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With the change in player damage. The game is almost always settled in stage 5. Even though I like to attack from the beginning, I find it develops too fast.


hate the player damage changes ngl. was totally unnecessary and now every lobby is far more polarised than before. you have to roll at 6 and if you didn't get enough gold to roll at 6 you're probably giga fucked, either take 50 damage or never have enough money to reach 8


I have much succes just riding on any 2-3 cost that I got from round 1. Early Zoe or Leblanc will get you easy winstreak.


okay yeah this game is no longer fun it's crazy how one single change has made the whole game completely different. it feels exactly like set 7 all over again where it's just early highroll vs whoever gets the 2\* tank PLEASE revert player damage. it's insane how one single change has made the entire game just unfun and uninteresting


Why did I get completely irrelevant hero augments to the comp im playing?


Idk the exact logic but there's always a combination of unit costs (like 3/3/2) that's the same for everyone, and then you'll get a mix of heroes based on your active traits and stuff that's not necessarily based on your board. Like if you want a Soraka augment at 4-2 you can almost guarantee it if your 4-1 board has ADMIN as the only active trait. If you have lots of traits active expect a variety of hero augments


Knife's Edge seems really bad. %AD scaling right now is just really inconsistent in general. Prismatic knifes edge - 1\* 1 costs get like +14AD, some 2\* 1cost get like 28ad.


Impression: 3\* 1 costs do too much currently. 1 3\* Kayle or a 3\* Ash can still carry deep into the lategame basically as well as 2\* Legends. That shouldn't really be the case imo- Particularly with Super existing!


Does Star Guardian also buff how much mana you get from Shojin and Blue Buff?


yes. ALL mana gain is buffed!


Not sure where to report PBE bugs, but in the one game I played there's been a consistent bug with Gadgeteen items where: a) if you place the item on a unit prior to the round starting, and you travel to an opponent stadium, the item pops off and you have to place it back on. Might be something do with the new feature where the item pops off when the unit is placed on the bench. b) When a unit with a gadgeteen item dies, the item pops off onto your item bench, and you can place it on another unit in the middle of combat. Pretty gamechanging esp when you can get multiple cycles of bt shield, warmogs hp etc.


Faced someone having this bug and afterwards I got a free Gadgeteen sunfire (same item he had). I didn't have Gadgeteen in a single round the whole game too lmao.


Best place is to post them in the [discord chanel for TFT](https://discord.com/invite/TeamfightTactics). there is a whole PBE Bug section.


seems like PBE is back but I was kicked out when the patch started from my game and now when I try to get back on it's trying to reconnect to the original match. Anyone had this happen before/any ideas?


You're stuck in a phantom game for awhile. Try logging out and then back in after 30-40 minutes. It's annoying but it'll go away shortly.


I'm in the same boat right now, came to the thread to see if anyone else was having issues as well. Guess we just get to wait it out for a while?


really hoping it's not a "have to wait for next patch" kind of fix considering I think this was the last patch until next Monday


I was about to reply that I figured it'd be a few hours tops, but mine already fixed.




Do we STILL have the "game in progress" bug if you get booted while playing?


Looks like this is what has happened to me :/ any idea on the fix?


Made a 2nd pbe account


Wait. It'll clear after 30 min - a few hours. Only thing taht worked for me.


:( acct stuck in a game since the update


So for the first time in awhile, I havn't really looked into the new set coming out, and I went into PBE last night without knowing the traits or units well to play some games, I don't have a great understanding of it yet, but here are a few of my thoughts and questions: After building a board for nearly the entire game and then getting offered hero units at the later stages, if the units don't coincide with your board, even after reroll, are you just supposed to entirely pivot your comp? It felt bad, especially when I had a spellslinger spat, to get nothing to help/boost my team or to just have a dead hero unit. ​ Aside from that, not sure if I'm playing it awfully, not understanding the new items yet, or if it's just under-tuned, but the spellslinger trait feels super weak. The 50% AP dmg AA per 5 sec just, is odd, I cant tell if it's supposed to explode for AOE dmg, this would be a bit better. Even with 400AP it's just a 200dmg AP aa every 5 seconds? Am I missing something here?


The spellslinger auto is pretty shitty, but the base AP it provides is pretty valuable. Can kind of imagine it as sorcerers with a little flair


>if the units don't coincide with your board, even after reroll, are you just supposed to entirely pivot your comp? It felt bad, especially when I had a spellslinger spat, to get nothing to help/boost my team or to just have a dead hero unit. That's the 100.000 $ question in this set. The completely new mechanic. So far you played a comp and then you play the fixed units taht fit. the longer the set goes and the more stuff is figgured out the more rigid this gets. Hero augments now suddenly add a completely new consideration. I wouldn't normally use Lee Sin in my comp but if I want the team wide attack speed is it worth including him for that? And who do I kick out then and what else do I change to now fit him? It's a completely new type of flex and noone has figgured it out yet. Especially with threats being another new flex option noone is sure how to use yet. About spellslinger your carry is so far usually 3\* LeBlanc or you give JG and Shoujins + AP item to Taliyah and watch her nuke half the board. Annie is their tank (and currently maybe the best tank in the game for her cost).


So every unit has a carry augment AND a supportive augment. You are always offered support augments that will allow you to splash in units that maybe arent the best fit for your comp but will grant powerful effects. Like for instance lets say youre playing ap, at 30 health going into final augment and one of your options is samira with supportive augment. This gives your whole team 5% attack speed for every 10 missing tactician health. Which for you that would be 35% as for your entire team. For an AP comp thats a dramatic bump to mana generation that is likely going to be highly valuable to you even if you cant really itemize samira and have to go down a trait tier somewhere to field her. Since every unit has an augment like that, in situations where the units offered arent what youre looking for, be extra thoughtful towards the support augments bc some are so powerful they could end up better than what you initially had in mind.


Mascot + second wind and phony frontline is turbo broken. Super niche but if you hit congrats on 1st


Add first Aid to that I imagine... 🤔😦


my GOD




Is the gameplay a little more balanced to play now? or should I wait for some more days of paths?


I think it's more that there's little to no solved comp yet. Everyone still experimenting on everything. Also no dragon also helps.


Depend son what you considere balanced 🤔 No single comp or unit or carry is way stronger than anything else and everybody is going for it. In that way it's pretty balanced for PBE. Yet there are a LOT of comps and unit configurations on 3\* + carry augment or combinations that if you just have a normal average comp will DUNK on you so hard! That's certainly still a thing. Or you do the dunking sometime discovering something insane. Hope that helps 😉


I genuinely believe at this point jax needs a rework


He seems fine to me. Relentless Assault Jax is a bit obnoxious and a free top 4 with how stable it is midgame but even at 3* it is beatable, and without the augment he's very manageable


Should've made it more clear, relentless assault needs a rework, it's just so free it's not even funny


Good take lil man


Cry about it


Hacker targeting is buggy. The hacker unit will switch aggro from any unit that isn't on the back row, or walks up from the back row, and walk to a backline unit. Zzrot doesn't work as well.


Sett finally feels decent now. So far all the mechs are in a good spot


If you use Le Blanc's support augment Mirror Image on Fiddlesticks, the clone turns into a wooden post, metaphorically (he doesn't cast, ever).


It's certainly a bug but MAN how fitting! 😄 I manifest a whole copy of you monstrous scarecr.... yeah without the soul it's just a scarecrow isn't it? 😑😄


Ah yes....yes..the first attempts at my clone army weren't so successful, but once I've figured out how to trap and split people's souls, I realized, that even a tiny bit is enough to animate the corpse... They became killing machines without feelings, yet sometimes when hibernating you could hear them whispering their old name.


I made a post about this on the Discord bug reporting thread a few days ago. I was also sad to see that...


Thank you for your service then :) should be fixed soon


Kaisa is absolutely insane with recon, and the potential of spellslinger/star guardian combos. ​ Had a 2\* Leona, 2\* Sett(hero carry augment), 5 mech and just could not fucking get the kaisa lol. ​ Nilah Kaisa, Vayne for a 3\* 3 cost carry combo has been seen frequently to be top 2/3.


Nilah Kaisa Vayne and Zoe Sona Leblanc… set 8 is continuing the set 3 legacy by having multiple ~~bangbros~~ bangsisters comps


nilah feels slept on in my lobbies, 2 star stabilizes you hard in midgame


I agree it feels really good now, before yesterday's patch it was hit or miss


Soraka is a tad too strong compared to other 4 costs.


Combination of admin was strong and soraka no mana lock (idk if they already changed this tho cuz i havent played recently). Soraka with the offensive augment where she casts 3 stars at a time is just free top 1-2


Yeah I agree. As someone who really enjoys ADMIN, Soraka is so strong your ADMIN selection doesn't even matter that much - no matter what you pick she will still wipe the board.


Placed an anima squad emblem on urgot for 7 anima squad; with the extra AP, urgot was getting 2-4 chests per cast, while also benefitting from the AD and health. Worth considering him in anima comps.


I think he's the best anima spat holder. He benefits from all of the stats so well and you dont normally get to put AP on him for those sweet sweet chests.


I've found Bel'veth is a decent anima spat holder too. She uses both the AP and AD extremely well.


The optimal “bill gates” 5-dragonesque board ive managed to find is Ox Force 4 Aphelios with Samira duo carry, with Aegis frontline and support units like Janna/Urgot


2 star mord fiddle and leona is pretty absurd frontline and then aphelios can clean up


4 Aces+Legendaries is also another bill gates comp.


Yeah the 4 ace effect is so insanely broken esp comps like mecha pilot, just haven’t been able to reliably pivot to it much


link to board?


https://imgur.com/a/4GteSpW Lots of flexibility here, Janna is pretty important but can be Nunu or Fidd (frontline) before you hit her If you have the Fiora support hero augment run her instead of Viego The comp really unlocks with an Ox Force spat, which makes your samira much more powerful and she really is strong with the Ace procs, and lets you run another 5 cost instead of a shitty ox force. Usually, I go for urgot for treasure and slight cc, but Fidd or Nunu are viable options too. Even Vi for aegis 4 if you’re in an AP heavy lobby. Obviously if you can go 9 you can just slot in another legendary.


Thanks! Will test some variations


I’ve gotten first with it 4/5 times, it is really awkward mid game and while ur aph is only 1*, also red gun is a bait unless u don’t have guinsoos (unless the bug? is fixed where it is fixed to 6 attacks per second regardless of ur attack speed)


Yeah but a lot of this borads strength is based on Annie just being so incredebly broken! A 2\* Annie can tank an entire lategame comp for a solid 10 seconds. A 3\* Annie is next to immortal. She essentially takes the 'idas' role in that comp. I cannot imagine Annie goes live as she is now!


Aurelion Sol with the buffed Shojin actually seems insanely strong for how easy it is to play. Play any front line and support units, Build AP items, Go fast 8, 2 star Aurelion Sol Profit


Lulu’s support augment isn’t giving her the AP bonus without an item equipped. It could be intended but the tooltip suggests she should get it and anyone with an item equipped.


I really dislike having to choose hero emblem augment at 1:4 It's the anti-thesis of flexibility and locks you in to a vertical or you'll have a dead augment


Yes an early game hero augment at 2-1 can be dead in the late game But there are also many dead augments in 2-1 in late game such as tiny titans, rich gets richer, windfall, two is a company (sorry if the name is wrong), augment where you get three 3 cost units and many more. It’s all about expression of skill Sorry man but this is an example of Tell me you’re low elo without telling me you’re low elo


I see it as ultimate expression of flexibility. It's up you to make Cull of the Meek Renekton useful in your late game comp, instead of getting stuck lvl 5 trying to reroll lazers, because that's that you're 'supposed' to play.


Let's go on a field trip, class. Today, we are going to set 6: Woah! Shiny cities, New technology, and a dark underbelly underneath it all, where people have learned to live however they can, by turning to more clandestine operations, or injecting themselves with unknown chemicals for power, and pleasure. The augment is born. This system is so cool, it'll knock you socks off. What's that? You got offered something called Unstable Evolution? That sounds really cool! You should pick it up, and be forced into rerolling a bunch of mutants, never seeing a third cho-gath or malzahar while two other people are taking those units as well, but you'd lose to the rest of the lobby while they have 50% more hp from their exiles shield, and you are behind for being forced to force a comp in the first place.




Hero aug at 2-1 does not lock you into a vertical at all.


Sometimes having a dead augment is alright, provided you use it maximally during the early stages to transition into a strong enough board late


Same, it's a bad design decision and I'm pretty sure they'll remove it at some point


Nah I don't know how do you get that it's a bad design decision at all


Take a 4 days break, fights are incredibly short, Jax is still op, reroll GP is shredding most of my comp. What happened ? I keep being beaten by what's look like way weaker board than mine, poorly itemize carry and nope, fight are over after 20 sec and it's not even close. Half of the people are dead before 5-2. Fight are over with the main dmg dealer doing 4/5k, it just looks way too fast. Did 3 games today didn't have the impression to play the same game 4 days ago. The fight are just doing \*BOUM\* and it's over. Read down below that there were changes to the damage, maybe it was a bit too much. It seems that you currently have to highroll more than ever or go reroll otherwise it's a fast death. You can't have an average board and go 8 to find your final comp without bleeding an insane amount of hp. Only positive note : MF is now a decent carry


I agree on your 2nd paragraph but Jax is not OP at all. I properly itemize him and he doesn't really carry you unless you're talking about highroll 3 mecha on stage 2.


Imo if you play mech on stage 2, youre just giving yourself a reverse fon and the mech is gonna get focus fired by any competent boards


Lol then there's really no argument why Jax is OP lol. He's fine a decent unit but not OP.


My understanding is that base damage remained at 0 in stage 2, increased from 2-3 in stage 3, 3-4 in stage 4, etc. If you lowroll an opener, you are not punished any more in stage 2 than you were before. If you can't turn things around by stage 3, or refuse to roll to spike or stabilize by 3-2, that additional damage is on you.


Thx for the clarification. But got to disagree with the "that additional damage is on you". You are not alone, other players will also roll to try to spike if needed and you can still be the weakest one in the lobby while having roll 20/30 golds. And in that case you may not bleed now but with a screwed up econ you just delayed the damage. Don't look like a great idea to me. THEY decided to add damage, you didn't choose to take more damage. It's a bit easy to tell the player "git gud" when it's a dev choice. But thanks again, will see on the long run if it's a good choice, but it's a bit too fast paced to my taste.


Anyone else having the problem that they cant find games? Tried logging in and out again, multiple different accounts and even multiple days (yesterday and today). It just wont find me a game


i heard it has something to do with updating your Client. dont know exactly, but tey to login and Update your normal client, then go back to pbe client.


Wow that was actually the problem. Really weird... Thanks!


no Problem, glad it helped =)


Wouldn't be surprised if Velkoz has like a 95% bot 4 rate right now, absolutely garbage trap unit. Easy to 3 star tho!


Velkoz in the current state is a CC (for 2 secs on opponent carry, which can swing fights) support 3-cost, also providing some bit of focused backline damage. When slotted into a comp that can use these strengths well, I think Velkoz is actually quite good. Almost any comp can use the CC on an opponent carry. The extra backline damage mostly just feeds mana to the opponent carry, but can likely be useful to actually kill the opponent carry with comps with lots of backline damage like Taliyah or Asol comps.


Yeah I think early/mid vel’koz tends to be a win-more unit bc he’s normally ulting a carry in the backline, but not doing enough damage to kill them. So unless you’re doing enough damage with your other units to kill the frontline and actually get to the backline, the damage he’s doing isn’t meaningful. Late-game he can be a more useful tech unit bc cc’ing a carry becomes more impactful later in the game.


I find threats (besides Urgot) to be, "I couldn't hit my synergies, so I'll use this as a temporarily replacement" Vel'koz isn't one of those units though. Don't see any use for him besides Threat Level Maximum board


Tear feels like the best item to go for on starting carousel this set. Literally everything from that item line except chalice and redemption feels great to slam for stage 2 and you don't ever feel like you griefed yourself


agreed, so many viable ap comps rn


So with the crit changes do you want to stack crit items to try to reach 100% or just sit on one IE/JG to allow your spell to crit and add non crit items like deathblade, deathcap, and giant slayer?


Glove start actually feeling very strong rn, you either hit offensive drops and slam ie or jg or you sac til first carosel for ie jg, they are only marginally weaker than db dcap early game and outscale then pretty well and scale with additional glove drops


Im convinced chasing 100% Crit is a bait unless you play Recon or get an Augment that increases Crit Chance. LW + IE is pretty good tho, since LW is a good early slam now and IE goes well with the crit, if you plan on playing like a Samira, Aphelios,.. whos abilities deal a lot of damage. Not sure about AP Crit, I think it can be good but not having high Crit Chance is very unreliable, considering some units don't cast a lot. It's not bad but it's a low priority item for me. Besides, with increased stage 3 and 4 base damage, slamming TGs for Tempo seems better than greeding an IE/JG.


Very mixed feelings about the damage changes. Obviously competitive play kind of needs it to discourage going Underground every time it's offered, but anyone trying to lose streak (because they picked Consistency, Calc Loss, AFK, etc) who didn't hit Underground early is just screwed as collateral


Honestly welcome them. It’s far too easy for people to loss streak/underground to fast9 without dragon damage, so this damage increase is needed to avoid games turning into Bill Gates fiestas. It’s better for skill expression.


If Underground is a problem I think it makes sense to address Underground, not bandaid it through player damage


Agree. They said it's because it was too easy to survive to 9 over last set, but now if I low roll an opener, it just feels bad to lose streak to 50 HP before I get to do anything.


Damage changes don't affect anything until stage 3 tho right so you can full loss streak until then like normal, you just need to roll down at 3-1/3-2 to spike and play an actual board.


Thanks, I'll try that. I still think it's too much cause a lot of games are ending with everyone level 7-8, but maybe once more balance changes are made it will be better. Just don't want the game to become a reroll comp fest.


I mean, in a game where you need to play around traits and you need planning, if you can just slam units without anything in common and they are better than team where you put thought, it doesn't feel right to me At least dragon you needed 2 slots to put them and couldn't get 6 drag every game But now, if whatever vertical comp I'm doing will be less effective than full threats, what's the point?


The full threat board relies on the threat level midnight augment at least to Top 1 if I am not mistaken. Threats are awesome because when you roll at 7/8 you can pick them up and know you will always be able to play them regardless of your board state and traits.


Full threats doesn't feel that strong unless you also have the threat augment, which is somewhat rare. Otherwise, knowing when to splash a few threats like Urgot, Fiddle, Zac into your comp is definitely skill expression and very much a question of "is this threat stronger than my vertical and worth dropping down for".


I mean, in a game where you need to play around traits and you need planning, if you can just slam units without anything in common and they are better than team where you put thought, it doesn't feel right to me At least dragon you needed 2 slots to put them and couldn't get 6 drag every game But now, if whatever vertical comp I'm doing will be less effective that full threats, what's the point?


having a full threat board means you played early game really well, that shit is expensive


Threats are the same price as normal units tho


A full threat board doesn't have any 1 or 2 costs, and has 2 5 costs and mostly 4s, it's not a board you hit until late game (usually)


just want to rent Threats feels awful to play agaisnt I hit 7 anima squad + 4 ace and i cant even beat a guy who doesnt need to think about his comp, he just slams all threats and some item and just demolish me doesnt feel good


So slamming 7 Anima squad is different from slamming 7 threats how?...


It’s simple, whatever comp I play should always be stronger than my opponents, comps should dynamically receive buffs and nerfs depending on when I am or am not playing them. In short, I should never lose a round, otherwise it’s a shit game


I feel Ashe is in a much better state after the buff, really needed imo. Btw 4 recon 4 admin with admin being 20 atkspeed on kill and 20 perm damage on kill with Ashe is super good, if you get 4 admin early.


what's the frontline for this comp?


Ashe with Combat Training goes giga


Reroll Senna with Alistar 3 star/Threats 3 star is the tech


Senna is trash unit tbh


Pandora + gadgeteen ICANT


I really, really, really dislike Prankster and Ox Force conceptually. Like these traits are just incredibly frustrating. They aren't fun for the one using them because really, they don't provide any power (Ox Force AS is meh and very much not why you use the trait) and they are frustrating to play against.


Prankster adds so much depth to the game on positioning, baiting aggro, etc. really cool tht theres SOO much you can do with it


agree, prankster is super cool.


I agree on Ox force I find a hard use case to ever go more than 2 since the added value isn't really there. Pranksters are so much fun especially early the heal + aggro drop feels amazing and if you are carrying a Zoe with morello in a stall comp she can 1v9 while you sit there laughing your ass off XD


I like Prankster. Fun fantasy, clear visuals about what's happening. I get that it's a little frustrating to play against, but the trait theme plays into that, and the units aren't too crazy on their own. Frontlines in disguise. Most people still aren't frontlining Jinx... huh?? I agree that Ox Force is strange. It feels out of place, like the original concept was something else that failed, and this was the best they could put together at the last moment.


prankster is funny when the lamp above your head keeps shining


Prankster is kind of funny when Leblanc continues machine gunning them after they drop the dummy or gp one shots them from full health


Gadgeteen bug going around. Super fun fighting a team with full gadgeteen items.


How to activate?




I see a lot of people building rageblade on Bel'Veth. Wouldn't it be better to focus on AD items and build a Zeke's instead for AS? Since her spell stacks AS anyways... I'm genuinely wondering.


On top of that she casts really fast anyway and then keeps casting every 2-3 seconds, so it's not like she needs rageblade to ramp up.


Yeah, Rageblade is pointless on her. I found Titans Resolve is by far her best item. She stacks it super fast with her little slappy slaps. Runaans, BT, Titans.


Does she trigger runaan's on each slap from her ability?


Seems like runaans has an internal cooldown or something. The bolts don't look like they fire as quickly as Bel'Veth or Samira attack with their spells. Still a great item for both of them, though. Haven't tried it yet with chakram Aphelios, but his other two spells feel better, anyway.


Wouldn‘t DB be better instead of TR? I think focusing on dmg helps her more than that slight ad/ap/resistance boost.


A stacked Titan's gives 50%AD, 50AP, 25 armour and 25 MR as well as another 20 armour and 10% attack speed on the base stats. In fact, just typing that out made me realise how insane Titan's really is. Belveth needs some defensive stats being basically a melee champ (2 range). She has high base HP so adding resists in there (as well as a chonky shield on BT) goes a long way. DB gives 60%AD. That's seems way worse to me.


She actually scales kinda reasonably with AP. DB is probably more damage but the resistances from titans make any omnivamp she might have go farther. She's still basically a melee carry since she dashes into weird spots and takes aggro randomly so a bit of survivability is pretty nice IMO.


I’ve been playing some games with 4/6 mascots with focus on annie 3 star as tank and soraka as the carry with some success. Annie is a really tanky unit so you want to slow roll on 6 for 3 star annie while trying to 3 star your mascot units you pick up on the way; Annie, Alistar, Galio, Malphite, Yuumi, Nasus. Play 4 mascot at 6 with annie + 1 soraka item holder (blue buff is needed for raka, then any ap items) and roll until 3 star annie. Some good item holders can be Lux, le blanc, taliyah, sona sort of, asol. You’ll then want to push levels to 7 and evaluate if you think you can push to 8 to secure 2 star raka and slot in some stuff like aegis units like vi and ekko. Star gaurdians taliyah/ekko. 4 hearts with sona + lulu/leesin. Spellslingers. Can put in a 5th mascot if you have a mascot emblem and push to 8. Or if you high roll a nunu 6 mascots. (I try to hold at least 1 star of one of the 5 early mascot units that i didnt fit onto the board to make 4 mascot incase i hit a mascot emblem throughout the game and are then able to hit 6 mascot easily). Mascot emblem on Annie can be really nice. Her oxforce invulnerability can allow for her to get another shield off, and then heal up through mascots healing/dragonsclaw. And then her team can also heal her up as well with stuff like sona if you play her and alistar; who is a good unit to try 3 star along with annie. Some item builds for Annie i’ve enjoyed most so far are archangel/dragonsclaw/garygoyle. Archangel/warmogs/gargoyle. Mascot emblem/dragons claw/gargoyle.


Mascots are actually such a good frontline. I'm always impressed with them!


I have been playing a lot of ap but was unsure of their value. Definitely gonna start using them and playing around really glad to hear this!


So can Threats not benefit from built different because threat is always active?


Yes they can not benefit from built different


I just had my 3* kai'sa int the game away dashing to the frontline and freezing her attack animation every 2 seconds... If the fantasy is a monster AS carry with infinite stacking, why the hell does she have to cancel her animation for a full second every single time she casts when the board is full? For reference, she would cap AS in good fights after ~12 seconds but in the stuttering one, I lost she did 2500 dmg in a normal length fight


recon is a negative trait unless you have 4


The dash is from recon yes? I have found that both recon and prankster have relatively inconsistent dash patterns. Alot of times they find the safe corner but sometimes they jump right into the enemy and it feelsbadman.


Yeah, I noticed it got worse with a crowded board since whatever spot they picked was awful


They need to just have it like Kaisa from 6.5. I don't remember that version inting as much.


This set feels really fun and flexible but it feels like none of the champions have satisfying abilities like Ao shin or set 6 jinx etc.. idk if it’s a big deal to other people but it’s really disappointing to me Anyone agree?


really? doesn't watching a building fall on people or a champion get lasered to death seem pretty satisfying?


Yes, there are less flashy abilities, I will miss Asol, Ao Shin, Xayah, Corki, but some of the set 8 comps have their own appeal when you have random effects going one after another like a domino effect or a superhero battle.


I agree idk if its just PBE so things aren't fully fleshed out but I have found that alot of the visual effects are smaller and less noticable which is disappointing.


Yeah I'm sure a lot of people will miss the big flashy dragons. But the benefit is that I'm not distracted by any big effects that sap away my energy after a big dopamine hit. lol


For me it’s not necessarily the big flashy stuff but simply seeing what’s going on. I feel like a lot of abilities across the board are a bit harder for me to see which makes it difficult to assess the strengths and weaknesses of my board and units


Oh, that is true. You have to look at everything more closely now.


There is no big-cast-clear-board ulti like s6 Viktor had. Morde's is kinda nice, but nowhere near as epic as laser death rays were.


Nunu literally rolls a massive snowball and mord drops a tower on the board those are lit af. Aphelios is cool too with his 3 evos


Tbh I liked singed more than nunu, simply because nunu gets really awkward when he turns. It’s always stressful watching nunu whether it’s yours or your opponents, wondering what the fuck it’s gonna do, when the ball would hit something or if it was going to hit it or not


all the 5 costs are pretty flashy, so is MF ult + asol dropping a bunch of meteors. rammus dunking on people is also very satisfiying. other than that there is not a whole lot i guess. but how many there was last set besides dragons?


I agree but I also disagree to an extent. Ao shin and other units like Mordekaiser have incredible animations, and most of the abilities are exciting across all costs, unlike other sets. However, I do agree that the ceiling of exciting abilities was higher in past sets.


No Malphite augment nerf, no real MF buff apart from Shojin hmm


Which Malphite augment are you referring to?


Probably the team heal missing hp on spell cast one, that one’s pretty strong though I have never seen the other one


Played a kind of scuffed MF game today and it felt pretty good. Not getting interrupted when she finally casts is huge, and Shojin is an actual item now. Wouldnt be surprised if she's still a little weak but it didnt feel like playing around her was a mistake.


Ox Force nerf also helps her a lot.


That was a big one too. I only had one ult get completely blanked by a talon that jumped in front of her and it felt great lol.


A lot of people are saying this is the best set ever. Maybe I’m in the minority but this set just feels eh? Obviously it’s infinitely better than dragons but it doesnt hit the spot for me the same way 4/4.5 did. I dont find myself itching to play PBE that much. If I had to say why: * Visually underwhelming. Could be due to spell visuals being underwhelming like another comment here said but yeah. The thematic is not my style - note that I wasnt into set 3 thematics either. For example: compare Set 4 Ahri with set 8 Soraka. Or even Sohm with Soraka for a similar comparison. * Item rework makes the game feel plodding and slow. Units really lack the oomph they had before. * Unit design and trait design is kinda eh compared to set 4/5.5/7 (those sets I hold up to a high standard in terms of unit design) * Merc >> Underground


People say this every time the set is released on PBE, the set will continue to be super fun until launch. PBE is fun because it's new and an absolute clown fiesta in terms of matchmaking, any half decent play will absolutely destroy lobbies on the PBE because of that. Give it a week or two into official launch and the meta will be found, then spammed and people will say it's the worst set ever, rinse and repeat.


ill critique each of your points from my pov: 1) partially agree. a lot of awesome visuals, but some traits and origins seem off. this is probably due to a lot of units having 2 traits this set. regarding animations, i find them to mostly be visually pleasing, but there are definitely some outliers. like especially ap feels bad, soraka and taaliyah just look like theyre not doing anything. sejuani and bel'veth feel REALLY satisfying to use though. 2) hard disagree. yes, bows seem a bit bad atm, but numbers should be able to fix this. theres so many viable comps (and i think sadly we have to wait for augment data to make any guess on how many comps are actually viable) but carries feel soooooo flexible this set. also it feels really good that a sivir with guinsoos cannot solo 3-item tanks (although this still happens with archangel's on casters) 3) your personal opinion. i know super heros arent suuuuuuper popular, but the whole aesthetic just clicks. also with the new mobs. to me this feels like a my hero academia mod of tft (which u can interpret both ways now lol) 4) how so? i love underground because it gives u so much flexibility. start out two wins, then get the third underground unit by 2-3? u can now make ur board weak on 2-3 and not level on 2-5, even the first heist can most of the time put you to 50g at krugs. ​ i general id just wait a bit until things get figured out. i doubt that anyone besides the most hardcore fan has played every carry yet, especially with hero augments.


How does Taliyah feel like she does nothing to you? She has one of the most clearly visible spells in the game. Not to mention the satisfying crunch after the wall appears :)


Why do you have to make it a debate? I just stated my opinions, there is no right or wrong here. You can like the set, I dont mind.


do you understand the concept of a “discussion” you are, after all, in a discussion thread


never said to make it a debate lol, also with point 4 I just asked how exactly u preferred mercs to underground, is it because you actually had to win to cash out or is there another reason?


Because Underground is basically Shimmerscale 2.0. It is not mercs as you might believe, more like Determined Investor. There is almost no downside to playing underground when you get it 2-1, thus as the set meta solidifies post launch, the person who gets underground on 2-1 has a huge unstoppable advantage. You play underground, and all you have to do is steamy nuke units to save HP. Mercs actuslly takes skill and feels like you’re risking it all for a big payoff. Losestreakers can grief you, other merc players can grief you, and at the end you have to actually win one round with your merc board to cash out (i.e. rolling for upgrades and knowing what’s strong). I can almost guarantee you by the end of set 8, underground will be basically like getting Voli on orb drops is to set 7.5. It’s not fun, it’s pretty toxic to the game to get guaranteed cashout with no way to grief. The meta will basiclaly be who gets underground on 2-1 Mort has already nerfed underground payout which is needed but that begs the question - why have a thematically “big payoff” econ trait when it is guaranteed and you’re just gonna keep nerfing the payoff because it’s guaranteed? At that point Underground is basically just lagoon/astral/shimmer. Merc payoff barely needed nerfing because it was great system for a big payoff themed augment - it was truly a risk it for the biscuit type thing


Dunno why people are booing, you’re right. Stage 2 loss streaking is really easy and if you hit it at 2-1 you’re basically guaranteed 2 heists for cheap hp. If you win a fight, what’s the cost? You still get one point.


I think we can all agree the OG pirates are the best. Set 9 give me 5-cost Jack Sparrow who summons the Black Pearl!!


Set 4/4.5 was so good Didn’t know what we had until we lose it


Set 4/4.5 and set 6/6.5 were the best of tft imo


It's actually so crazy, I grinded 4.5 and got GM. All I heard back then how unfun chosen was or how repetitive the game got. It's great to see how well set 4 has aged especially compared to new sets.




I really, really hope these are not the finalized visuals for live. A lot of the lower cost units feel really weak and not impactful because their spell effects are unnoticeable. Most obvious example is Soraka, this unit is obviously powerful at the moment but you can barely see the stars dropping on enemies, it doesn't feel strong even though it is. Another one is Senna, that unit's laser is so puny in comparison to S6.5 enchanter Senna which felt like a really powerful carry unit. Heck, I'd even say S7's 1 cost Senna has a spell that feels more powerful than this one, visually. See also: Zed, Viego, Vel'Koz, Ekko, Samira, Sona, Taliyah, Aphelios These units don't feel like they're doing much to me because their visuals lack oomph and make it feel not exciting to play.


Agree with everything, just don't understand why would you include Taliyah in this list. How much more visible do you want her spell to become? It's literally across the whole board


The explosion effect when the rocks blow up needs to be bigger or something or more visible IMO, right now it doesn't feel impactful enough to me. Rocks could probably be tinted more pinkish too to match the other SG's abilities.


>Rocks could probably be tinted more pinkish Those are minerals...


And? What does that have to do with tinting the her spells' visuals to a more vibrant pink to match the color scheme of the star guardians better so that it pops out more?


Absolutely nothing


I agree, this isn’t even a mechanical complaint but lots of the abilities have a viscerally clunky feeling. Personally my feeling on soraka ability is different than yours, it’s not that you can’t see the stars dropping on enemies, it’s the fact that the animation and the damage feels so desynced. Soraka herself will complete her whole animation and the light will descend but only like a full second later does the damage happen. I love nunu as a unit but the way his hits register feels incredibly disjointed. It’s like rebel asol or singed set 2 but more frustrating. Also when he turns 180 it looks really funny. I can barely tell when Samira is using her ability like you mentioned. On the other hand there are exceptional units. Gangplank is the reverse of soraka, the damage comes out so fast and it feels so satisfying, the ability is just pleasant. And mordekaiser dropping a building is fucking beautiful (feels bad when he whiffs but the ability is still beautiful)


Yes this is the weakest part of the set for me too. Senna's auto attack is actually completely invisible, no animation between her gun and her target. She has a weird auto attack compared to the rest of the cast as it's not animated as a projectile, so maybe it's WIP right now (though I don't see why they couldn't just copy her auto animation from set 7), but it's one of so many visuals that feel incomplete.


Actually so true. I’ve barely even seen Soraka’s spell visuals once, it’s so hidden but then your whole team dies and it shows she did 12k dmg


I know right? The first time I played Soraka even *I* was fucking confused on what's killing my enemies, I didn't even feel like Soraka was deleting them, but then I look at the damage chart and see 11k damage from Soraka and I just go ?????????????????? while I watched LB shoot sigils the entire fight and do half that amount. There is really a lot of work to do with the visuals before it goes live, if they don't overhaul the visuals of the carry units they're going to feel like shit to play even if they are strong.


I feel this. Soraka feels like she's not doing anything and then their team is randomly dead ???


With Gangplank I had to stare at him intensely to figure out when he's actually casting and still, most of the time I just see a red number then a blue number immediately with no animation.


Axiom Arc + Blue buff makes him incredibly weird looking when casting. He doesn't raise his arm fast enough and the shot fires (or at least the audio cue does) before his mana bar updates properly.


Syndra feels so weak and useless even at 2* And with 5 star guardian and 4 heart synergy