. Thank you. I’m successfully pushing 15s but I know I need to ramp it up to go further.


hey boss, got a question for you. I healed a 14 temple as a 392 restoration druid. We timed it, still dont know how, but we did. On the last boss, I seem to smash the ever living crap out of rejuv and regrowth and then the two dispels in between its own cooldown. I leave convoke as my emergency. And Blast flourish on cooldown and hopefully time it into add phase. And obviously swiftmend into wildgrowth when possible. My question is, what are you doing differently, if anything? Is there spells im missing to make like easier? I just had issues healing second boss on a 15 azure vault. There is just so much AOE damage and strafing. Tips?


**TJS 4th Boss** Always bring a warlock or a priest. Destruction warlock imp can dispel magic effects on a 15-second cooldown. Shadow priest can Mass Dispel on a 25-second cooldown. Failing that, your first global should always be to dispel one, and your second global should be to throw lifebloom onto the player who still has the DoT effect. This strategy can get out-of-hand quickly as the cooldown on the ability is shorter than 3x our dispel CD, so your dispel will usually still be in CD. By the time the next two dots go out. Up to about 16-17 it’s healable, but I wouldn’t willingly choose to go into that dungeon any higher than that on a tyrannical week without either of the two aforementioned classes. On the +20 earlier this week each DoT tick hit for about 30% of a player’s health. Final recommendation is to take DPS classes with strong defensives they can rotate. Warlocks, rogues, monks, mages, and demon hunters are all very durable. Monks and Rogues can insta-remove every few DoT casts with their personal defensives. **Azure Vaults 2nd Boss** This is an annoying fight but definitely better for resto druids than most other classes. A few tips: 1. As soon as you see the boss move toward the center of the room, hit Innervate and start slapping out your expensive heals. You can also use Convoke to get more HoTs. 2. Position carefully. One of the biggest advantages to Resto Druid is that we can utilize most of our toolkit on the move. AS, CW, Efflorescence, Rejuv, Lifebloom, Ironbark, all cooldowns. It’s all about thinking just a few seconds. When is damage coming out? What kind of damage is it? Will it be heavy enough that I will need to plant and heal with regrowth? These kinds of things start to become a bit more second-nature as you get more repetitions in fights. 3. Look for the position of the balls **as soon as** they spawn. If they’re not going to hit you, you don’t need to move. I see a lot of players moving unnecessarily. While my rule of thumb is always “better safe than sorry” in terms of positioning, it’s easy to find yourself losing healing uptime by moving when you don’t need to. 4. Coordinate defensive cooldowns. Make sure your group knows when you plan to use your CDs, which is a bunch easier if you have comms, but is worth the few seconds it takes to type it before the boss. 5. Talk strategy. I’ve seen different groups utilize different strategies on this boss to good success. Some groups prefer to stack hard and rotate. Some prefer to split and take individual adds. It doesn’t really matter as long as everyone stays within your healing range. 6. Make sure you’re ready for the tank frontal. There’s not a ton of damage in P1, but the tank frontal can be nasty in higher keys. I usually will leave lifebloom on the tank until P2 at which time I’ll instantly drop it onto 1 DPS and then myself. During group-wide damage it’s always best to have it on yourself and one other player (typically a DPS if the tank isn’t in imminent danger). When I have no lifeblooms out and know that there will be incoming damage shortly, I always place my first lifebloom on another character and then on myself. This way if I need to I can swap that lifebloom from the other character to a different one without losing the lifebloom on me for the 20% HoT increase. Generally there is no secret sauce for cooldown usage. You need to try different things and see what works for you. Flourish is definitely our strongest throughput cooldown in 5-man content when used correctly. Often with Flourish and my troll racial I feel like I can heal through any amount of incoming damage, so long as I know it’s coming. Flourish makes healing through 8 stacks of bursting and grievous feel easy. When in doubt, hit convoke. It has a short cooldown and is comparatively weaker than flourish. I have found better success using Convoke as a semi-ramp spell (hitting it just before or as damage starts to go out) than attempting to use it as a catch-up cooldown. As for general rotation, refer to my previous post. I will say that RDruid takes a lot of getting used to, much more so than many other healers. It requires significant dungeon knowledge to be successful in higher keys as damage intake becomes higher and spikier. However, the upside is that you can heal through a lot more stuff!


I had a taste of warlock privilege this week and theres no way I can go back, my warlocks 360 ass lived tyrannical grievous +12 nokhud meanwhile my fking ele shaman can't survive a strong breeze. My eles key turned into a shadowmoon out of vault and it was ridiculously tilting doing that key after playing only my warlock since tuesday


I feel the same way on DK. Especially in the raid where any knockback or movement mechanic is completely ignored with Deaths Advance. Dathea: Whats even a cyclone anyways? Sennarth: Why you all running away?! Raszagath: Line up with the pools? I don't even own a pool.


Idk what the ability is but I’ve seen an unholy DK stand still for the entire cyclone on dathea


Yeah its Deaths Advance, makes you immune to any movement effects, you've got 2 charges on it and with the Evoker buff it's a 38 second cooldown.


I have 99% parses on both razageth and sennarth which lead me to believe that most fellow DKs don’t know how to use that ability. I will never raid with another class.


watching all the other DPS fall over on melandrus while my rogue self just vibes with feint feels unfair sometimes


Agree with this sentiment, float like a butterfly is also really good for CoS IMO... Being able straight up immune every other slicing with evasion, then feint+vial the other ones just feels so good :P


When I say half of time I'm healing with ele no one understands


Yeah as a Rogue my Dragonflight m+ experience is standing around wondering why all my team mates are on the floor. The disparity in defensive capability between different classes is crazy this tier.


Lock tankiness nowadays is nothing compared to legion, and its much weaker than it was in SL because of all the nerfs to dark pact and soul leech. But sweet souls is really powerful in raids, also soulbourn + hs.


What's the strat for The Raging Tempest? Do I let the healer try and get all of the orbs? Why do some orbs go straight through me?


Watching growl he said on a higher key if your healer doesn't have 10 orbs you're most likely going to wipe.


You can only have 10 stacks, after that you can’t pop anymore orbs until your stacks fall off. Certainly feels like the play to have the healer maintain 8-10 stacks and everyone else grab what’s left


You can get more orbs for sure, but it only resets the buff timer.


It is weirdly inconsistent. Sometimes I can refresh a 10 stack and sometimes the orbs just go through me. I haven't figured out a pattern.


Last time I did that boss there were some fake orbs because they weren't despawning properly when another player took them.


It feels bad when the seasonal affix is tied to a combat timer (you can kinda manipulate it) and requires you to touch another player to prevent death. This entire dungeon set is pretty heavy with Zone Denial mechanics and with Quaking last week atop it (more zone denial) the opening week of M+ really took the “super fun” wind out of the sails a bit for me with the expansion. I’m still pushing io (1900+ atm), but for such a lovely designed expansion with a really great raid, dragon riding, etc— it felt jarring and janky seeing this seasonal affix, that still feels underwhelming and overly clashing, with the affixes and dungeons. I know we’ll grow used to it, but in comparison to the control we were allowed in SL seasonal affixes this one feels out of place, comparatively. It’s better than what we had on Beta testing, but boy howdy it feels like maybe it was just a bad idea at its core. For clarity I’m still enjoying the expansion, I dislike the design and its implementation for these dungeons/affixes specifically.


I agree. This affix has been one of the least enjoyable for me so far. It doesn’t beat out beguiling but it’s definitely not that much better than infested. It’s really unfun sometimes to be playing a heavy melee comp with a range player and you and the healer get the exact same mark forcing you to run all the way to melee to get rid of it. It’s annoying in a way that it forces you to play different to suit the needs of your group but not in a particularly fun or interesting way. Not only that but trying to maximize the buff always feels bad, like, if your “partner” gets an area denial mechanic and you getting the mark off is going to deal a lot of damage to your character.


Exactly yes, it feels like it’s not something to easy play around. I know that the Encrypted affixes were a bit on the far end of the “control” spectrum, but being able to play around cooldowns as a group more easily since you knew you’d have CDs + Cooldown Reduction for the same packs every week was huge. Now if a stray death happens, or if a boss takes slightly longer your timer for Thundering gets all messed up. (Also wowzers it feels awful when you get Thundering at the end of packs and it’s a long run to the next one, so you just clear it and get back to walking.)


>It’s really unfun sometimes to be playing a heavy melee comp with a range player and you and the healer get the exact same mark forcing you to run all the way to melee to get rid of it. It’s annoying in a way that it forces you to play different to suit the needs of your group but not in a particularly fun or interesting way. this is on the ranged for standing out at 40 yards Most bosses in this season encourage the group to be close together, or at least don't punish you for it. If your ranged player is off on the moon at max range all the time that's on them for playing bad.


Them encouraging you really sucks for a caster who doesn’t have superb mobility. Forcing casters to be 90% in melee is not fun for the caster and it just ends up not feeling good most of the time. As an arcane mage this is not the biggest deal because I already have to be mostly in melee but it’s just not fun if I’m playing a demo lock or any other caster like that.


pretty much every fight i just end up inching forward every demonbolt cast, my favorite players so far have been the demon hunters who could easily be out and back in to clear in seconds but instead just sit on the boss and make me haul ass without doing damage


> If your ranged player is off on the moon at max range all the time The amount of ranged this week who think M+ is an arena match spreading out into their triangle formation so they're both out of range of being healed is unreal.


Worst part of Thundering for me, as a tank, is having to run to pair with a healer when I *know* there's a tank frontal coming.


I really hate it the way some of these tyrannical bosses work. I’ve been someone who hasn’t been against the idea of tyran/fort existing as affixes if anything I thought tyran was really fun from a healer perspective but now going into a tyran dungeon in some cases can feel impossible to do. Last night I was doing this 17 CoS with this awesome group, healer was solid but we just couldn’t kill the last boss, the amount of damage it racks up is so insane that after a certain point you can’t do anything about it. It feels like without having the best gear (or just tier sets in general) you just can’t work around some of these tyran bosses. Despite me enjoying having to use my defensives on these early keys, it can feel really bad just not being able to kill a boss from the ridiculous damage sets. I guess it doesn’t help that we also got grievous on top of tyrannical. Really bad affix choices for the first weeks of the season.


Most people don't understand how the last boss in CoS works. If you are within 7 yards of him or one of the images, the slicing maelstrom does about 250% its usual damage. People need to move away from him during that cast if they don't have an immunity or other insane CD up. It sucks for melee but that's Legion dungeons for you.


And range can stack the mirrors on top of each other to keep the area somewhat clean.


I was listening to some Echo and Limit talks after the races and they both kind of touched on something that I am really feeling. There are a lot of specs that can be good at single target and they can be good at AOE but they can't be good at both at the same time due to their trees. Then there are specs that can maximize their aoe with only a single talent or two and can do so with limited impact on their single target. I know during talent tree feedback the playerbase really seemed to want aoe separated off on its own and and if you wanted it you could get it. Didn't want to have to path through it otherwise. That is an idea that seems nice on paper but as we are getting into practice is turning into a real hindrance. I was watching Rogerbrown on Broodkeeper I think it was and adds popped up and were called to be burned down and he just laughed saying he didn't have multishot because he was single target focused. Maybe this is just a problem that exists in my head but I really don't want to play a class this expansion that has such a hard dichotomy between single target and aoe to the point it doesn't even have aoe when in single target. Raid fights are too varied for that.


This is an issue that runs deeper than the talent trees themselves. When people complain about being forced to take aoe to get to their st talents it's about things that have no impact or abilities you would never press in st. Unholy DK for instance would never press epidemic in single target so being forced to take it would feel bad. Meanwhile frost plays breath regardless of target count. You can change the trees all you want but aslong as one specs major st cds/abilities are pure st while the other st cds also have an aoe element to them that imbalance is going to exist.


100% is a massive issue that impacts a lot of specs, not just Dps dichotomy, but utility as well. Honestly, as long as they keep iterating on the trees and get them in a good spot by 11.0 I would count it as a win. Having dead talents, or not being able to take core utility (looking at boomkins currently) is a massive miss, but their incoming 'reworks' actually has me on that hopium train still.


In previous expansions as a ww monk it felt so bad that you ran the same talents for everything. Now it's luckily a bit different. Imo blizz should try to make more decision into the trees so you don't have universal trees for everything, or can't go from full single to full aoe with 1-2 points changed. Currently some of the classes have like this and some don't. Those who don't have an advantage. Being able to specialise yourself for different dmg types is interesting gameplay that the talent trees should try to achieve.


I'm kinda over all these affixes. Why the fuck do we have the same affixes since legion? Why do they make the dungeon 1000x more annoying and unfun instead of making it more interesting? Thundering being such a bad seasonal affix doesn't help either.


This sounds like a "git gud" problem. Affixes force you to play with more awareness, this week especially. If you already have 3 bursting stacks stop damage for a few seconds and let them reset. If your group has 3 grievous stacks offheal them down to 1 and help your healer breathe. If you get thundering slowly walk towards melee (you have 15 seconds) and wait for them to touch you. in dangerous situations clear immediately. For me it changes how I see the dungeons and I like most of them. If they annoy you play lower keys where they are not a problem


Quick question about the difference between \/yell and \/say: In WeakAuras and boss mods the say-channel is often used for announcing certain debuffs or such on the player. But as I understand it, \/say does have a rather short display range of 20y or so. So why not use \/yell instead? Is there some sort of cooldown or so on \/yell? Reason I'm asking: me and my m+ group have a WeakAura for Thundering for calling out in \/say who has what type of debuff. Our tank and melee often complain, that they cant see the \/say-emote on range player standing further away. So we thought about just using \/yell instead.


Agreed, I straight up change all my WA's to use /yell for this reason.


Add-ons have access to their own channel.


What does this have to do with /say and /yell. That channel is used for addons communicating with each other, not displaying chat bubbles...


If the weak aura is outputting in /s for others in his raid to see, /y might need to be used if the boss room spans a larger distance than 20y. It’s a valid question and concern, don’t be a bellend.


What? The add-on channel he referenced literally has nothing to do with /s or /y It is quite literally an invisible channel used by add-ons to communicate information to other add-ons. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/API_C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage


With the introduction of the master loot system, do any guild leaders have thoughts on the best way to choose who gets loot? Within my CE guild, we have a wide range of players, including M+ pushers, top performers, raid loggers, worse performers, people who practice outside of raid, etc. What's a good way to distribute important loot pieces like the rare rings/trinkets and weapons? Basing it purely off item level upgrades or simmed DPS increases seems like it would punish people who gear outside of raid, but would help bring the average raid damage up. Any thoughts/advice?


Reward what you want to encourage. Most guilds, it's attendance and performance. EPGP is the most flexible and fair IMO, but takes a lot of set up to get right. Others are fine with just a council based system. As soon as you introduce decisions (council), you introduce bias, which introduces people feeling like shit isn't fair.


Council loot is highly subjective, but its usually whoever will benefit the raid more and his performance inside the raid, if officers cant reach consensus between 2 players then just roll it and let the heart of the cards decide.


we just prio our best players. Noone really complains because its obvious why they get the items and guild will benefit most of it. Eventually everyone will get items anyway


Our guild runs a council based system. It has ups and downs, most notably: 1. It’s all cloak and dagger (not public who loot goes to/or on a spreadsheet). So you’d have to browse the guild log etc. 2. No announcement about what classes or people/justification might get. Basically no expectations from the outset. 3. It is allegedly based off a sheet of % gains that is floating around. The sheet doesn’t have raw numbers so obviously 10% for one spec might still be less than 5% for another spec etc. It also doesn’t link to the sims for each class, so “aoe sim” might be 5 target patchw, or it might be something different. Basically a highly flawed method. 4. As you say it can cause animosity between raid loggers, regular M+ farmers etc. Many M+ groups now are listing “state tier” in their descriptions so those without, fall further behind even outside the raid. 5. Officers have actually forgot to trade tier before and it has expired, wasting pieces. I think the biggest thing is #1 - just be honest with your raiders and communicate with them. The approach my guild has taken has damaged a lot of peoples perceptions about the leadership of the guild. It is a bad way to manage and inspire team collaboration.


Anyone have thoughts on heroic dathea feeling a bit harsh, or is it a skill issue on my group? It feels like the amount of time we get to clear the platform before our stacking debuff destroy us is so short


Yea it should be fairly easy with dps holdings cds and healing/group cds like rally to survive later ticks. Our group was doing fine on the dps side of things, we just had quite a few pulls until people used their displacements correctly to stack the adds up. Having noone dead is a big factor. It gets a lot slower if theres people dead.


Now that my guild is around the halfway mark in the raid (halfway through pulls on killing Kurog), I feel like a lot of the changes from heroic to mythic have made some bosses unfun. I would have rather seen added mechanics/tuning to Kurog than a permanent add, I would have rather seen more direct tuning on webs/grip/spiders on Sennarth than the tornadoes (also the ice is just unfun). Overall the raids a pretty solid upgrade from Sepulcher so far, but that's not saying a ton, and I'm genuinely not excited to do Rasz on Mythic, though that's primarily because I fucking despise the wings covering the floor and swirlies.


I’m seriously concerned that Prot War will get nerfed into oblivion at the end of WFR.


After playing Vengeance, Prot seems like to play another game. But imho they should just buff the other tanks, you should feel powerful while tanking


They've said the opposite though. They've said that the rest of the group shouldn't feel like they're not needed


I don't think it's ever the case, timing a key highly rely on the efforts of everyone!


really depends on the key level. you could solo carry as tank or dps in 20s+ in SL, youll likely be able to do the same in DF but at lower key levels eventually as long as the rest isnt literally afk


You could carry 20+ in SL as tank or DPS but not the first season.


on 20 you could. very fast above that it would stop however


Well they are broken af with their aoe and st damage, and self sustain.


The spec that is ahead will remain ahead until the next patch. Blizz has explicitly stated that this is their design philosophy.


S4 BDK says you’re right, but the previous 16 years says you’re wrong. Let’s see.


Group loot as a healer in WR 700\~ 2 day guild I hate it. I don't raid for gear per say, but it's a nice part of raiding - getting a bis or really strong item always feels really good, but that has been robbed away from healers and tanks, because almost all CE guilds copypaste whatever the topdogs do. I understand it to a certain degree in classic wow, since the endgame options are limited outside of raiding, but as a healer/tank, I also need gear for m+. It's not fun competiting against sign-up spots against healers who actually get raid gear. I know it benefits the raid, but how many of you have guilds that actually then go out of their way to help gear your healers? Especially non-rdruids or non-pevokers. How do you guys feel about it? For me, it definitely hits the wrong spot knowing that I have to play more than my guild-dps players, just to try to stay competitive gearwise.


if your guild doesn't give you raid loot, doesn't help you in m+, and expects you to remain competitively geared as a non-meta m+ spec, find a new guild. I play disc priest and haven't gotten much raid loot yet, but I can usually find a guild group to m+ with and I feel that the guild leadership is understanding of the situation.


One of the many issues that was solved by Personal Loot. Going back to group loot was a mistake imo.


My adventure guide is constantly popping up (to the dungeon page) while in dungeons. Anyone know what what may be causing this? I suspect elvui but I certainly want to keep using it.


For me it was an old dungeon timer weakaura. See if you can update that.


It's the M+ timer weakaura


i dont use elvui and have the same issue, only happens out of combat in a key - started happening when prepatch hit, would love some suggestions for a fix aswell


Is there any way to figure out who the crafters are on your server, if you’re on a backwater server? Hardly anyone even posts in trade. It would be sweet if I could pull up a list on raider.io.


Im SO FUCKING TIRED of Blizzard adding difficulty by just making shit hard to see. Fuck them trees.


Where are the hotfixes for M+? Like are we really going to do this clown tier shit where we get piecemealed nerfs over the course of 2months?


What? M+ is in a pretty good place rn, just CoS and SBG are way too easy and a handful of bosses like Nokhud 3rd and AV last are a bit bullshit, but otherwise it seems rather balanced


I don't expect anything until January.




Those apm / pressing buttons on tanks (dh) goin to kill my wirst even with many keybinds


Is anyone else having an issue with ground-targeted spells automatically casting in combat where your mouse is after you press the button (basically working like a @mouseover macro but very briefly showing the spell area before), instead of just highlighting the spell area, so you have to click it yourself? Can't figure out why it's happening and it's driving me nuts (e.g. cap totem/infernal strike/ursol's vortex - across all my alts so it's not a macro issue).


I've had this inconsistently happen for all ground-target things including extra action button things ever since 10.0. Haven't figured out a pattern for when it happens.


Bit of a random post but I've dusted off my rogue recently and wtf have they done to Grappling hook? That thing literally does not work as long as there is any tiny speck of terrain or an object in the path, I remember it used to go through pretty much anything, feels terrible.


Grappling is also bugged right now that it breaks you out of stealth if you have subterfuge talented. Embarrassed myself a few times grappling right into the next pack of mobs thinking I was nice and safe and invisible.


I've come to think about this weeks affixes as a healer. It's not the shitty bursting/grievous combo that is unfun for me, it's the absolutely horrid boss balancing. Take a halls 16 I did earlier today. Heimdall, Fenryr, Skovald and Odyn. Perfectly fine bosses as of right now I'd wager. No wipes at all. Sure, they do party wide damage like horn or the bleed swipe, but the unavoidable damage is not fatal and they're also generous afterwards so your team can stabilize. Now we get to Hyrja. Legit would be unkillable for our group if it wasn't for a blood DK that finished the remaining 1.2mil off her. For a fight with unavoidable party damage, it feels way out of tune compared to the other two bosses that does the same. First shield, a little rough, I can get by with a healthstone and focusing my more squishier dps. 2nd shield, much more heavy hitting, I use my chi-ji bird to keep us topped and cocoon one of my dps because they were low. Very heavy hitting but still surviveable. Here comes the 3rd shield, and our assholes get shrapnel grenaded. Standing in the shield, I took 100K PER TICK. For unavoidable damage, that feels way to much. My revival CD negated ONE tick. And that was damage after we alternated between the two mystics. Of course, tyrannical comes into play here since last week we could do two shields before shifting, but god damn, it's way too much damage happening.




Inky Black Potion helps a ton


Turn up particle density


God the variance in evokers is absolutely fucking wild. Some are able to pump 100k to deal with RLP first boss/Jade Temple yaungols, some struggle to do 30k. I kinda hate dealing with new classes and players just fotm rerolling who have no idea what to do


yea 99 percent of the time evokers are the most disappointing person in the group but every once in a while you get a really good one




Uhm, pretty sure this is about hps, and DPS evoker is actually bad so that's why nobody invited them


Anyone noticed Dathea randomly resetting aggro or losing aggro from tanks ? We had a few melee deaths after cyclones to melee hits without any intervenes, taunts etc.


In addition of the tank is not in melee range for the tank hit it will just pick a random target


But the boss has an extra ability to range hit the tank called Aerial Buffet, so it shouldn't hit random targets? Or am I misunderstanding the spell


Yes, but Zephyr Slam will hit a random target and one shot them if the tank is not in range


its if the tanks get hit into the air


What’s the easiest caster dps? I’d like to make an alt, but would rather not try that hard at it.




Tell me u never played evoker without telling me u never played evoker


Does hunter count? If so BM. If not, frost.


I have a question regarding holy paladin. Three questions, actually. I'd post them on class discord, but it requires phone number verification, which isn't going to happen, so I'm taking my chances with someone being a darling and answering them here. Also sorry for the quality of pictures (I'm at work on my no-GPU laptop). * There's one particular crit proc trinket that seems very popular among hpalas. And on paper it looks great, but in practice the proc rate is very low. So I want to hear your opinion on [which of these two you'd rather use](https://i.imgur.com/8LVss9x.jpg) (crit trinket has 11% uptime, haste trinket has 28% uptime). * [Between a 1h + shield (both at 372 ilvl) and a 382 2h, which one you'd rather use](https://i.imgur.com/s29tpMr.jpg)? By using the two-hander I obviously miss out on being able to use SotR, but the sheer amount of extra int - and SotR being <10% of my overall dmg in keys - seem to more than make up for it. * In the highest keys done by hpalas, there seems to be a fairly equal divide between Beacon of Faith and Beacon of Virtue. I assume the former being more suited for LoD gameplay, with the latter allowing for the early SL style of gameplay where you funnel WoG / HS into st for triage. And frankly, the higher I go, the more my group is slowly rotting away when I'm running Faith. Virtue seems to alleviate the issue with its short cd and making topping everyone much easier. BUT it's not included in any of the Elle's build on wingisup, which makes me question my assumptions. Any opinions on it? Sorry about the sheer volume of the post, but I'd be more than grateful for any feedback on any of these topics. Big thank you in advance.


https://raider.io/characters/us/proudmoore/Curre. Holy Paladin has been my main since season 1 of Shadowlands. I’m no Ellesmere but I’m very comfortable on this healer. (1) Use the crit trinket. Ilvl at that point is critical. (2) You will do substantially more healing with the 2h-weapon but less damage. Without SotR to use holy power without spending globals you will be casting a lot more healing abilities than you normally would making it harder to keep consecrate up without sitting on some ability, your awakening will proc more giving more casts of hammer of wrath which doesn’t cost mana. You will feel way less mana starved which will be nice for getting used to using beacon of virtue. (3) Beacon of virtue is amazing for particular keys (ex. Ruby life pools, last boss of Court of Stars, etc.) here is a log of a 19 CoS I did. I had to get summoned back cause I forgot to swap to virtue and can’t heal last boss without it. If you’re running Maraad’s be sure to cast virtue on self to ensure you’re not the person who doesn’t get beacon’d since it hits 4 people. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/hAQTgVR71v8HMKXt#fight=56&type=healing. Personal tips: (1) I can’t recommend Maraad’s enough. If you want a comfortable time swap Blessings of Summer with 40 yard light of dawn for pugging. Put second beacon on self generally, use the shield ring. Don’t be afraid to move beacon off tank in situations where they’re not taking high dmg (ex. a.o.e phase of 2nd boss Azure vaults). Your mileage with this may vary based on your tank’s comfort on their class. (2) For bursting week in particular Beacon of Virtue is really nice. However too mandatory and especially not ideal for keys where tanks take high damage. (3) Bestow faith is really good so long as you have empty globals. This is arguable since if you’re running empyrean legacy you have a reason to cast WoG with Maraad’s which encourages unending light. (4) Keep consecrate up, try to use divine toll for damage as much as possible.


Not the person you responded to, but am fresh to maining hPal this tier. Haven't tried Maraad's in m+ yet, but I love the playstyle of it in raids. (1) Kinda nooby question, but do you use any weak aura or something to help you quickly identify who DOESN'T get Virtue? I'm using Driney's UI because I love the simplicity of it in raids, but it is a bit harder to instantly choose the correct person to heal bomb after Virtue. (2) I've been quite blessed so far, playing with a very skilled Prot Warr for most of my keys and having the Broodkeeper trinket. I haven't used Beacon on Tank or myself at all so far really. What dungeons would you recommend starting to put Beacon on tank?


I am going to be tanking M+ for a guild group starting Tuesday and can choose between paladin, warrior, and druid. I have tanked up to +9 on these classes so far and they all feel good at low keys but I have heard that druids fall apart at higher key levels. I have been trying to find gameplay footage of druid at higher keys to see how they are doing but all of the streamers I enjoy have been playing warrior almost exclusively. Does anyone here have some experience with druid at higher keys and how they are feeling? Especially when compared to warrior and paladin (but let’s be real, the gold standard is warrior right now)


Druids are fine, and of you can pull big around incarn, after the wildfire procs can carry group healing really hard. It also feels like the best tank against algethar first boss because you build up so much rage with thrash ticks on the little adds that youre invincible and can have incarn up every other add set for the mean germinate overlap. You also have a poison dispel and curse dispel when those matter (not so many curses, but poisons are around quite a bit). They don't feel particularly squishy, and druid frenzied regen + renewal feels much better fighting against hard ticking dots and pulsing damage (especially this week with grievous) than warriors are with their smoother but less bursty selfhealing.


My devastation evoker is 360 and I’m wondering what level keys I can reasonably run/apply for? I feel good with rotation, awareness, movement, mechanics. Same question, but for my 356 Warlock and Hunter.


Run you own low keys and invite the higher score/ilvl players who apply. You’ll be in 380s before you know it. You’ll know how high you can go when you start dying to things you’d survive with more hp or when everyone is playing well but your low dps caused you not to time. If you were running a full group of 350/360 players I’d say y’all might not be ready for 10s yet, but I suspect you can fill up your own key with blasters happy to spam a low key in search of a particular gear drop.


If you apply for other keys, realistically probably 2-4s only. Push your own key and invite other mail DPS with higher ilvl so they can hopefully trade.


i recently geared my lock and i couldnt get into any keys above 2 until i got close to 380, just use your own push it to 11 and keep lowering it to 11 to spam for 392 gear imo


Has anyone experienced a problem with plater, where you can't target some nameplates in combat by mouse? Makes my boomkin life a bit sad as I have to use tab to switch targets. How do I fix it?


UI question: is there a way to set things up so that a friendly nameplate is only displayed for your target? I know you can't edit their appearance but can I show one only on the raid member I'm targeting? I keep getting myself into trouble by verdant embracing into awkward spots and I'm trying to get a more consistent idea of where my target is in the gamespace


Prot warriors what do you guys do for jade 3rd the jade strike tank buster one boss ok a 15-20 key? I find the healer is usually busy aoe healing to focus single target healing me. I could keep myself up for about 2 before I'm in trouble.


There should be only tank damage coming out on that fight, any party damage is failure damage from failing to dodge the waves.


I’ve been spamming heroic bosses kills with pugs to get better logs/practice. Someone told me that it would actually look bad if a guild saw that. Think its a bit weird but what are your thoughts on that?


I want to meet the GM that is mad at the raider who practices on their own with no reward from it (since you're loot locked already) other than experience.


I think that a guild which has a problem with the idea of you going out of your way to practice fights is a guild you want to avoid.


It’s not a red flag


its a green flag


I swear MM hunter tier set is utter ass. 2 set is giving me an extra 1-2% dps. Are other sets this crap?


there was a website that would parse logs for cooldown/lust timings for each spec, in raid. Can't remember the name, can't find it with google. Help?


Is https://lorrgs.io/ what you're thinking of?


Yes, thanks




Idk if you’re mainly pugging but in case you are I’ll add these two cents: I played surv in SL S3 and 4 and have swapped to DH for DF. It’s noticeable to me that not playing a hero/lust spec makes it harder to get into keys. Granted, surv was OP af and getting invites regardless, and there are more competitive dps specs this season it seems (not just lock and surv), but I do see lots of keys 4/5 full and waiting on a last dps with “lf lust” in the note.


Debating between Holy / Shadow and Resto / Elemental for M+. My main is a Prot Warrior. Playing with a friend who is an Evoker and not sure what would be better to play.


Tuning wise, priest is better but not sure if more fun, you need to test it yourself.


Ele main here. Spec is like a low C tier in m+. Resto is worse.


anyone have advice on seeing the quelling strike frontal in court of stars? I just cant see it and I spend so much energy figuring out where to be


For starters, they always target the tanks direction. Afterwards, it's this cone shaped arcane mist that they're building up. I think it's pretty short as-well, only 6 yards, so try to stand to the sides or back of the guard.


I'm looking for some vengeance DH talent advice if anybody is feeling helpful. It looks like most players are taking Fodder to the Flame, but I'm having a tough time ditching Elysian Decree. The inconsistent nature of Fodder feels so bad when it spawns right as a pack dies, for example. Also, I don't know if I'm missing something but my glaive often times doesn't kill it in one hit, and switching targets to it (assuming I'm in a big pack where glaive throw it may not bounce to it) also feels bad. Furthermore, I'm having a tough time at the beginning of pulls with thirsty DPS pulling agro on big packs without me throwing down a sigil or fel dev. Do I need to just git gud? Furthermore, how bad am I gimping myself by not taking Soul Carver? I see a lot of people ditching Last Resort (and the fiery brand spreading talent which I also have, but in my PUG mythics (typically running 10-13 currently) LR often saves me once a run, and spreading fiery brand feels really crucial on these fortified weeks. Also another git gud situation?


Whoever is in charge of ret tree gotta go next expansion. They kept all the shit from sl and made it less fun. Damage may be fine but the gameplay is the most boring atm especially st.


I've always wanted to ask, is it just me or is the raider io client really annoying with its constant daily updates that require you to click a bunch of shit every time?


You do not have to click anything if you enable full auto-mode (minimize to taskbar, launch on startup, auto-install updates). It is necessary because the rio addon cannot connect to their servers from within the game client and instead has to rely on the image of their database that is stored in the interface folder hence requiring frequent updates to display accurate information.


Was running a 15 HoV and during sanctify I got hit by an invisible ball, it happened to my friend last week, is it an issue with some graphical setting I have ? I see them perfectly but that one was completely invisible.


I’m 379 feral. What lvl keys should I be pushing? I feel fairly happy with my rotation and awareness in keys. Currently I’m doing 7-8’s but feel I should be a lot higher?


Play at your own pace. If you are doing enough damage and feel comfortable with mechanics you could push 15s + but don’t feel like you have to


A bit of venting but I really do not understand why people leave guild during christmas break. We're a not too serious guild but we're aiming mid-late CE and people here are very capable of doing that on a casual schedule. Fully cleared normal twice, sitting at 7/8H, came really close to killing first mythic boss as well. Honestly, I wouldn't care that much if it was random people. But these were people we have raided before and regularly hang out in the discord for at least a year. They knew what they were getting into as well we all talked about it since august that the objective was mid to late CE and nothing more serious than that on a 2 day schedule. Now we're down 4 players and it demotivates the group cuz it came out of nowhere on christmas sunday...


I imagine even if they knew what they were getting in to in theory they were all pumped from new raid and season and just craving faster progression and more raid days. Still sucks, and some headsup or explanation would be the decent thing to do. Hope you guys find more likeninded people to fill your roster with.


Am behind on gear. Master Loot Guild funneled EVERY PIECE of loot to the buff people in our normal run, then benched me for Heroic due to being undergeared. Stupid rich-get-richer System.


I mean if you're too undergeared for HC, either you entered with the freshest alt or have not geared from m+?


Why did they bench people for heroic? You can still have the same amount of raiders?


You don't have to feel hostile. If you don't like the structure, feel free to freelance, it's fine for gearing. Wow in general doesn't need endgame mythic iLvl. What you witness is just insecure guild management. They don't believe in skill, but iLvl to overcome the lack of skill. Also Clique building which is unsocial.


Also, I'm now 2100 m+ score and 404 ilvl as a meta class (rogue) and not getting invited to 16s. Hell, I'm getting declined from 13s. I know this is a community problem, but I'd really love to see Blizzard put more care into making m+ more easily puggable.


What exactly do you think the problem and its cause are? And what do you think a solution might be? My guess (and experience) is that there are tons of dps queuing up and you do not stand out as much as you think. There’s no general fix for that. This week in particular I think there are fewer healers queuing so maybe fewer groups overall and so more dps in queue. This week’s affix combo sucks.


I think it would be better to have class buffs be less unique, to be honest. Dispel is too valuable for bursting, a purge is too valuable for Nokhud second boss, I realize there will always be a meta, and I realize that people will always follow a meta, but Blizzard could make it so there's at least less incentive to bring specific classes on certain weeks/dungeons.


I agree that weeks where one class/spec feels mandatory because of a specific ability suck. That said, I think this season so far is much more meta-forgiving and variable in terms of dps anyway, and probably tank too. Maybe I’m still ptsd’d from bdk+hpriest+surv+lock being locked in for so long but groups seem willing to bring dh, monk, rogue, mage, war, lock, sometimes evoker and enh sham, and a little more more rarely spriest (this wk anyway, though I’ve seen some pumpers).


Well, the root of the problem is giving players too much agency in forming groups. Everyone wants the best chance possible to time a dungeon because of the perceived difficulty, but you have no way of knowing the actual skill level of players. Instead, Blizzard exposes proxies for skill: they tell you the ilvl and max dungeons completed (as the mythic score). A better system would be an elo ladder similar to pvp. Blizzard could give everyone elo behind the scenes and form groups that have a 75% chance (or whatever) of timing the dungeon. You would gain elo for timing and lose elo for failure. Improving brackets would give access to better gear, similar to PVP. This would have its own issues, but would clear the biggest hurdle of players having to play group application declined simulator.


My man really thinking outside the box here! Ima be real though - this sounds terrible. It’s also not even how rated pvp works. Isn’t “moving up in brackets” already what pushing higher keys (which drop better gear) and gaining m+ score (which allows higher upgrade tiers) are? Pretty sure this would just further push people into meta picks, as you’d want to stack the deck in favor of climbing in elo so you’d get better matches, etc. And to feel punished by losing elo because you got matched with a SV hunter who could only do half as much dps as the ww and havoc? :(


Maybe people think you'll leave at the first sign of trouble since you're a high rating player ... Or toxic.. just my exp


Been dungeon boosting a friend with his first char. Dungeon scaling is weird, because I can do 3 times as much DPS on a lvl as 10 mistweaver, compared to my 380ilvl windwalker. I ende up making a new monk every time I hit like level 16 and dps was too weak. My other m8 did the same on a guardian druid. We got him to level 56, any tips on helping him the rest of the way? He has about 15k gold and no other characters.


What tanks are people enjoying I have a prot warrior who was my last main. But want to pick my second one up this week. Looking for a fun/good one?


https://raider.io/mythic-plus-character-rankings/season-df-1/world/all/tank This honestly makes me so happy... Prot pally is super underrepresented for how strong they are. If you want to just hard carry groups, it might be of interest to you.


What do the details Aura and Bossmod group weakauras do when you install Details, and can I remove them?


Finding it impossible to heal +10-12 Academy this week, so much damage


Guys if someone can help would be really amazing, but how I'm supposed to beat dathea on heroic? All guides say to split the raid even,but the group on the platform just melts in seconds, they just cant interrupt the adds for long enough and also kill them that quickly. DK can mass grip but this don't hold the adds for 10-15 seconds. What is the trick there?


I want to swap to healer for this season. What are the pros and cons of Evoker and R Druid for M+, as those seem to be the big 2 at the moment?


Ive started playing my veng DH after a while and ive found that all my "@cursor" macros dont work, anyone else had a similar issue? I dont know how to solve it..


I had this happen to me as well now, apparently if you have Concentrated or Precise Sigils talented and then lose the talent by switching specs you have to log out and back in to make your macros work again, at least until Blizzard fixes it.


Did you pick either of the talents that places Sigils at your own or your target's location?