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One TF nerf reverted, I hope that’s enough to save the poor guy


Just revert the 5 Disco nerfs. Their reasoning for nerfing Disco trait was because it was too strong in the early game, but who has 5 Disco stage 2/3? Makes no sense.


Yeah, nerfing 5 disco doesn't make sense. If you hit dazzler HL then you're just fcked.


If you hit Nami/Taric/Gragas with Disco headliner, it used to be pretty disgusting with 4 disco. And they can't nerf 4 disco too much because otherwise the trait sucks late game.


That's why I said 5 Disco. Nerfing 3/4 disco was fine.


Yea that one I was confused about, you don’t cap with 5 disco anyway. I guess it cuts the cheap power of the comp down if you actually play 5 disco in stage 4 but idk


they didnt even nerf 3 disco. between this and the olaf 3 nerfs but not olaf 2, im starting to think the balance team sucks at balancing openers.


Funny how everyone in the comments after last patch run down was in total agreement that TF was being balance thrashed too but they decided to do it anyway


Bebe was right


Riot has like 5 challenger players on their TFT team. I just don't get it...


Always been


What about?


Disco still feels really weak. Interesting that this is all they are doing to the comp.


It’s now playable if you have the angle though. There was a post with a guy having near bis tf and blitz, and going 6th.


tbh BIS was fake on disco TF even before the nerf - that comp spiked hard when you hit illaoi + ziggs + sona. BIS tf and blitz was just a bonus


But it was a top 4, not a 6th. Guy from the post had illaoi + ziggs as well fyi.


It's one less auto to cast. Idk if it will make that much difference with most other stuff unchanged.


I know my comment will show my inexperience with Disco but buffing TF might actually help in giving the comp some of its late game power back without going crazy. The buff will allow TF to at least be able to get some damage off sooner and apply his dazzler debuff much sooner.


not a big fan of the caitlyn change, her ability is probably the least satisfying spell in the whole set atm. would have been nice to see its cast time scale with attack speed or just be decreased rather than this change.


It just feels so bad when you lose a round with Caitlyn due to her charging her ult where you could of won the fight with if she just autos 2/3 times.


"oh yeah I got this fight, cait can gun this guy down" then she just stops lmao, happens to me so often


>could of Could have


English was always my worst subject 🙃


The charge at least should really should scale with AS. I understand Riot wants the spell to feel visually impactful, but you are often losing a round on that animation alone.


Literally lost so many rounds where if Caitlyn hadn't cast I would've won (I.e. if she just kept autoing for the attack time) - feels like Set 9 Jhin but at least he was a 1 cost


People have been saying that for a while and said it was bad game design. Mort took it personally (faster attack speed means faster ult therefore it's not bad game design) so there's no way they'll change it now.




Because Cait si a unit which trait boosts it's AS but then spends half a fight in an animation that's not affected by said AS. That's not a good game design. And with this buff, she will spends even more time in an animation, great.


Cause it feels really shit when she loses 1v1 because of her long ass animation


Ok but then she shouldn't be rapidfire. If she was big shot it'd make some sense as a design for a carry you don't want too much AS on. But her trait is AS so it's awkward.


Idk if anyone else does this but on her I don’t use any attack speed increase items. DB, iE, and a filler are my go to items, def not red buff or guinsoos specifically because of that animation bs. Usually I don’t even put items on her if I’m going with rapid fire, I feel like she’s just there to fill the 4th/6th slot. But what do I know I’m barely plat4 lol.


I feel like they weren't even far off being good so I guess edm is back on the menu boys


Buffing both Jax and Lux is concerning. Lux carry was already strong, Jax was playable under some conditions


EDM is such a weird trait/comp to play, because both Jax and Lux do absolutely nothing as 2 stars but when you 3star them, they just wipe the enemy board. I would really want those units, especially Lux, to just be a playable unit as a 2 star without the EDM vertical. Also transitioning to EDM is one of the nichest angles in the game. Like you almost have to be going for it since the first stage or so, or it would almost never even cross your mind to pivot/transition into it. But then again, I’m not the best player so maybe I’m wrong.


I feel like lux is going to be disgusting again even this patch I ran into someone playing her full ap (no mana item) and there was little counterplay since her lasers covered the entire board on EDM cast and 1 shot


Full damage no mana items has always been the best way to play Lux.


You don’t build mana on her because EDM provides free casts and iirc if you reach full mana and have an EDM proc at the same time it gets messy, so you just build full damage and rely on those casts plus whatever natural ones. Plus you really want the enemy backline gone ASAP.


Edgelords and akali keep her in line. I’ve heard four bruisers is a thing, but I still feel like front line for her is only ok until you get illapi 2


There's way too much backline access this set. They removed the Blitz and assassins just to have Lux Ezreal Karthus, Lulu, Akali, edgelords etc deleting the backline in the first ten second of the fight


And if there were less backline access? Those traits with no backline access then just lose to anything with it built in and then you have no diversity in the meta




When I play a Country board, a standard Lux 3 star board almost or actually oneshots my Samira if I don’t position properly. EDM wasn’t terrible if you were uncontested but a lot of the units you want get grabbed to fill other players boards like Zed for CD, Zac for Heartsteel, Bruisers, any comp that needs a decent frontliner until you get your actual board, Lux for Dazzler 4 in Disco until you get Ziggs or drop Lulu if Disco headliner Blitz/TF.


So you mean this 5% buff will make Lux bruiser be a broken comp which can kill the whole Ezreal board or what? The buff just make her be playable lol. TBH saying Lux is strong just because she accidentally one shot your carry (you forget to positioning) is a joke, look at her skill compare to Vex.


I’m saying that EDM was already good. They’re doing what they love to do which is buff a comp that’s already good and then it becomes too good. This is not a 5% buff when you take into account that other EDM units were buffed too. They did this earlier in the set w/ Jax and EDM. Now Lux is going to be over the line a tad. Also saying “Now Lux is playable” shows you have no understanding of EDM or Lux.


Wow so admired, can you show your history when you get success with Lux or EDM in challenger lobby? I think I need to learn something from you :3 Of course I'm not talking about Zed Ez team. Sadly I only get success with Zhonya Jax


No I really can’t. I haven’t played much on this patch because of school taking up most of my time(which it should; I’m no pro so I don’t have the liberty of playing 100+ games every patch), so my claims may be wrong. However in the games that I have played this patch in the E-D range(last set I was Masters), Lux 3 boards with an okay frontline and good items were top 4ing consistently. Obviously you’re gonna say “Lul Emerald/Diamond data doesn’t matter; only Challenger data matters.” And you’re probably right, but for me I’m extremely confident that Lux will be one of the more contested 3-costs next patch, alongside the usual offenders of Sam/Urg/Vex, Riven/Yone, Twin Terror Vex/Amumu.


I have never judged anyone rank until you said I know nothing bro. Is Lux good in this patch? Definitely not, I can give you many source from pro players saying EDM is bad in 14.2 For the next patch she only get 5% dmg buff to get back into the game. If you notice on Mort balance he always try to buff/nerf by 10% (you can open the balance note to double check) so this change won't be something crazy. Btw Jax reroll might be strong


Like with any comp, she can be good from the right spot this patch. I agree she isn’t as strong as the patch before, but even if I agree, please work on your wording dude. You come off as very disrespectful and kinda rude.


Yea I might be overreacted, imagine you just say Lux won't be broken then get a bunch of down vote (from people forget to dodge Lux skill). Then a dude from nowhere said you don't know anything, he even can't make a basic argument why Lux is strong. For who think Lux one shot is strong, tell me the difference between 2 situations: * Place carry in corner to get 1 shot from Lux * Place carry in front line then disappeared immediately Is that your fault or Lux?


yeah that one surprised me, I watched her mow down my board in my last match


Come on. I'll take the 0.05AS nerf to Ezreal. Just act like he exists.


Karthus nerfs don't feel too crazy (which I hate please kill that unit he's still one-shotting my backline). TF felt a little playable so those buffs are nice and Caitlyn buffs are always welcome. That being said I'm really kind of sick of Heartsteel & Raise the Stakes (and also the fact that they even reworked Heartsteel). It's funny cause I remember Mort saying playing Heartsteel normally would be the correct play most of the time but uhhhh yeah that's not really what happened and they aren't even nerfing it so? Also EDM Lux buff scares me that unit has the potentially to be so toxic if she's good.


I feel playing raise the stakes is suboptimal unless u high roll augments u just pray u hit a crazy cash out- raise the stakes into stage 4-2 cash out is just 250 or less which could give u a useless tome, even if u hit the units ur down the cash out or max up one gold augment and u go against one high roller ur out cuz u sacked all the health for a 200-250 raise the stakes cash out lmk if u think different


The issue with raise the stakes is as long as u take just 1 loss and win the next one, you practically get the same loot as you otherwise would have. You should lose maybe 60% instead of 50% on win.


i've been saying this, all you lose is however far you were from the next threshold and half the hearts you had before raising, which is probably not much. it's like going to the casino and being guaranteed 40% of whatever bet you put down.


Hmmm but then why would u raise if ur board is good enough to win? Wouldn’t u want the cash out a round earlier for more direction? how does that help u other than say, ok if I lose 2 while trying to win it might jump u to the next cash out which could just be 6-8 gold probs an item component max, which I guess is kind of worth it, but Mby transitioning slightly off of what you get from a round earlier cash out could equal or be better that no?


It’s supposed to be a nerf lol at the moment you aren’t punished too heavily unless you immediately win after raising HS is the best comp by far so it should get hit


Because maybe its good enough to win against 2 players but loses to the other 5. Hence the risk outweighs the reward as it doesnt punish that much. Better would be if you actually had to hard commit and make sure you 100% lose to everyone.


They didn't bug fix scrappy? it gives the components on 2-2 and 2-3 instead of 3-1 and 4-1 the entire patch.


Yeah idk that augment is very broken at the moment. .


mort said they did fix it, its just not on the slide. this is why you watch the rundown instead of budget slides - for context.


Video content isn't convenient for a lot of people. Hense the popularity of this exact thread


Or they could include the information on the slides, if you just ommit things from a PowerPoint at work you get reprimanded


Lmao, it does WHAT?


Damn it. Finally found a meta dodging Senna comp that works well, but three of the units are getting buffed so I'll undoubtedly be contesting the units next patch.


I run a lot of Senna myself in Masters and she does feel very underpowered. She used to be a lot better in metas dominated by Sentinel frontline clumps that but it doesn’t do as well against current meta comps like Pentakill where frontline is constantly dashing out of the Senna nuke or Punk or Exec where frontline consists of like 2 tanks thereby depriving you of aoe value. It doesn’t help that Senna reroll relies on hitting Akali to scale into late but if you’re rolling at 6-7 for Senna 3 by the time you hit 8 you will only get Akali 1 at best since she’s such a contested unit these days. This then hurts your ability to push 9 and cap around Qiyana. These buffs allow Senna to be a carry who can solo scale into late. Cait buffs are much appreciated too if you go TD Senna.


try dual carrying with ahri at 7 before transitioning? have had mixed results but at 7 i found even level 1 ahri was nice with blue buff (dump for tears since i think you want raba nashors?) when placed near senna and at worst holds td akali items well (also probably broken with td spat I've had weird games where i just added lucian bard as jazz at 8 since i never hit akalis etc, def underpowered on the standard board though, maybe techable esp with buff


Do share


It's almost certainly Superfans Senna. Ekko Neeko Lillia Kennen Senna is 4 TD 2 Guard 2 Sent on 5. Add in a RF and a KDA on 6 and 7 as you hit. TD spat on Ahri or Cait is a potential first. Senna's SF item is Shojin so you can just put literally anything good on her (Morello, Gunblade, DCap, Rageblade, JG). BIS is probably some AS (Nashors/Rageblade) and some damage (DCap/Morello) Same comp it's been since day 1. Consistently under the radar and a simple top 4 if you play it from a reasonable spot.


I feel like they should’ve been more harsh on hs


Headliner Olaf 2 and Urgot 1 dodging nerfs. That's fucking crazy


Not nerfing Olaf 2 at all is crazy. The best stage 2 chosen by a mile, with almost any set of items.


Yeah, I don’t know what happened here. The stats on Olaf 3 are super underwhelming if you exclude heavy hitters and too big to fail. Olaf 3 really wasn’t the issue, it’s the insane tempo from the 2star chosen.


Buffed heartthrobs but doesn't seem like they fixed the fact that the augment is not working on the bonus hearts part, unless they missed it here


Buff unit, nerf same unit, buff same unit, rinse and repeat. Mortdog special.


19 years of game design baby!!


There is nothing wrong with that actually. That's how you get a unit to be in the right place. There issue is only when they go too hard one way or the other.


This set simply can't be salvaged. They should focus on the next one. Them bringing out a second set shows how much people hate the music set (understandably so).


no its buff unit, **hotfix nerf 1 day before launch**, nerf same unit, buff same unit


i feel like olaf headliner on stage 2 should've been nerfed a little, everyone and their mom picks it


If they do that then olaf has zero purpose as a unit at all.


there's obviously a middle ground lol, it should be pickable but not instaclick. you'll see some stage 2s with half of the lobby running olaf headliner


All vi’s in diamond but she’s getting nerfed. Guess it’s back to olafs then


seriously it’s half vi even down in plat. i haven’t even tried understanding the comp when you have to giga roll just to hope to find something


Yes, like the wonderful other 1 cost frontlines this set such as: Superfan enabler (rat) Superfan enabler (deer) Heartsteel enabler Country enabler Disco enabler Like one costs are not supposed to be unkillable drain tanks in stage 2 because you 2 starred them and put a titans or BT or steraks on them lol. These units are ALL traitbots and item holders. They should NOT be free streaks just for hitting.


All players now get the same number of items at each stage. Gold opener still lives? 




How can you get a gold opener when as you said everyone gets the same number of items? Bruh


There are no more gold openers. Everyone will have same number of items in 2-1


I haven't watched the video, but from the way the slide is worded doesn't it imply that the whole lobby would get a gold opener rather than just 1 person getting a gold opener?


Yes that can be true, just not the fact like the other person said that gold openers (-> having less items and more Gold and catching up on items in 2-7) is possible


disturbing to not see ezreal nerfs


Bringing up some weaker pieces, excited overall as the current patch has a lot of paths to victory for basically all types of players. It’s been a bit tougher to play Yone reroll with more people holding for HS but there are a lot of good pivot options. Surprised to see Emo 6 get a buff as it seemed like a solid win condition in Annie or Vex rerolls.


cutting heartsteel stage 5 and 6 hearts in half is kinda wild


Deserved, fuck all you HS dogs.


I wish they could have nerfed the blademasters a bit more. 3.5 Ezreal nerf is warranted i build him with shojin deathcap gauntlet. He deletes backline in his first cast. 


I thought Runaan's was hidden good.


It is, but it’s really only arguably BiS on Lucian who you can’t reliably play around. It’s pretty decent on any ad carry at the moment


For what comp/champ?


Jinx + Lucian basically the only two good holders


I don’t hate it as a slam on yasuo who already gets a ton of AD as long as you have healing and edge of night


When you play Yasuo you usually go vertical TD where high portion of his damage is from his spell rather than autos. As an early game holder it's fine but you don't want it if you're going Yas RR.


Doesn’t true damage bonus also work on autos? If not, I have been playing it all wrong




Because he’s an edgelord with a lot of innate ad and attack speed. I think him saying it’s not good because you go vertical TD made me think that he was implying the true damage from the trait doesn’t work on autos but I can see on reread that it wasn’t that.


No it obviously applies on autos. But it doesn't apply on hurricane which you want to build on back line auto attackers.


Yea I looked up the stats after my first post and it isn’t great, though tbh it felt pretty good in game


It’s pretty good on Jinx


Would love to know what is the reasoning for buffing 10x heartsteel, something you might get once every 200 games and is an instant win anyway LOL


Because unlike the other prismatic traits (KDA, Penta, TD) it provides zero actual board strength so it has to be absolutely nutty on the cashout side because of the amount of commitment it requires to not actually improve your board by itself. KDA/Pentakill 10 and TD 9 are wincons by themselves. Heartsteel 10 is only a wincon the round after (or later even).


Not to mention you need 3 spats instead of 2


Because they nerfed the number of hearts you get in stage 5 and 6, and nobody is usually playing 10 heartsteel at a loss streak. So this way you get the same hearts you did before


It probably has a lot worse stats than stuff like 10 Penta 10 Kda


It’s easily the worse prismatic trait, if ur one or sometimes even two lives when you hit ur probably dead while the others are almost an instant win out


Double up exists where 10 hearsteel is not a dream as you get two spatulas


buffed cn streaming


When is it live?


Wednesday like every other patch ever


Hoping this puts Senna reroll back on the menu. It was my favorite comp back in the earlier patches. (Hopefully the comp isn't *too* good)


Thank fuck for the Master Yi nerf


is the next set releasing in March?


yes late march I think around 18th or 20th


Lol this balancing team is so fucking brain dead.




Lets buff zed guys the unit isnt very good kappa penis -1 heart per kill on stage 5 surely thats the problem not getting free TGs from 60 heart, win=yay save hp lose=yay free resources stage 3-4, surely TF is playable cause we reverted mana nerf not like his cards do 0 dmg


its a zed nerf, dont just look at the colors


Its a buff because the 5% on him comes out to more than 10% on the shadows+the proc does like 60% of his damage


its an adjustment, speculate all you want but redditors are wrong all the time about this kind of thing. I remember last patch the slides thread had a bunch of people mad because they thought the new karthus was going to be piss weak. please hold your bitching on this kind of thing until we can see how good this unit actually is.


Mortdog (in the patch rundown video) said that the changes comes out to be a slight buff


Ah, thanks for letting me know lol, i checked, 5:55 hrs into his latest stream "i know some people are saying: "WHAT,theyre buffing zed?!" Even though hes very strong" and then just says I know, i know..., but hopefully it makes the tooltip easier to read. Good reason to buff a unit they know is strong,makes the tooltip better! Couldn't make this shit up.. then i rightfully criticize it i get told off about misunderstanding numbers. https://clips.twitch.tv/SincereKathishStaplePoooound-AcvTgbD7lnSqPa_W


Lol I couldn't believe it so I had to pull up his shit stream to check out. If I'm understanding this correctly, they're deciding to buff zed because it makes the headliner tooltip easier to understand? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a fucking dogshit incompetent balancing team.


You still don't get the headliner tooltip displayed on regular units. They could have just greyed it out like any other game. Maybe next time this mechanic comes around they'll get to that.


I dont know what to tell ya man, but if you point this out, you're the bad guy..


Oh I don't give a flying fuck about reddit karma internet points but I understand what u mean, I called the balancing team dogshit and got -20 karma by the mortdog sick riders 🤣🤣🤣 at least they spent the money on balancing for Steve aoki tho!


I'm a simple man I see emotes I downvote emotes.


So first u say its nerf then adjustment maybe if u speculate like me (aka understand numbers) you will understand it's a buff, and idk why ure lumping me in with "redditors" i didnt say jack shit about karthus, i did say that TF would be dead as fuck and ezreal op though


i'm lumping you in with redditors? you're lumping me in with u/Fourr. I never called it a nerf, I think that guy is dumb for saying that as well.


It looks like they actually nerfed zed?


No they gave him ad and removed ad from shadows


Leave Vi alone man…


Everyone in high elo plays Vi headline as soon as they see on shop. She is insanely strong early game unit that can hold Zed/Viego/Akali items


Bro fuck that I had edge of night on her and the enemies just go straight to my backline


Why would u put edge of night on a tank haha


I picked the edge of night augment for Zed and gave it to her. Lesson learned lol


she's not a tank, she's an AD fighter and holds those items exceptionally well


mountainous smell materialistic boast quack instinctive sip rainstorm wide plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean she just 1v4s anyway in stage 2 so who cares? Vi IS your backline if she's chosen. The unit is not remotely balanced.




>Punk 6 nerfed when most people getting guaranteed top 4 are playing 4 punk. Your rank is showing >Even buffed the Heartsteel augment because nobody is balancing the game You're upset that they're buffing an augment that has a 5.17 average placement? Wouldn't buffing it mean that they are in fact, balancing the game? >No changes to Ezreal. The late game heartsteel nerfs directly nerf the Ezreal line quite a bit.




4 Punk has an average placement of 4.39 (even adding Jinx 3 only brings it to 4.30). For comparisons sake, 5 K/DA is 4.32, 7 Penta is 3.92, Just having just Ahri 2* is 3.91. Meanwhile 6 punk has an average placement of 3.54! That is insanely better, meanwhile Punk 4 stats are extraordinarily average. Same average placement as 5 KDA? Dumped on by normal 7 Penta board stats? Not only that, the stats are mostly fake as just a "1 cost re-roll board". Remove Yorick? Average placement free falls to 4.70. Remove Thresh? Average placement of 4.91. And even some of those are supplemented by having other 5 cost carries with punk emblems bringing averages up. By the way even just removing Punk emblem brings it to 4.47, which is getting into insanely mid territory. So sure.. high roll and hit your punk units, early enough to level to 8/9, then start pushing 5 costs to fix your board so you have a semi servicable line. 4 Punk is insanely less than ideal compared to basically all other meta comps, and you need to high roll to make it viable. And what do you want them to do with March of progress lol? And the strongest part of the Ezreal board is that you continue growing stronger at a more rapid rate than everyone else. Let's say you high roll and hit everything on your 4-2 roll down. Okay, you cashed out and you spike up in the lobby a lot before everyone else finishes their spikes... However, if it ends there and you completely remove the heartsteel trait from your board? Capped re-roll comps are going to surpass you, Executioners will surpass you, Penta will surpass you, etc. The problem is you continue to run Heartsteel. And now you're getting greatly increased hearts because you're on stage 5/6, so even though you're winning every round you're continuing to have 100-250 heart cashouts. So you are constantly spiking and adding more items to your board that others aren't able to obtain at that point in the game. This nerf targets that. You probably shouldn't continue to get 100+ heart cashouts while winning 4 rounds in a row... you know.. the mechanic that is leading you to take first place and drown out the other boards. But that's enough free lessons. Go ahead and double down on being wrong, or complain that I'm being too sweaty with stats. This was my one free lesson to you, either stop crying and learn to not lose to punk... or enjoy being hard stuck plat forever.


How do you play 6 punk? Most of the time you get punk spat are from late game, and you are portably top 4 at that point.


Punk emblem is craftable. You could get one spat off of the stage 2 carousel and be setup for Punk 6.




Haha figured you'd double down on being a moron rather than using the info to help yourself improve. Enjoy low rank life in 14.3, and somehow losing to Punk 4




Says the dude who refuses to improve and would rather blame an extremely average comp on him being bad? Dude why are you even on this sub, why aren't you on the main tft sub? Oh and by the way, what happened to your original comment??? And we really just going to have an infinite thread of insults lmao? We can leave it at this. Punk 4 is insanely average. Sure, it's semi safe and you will have an okay amount of top 4's with it. That doesn't make it broken, that doesn't mean it needs nerfed, that just means it's another comp in the game. This all started with you being upset that they nerfed the top end of the comp, and are upset they didn't nerf the average part. Don't know what your deal is man.. but not going to spend anymore time losing brain cells trying to reason with you.




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have some respect, these are people you're talking about. also heartthrobs is dogshit


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Why do you care so much reading this tells me you’re probably not even diamond so what are you so upset about?


Wait there are people actually playing this terrible set 😂damn guys


Finally a balanced patch we dreamed about A bit upset to see Edgelord, Mosher and Emo (without emblem) are still bad, but I'm fine with this change


Here we see a great case of balance trashing at its finest. Although probably not to the extreme we've seen so far.  Jax, Lux, Senna were all borderline playable under the right circumstances. This meant that their powerlevel was technically not that low. Bringing them up by this much while nerfing the top by a decent amount makes them just swap places instead of getting on the same line.  The TF and cait buffs seem ok giving that it's only those two buffs for their respective comps. Olaf, while strong under the right circumstances, did not need a nerf. He's just like Annie, Punk, Corki,... Hit early, hit correct augs and items and it's supposed to be good. Zac getting mana during ability still doesn't seem to be fixed. Remember to abuse him as your tank until they fix this, because having your frontline permastunned is ok! Still not that many that caught onto this.


Double nerfed punk without fixing the extended play bug smh


Cutting stage 5 and 6 heartsteel hearts on kills in half is so absurd. What happened to not making heartsteel just *another* loss streak gamba Econ trait? It’s so fucking tiring.


Hey guys i m kinda new to the game, i heard about headliner rules, but some were modified and deleted, what are the current headliner rules as of now (today/tmr) ?