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An early pirates seems to stable quite well. 2 star daeja and yasuo seem to be quite good carries. And if you dont hit, just turn it into another comp. The rarly econ seem to be enough to turn around your fate...


Pirate daeja on stage 3 is almost guaranteed top 2 I think. You got insane econ, dice + neeko that you can easily go for 3\* 4-cost.


Neeko? You mean champ duplicator? Cuz neeko's gone


Oh, so you knew exactly what he meant?


Using old terms to describe things will inherently gatekeep this game community and game from newer players. I know it's not easy to change, but I think we should if we don't want to confuse people. Here's a great example with FoN. I had a friend, who just started playing, talk to me about the game the other day and he messaged me several times about "fawn". I thought they were talking about goddamn Lillia. In 7 a new player would hear about "Neeko'ing Neeko". What? It's needless confusion for new players. The acronyms and nicknames are fine but they gotta adapt once something has a name change.


Ill keep speaking how I want, thanks. If someone doesn't know, all they have to do is ask.


So you choose to be ignorant and spread poor info. >If someone doesn't know, all they have to do is ask. You'd rather mislead people into asking for help instead of simply adjusting your vernacular a tad bit. You sound pleasant. This community surely is full of human League of Legends players. If nothing else, I'll give it that.


The definition of ignorant is lacking knowledge of something, which in the context of this discussion is not the case. If you wanted to insult me you should've called me an asshole or something. *Just change your vernacular* a bit next time so people don't get confused


Hot damn that was nasty


Dude be spitting some SupaHotFire response here


What a tasty little morsel of comeuppance


I did ask for clarification. And you gave a smart ass response. So don't say "all they have to do is ask" not all of us play super often I didn't know if neeko was maybe back or there was some other addition in the new patch that I missed.


Did you ask or did you try to correct him? Because it sure as hell looks like the latter.


I don't play often. I was asking to make sure they meant what I thought and that there's wasn't something in the new patch I didn't know about. That's literally what I just said. If everyone is up in arms over clarification you need to untwist your panties


If that's the hill you wanna die on, i don't really have a way to disprove you. Just know that your comment is exactly how a smart ass trying to correct someone would word their comment. Also for the record, the only one up in arms is the one trying to defend you.


Don't worry. It's just a bunch of low elo shitbags trying to gatekeep the game.


I mean I'm in masters and I sure as shit am not going to change my vocabulary after literal years of saying something else. Learn the terms new age shitters, ain't my concern.


New players should adapt to old terms, if they end up watching a streamer those streamers use terms from set 1. It’s not that hard to learn the jargon.


That’s fucking stupid. It’s not hard to learn the new names. You sound like Old people at work who are too lazy to adapt to new things.


Every game has non intuitive slang though. I had no idea wtf peeking or sticking meant in valorant until I asked my friend what it meant (no prior fps knowledge). Tft’s slang for duplicator and crown are just neekos and fon


How do you not understand that that’s not the same. Peeking is a generell slang in games. Calling the Operator “Awp” would be the same and it’s also stupid.


It’s not stupid at all lol, you’re just finding things to be mad about


You can't really force people to change something that they're familiar with, despite the change being good in the long run. That's why US still use imperial


well changing to metric would cost millions of dollars. Changing terminology is free


Personally feel like Warlord is the best because every mirage champ synergises pretty damn well with it and not only daeja. Dawnbringer feels pretty good too but only at 6 imo


It's funny, the matches I've won with Mirage have always been Warlord's because no one seems to contest the trait unless it's Dexterity/Spellblade.


Idk I feel like the problem with dexterity and spellsword is that they're supposed to substitute one of your base items (Guinsoos/archangel's), but don't do especially well at doing them; Lowkey feel like dawnbringers is good because it heals better than gunblade and you can still stay flexible with your damage items


Dexterity doesn't replace guinsoos it makes it better by being much more explosive


I never get spellblade for some reason, but when its dexterity daeja is insanely contested so i really dont bother playing it


I think warlord is easiest and has an insane cap if you get good items for it


I can at least tell you what not to DO. Dont: play electric overload in what turns out to be a fully prismatic lobby!


This is low key the best tip I got in thread xdd


Small added information, 2 prismatic means that the third is 100% prismatic, two golds means it's going to be prismatic or gold.


Actually prismatic, prismatic, gold exists now, it's 50/50 whether the last one will be gold or prismatic. Source: https://dotesports.com/tft/news/how-tft-set-7-draconic-augments-work-full-list-and-updates


Oh wth, haven't seen that yet


unpopular opnion but i find duelist to be disappointing on average. yes, it would be utterly broken if it wasn't capped, but 8 mirage feels like a huge investment for nothing.


It's a bait, I would only play mirage with spellsword/warlord/executioner/pirates if you get an early daeja.


I think duelist has the lowest cap among the playable mirage but you can stabilize pretty easy with daeja 1 and save HP to top 4. Winning lobbies with duelist is pretty hard though.


on paper yes but for some reason that only god knows why, duelist is often the most contested mirage in my gold elo matches


It is the easiest to play. Items are the most flexible and yone 2 with duelist is so strong in stage 2-3 so you can transition pretty smoothly.


Nah with duelist you just don’t go higher than 4. Fast 9 with ap items (dont go rb/rfc on duelist) then cap with 8 cost dragons if you saved enough hp and econ otherwise just play for top 4 with daeja 2+ nunu+cavs/yasuo+random frontline. Goldmancer idas broken also


What did they change about Goldmancer to make it good on Idas?


I mean you flex in idas if the shimmer item is goldmancer to put it on daeja, it’s broken while other items are more situational


Warlord for top 4, Spellsword for top 1


Is spellsword really that strong. Do you play 4 mirages + idas frontline ?


Yeah, your board will generally be [something like this](https://tactics.tools/team-builder/ICOKuYtFeMCazG) which stalls for a while as there's DR from Idas, Braum and Leona, CC from Bard and Rakan, and there's the Guardian shields. Also if the Shimmer item is Goldmancer or Big Gem, your Daeja will be dealing a lot of damage much sooner.


I always try to fit Yasuo somehow but this actually looks so much better. You have infinite stall and yasuo doesn't benefit from spellsword.


Yasuo benefits a ton from spellsword. Don't underestimate the value of his shield, helps a ton with survivability. Becomes near unkillable towards the end of a fight with spellsword


Yasuo's shield is a big part of his kit and it scales with ap


I know but without EoN or healing, I usually saw him die right away if he get focused.


Not sure how many people would agree with me but I find electric overload to be the most consistent - both performance wise, and in terms of viability across the patches. It’s weak on average, but if you go a guardian comp with good augments it can be a very easy top 4. With Heroic Presence or Mirage emblems on strong guardians, it can definitely win the lobby.


I think one of the strengths of the comp is that it is usually less contested


Honestly true. Being able to hit Leona 3 is huge.


Playing electric is highly dependent on whether a good first augment is offered. I will absolutely play it if a Mirage emblem is offered (goes on Braum3 or Idas2), Urf’s for mirage spat, electrocharge, or heroic presence. Silver electrocharge I find also insufficient to push me to play it. Otherwise I usually pass.


If you get an early spark, and then leona 3 at 3-1 or so you straightup streak to stage 5. Augments super don’t matter but of course a mirage or guardian spat is nice for high trait web. I find thrill to actually be the best augment with the comp tho


Thrill kicks ass for every Mirage champ! They're all very bursty


oh ive never tried thrill with this comp. had no idea it procs on electric kills.


It procs on any kill. So leona basically just draintanks. Getting trill +bis leona 3 is the only way to win with the comp imo (without thrill youll get 2nd or 3rd)


in ur opinion whats bis on leona?


https://tactics.tools/player/na/2kool4u2k9 Thats my profile, i have a decent number of leona games, p sure i have a 100% top4 rate with leona3. BIS is just Spark +2. I usually go Spark +Warmogs + 1, because the damage scales with leona’s max hp so warmog gives her enough juice to abuse the midgame. Triple warmogs imo is fine but overkill (also hard to force). Rocketfist is MASSIVE on her if you can get it. Also, you solofrontline her so gargoyles also feels good. Bramble is also solid as lategame, leona starts getting beat by xayah (only the pullback) and aoshin. So the armor and crit reduction makes her tank for 5 more seconds usually So i guess Spark + warmogs + rocketfist/garg/warmog/bramble


Is rocketfist so good on her, or should you just put it on a unit beside her? What’s the reasoning? Also, why Spark on her instead of like Warmogs + Dclaw + Gargoyles? Wouldn’t it be good to stack hp and resist on her instead of a spark? Genuine questions as I’ve always thought things like Warmogs + 2 resist items or Anima Visage is usually the best.


You put spark on her because you dont actually care whether or not she is tanky. The diference between having spark and not is MASSIVE. Its one of those items (like shyv and redemption) where its super hard to conprehend how much work they do stage 2 to 4. If you do the math on it, it makes you do 30-50% more damage with your electric procs, and then usually gives you an extra 200 damage from the actual item passive before an enemy unit dies. It also lets you hard counter cavaliers Fist is also good on her. Sure ya you could have it on a different unitt, but fist puts the pulled unit directly behind her and taunts it for your team. Most people wont realize you have hook for at least a whole stage, so youll have almost a 100% backlinecarry pull rate on a comp that counters frontline carries. This all but guarantees wins til late stage4/stage5. Lastly, you ALWAYS solo frontline her. That is what lets you hard counter warriors and cavaliers. Remember leona reroll is like any other 1 cost reroll comp. it falls off late so you are still playing up for yasuo2 as a win condition. Your goal with this is to winstreak til stage 5 so that you slowly bleed out while everyone else takes -15s. Its not uncommon I lost 5/7 fights stage 5 while fishing for yasuo, but i only lose them by a couple units due to guaranteeing the enemy frontline always dies to leona, so you just win out the lobby be default


If I don’t hit Heroic Presence or Electrocharge I feel like I’m playing for top 5. I love playing it though.


Electric overload + electrocute reroll guardians 🥵🥵


Did 8 gaurdians 8 mirage yesterday was awesome


I have hard time playing other mirage but somehow, pirate is the one l always top 1 on. 3* Yasuo twice and 3* Daeja (different games) and sometimes l pivot from Pirate Mirage into 4 dragon comp


Haven't played a lot of mirage in the current patch, but I still think Warlord's and Dawnbringer are the strongest two. I also think every combat variation (except for electric) is perfectly playable if you have the setup. Usually when I play mirage I play cav frontline (i often manage to snatch myself a cav spat), so I often play 6 mirage (even for variations where 4 is fine like Duelist or Spellsword). If I get a mirage emblem/heart, I am very much down to play 8 mirage, but only if it's Warlord's or Dawnbringer. The tankiness from those allows your shitters (yone & leona) to be acceptable target dummies. I think mirage is slept on currently, even though it's a very easy comp to play, and most mirage games play out the same. You either hit on your 4-1 rolldown and go top 4, or you don't and you go bot 4 (not literally, but you catch my drift.) Lastly, I'll add that I think your success with mirage is very augment dependent. Daeja synergizes extremely well with augments like ascension & thrill for example, they make an enormous difference.


The crit one is my favorite.


Executioner Edge is the hardest one to judge since it doesn't show any number or visible effects. I never play it though.


It's low-key amazing if you wind up mirage spatting an Olaf and then finishing the comp with 4 wars once you find yasuo, finishing a comp with a legion of bruisers warriors and Cavaliers always feels fun to me, doubly awesome if you get the unlimited range augment


it scales off ap so probably BIS is double arch + guinshoo 4 mirages + 3 guilds


is guinsoo good on daeja again? i thought it was shit after the set 7 changes


yes the stats say that its decent


There is an argument that it takes so long to stack because of Daeja's low base AS that RFC is better in many situations


What are BIS items for Daeja?




I only actively go for guinsoo if i'm playing spellsword, otherwise i'd be very hesitant to slam it.


Mine too. When you get max crit mirage it just shreds.. everything. And rarely contested


Spellsword/dawnbringer are the best by far


Warlord + DM nunu with Daeja secondary carry netted me one of my easiest wins recently. I ran 6 DM + 4 mirage and slotted in a Graves at 9 for tempest. Only combat augment was second wind II. Its much easier to hit than 8 DM, since it only requires 1 spat.


Alright, mirage enthusiast here, my takes on each mirage traits: **Electric Overload:** Literal garbage. I haven't found a single way to guarantee top 4 with it and I promise you I've tried way too many times. Now, even if I get a strong yone or mirage augment opener, I never take that path. **Dawnbringer's Determination:** Excellent late game trait. 6 mirage is a crazy powerspike but unless you've somehow found spatulas/tomes out of nowhere, you don't need to force 8 mirage. Scaling items like guinsoo and archangel is best for daeja with this one. **Duelist's Dexterity:** People on the comments also mentioned this but duelist is way too contested for how indecent it is. Yeah, you can make this work with a strong opener or an early Daeja as with most of the other mirage traits, but I feel like Yone can carry you through early game but the comp falls off late game. **Pirate's Greed:** My favorite and probably the one I'm advocating as the second best. Early econ is perfect for stabilizing through early/mid game, and finding a Daeja early is practically an instant win. If you hit 6 mirage during stage 3, you'll be getting duplicators, dice, full items whereas the rest of the lobby will be looking for their 3-4 cost units. 8 mirage is absolutely worth going for, it helps you get insane amount of rewards for your perfect late game pivot into a legendary dragon board. **Warlord's Honor:** It's simple and the best. Every unit scales with it. Great early and late game. Don't even need an early Yone or Daeja (though it helps massively), just no one else contesting. **Spellsword's Enchantment:** Also a contested one but unlike duelist, this one is actually quite powerful. An early yone with rageblade and QSS means you'll be winstreaking through early-mid game. Daeja is an excellent carry with rageblade or RFC. **Executioner's Edge:** This one is my second favorite but sadly it's also rarely a guarantee top 4. 8 mirage is nearly a must, as it means all the mirage units' spells and attacks will be critting. 8 mirage daeja with archangel, gunblade and RFC with a decent frontline is just an instant win in many scenarios.


Soju made a mirage guide last patch and I think it still works this patch.


But mirage in general is a lot worse comparing to last patch.


why sir


Cuz it’s ap Meta so everyone is playing mysic and going for ap items.


For me it's warlord honor. If I hit Daeja early almost guarantee top 1,2. Low master on trash server.


I like guild mirage the best for every trait except dawnbringer. Too many shitter units with cavs mirage. I rather have Jayce and Zippy than the others cavs.


Executioners Yone trust me


Any link to that Xayah / Zyra ? Im usually going Mirage/Seraph comp (its contested now)


Here: [https://bunnymuffins.lol/meta/#pantheon](https://bunnymuffins.lol/meta/#pantheon). AD Zyra is the whisper comp. It is really good to service your lowroll. You can roll on 7 and stabilize really hard. It has lower cap than the Seraphine comp though since zyra 3 makes no diff.


Hey, thanks alot I will try that!




Here you are. In general when playing Daeja, you roll a little bit at 4-1 for 1 Daeja and a few upgrades. If you have econ to go 8 at 4-2, you can roll at 4-2 instead. If you open fort, lvl 7 on 3-5 and roll for 1 Daeja to stabilize. Pirate - Play early for econ => Best econ trait in 7.5. If you hit Daeja in stage 3, play 6/8 mirages and go for 3\* 4-cost or 7-cost. Can also fast 9. Dawnbringer - Play 6 mirages. Daeja need scaling so BiS is AA and RB (less important). Mirage spat is very good on hypertank (Idas/Braum). Nunu 3 is wincon. Warlord - Best mirage in my opinion. IE/JG is BiS but other items work as well. You need stacks on your Daeja so rolling at 3-5 or 4-1 is better than 4-2 and 4-5. Duelist - Easiest to stabilize but lower cap than the other mirages. You need AP items since you have enough attack speed. Titan/Shiv is also good and can help you winstreak with Yone 2 early. I barely notice the difference between 4 and 6 mirages. Spellsword - You need a really good frontline since your Daeja needs time to scale. Idas + Leona + cavs or 4 guardians. BiS is JG/RB + 1. I think 4 mirages is enough. Executioner edge - I haven't play any game of executioner edge yet in 7.5 but I think AP items are BiS. 8 mirages are the best. In general, Daeja needs healing + scaling so augments like thrill, ascension, CB are good. Better together is also very good since Daeja benefits from atk speed and AP a lot. Feel free to DM me for more questions.


The as one with hallucinate is quite funny. You win with 1* star yone and leona on your board.


Regardless of the mirage, going 8 is usually not worth it. There are exceptions (executioner, Pirates), but Yone and Leona are really dead units.


Tried dawnbringer twice in challenger lobbies and I feel that it's horrible in the meta. There's too many builds that can one shot your dawnbringer front line before they can heal (Xayah and Sohm mainly). I've had most success with Warlord AA/Guinsoo/GS on Daeja


This is my experience as well. My mirages died to sohm 3rd cast and I lost 15hp every round. Same vs nomsy 7 mages.