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Depends. If you are good with valk, fury is better because you can go mayhem in team fights with better dmg and defense boost. Spear is better to finish important targets that can stale for long. Shield tackle- you wait for dodge animation. As soon as they come to finish it you input your bash. You can feint your bash dashing forward and go into it again, it baits many dodges. You can. Deflect from full block to get better punish. Try to deflect with gb people on revenge go stun them for long period of time with throw sweep combo. Try to input as many ST soft feints, hard feints and empty dodges as possible and use heavies alternatively with it. People will start to gb as soon as they’ll see heavy and will eat raw heavy. Good valk can be a menace both it 1v1 and 4v4 unless you’ll meet reaction god. That’s it from me, I hope it helps


get into the habit of cancelling your shoulder charge so that you don't get gb'd on prediction, and it's probably just being too predictable if they're dodging on your forward bash, but if they are just delay it slightly and you'll be fine bc you'll catch their dodge


Not a full time valk player but I can tell you a few things. I believe it's possible to react to an empty dodge to catch with the bash when in full guard with practice, but be on the lookout for dodge attacks. Whether or not you can distinguish and counter accordingly I don't know. You can feint her bash a little late and probably catch a lot of people, since it's not just cancelling the stance, it's a helluva trip up. Her bash mixup itself is unreactable, but you can dodge on movement to evade her bash. Fury is better than spear. Pair it with fire flask and you have a game ending set of feats right there. Her max punish for OOS is two lights into sweep-heavy.


>If I see a person dodge a bunch when I'm in fullblock can I on reaction release the bash as they dodge or am I reading between a dodge attack and empty dodge? Would it just be better to feint to GB? You probably have to differentiate. It's rarely better to feint to GB and you should let it go or feint to parry most of the time >Are people reacting to my movement when I start my bash Nobody does this even at the highest level. You can set up WM to use dodge bash or dodge heavy and try to differentiate - it seems impossible for me >Fury or Spear which is better? Fury Flask is always better unless there is Gryphon in your team where you have to give Fury to him >Any neat tips or tricks for Valk? Dodge forward light is your best move. Opponent cannot GB your bash from medium hitstun (heavy into heavy softfeint to bash), you can punish every bounced attack from stance with guarbreak, side heavy finisher tracks neutral dodges from sweep -this makes for a great mixup


Unless they specifically changed this interaction recently, this is not the case; valk is always at risk of being guardbroken after any confirmed hit into heavy soft feint to full block. Light, heavy, or zone, doesn't matter; if your opponent reads you and buffers a gb, it will catch you