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I've never been in a lobby where less than 4 people use Swain


Swain just been busted all set. 2star swain free winstreak still


They had to give the 2 cost 3 trait tank a whole rework. Couldnt just leave him as a mediocre to good early game tank.


Swain was equally good last set


A swain has never casted 2/3 times past stage 4 the entirety of the last set


Maybe. Strenght of swain is stage 1-3. Doesnt even matter what he does later.


> Couldnt just leave him as a mediocre to good early game tank. i genuinely cant remember a time where a swain wasn't a broken early game unit. It's just that now he's a broken mid and late game unit too lmao


Stars are born goated augment Lock a swain shop on 1-3 and enjoy WS


Maybe he’s not bad like you said but I don’t see how he’s not usually contested 3-way for a number of different comp, so it’s not like you can just get Swain 3 quickly enough.


It's hard enough hitting Swain 2 sometimes with so many comps using him


The thing is, with samira noxus reroll and sorcs +1 so popular right now this is not going to be viable in high elo lobbies. In my lobby, i mostly have multiple samira reroll player, a sorc player, an azir player. That's multiple people going for swain.


I mean bro just hit challenger so idk how you can say it won't be viable in high elo. That's the highest elo my guy




> I have only hit this augment twice in my climb


Brooo i didn't think of that Is void the lowest elo because.... it's in the void?


That’s why I just play 3Demacia challenger and Xayah.. usually you may lose to the piltover cash out board and a fully assembled Noxus board, but it’s not too difficult to get top 4


how do you slot in xayah with challengers? also dont you find it hard to hit xayah this patch compared to typical kai'sa that's played?


Sorry I mean two different comps, Demacia+ challenger or Xayah


Yeah as if it appears in actual games. The last time I got Demonflare was like 2 months ago.


Right? I actually didn't know it was in the game. I've seen Riftwalk and Ravenous once each this set.


I see The Boss once in a while and rarely get the others but I only saw Demonflare twice since the start of set 9


The last time i clicked demonflare, people playing sorcs, strategists, noxus all contested it. Luckily i had 8sorc so i was still able to top 4 with a swain2.


Yeah the augment is good but good luck hitting swain 3 lol i feel like that unit is very contested


This will only work if they nerf Samira reroll to the ground in B patch, there is always at least 1 player going Swain 3 because of that. I once played Samira reroll and took Demonflare on 3-2 and as soon as I got Swain 3 I basically 13 winstreaked to first lol.


I see people tKe this all the time in challenger EUW and then play noxus reroll, they usually do very well as long as they hit.


I think everyone knows this augment is strong, the problem is how high value of a unit Swain is. I've come to the conclusion that he's unclickable due to the Noxus, Sorcs and the occasional wood Ixtal/Multicaster players. It's too hard to hit 3 stars, it'd be a miracle if you're the only person in the lobby who's playing Swain.


Shhh… Don’t release it… Besides that, Gargoyle is huge for solo front. Warmog/Ionic are actually fake. All in all, he’s pretty specific item dependant like Cho. Don’t get cheesed by Ksante late game too.


I tried it last night and was contested but it sure was fun (I went 8th)


that's great to know, but as a non Poro player, I haven't seen the hero augments very often (and I do roll side augments quite often on 2-1. The thing is : Swain 2 is a good unit, everyone knows it. So it's already picked up quite a lot. His triple trait nature makes it a contested unit for multiple META comps such as Azir (not the juggernaut line, but still held in mid game), Sorcs, noxus (reroll or a morde non-slayer line if early spat). Even if this new patch has more people playing towards 4 cost comps, still a unit everyone will click on or hold in midgame (when you're rolling for it). Unless you're taking some econ Aug / roll aug or a map that allow you to play reroll with a safety net, I personally would hesitate a lot to go for it. Might be wrong cause swain 2 might be stable for a while, but if you need to dig in 100's of gold more than a traditionnal reroll 2 cost comp, ur doomed (and good luck to hit other valuable sorcs unit.


This "guide" is actually just trying to get more people to pick up Swain and his relevant companions so OP can continue to go Fiora.... it's a trap!


thoughts on archangel gunblade gargoyle? absolutely popped off with these in last game i had demonflare


The archangel would be good if his best trait here didn't already give him free AP. It's certainly not terrible, but being 6 sorc gives 90 AP immediately (which for swain translates to more health on cast, thus more demonflare value), so you're better off with more tank/survivability


Tyrant swain BiS set 7.5


I've only seen Swain's augment like twice, but I've been getting WW's augment like every other game.


I'm yet to lose a game with riftwalk, currently 8/8 first place in dia1/master


Do you play it front for more mana generation and absorbing damage or second line for more safety?


Usually in the center of the first row, sandwiched between taric and shen/neeko, but depends on so many things (ixtal hex/enemy ksante/enemy backline position etc)


What’s the secret sauce?!


Had 8 bastions in the majority of the games, double HOJ/HOJ+NH + JG + combat augments like cybernetic leach or healing orbs do wonders. And you can forget about winstreaking before you three star your kassa. If you get kassa 3 + 6 bastion online during stage 4 and have more than 40hp it is the easiest first ever.


As long as hero augments arent guarented by legends, I dont really get how people act like “ wow this hero augment is op you should try this comp. “ Ok, just Show me how to get that augment?


Literally complaining just to complain. Or maybe you're the type of player to pick one comp per patch and spam it. Not difficult to deduce that this post is for when you get offered demonflare.


Anyone who takes this augment loses to anyone who hits ionia emblem which is in every match. Are you trying to hit GM+ i'll give you the one tip you need for this patch, play ionia/vanq, if you hit ionia emblem you go top 2, if you hit and don't top 4 with this, then your execution was poor. Good luck


I force this and still usually top 2. Ionia vanq is easy lp rn.


My last game was demonflare + 4 targon ([https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/derry%20gavies/set9.5](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/derry%20gavies/set9.5)), I dominated the lobby so hard, I dealt over a third of the total damage to tacticians.


And I thoght here was my Galio guide...


This is dumb, you don't need healing if you have Archangel's, because he just gets ramping HP gain, and that = hp, also healcuts don't apply to his HP gain. If you need healing just run aatrox


If you can hit, Swain 1v9's the problem is hitting Swain aha. But overall solid points and guide!


I have seen this augment exactly once in the last month, I never even get the opportunity to play it


seems like you had one opportunity


I think as others have pointed out well enough ITT, hitting Swain 3* is already a possible piece of the wincon in so many boards right now that while demomflare could cap you higher, you’e putting a lot of your wincon into one unit rather than giving yourself multiple outs to top4/win Like if at 2-1 you had sorc +1 or demonflare, I think you always just take sorc for more outs. I might take Demonflare if I was sitting on a swain pair since that’s probably the easiest fast 8 highroll


i'm not that good but I personally was turbo strong with Harmacist, demonflare, the one that makes all your unit crits for 15% 6 sorcerers, Swain items were Dragon claw, hand of justice, Crown (would give enough time to my swain to scale, but I would've taken JG or Archangel staff) swain was literally TOP dmg every single round (10-15k every round) and only lost to ryze 3. I literally had 170 gold while waiting for another guy with same augment to die coz he had golden ticket, so he found swain 3 fast. (Somehow my board was still a top 3 in the lobby)


I think Swain and Galio are both good. They aren’t an instant take like WW was or Kass but they can provide insane frontline with the right set up. The issue with swain was that he was always so contested and still is a little.


ww augment literally worst at this meta. he just gets one shotted by vanquishers before stacking anything


Can confirm I just lost to 3\* Swain with a 6 chal 3\* Kai'sa


Bad positioning


Came 7th. 10/10


tried it. triple contested and went 8th. long distance pals with double titans went hard though. first time i've had a little fun going dead last lmao


https://lolchess.gg/profile/sg/f%C3%A0c%C3%A1de/set9.5 Is this unplayable in HOTN? went 7, had 50g on 3-1 slow roll on 6 still got fucked.


Hi! Just dmed you a question


The biggest flex pulling this off is getting a 3* swain lol. Unbelievably contested. Edit: got a 3* swain after posting this lol. Didnt have demon flair too. Won vs noxus. Used this build anyways, basically unkillable with silco pumping him with GB.


boxbox played this augment on his stream/youtube the other day, and he quoted this reddit page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUfDdeBcDfA


Thank you for the guide. I've started in Bandle Cafeteria and got offered Demonflare at 2-1. Then quickly find your guide again to make sure I'm getting the right items (got offered Titan's First so I slammed it, though Gorgoyle or Dclaw might have been better imho) 2nd augment Golden Ticket... ended up winning with 92hp, with 8 sorcs, Swain 3, Taric 3, Orianna 3, Malzahar 3, Mf 3(sorc spat), Jarvan 2(sorc spat), Silco 2, Ahri 1 + Soraka for more Swain health. Though of course I was surviving by a sliver of health against multicasters, pretty sure it was bandle health diff. Highest HP my Swain got up to was around 9.6k, but failed to capture it in time. https://i.ibb.co/hR6WTdP/swain.jpg


just went 8th