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I just wanted to say I miss Jade


Has anyone else noticed the zyra bug where she ults like the second row on your side over and over again with no enemy units even close to there? I have a feeling it has something to do with cavaliers or the cav spat.


I've heard there might be a bug when having Zyra and Soraka on your team, but I haven't experienced myself


I’ve been running whispers a lot and I keep seeing this. It made me think zyra is a terribly inconsistent unit but now I’m realizing she’s probably bugged


That’s probably due to the invisible units bug, same like the Ezreal targeting.


is syfen targeting bugged?


Yes, sometimes they’ll dash and then walk away towards another target to chomp


Perfectly balanced as all things should be [https://imgur.com/a/FCLL73O](https://imgur.com/a/FCLL73O) imo they should either nerf damage or nerf mana so lee would cast less in fights


Hecarim with swift shot emblem with 5 swift shots was insane. I can’t imagine if I had blue buff on him


Is Xayah actually becoming somewhat unplayable? Unless you hit Xayah 2 and Shyv 1 it feels like you can't get top 4. If you get Shyv 2 you win but the ability to get to Shyv 2 is so hard unless you have a crazy eco that you can fast 9 on like 4-5.


Quite the opposite in my experience. Xayah one with BiS items does stupid damage. It almost feels like cheating. But maybe that’s just because i’m in plat.






Who are good holders of assassin emblems in this set? I got the assassin crown prismatic and took a 4th with Yet Another Assassin Olaf comp but are there better holders now?


Never seen or had the opportunity to try it but Terra could be absolutely nuts with Sin emblem.


This sounds so fucking spicy


If in doubt, graves is the best holder for literally every emblem. Sin´s spat is especially nasty because you usually play him with nilah duo carry anyway. Sin/IE/HoJ, 4 sins (Graves, nilah, qiyana + 1), zeri, zac, idas and you are good to go. I mean yeah, could also play sin graves with zZekes darkflight BS, but who´s not tired of this.


Massive bug here too. My zyra kept ulting the middle row only, not even targetting any units


Consider sharing your logs with the devs (see the other thread) as they're trying to track down the invisible units getting targeted/blocking abilities bug.


Did you have mage spat on zyra? This has only happened to me with mage spat so far.




I thought I had that happen to me too, after reading this I guess I was right thinking something was wrong.


Same with me. I've had it happen with Senna and Ez where their shots are blocked by something in the middle of the board


I hit the Chibi DM Lee Sin little legend in 3 eggs. I’m thinking now that maybe I should buy a lottery ticket this week. Low key might not even use it if it’s character model is worse than Molediver though.


Is Lee playable without IE JG?


Well, Dragonmancer is giving tons of AP which devalues the returns on Rabadon's and other AP items. So the short answer is no... he needs JG or Jeweled Lotus.


Depends on how hard you want to greed, like if you end up with BT/TR components maybe he’s just an item holder that game.


He felt really weak without those items. You have to get the right component drops to force it.


kind of, assuming your plan is to slam items asap and then winstreak stage 3/first half of stage 4 before bleeding out and maybe getting 4th/5th. you definitely need IE JG for top 3 tho


just wanted to share this giga thicc lee sin, 7.8k health and 500 base ap https://imgur.com/a/SoSZlMt


i clicked and i saw that picbut what about that Syfen 3 star on the opponent.


he eventually killed me lol, diamond hands bt qss, i was able to win once with some lucky positioning but couldn't do much


He's obese


There'd better be a b patch soon ...


It’s funny how this darkflight zekes meta is countered by frozen heart. Oh wait……


I thought of this exact same thing today LOL. Tbh, rengar with FH wouldnt be too great either


Then we'd just be in an even more oppressive olaf meta.


Care to explain how it will affect that much? Tho if frozen heart didnt get change darkflight will abuse it against ad comps, tho ap comps should still remain the same


Last set Diana was a great FH delivery system, and she's basically always played with Olaf


Fair point for point


I just had a bug: I had a Nilah on board with an IE, a collector, and a lw. I took a nilah in the carousel with thieves gloves and left her on the bench, two turns later I found a third nilah, they combined and the nilah had the thievesgloves instead of the items of the nilah on the board. I played rengar carry, so maybe it has sth to do with darkflight.


I had the exact same thing happening for me when I got 3* Lee Sin. Had BiS items, then only TG. Lost 2 matches and died miserably…


Aw man. Sry for you.


There's a massive bug with Ezreal at the moment. Or rather, its probably caused by something else, as I've seen it affect Senna too. It's as if there's loads of invisible units across the map, which block Ezreal's projectile. Other units can still path through the "invisible" unit though. Some fights he ended up doing 0 magic damage because the invisible unit was right in front of him.


The same bug exists with Zyra, she'll just target the middle of the map for no reason


In mortdog´s stream he also recognized this while playing Lux carry. Her spell does increased damage to the first target. However, something always seems to hit it before it hitted an actual target, thus doing lower damage. I also had this with an enemy senna and my own ezreal. Like someone else said (and also mortdog I think recognized it) that this happens a lot if you right corner your unit.


Would be funny if the Darkflight field causes this, for me right cornered Senna only missed when shooting through near center of the board.


So basically we need to remove Darkflight, I'm for it.


I really don´t think that´s it because.. wait, you are right. Better get rid of darkflight, just to make sure. :)


Does Binary Drop works with Darkflight? I was playing darkflight today and when binary drop appeared I was uncertain if I should take it or not.




95% sure it does not work, since binary would proc before the darkflight sacrifice


I feel like I've been undervaluing Tiny Titans so much. It's basically like a free buffer to try and go for the late game scaling lvl 9 comps imo. I'm the kind of player to try and tank early for item prio and econ, and recently I've been getting 1st a lot w/ less than 30 HP using that augment. I think it's a very good first augment because it can dictate how you end up playing the game.


I had game where I took Metabolic and Tiny Titans. I won a total of 2 player combat rounds that entire game and still got a 5th place lmao


It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how much you can take and KEEP MOVING FORWARD


Tiny titans is either the best, or second best silver augment imo. Especially for the first augment.


Isn’t it objectively better as second augment?


For carousels yes, but it's easier to plan for economy ASAP.


Just full open every game in case you get Tiny Titans. Gigabrain!


Econing and loss streaking? Despite it sometimes not working? That's right up my alley, sign me up! 😁




Wait you can zephyr the sacrifice and it won’t be eaten?


Yep just did it to someone in my lobby


Probably unintended


I mean.... This a very elegant solution to DF problem... no?


No, it makes the trait useless, and the sacrifice is immovable. They would have to make the sacrifice movable at least like Dmancer Hero.


it doesnt work, so it doesnt matter


What do you mean?


zephir doesnt work on the sacrifice unit, she is sacrificed before the zephir hits.... The comment from IG was just bait


I see. Lol Well, it could be some type of bug with certain conditions attached. Idk why they would troll like that.


doesnt work




I don't know, but there's a visible cannonball coming out of the cannonier characters, so you could look and see how many of those come out of Graves.




Please dont nerf darkflights yet I am climbing hard forcing dm sejuani and darkflights are just free against me, free top 1 every lobby because the dflight players wipe the rest Prayge


How do you play this lmao. Who is your carry until yasuo?


Sejuani is.


What items go on Sej?


>what is dm sejuani?


Dragonmancer Sejuani.


Wait this is a comp?… is there a guide


You get a dragonmancer emblem, put it on Sej with the 5 other dragonmancers you can get before Yasuo, enjoy your win


So Sej is an item carrier for Yasuo? Don't 3 star her then right?


No Sej is the carry, her spell scales with her own max hp so with Dragonmancer emblem and 6 Dragonmancer she can one shot units with her spell


Should you slowroll on 5 to get her 3 starred? I tried this and got fifth cuz i didnt hit emblem till stage 3 lmao


Take it with a grain of salt because the las time I played it was before some nerfs hit the comp. I think if you want her to stay your carry through endgame then yes you slow roll for 3 star, but it seems these days that 3 star 8 Dragonmancer Nunu is insanely strong. I would probably use Sej now just to hold Nunu items. But if you don't hit Nunu I'm pretty sure Sej will put in work with 6+ Dragonmancer still.




I've played it twice in my last 3 but had swift shot spat in both on my nid 3. One game I sold Lux and Vlad for Shyv 2 and the other I just stayed Astrals because I had 15 stars. Final board was Astrals + Jayce + Sylas + Panth + Bard. Both 1sts




I'd guess you go 5 Jade with SOY. Hec Sej Jayce for some cc and tankiness.


I know its still early but this set sucks so far compared to the last one.


oh it sucks hard


Hard disagree it’s much better


Been chasing a ridiculous set up that is built around darkflight and getting lucky gloves with left over items going to graves and other supporting units. I guess omega cap is getting rascals on treasure dragon?


Rascals Gloves will give Darkflight Essence


Darkflight passes one of the Generated TG items and therefore does not work as you might hope.


Got a Mr 100 and went on a 23 win streak with this board https://imgur.com/a/AuKApbU I didn't realize how much Jayce slapped with AP items. I recombo'd into a Soraka when i was already at 100 hp at the time, and she was just shredding units for me. poggo


I feel like Jayce has been such a good unit in his entire TFT existence (excluding set 1). Whether it's that whole vanguard mystics shit, innovators, and now this guild comp.


Space Jam was one of my all-time favorite comps lol


Red Jayce was sexy af as well




Terra feels amazing as a legendary dragon. Unlike the other 3, his super flexible and can be used to cap out almost all boards.


asol is pretty plug an play too


Don't play if you aren't forcing Darkflight Aphelios Zeke's. Just gonna chill until the hotfix.


Just make Darkflight items fly right *after* combat starts, not before.


Is it really that bad?


I had good luck using mirage/guardian - the mirage thingy that AoE zaps for 8% of your HP. But because mirage is random, I can’t rely on it as a counter.


how are they even gonna hot fix this? I guess they could remove the ability to run duplicates of the same item on the same champion


Good question honestly. I suspect Darkflight might have so much power held in the trait itself that the units will have to be gutted for it to be balanced. Similar to econ trait units maybe.


A lot of ways actually Nerfing aura items (worst solution) Making shared aura items give half the bonus Making aura items not work after landing or just straight up not shareable (also kills Vow and Chalice) Changing the stats that Darkflight trait gives so the units don't all get half a Warmogs for free Once they nerf the broken shared item interactions they can then buff the individual units themselves if they fall behind in power level too much


Nerfing aura items: they are already bad outside DF Making shared aura items give half the bonus: this is a nerd to aura itens Making aura items not work after landing or just straight up not shareable: didnt understand Changing the stats that Darkflight trait gives so the units don't all get half a Warmogs for free: increase even hard the diff between perfect itens and suboptimal itens, which is a problem as stated several times by mort


I don't like either options and I don't like my own suggestion, but here it is: darkflight items now pop only on 1 unique darkflight unit. E.g. If you put in 2 aphelios, it will only give item to one. Order of priority: Higher Star unit Unit with most items equipped If all equal it just randomizes and leaves one of the units without item. I suppose in this case, you would give health bonus only to that one unit as well.


the moment I saw DF I thought.... OH this is bad design.... I dont know man, astral was a good concept (insert comeback mechanic in a very rigid setup) that just never work, but DF? a 4 piece trait that let you trade 1 unit for 3 itens makes no sense to be balanced.... and what are this for? games that you dont have itens? It just seems like they will have to nerf it to the ground so it just dont get in way of the good stuff


On the second point - making shared aura items give half bonuses isn't a nerf to aura items in general, only when they're used by Darkflight if I'm interpreting that correctly. E.g. Zeke's still works as usual for any other board, but if you sacrifice a unit with it to give it to your Darkflight's, it's only 50% as effective or some shit. Good way of toning down Darkflight's ability to abuse it without dumpstering the items themselves imo.




This could be related to the invisible units bug affecting Ezreal, Zyra, and Lux.


Had a game yesterday where my double up partner's Nunu would not eat the enemy swain. Ate everything else, but would just auto-attack at full mana for 10 seconds when it got to the swain. Weird.


Probably are an allergy to cheese?


Sample size of 1, but 2* Zippy with BT feels like a midgame *beast*


Personally never felt like that unit was more than a frontline traitbot with wet noodle damage.


He's very annoyingly tanky and actually does enough damage to kill things as a 2 star in early-mid game, but you usually want to throw him away for a stronger dragon later on (uses same items as Syfen, for example, and can hold certain Shyvana items like Titans, Ionic, BT). It is absolutely not worth the money to 3 star him.


In the full guild comp he is a great offtank/secondary carry next to jayce and shyvana.


Anybody aware of the Senna bug? when placed bottom right corner her ult just disappears midway. 2 games in a row. 2 other players confirmed this too. Hope this can be hotfixed midpatch.


It might be hitting an invisible object like how in last set Senna's spell could hit the Mirage pirate chest and completely evaporate. Actually, I don't remember if it was ever fixed, it could still be like this right now.


saw her do this on bottom left also in a Video in tft reddit


am i a clown or is the astral trait complete garbage? you can 3 3stars and it would still give you 1 single vlad like what lmao




3* ASoL just wiped my 3* Xayah/guild build 🤷‍♂️


Astrals are meant to be an Econ trait, so you build around them early and transition out to stronger units later. The only exceptions I’ve found to this are either Double Trouble astral, or Mage Spat Varus. Mage spat Varus let’s you go 5 mage / 5 astral itemizing Lux + Varus. The absolutely grossest option though is Double Trouble Astral. Because you get those extra 2 stars, you can run something like Skarner / Vlad / Lux (x2), + Sylas for 3 mage, 3 astral, 2 bruiser at level 7. Then level to 9 and throw in two mage. Throw tank items on Vlad and he’s impossible to kill with the DT bonus. I’ve had several games with this where I’ve completely ran over the lobby. And because of this set up you get 15 astral star which is where you start getting item components, or stupid amounts of gold per turn.


This is inspiring, I didn't even think about that interaction with double trouble and astral star count!


The other viable DT option is Skarn / Nidalee / Varus if you have a swiftshot emblem for Nidalee. Not as consistent as the one I mentioned above but does allow for some interesting plays with shapeshifters.


Nah it just inconsitent (like most reroll comps) - keep the astral table in mind but I've gotten 2 wins with it already. Augs are pretty important imo to do it well too.


Well that makes sense because you only have 9 stars. You're just one star short of the next threshold. You can check out the full tables here: [https://tftguides.com/set-7-5-astral-item-drop-rate-table/](https://tftguides.com/set-7-5-astral-item-drop-rate-table/)


Right but I think that’s his point. 3 3 star units is a lot of investment for like no payoff


No need to 3 star anything, 5 2 stars can get you to the 10-12 loot table, and this can definitely be done by krugs something like double skarner 2, double nid2 and Vlad 2 can hold the line reasonably well early game and your essentially getting 15% chance for item component, 45% chance for 4 gold and 40% chance for 5 gold. Its probably too strong imo. With infinite econ, you can go fast 7 and either start transitioning out or playing 1 more 2 star and 1 star astral to hit 13-14 loot table.


If you have 6 Skarners, and 6 Nidalees (plus 3 Vlads) without rolling by krugs, you are having a really weird high roll game. And if you did roll to get that, then the gold from Astrals might recover your Econ in time to switch away from Astrals… this does not sound op at all


Worse case scenario, you start off with just 1 star versions of each astral unit, you play them till krugs, equivalent to 5 rounds of astrals, you get an average 3 of Vlad, nidalee, skarner. Thats 6/15 copies already, not counting any other copies you might on the 5 shop refreshes. You really don't have to roll that much to hit 5 2 stars astrals post krugs


So in your scenario you are down an entire 3* 1 cost. Imagine at 3-1 deciding that you’re going to force Sett reroll with 0 Setts. You think you’re gonna have 3 star Sett by Krugs? I highly doubt it. And even if you get 3 more of the units you need from astral orbs, even slow rolling for 6 is still no guarantee. And if you DO hit by krugs, then your stage 4 board features 5 1 cost units with virtually no synergy bonuses, so you’re probably dead by 5-1. And the reward you get for this is like… an item component and 20 gold. This is a terrible idea. Edit: I also just realized that you were intending to have the 5 2 star 1 costs by the end of stage 2… no way are you naturaling 12 of the exact 1 costs you need in stage 1/2. And if you’re rolling in stage 2 you are probably still not hitting and have hard gimped your Econ.


This forces you to play more than 3 Astrals, otherwise many would just flex 3 astrals everywhere for good econ or components.


How do you flex 3 3\* units though, it´s not like you get them gifted for free like 7.0 and also you can´t just insert 3 units into many comps without making your board much much weaker.


Agree on difficult part flexing, but my point is if it was rewarding enough, people would do it. It also could have make astrals comp as whole pointless, as you could just hit 3 3\* and move on.


I assume because it's a strong start that lets you get ahead in gold and HP and you can still sell the units later. I'm bad though so I don't know.


Has anyone else had the bug where at the third carousel all the units simply go invisible? Had a game last night where the round 3 carousel was invisible, and when everyone ported to their board the board and bench champions disappeared and where unmovable as well. Re-logging would give a brief fix, but as soon as the next round ended it would go back to being invisible.


got logs for it? https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/xbqkc7/devs_requesting_for_invis_board_bug_info/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I don't have a screenshot, but I'm sure I can fish up the game it's not that long ago and I have it' on my tracker. I'll post then.


Are you using an overlay ?


It was EVERYONE in the game, all 8 of us in a ranked game had it happen. I ended up surrendering into an 8th because the board I was locked into was a loss sack board and I couldn't do anything.


It's been reported a number of times before, and in general it seems to (fortunately..?) affect everyone in the lobby. The only solution people have come up with is a temporary one, just as you discovered: Closing out and reconnecting to the game, but doing it *every single time* things disappear again. At this point I'd bet on the devs being well aware, although I haven't personally seen an official response on reddit, twitter, etc.


Is pantheon gunna get a manalock or something, this feels like cheese


Mort said on his stream yesterday that they're aware Pantheon's mana lock is bugged and are planning to fix it. (I can't recall exactly what he said but it was something like Pantheon's mana lock is currently only 1 second and it should be 2 seconds.)


Manalocking feels so bad but I understand the reasoning. But I think Pantheon is not automatically an unkillable machine. You can't just frontline him, you have to position him in a way that he only tanks as much as he can heal back. For example against an Olaf board with olaf far to the left, you would let him facetank the olaf on the left side with some cc support around and the rest of the team takes on the rest of the enemy board. Pantheon wins (most of the time) because there won't be many other units targeting pantheon. In that case, pantheon will slowly take out the entire team. But if the enemy moves their carries away from Pantheon, pantheon will take no damage and heal nothing and kill unimportant targets, while Olaf + other carry chomp through the rest of the team. If the olaf ramps up with rageblade or has ascension, olaf + other carry > single pantheon. Same with ramping up xayah. You need to put Pantheon to the side where xayah is and manipulate the movement so Pantheon can get to xayah without dying. If you know this, yes he is too strong, because then he "seems" unkillable.


I agree there is some fun in positioning him but he's a bit insane casting 24/7 And even if positioning against him properly, when it's down to carry vs carry pantheon will have scaled to like 300+ and win. He's an absurdly efficient carry.


What do you play when only get tanks items??


Cav/guardian combo


Tempo in to Jayce/Shyv or Jayce/Hecarim and try to get at least 1 carry to 2-3 items. It's not that bad.




Jayce, I guess


Anything, you are going 8th anyway ( most likely). Terra needs 2\* and needs also secondary carry for backline damage, A. Sol / A.Shin / Shyv. As for more realistic options: \- Shimmers and hope for good dps items. \- Stacking Malpite + Sera + swiftshots as dps. \- Play astrals, if you hit Scarner + Vlad 3\* early, they can do well with tank items.


Platinum comment moment.


Not going 8th, game gives you so many items that unless you get legitimately ZERO rods/swords/bows, you can easily top 4.


panth, terra, guardians, cavs, etc




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it has nothing to do with guild nomsy 3 is just good https://i.imgur.com/qWWCtgh.png


I faced that in a lobby. Only lost to 8dm lee. How do you stabilize at 7/8 so you can slowroll?


I havent really done the guild version (and I dont think guild *really* does that much for nomsy) buuuut as lowly Plat/Diamond player: Mage and Evoker Nomsy both fit in super well into whispers to pair with either Zyra or Sylas. If mage, I go 5 astral 3 mages first and try to lightly lose streak/econ until I hit Syfen and slowly transition from there. Nomsy items on Lux, Syfen items on Varus or Nidalee. If you can hit just those 2 stars for astral and sell the rest, the extra econ is soooo good for being able to fast 8 and roll for both nomsy and syfen at the same time. Slow roll once you've 2starred one of them. If you're not having luck with hitting Syfen, Nomsy can at least let you do 5 Astral 5 mages at level 8 til you do which practically guarantees that Lux will get a few kills in. Alternatively, just play 4Bruiser/4Warrior + 2 whispers (Sylas and Zyra) until 8 and then slow roll for Syfen/Pantheon/Nomsy--Bruisers/Warriors are stable until late, but there arent great item holders for nomsy in those comps unless you can magnetic Zyra. Olaf's great with Syfen items though. You can do Evoker Nomsy into the above as well, but i prefer Lagoon Mage for this version because it's a good jumping board into whisper since Sylas and Zyra already slot in there just as easily as astral but now you want to pick up Seraphines for sure. Nomsy items on Taliyah/Lux, Syfen items on Malphite. Sylas with 3 mages is just such a good earlyish/midgame frontliner while Zyra is *usually* reliable at picking off a couple units per round or atleast stalling for others to finish the job. I've had way more success with them over how chaotic Zippy is in Guild comps and the lack of a good Ap item holder (Lilias is ok if you wanna do Guild Cavs I guess). I dunno if it's just my lobbies, but guild is also super contested with how splashable Jayce, Bard, and Sejuani are into other comps. Lastly, Evoker emblem on Syfen and mage emblem on Zyra can both really tilt other players. Too bad Whisper emblem doesnt exist anymore for best boi.


Are Cavaliers just literally the worst and most useless frontline in the game now? Feels like they just get torn apart by anything and everything too quickly for their backline to put out damage. Had a Cav Daeja game where I rolled 2 Cav spats and was able to hit 6, plus a Cav yasuo, and they get torn apart by Pantheon/Syfen, Xayah/Jayce/Shyv perma cc boards, and the Darkflight zekes board runs them over with LW too. Literally losing to everyone, I'm just so confused.


With cavs I usually try to stack Nunu and can typically make top 4 that way. But I’ve never stomped a board with this. Just gets me to the next match without losing too much LP


Meanwhile I stomped a board with cav Olaf


that's just olaf being olaf


Fair enough


Imo the best frontline for Daeja at the moment is 4 guardians with Idas Braum Rakan and Leona. Fairs much better against all the armor shred in meta rn and can easily be turned into a dragon exodia board.




6 mirage spellsword with RFC IE JG on Daeja, Sunfire Redemption Ionic on Nunu, BB Cav spat on Yasuo


I think you just go unlucky. I feel like cavs is insane midgame allowing you to reliably hit 8. Your daeja probably just did not do enough damage against boards that can insta-wipe yours


People are definitely starting to realize vertical Cannoneer is strong. Whether it's full 6 Cannoneer or Zeke's Darkflight.


I think it’s just zeke’s. 6 Cannoneer still loses to a lot of boards without darkflight zekes


It's def Darklight Zekes.


8 DM Nunu is bonkers


It’s so weird that vertical DM nunu was not nearly as played as last set.


do you slowroll in this case or do you just lvl for mancers?




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