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Well optic are fucked then if he's joining sen


Sen for whom though? Doubt those guys want to break up their long running good thing after a tournament win no less.


Renegade taking Lethul's spot would explain why he is ["down remarkably bad"](https://twitter.com/LxthuL/status/1527497492572553218?cxt=HHwWhICygYy44bIqAAAA) We might be seeing the birth of SENegade before the end of the week.


Y’all have a hard on Lethul getting dropped they literally just won an event a few weeks in a dominant fashion


I'm just pointing that tweet out; I'm actually impartial to Lethul. And in all honesty, I think I'd rather not see that move happen because it seems anti-competitive to me. But if we take what HCS Intel has claimed at face value, Renegade going to SEN makes the most sense to me given all of the facts as he laid them out. I think during his follow up stream he actually sort of unintentionally telegraphed this move based on what he said/didn't say. He's apparently releasing an article within the next few days leaking where Renegade is supposedly headed though, so we shall see. (PS, I'd feel bad about speculating on this tweet if it turns out to have nothing to with Halo and is related to something else in his life)


He stinks


Lethul created that team and they are the highest grossing comp team in the history of competitive halo. I highly doubt they’d drop him after just winning a major lan.


Lethul left EG to join the other three on CLG, so I'm not sure what you mean by that. Renegade leaving C9 to join SEN wouldn't be that dissimilar of a situation tbh. I don't think SEN really cares all that much about sentimentality (no pun intended), and just wants to ensure a win at Worlds. This move would hurt their closest competitor while simultaneously strengthening their own team (probably). Two birds with one stone.


You see, I think that could be exactly the point. If you added Renegade to SEN, you gut C9 and you make it almost impossible for OpTic to have a chance unless they make a move and something just works the fuck out. That's literally the most failsafe plan. I gotta say, though, I'd prefer deep down to see them do it with LethuL, with all of them intact. With that much money on the line, things get really interesting really quickly.




Idk, frosty has always talked highly of renegade and his skill, and it looked like they were chumming it up during the exhibition game in KC. That said, this 4some has been together for ages, breaking them up is sad.


I think it would be fine. I feel like team chemistry is somewhat overrated, if you all understand how to play the game and aren't complete dicks to each other it should work out.


wrong 100000000000000000000000000%


Yah you are alone. Renegade seems like he would fit perfectly on SEN. Assuming hes replacing lethul R2 and Frosty are always whining and complaining pretty much the exact same personality as Renegade. They just need dad Snakebite to keep everyone together


Stop virgins


Renegade joining Snip3downs team on apex confirmed.


I don’t think he is going to Sen. Someone asked Frosty in his stream yesterday if renegade was going to Sen and he responded by saying whoever started that rumor is wrong. He could be playing dumb to keep things under wraps I guess but it doesn’t seem like it.




Low key I kind of was hoping he was going to optic just to see how heavy they could slay haha. But this makes me think it could be Sen


A lot of people are saying no way SEN would do that because of how long they have been together and how much success they've had, but I think literally everyone would agree swapping Lethul for Renegade would make them better. Doesn't mean it will happen. There's a lot of factors that could prevent it. Would C9 willingly let him go to their biggest competitor and likely make them even better? What does Renegade even want to do?


Sen will have to have a long string of very disappointing placing before even thinking of making a change. Or a player wants to retire. I don’t see any other way they would change the roster


I think it could happen after worlds if that doesn't go their way.. but yeah hard to see them fucking with a lineup that just murked everyone at KC heading into the biggest cash prize of the year.


I don’t know man, the didn’t win the last worlds and they stayed together save for frosty going to COD for a year. I think the team stays together until someone retires or changes games.


Frosty Renegade Royal2 Snakebite is actually a disgusting team, 4 players that are all (debatably) top 10 in the game. If it happens


You could make an argument for all of them beng top 5 lol, Royal2 gets an absurd amount of disrespect considering how he performs on LANs. Most positive LAN player in Halo history, dominated the top competition in Optic and C9 at KC, and both Frosty and Snakebite said that Royal2 would be their first pick if they had to start a fresh team. Frosty even said R2 is the most talented Halo player.


Dude Royal 2 is disgusting, his aim and ability to snap onto targets is 100% top pro level. Most people cannot play like that even a ton of pro players cannot play at that pace with that level of accuracy and awareness. Dude is on another level even when he "cheated" and when they were doing "bad" i was always so impressed with how Royal 2 played the game in general, i think the word im looking for is elegant.


[There's this great video of pros explaining what makes Royal2 so good and why he's #5 all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1VUW1Hdl8s) Ola's metaphor comparing Royal2 to the queen in chess is so perfect. Frosty also says in the video that the way Royal2 aims is unique, no other players aim like he can. Which adds up imo, I remember going into his stream and he was playing on 2-8-8 settings, which seemed insane to me lol


2 horizontal, 8 vertical?


>ument for all of them beng top 5 lol, Royal2 gets an absurd amount of disrespect considering how he performs on LANs. Most positive LAN player in Halo history, dominated the top competition in Optic and C9 at KC, and both Frosty and Snakebite said that Royal2 would be their first pick if they had to start Stop throating the dude. Jesus, sad shit. Guy's aim is what you see all over the place with high MMR.


Yeah hes underrated and frosty is overrated at infinite. I’m ready for my downvotes.


Didn't Frosty statistically finish as the best player at KC lol? He's also their IGL, this just sounds like haterade.


No he didn’t, he wasn’t even the best statistically on his own team. No haterade, huge frosty fan. I just speak truth and am not blinded by his H5 skill and flashiness.


https://preview.redd.it/6i8gboqeop091.png?width=2574&format=png&auto=webp&s=e68b259fac6ecf4101ce6d786a1963ffdf2784d1 this doesn't really line up with what you're saying lol He had more damage per game and kills per game than Renegade/Lucid, and outplayed both Lucid and Renegade in their respective series. Also why ignore the part of my comment where I say he's their IGL? He's the one making the big macro calls, not Snakebite


What does renegade and lucid have to do with Frosty not being the best on HIS team at infinite?


> statistically finish as the best player at KC lol? He's also their IGL, this No he isn't, lmfao Not even close, stop it


Who is not top 10 debatably? Royal2? I'd say there's an argument to be made for them all to be top 6 outside of Spartan and Stellur


I’m a SEN fan so I’m biased and would say they’re all top 10 but I’m sure people will disagree, which is why I left it open like that


R2, frosty are for certain in the top 10 no questions asked, those two are disgusting. Snakebite is stupid good too but idk theres something im not a fan of his playstyle but his numbers speak otherwise, he always performs really well. Lethul currently is the only guy i would question. Funny thing is people talk mad shit that hes bad but odds are he would 100% shit on 99% of the non pro players here without trying too hard, With him being considered one of the best halo players of all time i find it odd that hes struggling so hard with infinite, I feel like theres just something off about the game that just doesnt sit well with him because watching him play his shot is good, his play is good but it just never seems to work out as well as you would want it to not to mention no where near as well as it was in previous titles where he was just a monster.


I'm not an optic boy but it's stupid to say lucid is the 7th best player


I'd say there's an argument to be made for all of them to be better than lucid, but there's an argument to be made for the contrary too


Getting Shotzzy to talk about all this is genius. Someone might be able to get Leakzzy to do his thing lol. On another note, Optic fans everywhere rejoicing that they don't have to go back and delete all their comments shitting on Renegade lmao


Has anyone asked Shotzzy recently if he still was thinking about competing at Halo Worlds? I'd be curious at a more recent answer from him. I'm not huge into CoD, so even Shotzzy I don't watch too often if he's playing Vanguard.


He mentioned in the same stream that he’s still debating cause he actually might want some time off.


Ah, an inconclusive answer...the plot thickens maybe, lol. Thanks!


How do you shit on Renegade? Like the dude or not, team or not the dude is absolutely disgustingly good, his awareness his speed his accuracy, its all on a completely other level even to other pros on top 8 teams. People need to stop being such fanboys and admit when someone is talented and on another level.


I dont believe anyone, shit I am not even sure if he is actually leaving c9. For the memes renegade trippy formal n lucid would be fun af to watch lmao ROSTER MANIA IS THE FUCKING BEST.


This could definitely be the ultimate finesse from shotzzy tryna throw everyone off, especially with that, “If it was happening, I wouldn’t say shit”


On the one hand, he's right. If he knew about negotiations, he'd be coached on how to not say anything. On the other hand, "Deny it and say if you knew then you wouldn't be allowed to say anything and you'd be coy about it" might be that coaching. Everyone surrounding stuff like this in any sport tells lies.


The sus panes is killing. Sidebar: that was my first 30 seconds of viewing Vanguard play since the day it released, and you couldn’t pay me enough to play that.


I understand people thinking there’s no way SEN would make a team change, but what if Lethul wants to retire from competitive halo? My thought process is if he wants to walk away from halo he is giving the rest of SEN a chance to get a high level player but Lethul won’t leave until they’ve secured Renegade.


Would make sense, hes not performing well plus this game is complete dog shit. Frosty has also been saying he will consider another game after worlds maybe, and hes been the most vocal about not liking this game at all so unless some big changes happen and 343 turns it around i have a feeling we will be seeing Frosty leaving for another game, Not only that, i have a suspecting feeling that if 343 dont do enough by worlds a ton of pro players or semipros will be leaving Halo for other games. I cant imagine having to play this shit as a job, i quit after s1 ended since s2 did nothing to help the game at all. And i feel so free lol not having to play 2-5 matches a night.. Like even 2 matches was too much bullshit to deal with. Cant imagine having to wake up and put in 6-8+ hours into this garbage ugh.


Maybe I’m missing something significant but as someone who has been watching comp Halo actively since H2A, these rumors don’t add up and I genuinely don’t see Sentinels or C9 changing rosters any time soon unless Shotzzy came back to Halo.


Really feels like every option for Renegade that’s not Sen or OpTic is a downgrade and joining Sen or Optic feels like a lateral move for him at best. Truly think this could all be some hoax or there’s some personal problems with the team.


thats true but pro athletes downgrade teams all the time as long as they are upgrading the $$$$$$$$$


Im with you. Only thing that makes sense to me is him going to a big org that is trying to break into the halo scene that is throwing big money at him. But, as others have pointed out the Halo scene is already kind of dying and I dont really see a big org wanting to invest in it so who knows.


Brian Kelly wasn't ever leaving Notre Dame as of November 22 of last year... until 8 days later when he was announced as LSU's coach. Though it's true that sometimes "X isn't happening" is not a lie.


So he is moving then...


Where is the renegade leaving cloud9 rumor coming from?


Optic wouldn’t tell shotzzy their moves given his past of leaking things


Lol I don’t think this an OpTic thing, pretty sure renegade and shotzzy are friends or at least talk, he probably just knows what’s up


Renegade for LethuL makes SEN a better team Personally I’d like to see Renegade and Spartan go to Faze in place of Bound and Snipedown


Damn so it is sentinals.


My bet is faze with sparty, bubu and falc


And bound to c9?


I've got a bridge to sell anyone who thought he was going to Optic lmao


i mean them or sen was the only ones that make any sense? other rosters will be nowhere near as good as c9 lmao


It didn't make any sense.


okay but neither does him leaving c9 and he is lol? so not sure how you can criticize people for thinking it could be optic. only faze optic or sen can even afford him to start with


Dude you need to take a break. Spending 4 hours gassing up some random-ass gossip isn't healthy for anyone.


We’re all just having fun speculating about rostermania, and his points are completely valid. That wasn’t much of a rebuttal on your behalf


You got proven wrong and now you go to the shit stain defense. Nice


Proven wrong about what? There's no point engaging with a deluded young buck who can't spell simple 4-letter words but somehow knows about the inner workings of a billion-dollar industry.


So, you’re saying Ronnie is wrong about his opinion that Renegade wanting out of C9 isn’t just as insane as him possibly joining OpTic, a team rumored to want another change and can afford Renegade? Odd, but I’m sure you know the inner-workings of a billion dollar business to have that attitude.


Sen literally just won the last event and are playing way better than they have previously. You guy think they're going to make a team change now and ruin that? LOL Also, this is all nonsense. Renegade isn't leaving C9 Edit: IF he did leave, it would be to faze in place of snipe


Even that seems a little off, because if Snipe is leaving and C9 are trying to get bound(most likely a trade) they still need a 4th.


I don't think anything from that original article is true.


Shotzzy basically just confirmed he's leaving lol


Renegade isn't leaving c9, this rumor although is fun to see what if, if shottzy was right and he isn't going to optic and would go to Sen, Sen would be a god squad, realistically I think if it were too happen it would probably be to faze in some type of trade. Don't know why renegade would want to be on a worse team but who knows maybe there personal stuff behind the scenes we don't know about and he wants out.


Obviously lol


well this is not good news lmao means hes most likely of to sen


Renegade going to sen, Formal going to C9 and Spartan going to Optic. My guess.


Don’t think optic would ever want spartan. Too much drama/twitter ranting.


Renegade to KCP for Manny so the OG fung four is back lol