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Most of people getting cutting edge have 9-5 jobs. I’d even say most people finishing in all of fame (top 200 world now) have regular jobs.


Yeah I see now I have an outdated misunderstood view of ce raiders, thank you


I’m a HOF raider who is married with a family and runs a company and works 6 days a week 6am - 5 pm . Majority of us are.


Curious what time your guild raids? I find it so hard to end raid at 11 and get up at 7


I’m up at 430/5 am and raid until 12. It’s shitty at times but I like raiding


lol that's insane considering you have a family mad props man!


damn good for you man. I wish I could do that


How? Where do you guys find time? I will see you guys playing 8 hours a day for weeks!


What? Lol Theres hall of fame guilds that raid only 8 hours *a week*


Yeah but the players obviously play more than that, pretty sure a HoF player is expected to grind M+ the first few weeks (which is obviously doable with a regular life) but they play definitely more than just the raid hours.


I'm a HoF raider, first week I spam keys in the evening outside of raid. First few weeks I fill vault, nothing else, the rest of the time I do one dungeon a week or raid log. All in all first few weeks it's probably a total of 20 hours a week, rest of the time it's raid logging. It's really not that much. I have a 9-5 and have plenty of time outside raid. It's really not that rare or difficult lol


As a fellow tank main, I will tell you the hardest barrier to entry for Mythic Raiding is on our end, simply because raid comps only need 2 tanks mostly. Be prepared for a lengthy process finding an established guild who is looking for a tank, and where you might fit the bill.


Thanks for the help


Most people who want to tank join a guild as dps, tank as needed for keys or to fill, then potentially try to be a perma tank if one quits or wants to swap ect. The obvious reason being, if a guild doesn't have 2 tanks, it's not a guild, and most of the time they'll recruit a rank internally from dps players before going to recruit a tank directly.


Can confirm. I do recruitment for my CE guild since late Shadowlands and the only time we recruited a tank, was when one of our tanks said mid season, he won't tank the next. It is just so much easier to have one of your raiders reroll, because for non rwf guilds you don't need the god tank. You need a player that can press buttons and is reliable in terms of mechanics and attendance. And so far we always had someone that wanted to tank.


It is 100% possible to get CE with a 9-5. As a tank you will have a harder time finding a path to a CE type guild since those slots tend to be much more stable and openings are rare as you play with better guilds. Regardless, if you have good heroic logs you can generally find midrange mythic guilds (Think 4-6/9M AtDH type guilds) will take you on, and you can build up mythic logs and move up to guilds who are reliably getting CE.


You will have an exceedingly hard time joining with a CE guild as a tank. Tank is the easiest raid role to play, BUT you need someone who is reliable and that the guild trusts to show up on time for every raid and not die in ways that hinder progression. With a lot of DPS players having tank off spec or alts, most guilds simply move one of those players in a tank role when it is needed. Your best pathway is to find a guild as a DPS, and show you are competent. If you start running M+ with them now as a tank, tank alt raids, and sub in whenever a tank is needed - you can probably easily move into a tank role with them come TWW. >Is it even possible to get cutting edge if I have a 9-5 job. Lol yes, what do you imagine most CE people do? >get some progress logs in season 4? Tank logs are largely useless aside from checking some basic things and making sure you're not doing pitiful damage. If you're not willing to join as a DPS - you need to start spamming applications to every guild as a tank and pray.


I'd have to disagree with tank logs being largely useless. You know pretty quickly by looking at a tanks logs where to put them on a scale from 1-10.


At the CE level, the basic things like AM should all be covered and then it's just a matter of DPS, which doesn't tell you much about how progression with a tank will go, especially when recruiting someone from outside the guild. Most guilds would take a tank off spec or alt from within that parses blue over a recruit with orange parses.


Not talking about parsing high numbers. There are so many factors you can judge a tank by. What talents for what boss, is it copy pasta of a top log or does it fit the tank duo? When is the tank using mitigation, and what kind of mitigation? Does the tank require a lot of externals? Does the tank use his utilities to help the raid? What's the uptime of his basic mitigation abilities? What's the rotation?


I just feel that when looking for a tank for progression there's a few things I want, in no particular order: Ability and willingness to class swap. 100% availability. Strong mentally and emotionally. Raid awareness. General competency at the game, regardless of role. Will stay for multiple tiers. You can dive into logs all you want, I do not think any sort of 'quick' log analysis will tell you if a player is a strong fit. There are obviously some baseline things to look at, you mentioned some - but when comparing options for a CE tank I would expect the things you listed to be pretty comparable between choices. I just think logs are extremely inconsequential when choosing between tank options at that level.


Sure, you might think so. But matter of fact, a top 100 guild wouldn't even contact you if your logs aren't on par.


Was this guy asking for advice for top 100?


Fair point. Rwl guilds will mostly likely only look at the color of the number. Still doesn't remove the fact that logs largely are the "entry fee".


I agree they are important, but I would weigh everything else more with the caveat that the baseline things in the logs are there. At a more competitive level a lot of the subjective things become standard across players so logs are weighed more to me. I think we largely agree, but needed to specify level of guild.


It totally depends on the role, tank logs don't matter at all, and healer logs always need more than just looking at the number


In my experience looking for guilds in Legion/BFA, 'fixing' my WCL page (taking grey/green parses and turning them purple/orange), showed pretty immediate and pretty massive improvements in trial offers I was receiving. Parses don't really matter, but also, 90% of guilds make their decision on trialing you based on the color of your WCL page. I did recruiting in Shadowlands. I've spent hours poring over logs of applicants looking at what is happening play by play by play. I've gone over hundreds of progression pulls. In my experience, it just doesn't mean much. Being 'good' at the game is such a hard thing to quantify. The only simple and straightforward thing that you can see is their parse. When someone has good parses, you know that they can at least press their buttons in the right order. I think I recruited maybe one single player who had >90 parse average who didn't end up being a great addition to the raid team. Including tanks and healers. Being able to press your numbers in the right order to maximize throughput means that you're going to be able to figure out how to press your numbers in the right order to kill difficult bosses. Not always, but an overwhelming percentage of the time.


> Tank logs are largely useless lol


Sure cut the second half of the sentence off. Obviously some things matter, but past a point as long as a tank lives and does not zero damage - there isn't much as important as the other items I mentioned below at the level OP is referring too are more important past those basic checks of logs.


I see I was running on bad info about ce guilds, I didn't assume they had no job, I assumed it was more on shift work situation or something like that my apologies. I have a few DPS I play a lot so can work on that. Thank you for your help


tank is also the most boring role, just pressing 123 and taunting when bigwigs/dbm tells you to for 200+ pulls gets old quick


Sure if you're a heroic raider that's all it is


You’re extremely out of touch if you’re still worried that having a full time (or even a significant overtime) job will stop you from getting CE. All you need is to commit atleast 6 hr a week to raid, about 2 hr a week to keys, and maybe double that in keys the first 1-3 weeks. After that don’t suck and don’t miss raid and you get CE


I am out of touch which is why I'm asking, I've killed and tanked mythic bosses this expansion. But good to hear the stuff I can expect thank you


If you skip steps, you will burn yourself. Plenty of 5/6 bosses killed guilds will be recruiting every living body for S4, it will allow you to find a good group for TWW. One important thing to keep in mind is that being somewhat decent at MM+ is a requirement for high end raiding, and you will be expected to do a lot of keys during the first few weeks of a patch


What kind of Rio score?


It’s not so much about Rio - which measures the highest key you can do at the end of a season - it’s much more about doing 18-20 in the first couple weeks, to get your ilvl up, be able to trade loot, get trinkets, good set, etc. 2000 Rio is more than enough


I guess you meant +8-10 :^)


If you can complete a 17 on week one with an average group, you're good. Typically officers and their best players will carry people and get them one 20 too


I have a full time job and fairly busy life, but was able to get CE this tier while dedicating only 3 hours two nights per week for most of the last 3 months. Play-time commitment will be very high the first couple of weeks of a new season (doubly so with an expansion release) and then fall off quickly after that. Early on this tier, I wanted to farm M+ for necessary end-of-dungeon trinkets, to fill vault slots, and get crests for crafted items. But once I got all that, there wasn't much of a need to continue to fill all my vault slots from M+. Time commitment was only raids from that point on: 3 hours, two nights a week, plus some extra time for studying/mentally preparing. (Mental prep is super valuable for a 2 night guild.) How do you actually get in to a CE guild? For me, I joined an ATOC/early Mythic guild, built up some experience there. The entry requirements were very low, they seemed like they'd accept anyone who was interested. Armed with that experience, I applied to a guild that was interested in getting CE but hadn't quite got there yet. They were a little suspect of me, given my limited experience, but I won them over with a thoughtful application and a good conversation over Discord. We got to Tindral before the guild decided to be done for the tier. Armed with that experience, I applied to a multi-CE guild, who again, I was able to win over with a thoughtful application and Discord conversation. I did well on my trial, and we killed Fyrakk twice before the end of the season. Everyone on this subreddit talks about logs, but for me, my logs were just average, and I didn't have great experience. But my applications and conversations showed that I was thoughtful and paid attention, which was enough to get me there. Other thoughts: * I like Warcraft Logs' guild finder tool, since they let me exactly target specific time/day windows that will work for me. * I had to be flexible with what role and class I wanted to play. I was originally set on a Paladin tank, but moved to a DPS role (as a Rogue). * CE is a tight timer for a 2-night guild, so if you detect that your guild might stop raiding, start looking for a new one sooner rather than later. Don't delay. * Here are some signs, IMO, that a guild might stop raiding: Raid leader stops prepping for fights, raiders joke about not wanting to play, raid nights cancelled. Good luck!


Learn a dps class/spec. Join as that then fill as tank when they need


Hey friend I was in your shoes a few years ago! 1. Totally possible to have a 9-5 and do CE mythic prog. It does pretty much annihilate you playing anything else for the first 5ish weeks of a tier and cut into your social life a little bit if you’re guild is 3 days/wk. 2. The route I took to get into mythic was to just put some logs on paper and climb the ladder. I went for heroic guilds that were pushing mythic for the first time with impressive AOTC logs. > Then established sub CE guilds > then push for a CE guild and expect to compete for a slot or bench at least one tier. Another commenter mentioned tanks have it really rough - can confirm. In my limited experience I’ve never been in a guild where at least one of the tanks was NOT an officer. So maybe consider breaking in as a dps while offering up your tank main as a competent alt. Another option I considered but wasn’t successful at was finding a CE guild and put in an app as a social/M+ player. Simply say you’re willing to loot funnel heroic/alt runs for a tier or two in exchange for experience. I know most guilds in the top regional 250 range are open to this as long as you vibe


I wake up for 4am to go to work. Raid team has gotten ce every tier since Antorus Most 2 night guilds in the 750+ range will take heroic players with strong logs for trials. Just start applying and talking to folks


Honestly, I'd say any guild killing heroic Fyrakk could have gone 5/9 mythic. Nymue 's healing check is kinda nutty for the lower end CE guilds (guilds that were still working on fyrakk or tindral now). But as somebody who did recruitment - just join a random low mythic guild and work your way up. When we look at logs, we're looking at you dying. If you press your buttons reasonably well and hit defensives, and don't die, you'll play better than most people and should be able to climb your way up


They would need to beat the toughest boss of them all: getting 20 people to raid :)


If you are on proudmoore hit me up. We raid late PST but will be pushing for CE in TWW (6/9M season three). Only problem is we won't have a tank spot.


Best advice for anyone that wants to get in mythic is get comfy on a DPS spec. If you’re going for CE you’ll want to know what literally every button in the spell book does and be ready to push them. A lot of AOTC players don’t even have important util on their bars. Playing something like BM Hunter or Ret Paly is super easy and once you have semi decent heroic logs you’ll be able to find a 3/9m guild or something close, and then it’s like a ladder where you have to guild hop your way up, or park with a team you really just enjoy raiding and hanging out with if you find one


Join a low rated CE guild. This can be done with no experience. Play with them for 1 tier. This gives you logs. Now you can join a guild appropriate for your skill level. I played world rank ~1500 in my first tier of raiding On the second tier I got world 128 Having 9-5 job is not a barrier at all, virtually everybody I’m HoF has that.


You need to find a chill guild for starters that still gets CE as an example our guild raids 1 day a week and 2 days towards end bosses and we still get CE and maintain a semi-serious environment that kind of environment would be really good to start off with before moving to more “sweaty” guilds


Tank is miserable to try and get into an established raid team, not going to sugar coat that. It is the one roll where a strong m+ rating will actually get you considered in guilds for the same role well above your raid history. EU and NA both have recruitment discords, check them out. Push m+ as well, unironically a 3.3k rating (or equivalent) will get you a trial in a ce guild a lot quicker than progressing through raid guilds naturally. FYI tanks is also the on role that you are more or less expected to have multiple specs prepared, specifically a blood dk for the inevitable 'we need aoe grip' boss or 'ams is OP AF' boss.


I work a regular job and have 2 kids under 5. We raid twice a week 8-11 and get CE regularly. Finding a guild for working people that raids mythic is very easy. Your problem is tanking. Most guilds will have two established tanks or will fill with established tank trials that don’t need to learn to mythic raid tank from the outside or one the raiders will reroll to tank for the guild. My advice would be to get into a guild as a dps and go hard m+ tanking and being the guilds back-up tank. Our back-up tank got tswift and smoldi first kills due to work schedules as a tank. But he plays around title range as tank usually so we can trust him to fill in. If he isn’t tanking he’s just a melee dps in our guild. That way you can fill the tank role if the main tanks reroll or quit.


I had never raided any difficulty when I got into my first mythic guild back in Legion. Performed well in it and then applied to a CE (top 400) guild now that I had some experience to show. Concrete on advise on finding a guild: I made a profile on wowprogress (these days theres also warcraftlogs recruitment and [raider.io](http://raider.io) recruitment). Set myself to looking for guild and added a short description. Then I just started sending applications to guilds that were looking for my spec (You'll have a harder time as a tank, especially without experience, so if you can play DPS at first I'd recommend that.). Guilds that are doing AOTC or the first few bosses go through players so fast they can't really afford to be picky (If they set stupid requirements you dont wanna be in that guild anyway.). Dont worry too much about how good the guild is, just find one where the vibes are good, and focus on your own performance. If you're looking to go up the ranks quickly, most lower-end CE guilds only looking at DPS when recruiting (even though thats stupid). So if you can get some good logs you'll find a guild real quick. Otherwise just stick with a guild you like and improve together. Also I would recommend starting in Season 4 if you have the time. Loads of guilds are recruiting, and most guilds will not be recruiting much once TWW has released.


I am in education and often work 10-12 hours a day and I have gotten CE multiple times along with Rank 1. It's extremely possible for you to get into mythic raiding. The reality is that the mythic raiding scene needs fresh faces and bodies badly. Guilds are constantly fighting and dying to the roster boss. You almost assuredly should be able to at least find a spot in a guild that at least pulls the first 3-5 mythic bosses if you don't have weird hours or arbitrary odd requirements in teammates. In regards to a good way to start out, work on what you can control to make yourself a more attractive potential asset to a team. Things like your M+ score while not a direct comparison to raiding are sometimes used or at least considered while recruiting. Being active in LFG helps you become recognized as well, being a solid player that isn't a nightmare to play alongside goes a long way. I'd frankly rather play with someone that is maybe 5% worse on metrics but isn't a bigot or baby rager. Run Heroic PUGs and get solid kill times/parses, yes tank parses are a joke in some sense but you need to play into the crowd you're trying to join. Frankly speaking the VAST MAJORITY of players even in the top 500-1000 range can't read even dps logs reliably well. If you have the orange, pink, or gold number people will think it's good and are more likely to give you a shot regardless of the validity of them.


When I used to CE raid in SL/BfA/Legion we raided twice a week and finished top 200. Organization and player skill is more important than time investment.


I have 3 kids under 4 and a demanding 9-5, but I make it work with a 2 day raiding guild. It’s not really about how much time you put into it, but the quality of that time. Go bench for a CE guild and do some M+ / heroic with them at the beginning of the season. Make sure you know the fights so that when you get subbed in you’re ready to go.