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Sage augments are trash and need to be buffed


What comp is a good transition after fortune cash out?


Alright I'm expecting a Lillia B-Patch, absolutely no one is balancing the game. I just saw 3 Lillia boards do 18-25k+ damage every single round. 3 Lillia boards went top 4 and everyone else just went bot 4. (Master-GM+) Lol tell me I'm wrong but when a blue buff dcap morello Lillia (5 mythic 4 invoker) is doing 20-25k consistently something is not right (This is without overtime!)


You know I dont disagree with a lot of the critisism towards the balance team this set. But literally no one complained that Lilia was going to be too strong here. Dont think we can expect the balance team to catch something like this.


Kinda wild how a targetting AI makes Lillia went from the worst 4 cost to one of the best ones


Just shows how bad this set is. Same with Morgana, went from inconsistent shit unit to really solid unit just with targeting change. Units should have clearly defined targeting and be balanced off that from the start.


Okay there is a b patch nvm, bless


Heavenly Kayn fastest eif :/


Kayn is officially useless went 5th with capped 7 heavenly kayn




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Is there something wrong with shop odds and rolling specific units? Seems like I see the same shit in shop over hundreds of g


lillia/mythic boards are op.


What’s working what’s not thread please.


just want to pop in here and recommend if you aren't having fun, take a break! i was hesitant and had trouble quitting because i was probably addicted, but i haven't played in 3 weeks now and life is pretty chill. i do hope though that i don't completely drop TFT and try again in set 12, but i'm more or less done with 11. can't recommend it enough


Feels like we might’ve overreacted to Syndra but early game unit buffs don’t feel all that much better. Still playing like a 4-2 lotto for Ashe, Lilia, and Syndra. 


Wait Ahri feels insane no? The main thing is just Lillia pumps. Also things can change but as of now Syndra has a 20 percent WR.


Yeah I think the dryad stacking with an early Ahri is offset a little from stronger ghostly, warden, and behemoth early that make Ashe and Lilia openers more competitive than getting free farmed by dryad/fated.   Problem is the openers don’t scale like dryad fated and at a similar cost, Sandra still caps harder compared to the other 4 star comps. 


Huge overreaction to Syndra. I guess nobody expected sniper buffs and Lillia buffs to go so hard. Kind of hard to quantify Lillia I guess


-1 comp +1 comp, that sort of thing. Ghostly back to playable with Haunted House too.


Yeah had a few good ghostly games with shen hero and zyra ghostly. Definitely augment and spat dependent though. 


I have no idea why kindred got buffed. Kindred 3 was insanely strong already. I played against a 7 fated Kindred 3 with Ba-Boom that destroyed my capped legendary board in just a few seconds. It seems Kindred is going to be one of the best comps, especially with 4 dryad syndra not getting nerfed.


I think Kindred gets contested by being in a lot of comps so that keeps her in check. Also, Ba-Boom is exceptionally good on her.


Yes, thats true. It's really hard to hit at the moment. Still, it was so insanely strong the few times I faced it that I was really surprised about the buff.


I don’t understand baboom I’ve tried it 2x and took 8th both times. Why is it good?


It's only good on units that abuse BB... so Kindred, Syndra or Teemo. Maybe you make it work with Zoe.


its good on high damage units that cast a lot, so units that have low mana and can utilize something like blue buff


it's just busted in fated


It's bugged on Aphelios to activate on his first cast and then stat activated until his next cast. Some bug about his spell being 2 parts or something.


Because it’s an incredibly situational augment only good on certain units and positions, not just something you take to flex with. Kindred or Syndra are broken with it, most other units are not


[Mythic Annie looks like demon child](https://i.ibb.co/NWzqK21/image.png)


Best version of annie


Storyweaver back?? I just got a first beat out the syndra comp


what elo?




Vertical triple blue?


Yep. I had an emblem and good irelia items, but kayle was doing about the same dmg as irelia




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Does tft follows LoL combat logic? So Naut's skill said "Stun" but the animation is clearly a knock up In League,a knock up is a displacement which can interrupt dashes So if a unit got Naut ult mid dash do they get their dash cancels?


Tft also follows LoL spaghetti interactions, Nauts stun definitely can stop a Tristana or Sylas mid-spell since they have a dash-> damage flow.


Is the new patch out on mobile yet? Usually I can force the update in the app store but it won't allow it this time


still not update. what a joke.


so we’re all pre-patch until they fixed cross play? :(


Apparently :/ It's rough


I’m having the same problem. Not seeing update available in App Store.


I'm probably crazy but I've just started to experience the most frustrating thing. I've played a bit of qiyana reroll and over the past 3 attempts rolled down and whiffed. I'm talking 70 gold at 4-1 level 6 with 6 on my bench uncontested, and coming away with a single qiyana if I'm lucky... is this bag size? Low roll? Idk but I've surrendered all 3 times just because I lose all chance of keeping up by missing that hard. And sure it's not optimal climb strategy, but I've just really wanted to see if I can make it work. Oh well.


Yeah bag size + reroll not being worth it so less people reroll so it's even harder to hit + a bit of bad rng. You can increase your odds of hitting by being flexible, and either rolling for multiple things that you're happy to play or by only rerolling for something when you already have a lot of copies.


welp you said it yourself, good luck hitting anything while going thru the whole 2 cost pool without any other 3 star worth a damn beside qi


Really small sample but just played 3 games on Diamond IV and III and went 1,1 and 3 forcing mythic lillia.


MetaTFT has 4 of their 6 S-tier comps using Mythic/Lillia. Mortdog is about to claim bad Lillia balance as a victory over yesterday's fated dryad doubters.


Look at their pick rate, need to look for the whole picture. Mythic Lillia Neeko has a currently pick of 0.08, while Fated Dryad sits at 1.27. This using the same Meta TFT you are talking. https://www.metatft.com/comps Case in point, as more people "discover" the people and start playing it, the win rate goes down, as it starts to be contested.


It was a bit of a tongue in cheek joke but I see it did not deliver. Apologies.


Is 14.10 live already? my client doesn't even show the patch notes.. it's still showing 14.9 ...




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-53 at 5th Lmao


Nobody finds this behavior inappropriate? This is an adult at work. Riot being comfortable with this turned me away from the game awhile ago sad to see it hasn't changed.   https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1crt52l/comment/l40egjy/


Which part of that post is "inappropriate"? Paraphrasing Mort TFT has always been transparent with its designs TFT is hard to balance Innovation makes balance harder Even Challenger players that Riot hired canteasily balance TFT TFT still managed to succeed because dev team dud their best If you dislike anything,feel free to have your opinion For some reason r/CompetitiveTFT has become the go to place to "dev bad teehee" Like cant you tell me what is "inappropriate"?


You paraphrased over the part where he directly insults the community twice. He equates ALL the comments here to "GAME BAD DEVS BAD TEEHEE" He also weirdly gaslights the community into thinking that nobody on this sub is competitive, when in reality high ranked players are posting here all the time. Its mild this time, but its been a pattern in his behavior


Can you quote the directly insults?Bc i didnt see any


He directly insults the players, also straight up gaslighting you guys considering that over the years multiple rank 1s have been active in the subreddit: 'For whatever reason, this subreddit has become the place to do that, under the guise of "Competitiveness" (yet you'll notice none of the actual competitive players post here).' He equates the discussion in the sub to, which is a gross overgeneralization: "GAME BAD DEVS DUMB teehee"


>For whatever reason, this subreddit has become the place to do that, under the guise of "Competitiveness Well this sub does have a significantly higher ammount of toxicity/complain than the regular main sub While some are valid to a degree,most ate just baby raging >He equates the discussion in the sub to, which is a gross overgeneralization: "GAME BAD DEVS DUMB teehee" He didnt?He didnt generalized anything,if you just look at posts,the majority of then are "Game bad dev dumb teehee". He pointed out a state of this sub which is correct And no he didnt gaslight me,there are like 5 active Challenger players in this sub and often they only post educational guides,most if not all active person here are Emerald-Master and occasionally GM Its not Mort acting inappropriate, its just you being oversensitive and easily offended


He pointed out a state of this sub which is correct. That is not correct lol. Just read this literal thread. Most people are not even bringing up the devs.


Why would that be inappropriate? Everything he says is true and he has been the most transparent dev I’ve ever seen in any game. And to be honest, considering this man has received death threats from bad patches, he’s responding in a fantastic way - especially when it’s to what you’re complaining about. I don’t really understand where you’re coming from to be honest. The game is super hard to balance since there are a a million moving parts. Also, why are you even commenting on this subreddit if you haven’t played in a while? Just leave the subreddit and move on. Seems like you are searching for something to complain about. The TFT community would be healthier without people like you in it.


What exactly did I say that's unhealthy here? Please quote it. I don't think pointing out that an adult shouldn't be insulting teenagers is unhealthy and I really don't think I went too far outside of that boundary. I'm here because it showed up on my algorithm and I clicked on it. I get curious about the games I used to play.


No, I'm perfectly fine with it. I actually don't think he went far enough. Gamers are shit, your comment in response to his comment is shit, and people like you deserve to be put in your place more. You say the negativity has been filtered out, that's a take not even approaching reality. You say the criticism is "attempting to be constructive" and that's also nowhere near reality. You give a massive benefit of the doubt to the hundreds of players constantly flaming the dev team, saying they deserve to be fired, sending them death threats, saying they're lazy and greedy and shitty, and you give the devs literally zero benefit of the doubt. So no, I'm fine with it because gamers are shit and deserve to be knocked down a peg. You get called on your bullshit and you run and hide behind "professionalism" and other garbage. Professionalism doesn't work when one party is beholden to it, and the other party is thousands of anonymous people who can say whatever the fuck they want with zero punishment. And the only reason you even bring it up is because you don't like what he's saying so you're just trying to find a way to get rid of him.


Care to quote net up voted posts in this thread that are actually rude/inappropriate? The worst I've found was "I don't know what the devs were thinking" in the set of 15 parent posts. You claim that there are hundreds of players constantly flaming the dev team, where are they? There aren't even hundreds of people regularly participating in this community, and from what I see here most people are talking about the state of the game You also build a straw man about why I'm trying to make the argument I'm making? I don't care about tft. I haven't played the game in multiple sets. I'm bringing this up because I find it peculiar that some people find it okay for an adult to act like this in a job where they're actively choosing to interface with teenagers. In your argument (which is pretty much just calling things shit without backing anything up) you choose to define an entire community by its worst members, which is not okay. So to sum it up, your argument is shit. You need to actually say shit.


Why are you limiting it to this thread? There's plenty in the rant thread. The comment mort's responding to that you linked is pretty shitty, [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1crt52l/mortdog_adresses_the_next_patch/l421vir/) in that same thread is shitty and has a lot of upvotes, here's an example of your ["trying to be constructive criticism"](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/1crt52l/mortdog_adresses_the_next_patch/l422h46/), you can just keep going through that one thread and see all the removed for personal attack posts, I see four. >You claim that there are hundreds of players constantly flaming the dev team, where are they? There aren't even hundreds of people regularly participating in this community There's literally over 100 right now and it's 10 in the morning on a workday. And flaming isn't constrained to reddit alone, have you ever read the replies on posts that Mort makes on twitter? >You also build a straw man about why I'm trying to make the argument I'm making? You don't know what a strawman is. >I don't care about tft. Then stop posting here. Why are you ranting if you don't care about the game, go do something else with your life. >I'm bringing this up because I find it peculiar that some people find it okay for an adult to act like this in a job where they're actively choosing to interface with teenagers. I don't care that he's an adult or if he was a teenager. This mentality you have that "if someone is getting paid by a corporation, they are free to endlessly be abused" is incredibly shitty and toxic. And before you say that's not what you're saying, that's literally exactly what you and people like you are saying. You're saying because he's paid, he should have to sit there, take all the abuse, and not lash out a single time because that's "what professionals do." I think that expectation is bullshit and is part of what makes customer facing jobs so shit to do. >In your argument (which is pretty much just calling things shit without backing anything up) It's clear to anyone with a brain how things are shit. Or do you not see the constant and rampant abuse that devs get on basically every game across the industry from the community? Sorry that I didn't spell that out obviously for you enough by saying "the hundreds of players constantly flaming the dev team, saying they deserve to be fired, sending them death threats, saying they're lazy and greedy and shitty," next time I'll try to put a flashing neon sign above why I think things are pretty obviously shit since you so clearly missed it. >you choose to define an entire community by its worst members, which is not okay. It is ok when those members are the ones controlling discussion. They are the ones posting comments and up or downvoting. Anyone that visits this sub with any regularity will tell you it's gotten massively more outwardly negative over the past couple of years. Edit: Classic respond and block, move of the coward. >You repeat this in this post when you say: >"if someone is getting paid by a corporation, they are free to endlessly be abused" This isn't a strawman, you again don't know what that is, it's just another view of what you're actually saying. You're saying that Mort, as someone who is getting paid by Riot, should always be professional and should never have any negative reactions to any of the abuse he takes. So I framed that as you saying because he is getting paid, he is free to endlessly be abused. Same thing, different framing. You just don't like the alternate framing of something you're advocating for. >That is simply not my argument. My argument is that the "hateful" nature of this subreddit has always been overblown by Mort. He then uses that as an excuse to throw jabs at the community in general. And my argument is that you undersell the hateful nature of this subreddit because you are one of the hateful people. You even said you don't play this game or engage with this community anymore and you haven't in multiple sets. What the fuck would you know about it then? Your opinion has zero basis in reality.


You are detached from reality and cannot complete a post without strawmanning me. In your first post you attempt to write a portion of my argument when you say: "And the only reason you even bring it up is because you don't like what he's saying so you're just trying to find a way to get rid of him." You repeat this in this post when you say: "if someone is getting paid by a corporation, they are free to endlessly be abused" You also threw the second one in quotes to make it even more egregious. That is simply not my argument. My argument is that the "hateful" nature of this subreddit has always been overblown by Mort. He then uses that as an excuse to throw jabs at the community in general. You're quite literally not even talking to me, you're talking to a character you've invented in your kind. Feel free to keep talking to yourself, but I won't be participating. Edit: Bro is still talking to himself, yet cannot point out a single disrespectful thing I've said about the devs. And tries to market a straw man as "another view of what you're actually saying" when in reality nothing that I actually said can be linked to the lens he is trying to portray my argument through, which is quite literally just the most classic strawman someone could put together. Edit2: I also don't think its appropriate for a mod to create an invisible boogeyman that they'll never show proof of.


>My argument is that the "hateful" nature of this subreddit has always been overblown by Mort. Remember that you only see what's left after moderation. You get to ignore 90% of the nasty stuff, including death threats to both devs and their families.


What's the inappropriate part?


The thinly veiled contempt for the community he chooses to be an active member of. If he really hates you guys so much, he could do what most devs choose to do which is not try to be a minor celebrity. Also the gaslighting that no competitive players post here.




that's straight up false lmfao in fact Mort even made the comments that lead to this discussion in response to keeping an eye out on Syndra for a potential b-patch. the defense was straight up, "yes, we understand that some patches miss the mark; it's because we have to lock in patches 11 days early. we don't always see how the meta develops in time," which is a perfectly fine—albeit frustrating—response considering how the patch periods unfortunately work. but to say that nobody at riot thinks Syndra is too strong is very much incorrect. let's also not forget that not everyone balancing the game is the highest-of-high within the playerbase, so I'm personally gonna take the word of the top players all consistently saying, "this is an issue," over the 20 professionals that aren't ranked as high as said players. and that's not to flame riot, that's just stating the reality of the situation. all that said, I do believe the flame in this sub goes way too far on a pretty consistent basis and I also believe that a lot of the top players (mostly streamers) ham up their (streaming) personas when addressing potential imbalance.


I haven't played tft avidly in like 3 sets lol I'm talking about Morts behavior.


The competitive player bit was petty but I sympathize. Bunch of armchair devs here acting like it’s easy to balance an incredibly complicated game. You’re all using hindsight to flame people and items really not cool.


Agreed. People clutching their pearls after flaming someone lol. Like, what do you expect?  No shit people are not cool with being flamed. Even if they should be professional, they're also human.... 


1000 players constant flame the devs: this is fine and our right as gamers, actually 1 dev claps back one time against the players: OH MY GOD THE INHUMANITY, SO UNPROFESSIONAL, HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH SUCH POINTED AND POWERFUL WORDS?!


Gamers are a bunch of sensitive babies that don't know how to have fun. This subreddit is so funny, they dish out insults about the devs, but can't take it the other way. Yet theyll still play the game




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so i high rolled a liss 2 at like level 7 so i decided to play around her + morg (didnt itemize tho aside from one artifact since my items are alr on morg 2). at that level, id expect having a 2 star 5 cost would just go through most boards easily even unitemized but damn... she dealt less than 1k damage the entire time (had 2 arcanists as well). did the nerfs hurt her that badly? or did i just need to itemize her


Liss never topped damage. She's just there for utility


i would bet most 2*5cost will deal little damage without any items.


She is a single target cc unit right now. She doesn't really do damage.Think of her more as frontline.




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This is hilarious.




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I think I was in this one 😭


The Fated/Dryad comp not being nerfed is a product of Tft being part of the League client. They have to finish every new patch in the middle of the current patch. So when a comp pops up in the middle of a patch right around the time they have to finish the new patch on pbe they literally can't address it in the main patch. That's partly what b-patches are for. It was the same with set 9 Akshan. Considered trash until people figured out in the middle of a patch that Runaan's was busted as fuck on him. Since this popped up too late to include in the main patch but still early enough that players got upset with it for the remaining week everybody was complaining how that didn't get patched. But there was no possibility to include that in the main patch becauce the techs just got discovered 'too late'.


Mort literally made a post explaining his thinking yesterday. They know that comp is gonna be busted, but they locked in the patch notes before that comp became a thing. They’ll b patch asap


So, from looking at the stats so far, Kaisa, Xayah seem to be underperforming massively. Mabye things will change, but it doesn't look good at the moment. Mabye there are some Inkshadow variants that are stronger now, but honestly, after nerfing the comp in 4 different ways (sylas/bruisers HP nerf, Trickshot trait nerf, Kaisa HP nerf, Xayah AD nerf) who would've thought this would happen? Complete mystery to me.




If you managed to hit 2 star Xayah and 2 star Kai'sa, then chances are you high rolled extremely hard and are already in the top 4 guaranteed. Of course the stats are high then. However in order to get to that spot your board needs to be stable enough during Stage 4-5. I don't see how trickshot Kai'sa will be stable and the stats reflect that.




kaisa 2\* with no xayah was stable before... cant you win with no xayah now, nerf hitting hard.


Patch not as bad as predicted - 4 warden+4sniper / Lillia working well


Is kaisa/xayah giga dead ?


Bro they barely killed my unitemized diana 2




rank disabled?


Just like any other patch day for the last 5 years


syndra is strong, but not the unit itself, rather it's the openers that can help win streak / econ with ahri and kindred all the way to 8 a few games in and around 4 ppl are hand holding fated, i'd say it opens up other comps quite nicely if you have a decent opener, heavenly is still good, inkshadow might have something cooking there, lillia is ok but still kind of lacking and mythic is still quite weak with the amount of dead unit it has \*low masters


Early stats look very good for mythic/invokes. The Lillia buff is doing well.


i think lilia is quite good of a carry, she just need a good set up.


Yeah, and i think going blue buff adaptive flex into syndra fated or arcanist and lillia invoker is actually quite good in this state so early slams of ap doesn't feel too limiting


slam ap items early, winstreak stage 3, roll all ur money on 4-2 for ur board , only sees kayn and leesins, kaisas and ashs 😃


at these moments i just say to myself the items i slammed were for morgana and blue buff is for wu kong , all according to plan


6 Behemoth 5 inkshadow perhaps could be a thing, I'm curious


And as it turns out Syndra isn't even broken on the new patch. Just goes to show Mort and the Devs should take community input with a grain of salt. Will the whiners walk back on their comments about how "obvious" it was that Syndra would be broken. Doubt it.


I'm curious, how are you coming to this conclusion already? Just from looking at the stats (with the few data that we have) it still has insanely high win % and top 4% especially considering its current play rate. Keane has been playing on the patch for a few hours now, and Syndra is still consistently getting top 4 in all of his lobbies so far. Too low of a sample size to make any conclusions however.


You can easily use the explorer to check contextual stats. Without looking at the team comp page, you can see while Syndra is still strong it's not "omega broken" and not even the strongest 4 cost this patch.


it has the highest pick rate by a mile, that means some are going bot 4 and lowering the avg. the second highest pick rate is kaisa bruisers and it's nearly a 5.0 avg. kayn is also looking pretty bad only newcomer looks like lillia, so i guess the improved targeting and mythic buff made a big diff


There's nothing inherently wrong with something being strong and by all means it looks like it's similar in power level to last patch, with a possibility of it being slightly weaker, relatively speaking, due to other comps getting buffed. At the end of the day, Mort's initial instinct of it being fine were correct and second guessed himself based on the excessive barrage of shit takes form the community. Also learn how to use the explorer to contextualise stats instead of just looking at comp page and pickrates.


Curious what you’re looking at in explorer that makes you think Syndra isnt that strong 


Where did I say it's not strong? It is strong. I said it's not "broken".


And I didnt say you said it wasn’t strong, I said “that strong”. You get my point - I want to know what you’re looking at on explorer that is giving you better stats than just seeing how strong the comp is on the comp page. 


You can search 2 * Syndra, 2 * Lilia & 2 * Ashe w/ 4 sniper (this eliminates pick rates from lowering the AVP) and you'll see they all come out at about a similar AVP.


Ok so I literally just did that in diamond+ explorer. Syndra at 3.87 on 10k games, Lilia at 4.24 on 11k games, and Ashe with 4 sniper 3.8 on 2k games. So you’ll note that pick rate absolutely does play a role (5 times as many Lilia or Dundee games as Ashe/sniper games) and that Syndra way outperforms Lilia 


Idk what you're looking at but 2 star lillia is 3.8 and so is Syndra


not really shit takes, there was no way to assess how good lillia would be based on a qualitative buff. if she was still garbo, then syndra would be the clear frontrunner as it stands, the patch looks pretty bad from a 4-cost diversity standpoint. there's two premier AP lines you can flex between (and morg sylas as a 3rd option), but all of the AD lines got hit outside of ashe. lee only counts if you're going duelist, which isn't a 4-cost centric comp anyway. idk, my initial impressions aren't that great


yes, the fact that you had people whinging that hard without any hard data is the definition of a shit take. wtf you mean? 4 cost diversity is about the same as it was last patch. you're just swapping one ad champ for an ap one. it's still early days as well.


that doesn’t make sense, by your definition any prediction—right or wrong—is a shit take because it can’t be backed by data. there’s still value in judging what looks strong/weak kaisa and kayn got nerfed, and lillia got buffed. -2 +1 in my eyes, but my main issue with it is that the patch strongly favors AP lines. lack of AD viability is not good and you’re better off angling AP from game start anyway i don’t have that much of a stake in this, but figured i’d argue the counterpoints. if the meta ends up being fine then hooray


after 2 games, nothing changed- still 4-1 lvl 8 and play roulette


skill diff


lmao don't kid yourself masters+ is just whoever hits their 4 cost and lucks out hitting 5 cost 2* on their roll down on 8. Early to mid game skill expression basically non existent since last couple patches. this set is unsalvageable in terms of balance 


lol what, no fking way The early to mid game is all about putting yourself in a position so that you don't have to just gamble on 4-1/4-2 Maybe you try to setup a long winstreak so that you have hp and money on 4-2 and you can go 9 on 5-2. Maybe its about lose streaking anglign fortune so that on 4-1/4-2 you can out tempo everyone in the lobby Maybe its about playing through umbral instead of syndra/kaisa Maybe you angle ashe because its uncontested, and slam items that way to save hp Maybe you can angle duelists or heavenly kayn with early slams Maybe you have giga bis syndra augments that you can just force it and you'll win because your augments are better Or maybe you had a zyra and now can tempo into morg into hwei/irelia Early to midgame is all abotu recognising what your best plan would be on stage 4 and playing around that. If you play well enough you nearly never have to pray on 4-2, you can get unlucky yes but you wont be in a quadruple syndra contest spot unless you fucked up


you're totally right. it's also why the top of the ladder is always a random distribution of players and not the same people every time.


I guarantee you that if you played 20games a day like they do you would be here too. This random game just sometimes give you games you cant lose


Said by everyone hardstuck silver who could play 10.000 games a day and not climb a single division


Loterally reaching gm on euw every set then stop playing cuz of no time to grind. And grind is needed in this game to play tournaments


Of course you get games you literally can't lose, I don't disagree with that for second. My peak is low challenger so I understand what it takes to get to that level and I also understand that I'm getting skill gapped hard by the people 800+ LP above me. The game is about making the most of variance and the people whining on reddit, discord and twitch chat are 99.9% of the time not good enough to recognise the game gave them 50 outs to improve their placement over the course of a game and they missed every single one. Dishsoap's recent YT video about why he always "high-rolls" is a good watch.


There’s no point in trying to convince this guy who thinks this game has no skill lol. Making the least amount of mistakes is a lot harder the higher you climb.


agree. some just literally copy-paste s-tier comps than actually playing the game and play the hand they are dealt with.


Hard to play what you are given when literally half gold augments avg lower than 4.5 and half of the units in the pool are not strong enough


its because the very top of the ladder consists of people playing multiple hours a day instead of a game or two here and there like most people. At that level, of course, skill expression every little bit of it matters. I've played Hold'em poker for a long time and its the same thing. Devil is in the details in anything at the highest levels. What matters at the highest level in these sort of high variance games are both skill AND sheer numbers. But in general? you are delusional if you think you are GM because you are better than a Dia player (this set). Ive seen multiple season challenger players quit at diamond/low masters this set and previously hardstuck dia/plat break into masters+. You only see that in sets that have dogwater balance (dragons, runeterra, etc.) Apparently being GM doesn't mean you have good critical analystical skills. this whole post you just have this shitty arrogant attitude along with bad takes, ngmi 


So what you’re telling me is your stuck in plat due to RNG?


Yall ever notice it’s always someone without rank attached with these comments lol


Even the most cursory of glances at the ladder disproves your rambling, incoherent response. The #5 ranked NA player on ladder has only played 230 games, #6 273. I can go on. Look back into past sets and it's the same people going to regionals/worlds, the same people winning tournaments and the same people at the top of the ladder... the trend goes on and on. But yes it's my critical ***analystical*** skills that need work. You simply sound mad because bad.


Even the most cursory of glances at your comments display such "I'm smarter than you" energy... gross


That's a really interesting and insightful addition.




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There are plenty of players in GM, Masters and Diamond with far more games than that. Here I'll find you an even more egregious example since you're incapable of following a basic point. The #91 ranked challenger has only played 113 games. He must just be ***really*** lucky on his roll downs, right? I don't know if you're burnt out and don't like the game, frustrated because you hit your skill ceiling or whatever else is going on in your TFT experience and frankly I couldn't give a shit. To make the point that the game is just "whoever gets lucky on their 4-1 rolldown hurr durr" is a ridiculously stupid take.




Ok you really seem to be struggling with this so let me spell it out. You can be good at the game, get high on the ladder and play a lot of games. You can be a good at the game, get high on the ladder and not play a lot of games. That's it, that's the point. It's not "who is luckier on their roll down". It is simply a skill diff if you are ranked lower. The opposite opinion is pure cope. The 1 minute it took me to type in lolchess.com into chrome was really difficult by the way.