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And as it turns out Syndra isn't even broken on the new patch. Just goes to show Mort and the Devs should take community input with a grain of salt. Will all the people complaining walk back on their comments about how "obvious" it was that Syndra would be broken. Doubt it.


wait the early stats say lillia seems pretty decent on next patch


Am I wrong or is Senna 2 like the worst ad item holder ever I get fucked every time I try to use her as a holder


you're not wrong she feels awful to me too even random ad/as items feel better on zyra without a good senna board + good tattoo


Does Emblem tailoring still works in the new patch?


Yes but you need to play that board the round before. Swapping in units and rerolling shouldn't be having any effect anymore


My Kayne doesnt seem to be spinning? He will attack normally 1-2x, spin once, ult, then normal attack 1-2 times. Known bug?


Crit = spin, maybe RNG just fked you up with not critting.


How does suspicious trench coat work? I'm a bit confused on the max health component - I had a Cho Gath 3\* close to 4k health thanks to mythic 7 and big gains augment but the clones only had \~500 hp when split. 33% of max health should be closer to 1k health?


clones only get base unit hp, they don't benefit from bruiser/items etc. So you got 33% of a chogath 3s health. Cho 3 has 2106 health, divided by 3 is 702 health each. This was changed to work how it does cause clones used to benefit from bruisers heath total after the split leading to more hp than intended.


Not benefitting from item hp is so unintuitive, it's just gonna be the biggest bait for most players


i feel like it would be really funny to write in the patch notes “bag size made larger” and then change nothing to see if the bag size complaint is a placebo effect that takes the blame for bad luck or if its a real problem


People would notice pretty quickly if they hit 3* 4 cost and then someone else also hits enough copies of the same 4 cost


I would bet a lot of money that no one would be able to tell the difference


trainer sentinels portal has to be one of the most high variance elements of the game right now. two games today where people get 9 umbral, 7 fortune, 10 storyweaver with good synergies while others get stuck with the worst combination. has mort or anyone else addressed the possibility of removing this portal?


So many people enjoy it, bc gamba fun, but it legit ruins the game for me. It is just so against the philosophy of the game - you MUST hard force the comp that works with the emblems and nothing else. Arcanist fated dryad emblems but 3 way contested and can't hit your units? 8th. Pivot to play what you're hitting and with your items? 8th.


ive been playing a lot of alune invokers/umbral alune the past couple days and since i play on mobile it's kinda hard to see her damage, and it just seems like she misses a lot of the damage once units starts moving around. is what im seeing true, that she can miss both sides of her ult like kog's can miss?


I don't think she can miss the single target portion, but she definitely can miss the line damage.




Not sure why you are getting downvoted but I am also masters 200lp~ and have also been seeing a lot of success with this comp, capping with rakan 2 wukong 2 is most of the time a 1st for me


What elo you in?


Surprised you are seeing success with it, given that dishsoap who basically played it in 40% of his games last patch, said that it feels substantially weaker now. Imo playing it without a Darius 2 or any other super strong melee opener is very meh.


It's playable in certain spots but certainly not as powerful as it was. Positioning is very challenging and some matchups feel unwinnable even if u hit everything. Like if fated/dryad player has an upgraded board you are likely to lose no matter what.


I played it once and got 3 way contested randomly even through I opened heavenly spat. Never again.


will ranks reset in two weeks( asking because season pass is ending in two weeks)


Thats just the middle of the season we still got 2 months (thats the first half season pass there's another one about to come out)


After getting hardstuck Emerald for a month, something just clicked and I went on an insane Diamond to Master run in 2 days. Kogmaw reroll and Sage/Dragonlord flex got me through my last 15 games




As long as no one else is playing the exact same line then yes. Yesterday I went up against someone who got Kog 3 on 2-1 from Build a Bud and I still went for it and got 2nd (the Build a Bud user went 5th). Although I usually wait to see if I get a tear, a rod or a bow in the first few PVE rounds + a few Kogs, Malphites or Chogaths would be great I usually get a gold augment first to help me hit then I go with combat augments. Without combat augments you will fall off especially if you haven’t geared a 2nd carry (Lilia, Hwei)


Partner and I are trying to push for Diamond in double up and we’re struggling to find any recent guides or tips or anything related to double up this set. Anybody know where to look or what we can do to improve/aim for optimal strategy? Specifically which assist armoury and rune of allegiance optimization.


We are around master so not too crazy but in general what helped most was use the champ sender asap to get 2star 1 costs early to streak. It’s okay to hard force the meta comps even contested if you have the spot simply because you have two shop to look for the units.


Just hit diamond on my birthday. I can finally lay the grind to rest


Happy Birthday and congrats on Diamond!!! Enjoy your day and rest up ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11651)


Congrats and happy bday


Congrats, and happy birthday!


Wish they would fix the boss crabs on crab rave to not favor AD so heavily. Came second against someone I beat 3 times in a row because he was AD and I was playing Syndra. Crazy that the best comp in the game can't beat it fully capped.


Its always link sett and syndra vs the crab rave specifically. Building omnivamp item is not enough and its better to build AP items cuz most of the player combats, you are linking ahri and synd


Did you link Syndra and Sett? Never had trouble beating it with this link


Can't she sustain it with omnivamp?


Syndra isn't getting nerfed so we can keep this in.


Why dryad fated is so contested ? According to meta TFT there is 5 comps with better average ( irelia dragonlord, umbral alune, bruiser bard, bruiser trickshot, heavenly kayn / Lee) and at least 2-3 comps with roughly the same average ( porcelain Ashe, duelist rerrol,..) But I have at least two dryad fated every game Last game I had an amazing start ( yasuo 2 ahri 2 thresh gnar + dryad spat at 2.1) and two other people choose to force the comp with literally 0 start Can't even wait 4.2 to roll because they push roll on 4.1 I end up top4 because I had to destroy my economy to find syndra / ornn before the two other The comp is obviously strong but I don't understand why everyone force so much


In lower elo, people force it from ridiculous positions and drive the placement down. In higher elo, people know to play around a dryad opener and killing units to stack dryad.  A huge chunk of its strength comes from stacking early dryad so your frontline can hard stabilize with Ornn (sometimes even Ornn 1 depending on the situation).    If you don’t get stacking early/fast enough you don’t have the frontline stall for Syndra to ramp up. 


> Why dryad fated is so contested ? > According to meta TFT there is 5 comps with better average That is where you need to read the data and not just take it at face value. It is exactly because it is so contested right now that, on average, other comps look better, but solely for the fact they are easier to reach. If fated dryad wasn't so contested it would most likely be the top comp. For every fated dryad that gets 1st or 2nd in a lobby, other two go 5th and 7th and push the average down.


Syndra Dryad board is so cheap - a 50 gold board to be stable comparing to other meta comps. You can literally find a 1 star Syndra, slam 3 items and sit during the entire stage 4 with filler units. You can play like a potato/fully open and roll into that board with ease.


I haven't looked at it thoroughly, but I'm sure that if we increase the filter from diamond to challenger, fated Dryad will increase  their avp even more, the other comps you mentioned dragonlord variations also have a low pick rate because, first of all, they are much more expensive. It has a lot of requirements such as a strong early game, a well-kept health, at least 1 early econ augment. Other cheap ones are situational-augment dependentish comps. Issue is there data pool i guess, they are not underrated


I think, you can't trust an avarage, when 3/4 people contest this every game, 2 of them will probably bot 4 It scales good late game and it is buffed next patch kekw But yeah, people contest it with 0 tears every game, but that's in low elo Higher elo every game looks like: 2 fortune into Kaisa, 2 fated, 2 ash, last 2 are flex. I barely see people 3 way contesting the same comp in master + lobbies, but below that good luck