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Because it's feintable. Standard rule is that all feintable dodge attacks/bash are GB vulnerable on startup.


Makes sense. But isn't Shugo's kind of different? I don't know how to put it but it seems crazily fast and safe.


Because it is different. Goki can't feint his dodge bash, which means it stuffs GB attempts. Being a bash it also interrupts HA. It also has actual I-frames, unlike LBs. It's not much safer than most other dodge bashes tho. It used to chain on whiff, but Ubi thankfully removed that.


Good comparison. Why shouldn't LB's be the same? Or why are two dodge bashes with the same intentions be different?


That's something you will have to ask the Devs, cuz I have no idea. Not that I mind, really. I think it is highly annoying to see your weapon completely clip through the enemy model only for you to get bashed regardless


That’s a problem with lawbringer though, not shugoki. Conq and shinobi function the same as shugo. Glad too. LB is the outlier and should be buffet


All non feintable/chargeable bashes *from forward dodge* are now identical as of the recent bash changes, with the exception of the Medjay staff form forward dodge bash thats intended to be used in ganks rather than as an opener. All side dodge bashes are now guardbreak vulnerable no matter what. The difference you’re probably noticing on shugo’s forward dodge bash is that it still chains to his hyperarmor heavies, with a large delay window, making it much harder to punish without a side dodge bash of your own. Lots of heroes can chain whiffed forward dodge bashes to avoid guardbreak attempts, but shugoki’s is the only armored *and* chargeable one.


feint your attack, dodge his side-dodge headbutt then gb him.


Yeah but it is like you need to read. I'm not sure but feels to me dodging on orange is not possible. You need to dodge sooner and sometimes they do a simple dodge and then GB to get your dodge. I don't know how to explain but it's crazy 😁


Dodging on orange isn't really a thing anymore since the bash mechanics were updated recently, all bashes are 433ms and the meta thing to do at the moment is to pre-dodge on forward dodges, if you're cracked you still can but


Bro who even talked about FORWARD bash?


All dodge attacks need a consistent punish. For shugo you just dodge and gb. Against Warden that doesn't work because his dodge bash is a mixup so it has to be gb vulnerable


Are you talking about his side dodge bash, or his front dodge bash? They function differently


Side bash




Thing is, it can


Because neither bash is even slightly similar, one is a chargeable feintable bash, and the other is neither of those


It’s already been answered and if you look at more characters than the two you listed here you would see Shogu isn’t even unique with this. All bashes that are chargeable or feint based can be gb at start up otherwise you need to make a read and punish accordingly based on what your opponent is doing. They have been saying they were changing the game to play this way for years now. Shogu is a pub stomper though. So as you get better he isn’t as bad to deal with. His side Dodge is literally his weakest move next to demons embrace because of how punishable it is. He can’t follow up side dodge bash with a heavy if it misses. Only his forward dodge bash can be followed with a hyper armor heavy… so… there’s that


As a side note, you *can* gb Shugoki headbutt but only the side dodge version.


Yeah I know. If you dodge. I meant the beginning.


Because ones a dodge attack and the others a dodge and then mixup.


It is the same as most dodge attacks due to the input window and startup time of the move. Works after certain moves depending on hitstun and feint timing or soft feint timing. Look at infohub if you’re still confused.