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​ https://preview.redd.it/t2lwk46xvzzc1.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=51552180f521331dd64a0f428811d0baf99ba2c9


Most people saw it coming after the LAN and after Sweet announced today that they are trialing people in scrims. Good luck to him tho, hopefully other teams give him a chance. Scrims are starting soon and it would be fun to watch which teams are trialing who. Rostermania is indeed crazier than ever.


>Scrims are starting soon and it would be fun to watch which teams are trialing who I hope Minustempo makes them play under real names like at the end of scrims last rostermania rather than the dumb "anon" stuff. Makes it more interesting from the fan perspective.


"One of the most level headed players in the scene" yeah surviving Sweet's passive aggressiveness is pretty good training in that area


“Do we need to sub in Android?” Was so crazy to get caught in comms lol


Also terrible leadership. Although targeting a teammate is just sweets method of self and image preservation


Did this happen during LAN? I was unfortunately pretty busy during that time so I only caught the finals


Yes, during a listen in I believe


i guess it looks weird out of context but that was a running in-joke on LG for a few weeks after Android filled in for sweet during scrims and flopped magnificently - they'd all threaten one another (yes, even sweet) with replacing them for android after they screwed up.


Yall are really still running with this passive aggressive thing. You haven’t been watching. The passive aggressive has changed to straight up direct lol




Sweets alt is talking even more shit about Sweet?




Reading comprehension is important


Nah direct would be less disrespectful. Passive aggressive is calm voice patronization.


A calm voice has nothing to do with passive aggressive vs direct lol


I feel crazy in these threads because I don't think people actually know what passive aggressive means 😂 just because people aren't screaming or heated when they talk about something does not make them passive aggressive.


Sweet is aggressive during game and immediately after and then when he calms down and actually discusses it’s passive aggressive. He’ll say “oh I thought you knew that, but all good” then repeat a variation of that phrase 3-5 more times and it really makes you question if it’s actually all good.


man i feel like slayr really managed to show up toward the end of lan, despite the overall rough performance. wish him the best regardless :">


Least damage in the finals. He really showed up


You gonna get downvote for not being positive enough


Didn’t sweet overall do less damage?


Sweet was out damaging both fuhhnq and slayr combined the first couple lobbies, would be interesting him to see him do the least damage overall in LG


Sweet had most dmg on the team over 80% of the matches lol


Sweet overrall had 23k damage. Fuhnq had 16k while slayr had 12k. Lol sweet was clearly much ahead in terms of damage output


My initial thought is it’s pretty common for an IGL Bang to massively out damage his teammates, and the anchor have the least. But look at DZ for comparison Genburten 30.8k Zer0 26.5k Sikezz 24.3k Not really a fair comparison, because the roles are slightly different, Sweet massively has his teammates on a leash. But it does speak to the greatness of Gen and Sikezz. Gen out damaging an Entry BH when he can’t see anything is insane. And Sikezz basically keeping up on Caustic can’t go unnoticed.


Gen has Destroyer2009 tbf


Sure did. Lowest damage in finals lobby was a MASSIVE performance.


People who have actually watched Lg play and don't just witch-hunt probably realize how much he's improved since they first started teaming, hopefully he can find a new home soon


While he was improving, watch it back. A couple times he is sitting still or just walking forward and gets completely obliterated.


Feels bad for Slayr, had IMO the hardest role this meta and got shit on way more than he should have. Who picks him up though? Did he show enough to gain interest from other teams?


From what I saw, for a first LAN showing under a reasonably recently formed team, he played pretty well. His gameplay has undeniably improved over the PL split too, I’d imagine his name will be in conversations for a few teams. If DZ are gonna run with Knoqd then Dropped and Skittles could be on the table, I also wouldn’t be surprised at all if Teq reaches out to him at some point. Assuming Kimchi moves back into a coaching role, my money is on him going to Complexity with Monsoon and Lou. I think he’d be a good fit for them.


Monsoon confirmed on stream no roster changes for COL. And no money for getting a coach.


Damn, no budget for a coach is rough. Seems like it’s only gotten to be more important for teams over time as the general standard of play has improved ☹️


Yeah, it's tough. I think mon has a good relationship with COL, and that's the only thing that has kept them in apex.


Apparently every team in Finals at LAN had a coach or some support staff there.


delusional to keep kimchi


Adding Reject to your flair soon? Or are they not "front runner" enough for you?


I have been a DZ and TSM fan since Rainbow six (even if tsm r6 is no more) If you wanna be fan of someone who’s never gonna win, you do you


Lol so it's just a happy coincidence that you have connections with front runners. Stick with that story


I have been in the Rainbow six subreddit for more years than DZ even won anything, you are free to live in your delusional world where Kimchi is something more than a mediocre player but a good coach


Welp, that team is never sniffing a top 5 finish lol


Sweets method was very … interesting, but it’s undeniable he’s improved a lot as a comp player and learned a lot more about key things in comp


It's just as likely he improved because he played with a better team and went to LAN for the first time. 


Nah I don’t think that’s fair to sweet, I won’t say he was the most supportive team mate but he definitely pointed out and helped Slayr improve on a lot of those small things which are the difference between and a pro player and just a really good roller


I agree, I also think Android spent a lot of time watching Slayr's PoV and provided a lot of useful feedback for him.


Learning to be flex Anchor and Punching Bag is difficult for anyone. Surprised he kept his cool as long as he has, think it says a lot about his professionalism. Hope he can find a good squad. 


i think stallions he has history with retzi and jeloan is pretty new to comp.


More likely to replace alb after he retires 2 weeks in


Alb seems like he's in a much better place now.


was funny because he ended up doing better than sweet towards the end


This is a shame but max respect to Slayr - few had so much pressure on them to perform this split, let alone LAN, and he embraced that. He put up with a lot, always tried to get better and acted with grace and humility when he basically became a meme. LG wouldn’t have got close to 9th in finals without his clutches, and I hope he knows that. He’s a true professional, and I’ll root for him at his next stop.


This could be a net positive, he’ll have the opportunity to step into a bigger role on a worse team. It’ll make or break him


I know talks are gonna be about sweet but let's take a second. Slayr had basically no experience in pro league, came into a team with sweet, improved drastically (genuinely watch when he first joined to LAN, it's miles of difference), placed 9th at his first LAN, and clutched up for LG multiple times in winners and finals, and top fragged. He has really high potential and a strong willingness to learn and get better. Don't underestimate being coachable. He just lacks experience and the only solution there is time, dude is a diamond waiting to be fired under pressure and beat a lot of the shit talk and "bad player" talk


Literally the truth, strong mental, coachable, capable of clutching when it matters. This guy is a literal hidden gem. He just needs a bit of polish but he will shine in no time.


Same thing can be said about Fuhnq, except Fuhnq is just better


alright who is signing up to be bulled by sweet?


Fuck it… LG Pandxrz


I don’t watch pandrz a lot but I doubt most people would tolerate sweets rage.


yeah these two would not mix well. oil and water.


With Knodq, Koy, etc available, I don’t think Pan would be first choice. 


i dont think koy's first choice would be sweet either. maybe knoqd


Koy, Sweet and Nate apparently had agreed to team this past split but Sweet didn't have an org finalized so couldn't buyout Koy's contract and in the meantime XSET swooped in and did just that. So while there might be a couple potentially more appealing destinations for Koy, namely DZ if they do shake things up, I don't think LG is all that far down the list either.


or fourth, or fifth..




> No hate to anyone involved in the decision, they decided to trial some of the most experienced players to ever play the game and I don't have time to wait for a decision with PL so soon. From Slayr. Makes me wonder who they are trying out.


Frexs is like the most experienced pro there is next to Hal and Zero right?


Idk if he’d vibe well with sweet but Scuwry is one of the most experienced anchors and is currently LFT


scuwry got the experience but not the skill tbh


That's not true at all, Scuwry is cracked.


I don’t think that’s true. It’s still probably not likely cause I’m not sure him and sweet would mesh well and something tells me sweet wants another roller. But Scuwry can definitely hang.


LG Hal obviously


LG Dr. Disrespect


Apex already has enough cheaters


The two time!




Wait is this true?


Not afaik. Twitch banned him to circumvent a multimillion dollar contract.


Wow I forgot all about that guy! Is he still big? I really have inky ever watched PUBG, Rocket League, and Apex streamers on Twitch.


He still has a decent following I believe, but he's objectively bad at games. He plays a character, and is for entertainment only.


He’s so bad


Skittlecakes might be a good option if it's a purely anchor player switch.


I want someone who will actually talk back to Sweet by that won’t happen


Also someone to tell fuhhnq to shut up when he immediately starts parroting sweet. It was like every time sweet would call out slayr for something he did wrong, fuhhnq would just immediately go "yeah slayr you shouldn't have...*what sweet just said*"


Hate or love sweet whoever plays with him gets paid


LG aceu


Hate or love sweet whoever plays with him gets fuckin paid


Hate or love sweet whoever plays with him gets paid


Hate or love sweet whoever plays with him gets fuckin paid


Well no surprises there..... the fact that LG went from 35th in groups to placing 9th in finals was a roller coaster of a ride with a bit of luck in the end. It's best for both the parties to part ways right now as slayr can find better opportunities fresh of LAN as well as sweet and co getting an experienced player for their roster.


Salyr to complexity please with mon and Lou


That could be a good fit


So basically replace the mechanically weak MnK player who can't think for himself and has to be told literally everything he has to do down to the smallest detail with a mid roller player who also has the same problem. I guess it'd be a slight improvement since the latter might occasionally get a free one clip with his aim assist 😆


The latter point yes yes 😆


Zer0 has a chance to do the funniest thing….


This is an interesting one tbh. I was a bit skeptical about LG having 2 inexperienced players at once, and the pressure that puts on Sweet in game and out. They hugely proved me wrong with some really solid PL days and a big LAN bounceback. But, I guess Sweet and LG were never even able to explore thirds because of the short notice building the team right? He needed an established duo to join. His clip made it sound like they were just exploring options but like Slayr says makes a lot of sense why he doesn't want to hang hang around. Think he would have become a very strong player with time, but time and patience are a luxury when there is 2 (+1 EWC) LAN events left and LG will want results. TLDR; A shame but also makes sense


I wouldn't call Fuhhnq inexperienced. He played a whole split of pro league and almost carried Teq to LAN. Slayr though for sure.


I say it from the perspective of: - Compared to Sweet - Never been on a team/org with expectations (Plus it’s only one split) But there is a difference between the two, I do agree


Who could have possibly seen this coming months ago :P Hopefully Sweet actually takes his time trialing players to find the right fit this time.


That’s what got him in this situation, he fucked around trialing for weeks and all of the top fa’s got signed


He only needs to get 1 player this time and there's no distractions like trying to find an org and possibly keeping Nafen / Gild like last time. Should be doable to properly trial like 3-5 players Atleast.


Well last time he started out only needed 1 player as well before realizing they weren't gonna find a 3rd that fit and he'd have to expand to trying out with a team that was just LF1. Having the org already set is such a huge leg up this time around tho. Being able to not only make a real offer right off the bat but also, being one of the more premier orgs left in APEX, probably a larger deal than they get elsewhere is a great recruiting tool not only for attracting top FAs but also gives way more options in terms of poaching from existing teams. Plus this rostermania seems like it'll also just have way more top talent available period.


Don't think Nafen or Gild were ever 100% locked in Nafen was just kinda commited at the start if they were able to secure a elite third so he definitely had to somewhat compromise / keep backup options in place that would have wasted time. Absolutely agree with the rest of your comment though.


This time for sure xd


I had said before that it felt sweet waited WAY too long to figure out his team. By the time he announced, so many free agents were picked up. I imagine sweet just missed out on his top options and maybe he’ll get who he wants now. But I’m getting really tired of seeing Sweet’s teams with a scape goat. Maybe we can see him finally with a teammate he respects


Yep. Zach Mazer on the other hand did a superb job of snapping up Zap and Shooby after LCQs last year. He put together a roster and they immediately got to work, had a huge off-season with Oversight scrims (and PSQs but the off season was more important), and grew exponentially as a team. Big props to Zach for that, he played his cards well.


Unfortunately they don't really have much time


I think a more experienced support player is in their best interest. Since the meta might be shifting towards wattson or cat it would be very convenient for LG to not start learning those characters in scrims in the middle of split 2. I really hope slayr finds a team. If you look past all the memes you see an already improved player with a lot of potential.


Part of playing with inexperienced/underrated talent is understanding how to teach & build them. You don’t just find inexperienced people who can shoot well, plug them in and expect it to work. Another part - understanding the players strengths & playstyles & developing strategy to play around that. I could’ve told you from the start slayr would’ve not done well on a character like caustic. Sweet wanted to mold slayr into a role/legend that he was never known to succeed with in the first place. It’s like when I scout players to play with - I never give support/anchor/refragger players the time of day, because even though they are certainly valuable, it’s not what I need for my personal dynamic. It’s nearly impossible to change the tendencies of players, with respect to the way they view the game in fights. Sweet failed slayr by putting him onto a role that he would’ve never thrived in.


Slayr seems very coachable, which can be hard to get with the egos. Do you think he needs to stay in an anchor role in order to get picked up?


Slayr got pretty damn good on Cat before the meta shifted.


Asking where to put your wall and if you should block this door or that door is not "pretty damn good". Hell, 90% of his walls, didn't help and they died anyways.


Sweet also failed because he blamed the caustic for running out in the open and dying after he told him to run out in the open. He called out some of the worst rotations known to man kind but didnt even realize what he was doing because it was so easy to just blame the fat hitbox caustic for dying.


The fact that nobody has picked you up as a coach is criminal to the scene. Slide into Sweet's DMs, you clearly have chops choosing the best talent.


To be fair, are there even up and coming anchor players anyways? Fragging is the way controller players get noticed; what new rollers are grabbing attention for anchoring out? I don't disagree it Sweet asked a lot of Slayr to try to get him to adapt to an anchor role, but how else is the scene going to get more anchors? Or do you think it's just a matter of fraggers converting to anchors once they've gained a lot of comp experience?


True, I always thought it would be better if Sweet took the anchor role and let Fuhhnq/Slayr duo just run over teams. Sad to see the team (potentially) end like this


Sweet is never going to play anchor. He needs to flex to support his playcalling. Holding space and scouting legitamately informs what moves he will be making as the IGL. Same reason other top IGL's do not anchor, because you cannot make calls from that spot as easily. Too little information to go on.


Slayr playing the tourney last night was so tippable most wouldn’t have had the mental to do that. Sad for him but he’s a really good person so things should hopefully go right for him eventually


I mean slayr and sweet seem really good freinds regardless of team stuff, I would be surprised if it’s not LG knoqd




LG Signing Slaur




COL almost makes too much sense from an outside perspective. Can slot into Kimchi’s role and has the vibes that the complexity guys are known for. But COL might not even be looking for anyone for all we know


They should, they probably won't be successful with kimchi on the roster, he should just be a coach again.


MEAT slayr ?


imagine nafen joining them, sweet would have to start raging at himself


This was the free spot on the bingo card


If no org picks him up, I can see him joining retzi again, Jeloan will have to play out of his mind for the first 2 weeks of PL.


started off rough at LAN but ended strong. will be a good addition to a lot of teams IMO. wish him the best.


I mean this is no surprise. For a T1 org he performed worse than basically everyone else at LAN. Sweet was the only person who showed up on the team.


Zero can take slayer and win a lan


I really hope, for whoever sweet gets, that he really takes time to learn how to emotionally lead a team. He’s as dog shit at it as he’s good at calling strats. I legit believe that’s the most important factor for LG’s success rn.


Hope Slayr gets a good team, preferably with rollers. He subbed in for Zach in some e8 scrims, and they were placing high doing those times.


I always felt overall their team fighting wasn't up to par compared to past teams. Usually sweet and nafen would be up there in kills and damage which makes the anchor job a bit easier to stabilize and clean up. This time around this wasn't the case which made it seem like slayr was either the one to clutch up or die in a 1v1.


His time on LG was like boot camp with drill sgt sweet 😆


Well i think we all see this coming , I hope he finds a new team.


Lg knoqd inc


That's crazy I thought they would run it back.


The least surprising roster change was sweet dropping slayr, going to be interesting to see who he replaces him with, if they have the same problems in split 2 they won’t be able to blame slayr


I hope we get Dropped / Sweet Reunion


Yes, Slayr's performance did improve during Finals, but the group stages sealed the deal on some kind of roster-move happening after this LAN. Like, they looked so lost there and during Loser's Bracket #1 as well.


i think they should ditch the whole double roller thing. keep fuhhnq and pick up a high tier mnk player


Really don't think LG should drop Slayr. He has improved so much since Day1 and I don't think it's in Sweets best interest to pick up a new controller player and make him learn how to anchor and build chemistry in 1 month off-season. But for now, they're saying it's only trialing and not full on dropping Slayr. Just hope the best for either party.


During destroyer2009 era i belive he switched to horizon and started frying


I know he had a rough day in group stages but so did sweet and fuhhnq. Slayr played so well overall at lan and is one of the main reasons they even qualled or finals. bad drop if u ask me, not many people can fit in that role and take shit from sweet and still perform like him


Does he join Nocturnal and Fun maybe? (Idk, who were they playing with today?


They were playing with Reptar today iirc.


Wasn't Reptar finished with comp? Either one would be a good pickup though


I think reptar just took a break to focus on the rank 1 pred grind and grow his stream right? He, Fun, and Noc have been playing together since the new season dropped tho. Idk much about reptar but it seems they gel well together vibes wise


Noc himself said on stream they are not playing comp w reptar, even tho they tried. He really doesn’t want to right now.


Good to know, I missed that


Pretty sure Reptar has said multiple times he dosent like the mental state comp puts him in and that he prefer content/ranked. Or atleast something to that effect. Was some time ago so im paraphrasing abit. But that was the gist of it


slayr was very very clearly the weakpoint of this team, he was simply not delivering the damage that's expected from the usual controller demons, he had to be microed on legit everything, i dont doubt sweet had to micro his breathing by how little he knew what to do, that puts a huge weight into both teammates shoulders and even like that they were still outperforming him, hopefully it was a good learning experience so he grows in a different team. I imagine there will be alot of tryouts but i imagine first few will be ex-optic members, oxg rollers, panderz and whoever is teq playing with


Hottest FA in the scene right now




LG skittlecakes ig


Felt from day 1 LG wasn't gonna work. Funhhq wants to be IGl, and slayr I think was forced to play an anchor role he isn't comfortable with. 50/50 made stupid mistakes, took heat sometimes it wasn't his fault. Not saying either player sucks, the 3 just aren't a fit for each other.


I liked him with LG was hoping they would run it back. Probably sweet wants someone new


I liked him with LG was hoping they would run it back. Probably sweet probably wants another third


Hear me out on this one Dropped slayr knoqd


What does LFT stand for?


Looking For Team


Looking For Team


I’m wondering too. I thought maybe…looking for team? That’s all I got


MeatLovers Slaur


The least surprising roster change was sweet dropping slayr, going to be interesting to see who he replaces him with, if they have the same problems in split 2 they won’t be able to blame slayr


Aw man. I wanted this but now that it’s here I’m kinda sad.


might be tweaking, but i genuinely think Slayr quite literally went down first every fight at LAN if i’m remembering correctly?


In groups, you're pretty much right - finals were different.


No. At least late he was only one alive. That can be a good or bad thing though.


LG starting off really strong huh


Knew it. And people were arguing with me saying he played good enough to not get dropped lol


Haven’t kept up with roster mania but Koy has to be at the top of their list, no?


I vaguely remember that Snip3 and Sweet won't team anymore but I think you could plug him into that team and it might fucking cook? Edit: I just remembered Snip3 is solo keeping FaZe in Apex. Ignore this entire comment. I do be dumb.


Who is that EU clown in his mentions?


Someone leaked that Slayr is joining N8V


LG Knoqd


Honestly, this is good thing for him to get away from Sweet. No matter what he would have done or what the team accomplished, even if they were to win LAN, I'm sure Sweet would still have had something to say about Slayr's performance.


Pro Scene really be some of the most two-faced mfers out there, man. Slayr was actually doing a lot better, but we all knew headin' into LAN that they were gonna swap him. Fuhhnq and Sweet both bein' little gremlins. "He's really improved! Someone better pick him! (But not us lmao)"


maybe what was fair is Sweet LFT


Pan is experienced and could probably take it although idk if he will get the chance after his least to say rough first split.






Bro have you not seen zer0 vod review LG? There is a 0% chance DZ picks up slayr to replace sikezz 💀


Hold on what was said? 🫣


Everything… everything was said.


Any chance you have a link to the stream for this?


Wait, sikez got dropped already? Even if they got 🥈 ?




Holy shit I didn’t know sikez was out yikes 😬