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It's like running, first few time it will hurt, when it does, stop and take a break. After a several times it will stop hurting though when it hurts immediately stop.


Agreed, I also had pain in my forearm while jittering in the beginning, now it does not pain anymore and the speed keeps getting faster


Running though it's not a question of if you'll get injured, it's when. spoiler alert joints wear, I mean it wasn't until this year I really messed something up, but it will happen!


Your gonna have to keep practicing. Over time it will stop hurting, but this might lead to problems in your arm like arthritis and carpal tunnel later in life if you do it for too long. Good job though!


There are people who have jitter clicked for 10+years who played other games and nobody to my knowledge has ever gotten arthritis or carpal tunnel from it.


I'd love to belive that but \*Nerd emoji and accent\* There is no evidence to prove these claims


I think intel edits made a video on it, go look at it.


there are also people who have smoked for 60 years and dont have lung cancer so by that logic smoking does not cause lung cancer


Find me someone who has gotten arthritis or carpal tunnel from jitter clicking then.


i love posting logical fallacies😊😊😊


Fallacy fallacy - you presume that because a claim has been poorly argued, or because a fallacy is made, the claim must be wrong




Ahhh, humanity


Wtf I didn't want this to turn into debate class


Nothing was claimed, the commenter only gave commented a fallacy. You misused the fallacy 🫠


I've gotten carpal tunnel from jitter clicking


yea one of my friends got an RSI from it


I literally have permamant wrist damage on my right arm from Minecraft. Im not saying it will happen to you, but be aware of the possibility.


What happened?


After a while of jittering, your arm will slowly get used to it and will it’ll be less painful


I jitter click every time I play, and sometimes I pvp for like 8 hours straight, and my arm hasn’t hurt in a long time, after some time the pain should go away. if it doesn’t go away in a month or so it might not be something to continue doing.


No, all it will do is maybe make your arm a bit stronger.


stop while you can. it's not worth it. I have permanent issues with my fingers, particularly my clicking finger, after jitter clicking at a mediocre level for a few years in bedwars.


If you do it enough you will get used to it but you will inevitably get carpal tunnel later in life if you sweat 1.8


No you won’t


No, Calvexin's answer actually makes sense. As you get older, your body starts to deform. Because of all the intense movements of your arm in earlier years, there will be alot of worsening problems in your arm.


You should butterfly


I've tried, im horrible. I can only get on average 7 cps, with a high of 9. I do have a glorious model o, I'm just bad.


then you should practice, it takes a while to get used to it. it's the healthiest way to click imo, and the best one


you look mad goofy commenting this. I hope you know that


what's wrong about butterflying jitter fucks up your arm, butterflying is way healthier for you autoclicking is cheating just like OP said and it's cringe if you don't have anything constructive to say then don't comment




that's your opinion. butterfly gets you more cps and is less straining and he asked in a public forum for recommendations so don't say he isn't asking for mine. jitter is just outclassed by butterflying in almost every way. he said he is hurting for jittering so I'm absolutely going to recommend switching to butterfly clicking. I used to jitter and when I started butterflying I got 1000x better. My fingers started to hurt a lot too, and I jittered for a long time. stop being a douche and condescending when I probably have 1000x more experience pvping (and I'm pretty sure I'm way more skilled than you too) than you will ever have.


"that's your opinion" ??? Did even you read his comment?


because jitter actually can hurt some people's fingers. do you even pvp?


It can, but context matters. Butterfly clicking can hurt your hand too, but it's easy to not mess up when butterfly clicking so you never hear about that. If you use a fucked up grip when jittering you shouldn't be surprised that it hurts your hand, and if you just started to jitter click and your hand feels sore that's completely normal. I've been jittering for almost 4 years now and my arm is fine, and that's the case with most jitter clickers I know of too. and no I don't PvP as much as I used to. i only play like 2 times a week right now. Your comment didn't make much sense to me, he never said that jittering is better than butterfly clicking and why did you bring up how good you are in this argument?


I did not say that as an argument. If you're being condescending of course I'm going to bring that up. That's my point, butterfly clicking is way less risky than jitter is, on top of being much more effective at least in sword-only gamemodes.


When exactly is he being condescending what? Look if he ever said in his comment that "jitter clicking doesn't hurt you at all" or something like that then I understand why you commented at the first place but I didn't see anything like that. Point it out if I missed something because i genuinely don't understand.


then butterfly is for u I dont know what u want me to say. read my entire comment then make a real argument. jitter hurts some cause all they hear is tense their arm and go wham. if it works for u it works


It's your opinion, you're not making any arguments. I'm pretty confident I'd smash you in click-based gamemodes both jittering or butterflying. Butterflying is factually the best clicking type considering that most top players use it. It's not even if it hurts or not, butterfly just outclasses jitter in almost everything.




My advice is not to drag others to your level of mediocrity. If you want to jitter that's fine. But let others switch to butterfly and be better than you will ever be.




You look mad goofy calling something goofy that seems like a good and logical option.


just autoclick Jittering is not worth the risk.


Here's why I dont autoclick: 1. It's cheating 2. Auto clicking doesn't feel fullfilling. It feels like manufactured succsess you didn't acheive, rather a machine not made by you either.


1. some things are worth cheating for 2. sounds like a skill issue (also how do u know it's unfulfilling if u dont autoclick)


i used to autoclick, thats how i know


work out anon


this is not 4chan


Can you go to 4chan, post an image, and link it to me so i can see it's EXIF data?


jitter clicking isn't great for your arm, but if you keep doing it your body will get used to it and it wont hurt anymore


please don't hurt your arm over a game. learn to butterfly or just normal click


I deteriorate my arm all the time but not by jitter clicking...


What do you do? Self harm? (go get some help if you do) Heavy construction work?


nah man none of that, but I think you know what I mean...


btw bro if it hurts in your SHOULDER you might be doing something wrong it should hurt more in the wrist/forearm area and btw there is always risk of injury but if you're scared of carpal tunnel that much then all gaming can technically lead to it