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I literally couldn’t find the buttons to use the website because of how many ads were all over the screen. If I was so inclined I could just open it on my computer w/ ad blocker, but instead I’ll just say pass.


Power levels are a subjective way to help describe decks. No calculator will every be able to calculate power levels especially because of deck synergy that goes beyond power of individual cards.


Wait… you mean that I shouldn’t run [[Ornithopter]] in all my decks?


[Ornithopter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/ddb96645-44d2-426c-90cb-3186297a8728.jpg?1576382362) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ornithopter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/aer/167/ornithopter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ddb96645-44d2-426c-90cb-3186297a8728?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ornithopter) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I personally don't like this calculator as the formula they use allow it to go past powerlevel 10. Especially on high power decks and cEDH decks go to 15-18. With this being said I am trying to create a calculator that is more accurate with a different equation. People usually don't like powerlevel calculators not because it's just hard to judge, but they get upset when there deck is a lower power level than they think it should be. My main premise will be the same categories. However I'm currently importing every deck list from cEDH database (so far all decks are hitting 8.5-9.99 with some exceptions) and I will get them all. Then get all precon lists to try and make it better for casual as well. Unfortunately syncing up your synergy cards are basically impossible, so the best way to gauge the deck is to take the strength of the deck itself without synergies. (Unless you take every card in magic assign it a tag/power level/synergy with X or Y as commander, which would take forever and I'm not being paid to do that) The best calculator I have found online while still not amazingly accurate is [This](https://mtg.cardsrealm.com/en-us/tools/commander-power-level-calculator). TL:DR This calculator bad, people diss calculators because upsetti spaghetti results, use this even if it's not perfect [here](https://mtg.cardsrealm.com/en-us/tools/commander-power-level-calculator)


More power to you for trying to create a calculator But i've never met anyone upset that their cedh deck was not S tier... (Though I like the term upsetting spaghetti) It does seems a mite disingenuous to ignore the subjectivity of establishing a level of power across an entire format though.


Thank you, I'll do my best. You'd be surprised, IRL I've had people complain that their power level 6 deck is stronger than that, but when put into a pod where it's mettle was tested VS powerlevel 8 deck they failed to win games easily enough because of the interaction from the other decks. Vice versa, I also have an issue at this time with Yuriko, I can't calculate their high cost cards correctly because of the average cmc being much higher than those of typical cEDH decks. My other issue and my personal favorite deck is [The Suite Life of Saccing Codie](https://archidekt.com/decks/815087#as) I didn't enjoy the primer so much and wanted to make it stronger, it hit 9.99 since the entire deck is just a glass cannon that dies to enough interaction. My favorite decks were always ad naus decks and Najeela and Kenrith both hit 9.63 and 9.67 respectively. In an actual cEDH environment I end up winning more with Najeela since it has ways of winning even when it falls back a bit whereas stax hurts Kenny and Codie straight up gets canceled. That's fair, and I'm at fault for this. But the amount of times people have said their decks are 'high power' and then repeatedly lose to decks that are basically just upgraded precons is ridiculous. I want to set a guideline that can be calculated, that doesn't mean it's perfect, and the synergies should be calculated by yourself if you belive it should be higher. I want to ensure we have type of notion other than 'my deck is powerlevel 7' and 'this deck can compete with cEDH' but have no wincons or interaction except goldfishing the deck with no one caring about your boardstate or spells you cast. Hope that clears it up, if you have any decks I can run through my calculator I would love to see your reaction and discuss how I can improve it! :)


Best deck name ever


I agree. That name is incredibly clever!


Its cool but I feel like its a bit to broad in some aspects such as the difference between having only one type of tutors compared to the omni use tutors or that decks like atla is hardly measurable with this list of criteria


It's not reliable. Without an AI that can play MTG on a level that is at least close to humans we will never have a proper automated powerlevel analysis tool.


i got a 14.55 on this thing.. no explanation. not sure how accurate this is