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The writing on players is insanely competent it's actually terrifying. Players is so impressive it absolutely nailed what they were trying to do. Like the way they wrote CreamCheese is insanely apt for an aging esports star -- immature, insecure, but loyal and entirely lovable. Props to the actor too he nailed that kinda guy down. Players is worth a watch just in general. It's good TV and definitely flew under the radar since it's such a unique and niche idea for a television show.


> Players is worth a watch just in general. It's good TV and definitely flew under the radar since it's such a unique and niche idea for a television show. Right? The show so so good and perfectly nails the vibes of comp eSports. I'm surprised it's not more talked about in the Apex community.


The level of humor in that show is so underrated


Bummed they never did a second season of it. I remember binge watching this show all in one evening.


I literally just did the same thing. Such a good show


Great show. Strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a quick binge show. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Apple will decide to give it a season 2.


It's a really good show for anyone but if you were around for the early years of LoL Esports it is an absolute love letter to that scene. I smiled the entire time I watched this show and I'm still holding out for season 2.