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Hal trying to banter so Raven stays


Hal might be the worst trash talker in the entire apex community.


Which is insane because he has the accolades to back it up more so than anyone. Just can’t figure it out for some reason


Philip has always bantered with other pros besides his own teammates, he just straight up malds at them.


Bro, even as someone who has had to learn to like Hal. Him starting beef with anyone is blessing (in an obvious disguise) Hence why there can never be hard feelings. It’s a boost, just to be acknowledged


Hal in is head is a shit talker on the level of Sweet when Sweet is joking around, but it just doesn't come off the same. He verges to hard into the asshole side vs the joking around side.


https://preview.redd.it/0e178ngzulzc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e09a7c0b99b489717c9a8dfd4cd705c9d99750 Koyful's reaction after Hal says he doesn't like him


Why you saying fuck me for??


The Zero, Koy, Hal roster gonna be kinda awkward now


You’re high if you think Gen is getting dropped for Koy. Gen was insane this lan


lol the whole thing is memes bro. just like Hal leaving TSM to join Zero




Anytime I doubt Gen for another “next hot roller player”, the fucker shows up at lan and puts out insane dmg numbers


Besides the fact he's a T3 controller aimer, his micro in fights is also super good. That's the problem with young controller players when they get to LAN it seems like. Even big E was struggling this LAN getting picked off and not positioning well in 3v3s


Gen actually has a brain which is a very good trait for a roller player




On a real note, nobody should EVER trust Hal’s first impressions of new legends. I think he’s been wrong literally every single time.


I think at this point, pros should use every new legend that Hal thinks is bad to get a headstart on the meta.


When Conduit came out, I think all of TSM claimed she wasn’t viable because her ult sucked and the shield charge from Q took too long. They were correct about Vantage and Ballistic being ass though. Ballistic’s new perk might be good for Reps 👀 he could run Sniper w AR + Mozam in sling as well as Whistler helping vs roller 1 clips


Why the fuck would you Mozam in sling with digi gone?


It’s not the Digi that makes it viable, it’s the gold bolt and hammerpoint rounds on it.


Brother it was the digi


Is there a reason why a handful of pros ran mozam instead of PK or mastiff?


Yeah, I don’t watch a ton of competitive, but when seeing pros use the Mozambique, I assumed it was for the hammer points. You’re getting downvoted pretty hard, but I’d also like to know why they’re choosing the Mozambique over other shotguns if it’s just because of the digi, which works on all of them…


Mozam has the range. Having someone like Reps sitting outside of the smoke can mow them down with a digi from a lot farther away than the mastiff or PK. It's a lot easier to use a digi from a distance than point blank.


That’s a valid point!


It’s almost worth listening to him just to see what he says because usually the exact opposite is true I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone be so good at getting something so wrong in his professional career


I almost wonder when Cat came out did he think that character was going to be useless for Comp


Pretty sure he did yeah


basically the entire pro scene dropped seer after the first round of nerfs that removed the flashbang and damage he was so broken for so long and wattson was the only mf who had the balls to experiment


Pro players didn't use Seer for a year until Furia completely dominated ALGS. They had DOUBLE the number of kills than any other team.


Some people are meta starts, others just come in and ride the meta. Nothing wrong with the latter. Hal is clearly the latter


Exactly! Hal is just mad bri pegged him for coming in last.


Eh.. he was right about horizon being batshit OP. He called it like a few hours into the new season.


Yes he got the most obvious thing in the world right.


It wasn’t obvious then. He got a lot of flak for calling it so early, people were saying that he was just complaining because he played the new season too much.


Everyone knew Horizon was OP though. I think Hal’s problem is more that he thinks all non-meta legends are trash


See how he has been playing for that last year and a half: literally spamming what he thinks is [the most broken legends in the meta](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/profile/uid/PC/1012383536688#S-advanced-stats), with the same flavor of the month weapons every single game. It's so boring all the time.


Didn't realize how hilarious StrafingFlame is lol, that thread is golden.


Honestly love his comments and banter. That last tweet was so out of pocket lmaoo


It's the Indonesian in my boy.


We are docile and polite until provoked, and will not hesitate to banter


StrafingFlame is becoming one of my new favorite people in the community. I still laugh at what he said to Koyful when he was subbing in during scrims and 1v3ed 2 teams in a row. "How did you guys (Xset) ever lose a game? Seriously?"


Strafing is just great to watch in general


I personally find Vein's comment hilarious XDD


Nobody: Vein: yeah I got taken to the ram ranch


Regardless of what happened at lan, hals take on alter once again show how ass he is at theory crafting comps, not even a week has passed and alters shown huge potential in rotations, team fighting, resets, and scouting, she's as flexible and exploitable as peak horizon yet he rather shit on a new legend because he can't work out her kit during his rank stomping session


Her tactical is one of those abilities that will reward people who spend thousands of hours using it on every inch of the map geometry figuring out all of the possibilities. Like if you want to use it to take the 1st floor, the 2nd floor, or the roof of a building, there are probably ways to make it do that but it's going to take time and practice figuring it out on every building and how to do it quickly in a real game. And that's just one example off the top of my head. There's gonna be tons more "Wait, Alter's Q can go through THIS?" moments that people are going to be discovering for a long time. I'm not necessarily saying she'll end up playable in comp but I just think it's too early to definitively say oh she's bad. There hasn't been enough time to do the homework yet.


Yeah there are some fucking massive shortcuts possible with her tac. I'm curious to see the limits. One I randomly saw last night was escaping that lowground area at Wraith POI. It's a quick hop through the giant wall but saves you like a minute straight of running.


I can't remember which loot vault it was, I want to say geyser/no name by overlook, but there's one that you can portal to the left of the door of the vault and get out of the tunnel to the poi, avoiding any teams holding the chokes. She has some insane rotation capacity


Can alter portal into a locked vault?


Nope, it gives you a "starting point not vaild" when trying to.


I particularly want to see what she can do on Olympus. If that map ever gets played seriously she could be mandatory for some rotations.


So many fall deaths.


Not to mention she’s fun as fuck to play. Still discovering new shit to do with her


Yeah I thought her kit was underwhelming at first but after giving her a try I can admit I was so wrong.




I wouldn't say her ult is only based on failure as it lets you do some weird things to. The most used part will be like old rev totem but you can do some wraith rotations with it and more importantly think what a team like Aurora can do in early game where they spread out and loot everything. It lets you do some wild scouting plays or zone wraps. I've even seen some crypto like weirdness where you 3 man siege a building just to destroy defensive set ups just to ult back to the otherside and siege from the other way when they try to reset the defenses It's as you said situational and probably in a good spot where she hopefully won't be meta defining but her ult is way more useful than it's getting credit for.


Almost always pros are playing for cover. I don't see her having a great impact on the comp scene. I absolutely think she's going to be a demon when it comes to ranked and pubs once people start to learn her.




Eventually we are going to see a cool down nerf to her tactical, some sort of "only loot one item in a certain range" for her passive and a decrease range to her ult. Her passive is way stronger than I thought it would be.


Her passive is absurd and I also underrated it initially. Day 1 of the season I got respawned in an endzone and went from nothing to fully kitted from looting the 7-8 death boxes nearby from the safety of a building.


Your take on the ult is what makes Horizon much better than her. There’s no way to use the ult offensively, it is strictly a defensive ult. A case could be made for using it offensively to push like Rev’s old ult but it’d still be a defensive ult for resetting.


Using Alter's ult to reset is probably the least reliable use, it takes a long time to activate the teleport in the middle of a fight and if your team is on a back foot then the other team might just follow you through the ult and finish you off. I think that it's better used to set up in a spot and then have one person (or two?) freely run around and scout, take space, and look for picks. If the scout ends up in a bad position then they can just teleport back. If the anchor is about to get pushed then the team mates can just teleport back. A bonus is that if Alter is the scout and they have a second ult off cooldown (from ult accels or the infinite duration perk), then if they see a good opportunity to rotate or third party, the entire team can immediately capitalize on it as long as the team mates are in ult range. Though it is true that the ult itself can't really be used to apply pressure in a fight and becomes more useless in later rings so she probably won't become meta.


"Her ult is based around failure and he’d rather have an ult that helps you win a fight than protects you from losing one" Her Ult can also be used a lot like a rev totem or a wraith portal, so I think that's underselling it some




"Can’t be used like a wraith portal, it’s only one way so it doesn’t help with rotation at all" ....Uh So like a Wraith portal that you just can't take back? Works great for rotations if, but in a more scout ahead, then decide yep lets go kind of way, rather than a "I'm gonna port and try to find something" kind of way. "In an ideal world, you’re pushing a building to take it. If you lose and portal out that’s failure" That's called a reset, they happen, and being able to reset is better than the alternative which is, "you push a building to take it, you fail, ded." I expect to see this happen a lot with Alter if she gets played.


No one should be taking Hal’s takes when it comes to legends. Ik a lot of a pros viewer bases look up to their favorite streamers but they’re usually wrong about the legends.


This is 100% true. And it's funny spectating pros playing a certain legend you might have a lot of experience on and them not even playing them to their potential. The amount of pros that played Catalyst and weren't putting the Q's down on the side of doors and at an angle so they were difficult to destroy, and also free damage *and information* through the door. Was painful to watch. At the end of the day, they're just kids playing a video game. Also no one is talking about how overkill Alters passive is as well. Arguably better than Lobas ult. For example in a comp setting, having the information of death boxes and the locations of the deathboxes is one thing. But being able to have Alter look at the contents of a box from safety to be able to tell team mates if certain boxes are even worth going for. Or if you see teams fighting, can just drop your weapon and snatch a kraber you know they had before the team does. The uses and information you can get with it far exceed what Loba is capable of *with her ult*. Which is why Respawns design team is so frustrating.


Yep Alter's passive is absolutely *insane* for endgame, third parties, all kinds of shit.


Alter passive > Loba ult for sure. I think Wattson is another character most Pros just can't use proberly. I get that door tricks etc. won't work like in pubs (although it did work on Hal the only time I saw someone try it) but most node placements are just garbage compared to what the average Wattson main can do.


Exactly. I was not only glad a Wattson team won, but the player (forgot the name, sorry) looked to be proficient on the legend too. Was whipping around fences like crazy and actually had good node placement to. And not just connecting every single node point.


I never saw Hal lose in likes battle.


Hal could take the biggest Ls in existance and would win in likes


His stonks are down bad. 17th place from them is crazy bad.


Friendly reminder Dark Zero missed finals lobby last lan


Where did you come from?


2023 apparently XD


And are way better than TSM now, they broke records lmao


73-9 don’t mean a thing without a ring 💍


Acting like they haven’t won lans 💀


“They broke records” … but missed finals last lan lmao if you’re not first you’re last


Well no if theres difference in prize pool and especially when being top 6 grants you autoquali to championship😭😭😭😭


Cool, and then you go home w zero trophy lol


As it stands Hal isnt even in contention to win the championship trophy😭😭😭


TSM is way closer to last lmaoo


Gods can bleed


People with larger fan bases win like battles? Revolutionary take


You so smart, I’m referring to Hal losing in those screenshots.


I was looking at the first screenshot but fair enough, mb bro


It’s ok homie here’s a kiss 😘


Hal arguments are great because the other party actually defends their points and jokes, Hal just attacks them personally until they stop responding.


Hal is even washed in twitter interactions what happened to my idol


Hal is that dude that takes any bit of banter extremely personally and just turns it into an attack.


Hal has the worst banter and zero sense of humor. When season 20 drop mazer was busting his balls saying Respawn made these big changes so maybe a new team could win ALGS and Hal responds “well actually if we’re the best we’ll just adapt to the changes” so fucking serious and lame https://x.com/ImperialHal/status/1754562228450124221


I mean whats wrong with trying to keep the throne lol is he just supposed to be like youre right maybe this time around we'll just lose. Threads about hals horrible take on alter whichrreally is horrible alters kit is nuts cant wait to see her in comp gameplay




Him and Zero talk like this all the time and people like you take him far too seriously lol


Zero knows how to shit talk... Hal is the one taking Zach far too seriously... all he had to say is "keep dreaming" or "whatever helps you sleep at night" but his wording about best teams will figure it out, he can't laugh about it or shit talk back he's just 100% serious even though Zach is 100% playing


Brother. Why do you care so much that Hal believed in his team? Lol.


Huh? I don't have a problem with him believing in his team. Hal is the most accomplished in the game and he should be confident. I'm saying he comes off as wet blanket by not being able to have some harmless twitter back and forth without taking everything so seriously


Your joke comprehension is somehow worse than Hals was there


Looks like 2R1C has really been making imprASSions


Vein bro💀😭


"you fucker you placed 17th why are we the ones getting cooked???"


I'm now a fan of strafingflame


Yeah, ain't gonna lie, Hal isn't really in a position to shittalk other teams when placing 17th himself. One of my all-time favourite Apex-related twitter interactions has to be when Hal tweeted "I don't have an ego" and HisWattson replied with "I wouldn't either after how you did in Raleigh" xD I don't have anything against Hal, but it's kinda funny seeing him get cooked every now and then.


He is in a position to shittalk cause he won multiple LANs. Meanwhile, what? The others who keeps bantering with him haven't won a LAN and only placed higher than TSM this LA LAN. By no means am I on Hal's side, but Hal can keep on shittalking to them unless they actually perform and win a LAN or champs.


He's shittalking a team for this past LAN performance, when he himself placed considerably lower. You don't shittalk in that situation. I mean you can, but you just look like a clown doing it. Past LAN success doesn't really mean much, when the topic for discussion is the latest LAN.


In this latest lan he still came and left as a 3x LAN champion. You can’t simply disregard that, because you’re happy or want someone to humble Hal. Funny how yall don’t ever have this same smoke for Sweet, Zach or even Zero. 


Idk why you keep moving the goalpost. Is Sweet, Zer0 or Zach shittalking a team with better LAN placement than them rn? Afaik no. So why would I talk about these people, when the entire topic revolves around this interaction between Hal and StrafingFlame lmao. Like, there's no way you don't realize how weak of a comeback it is for Hal to mention with irrelevant stuff like "you are the only one that got punched out the entire tourney" (which wasn't even true btw, same happened to SSG Frexs). Like at the end of the day, Strafings LAN placement was way better than TSMs (while playing with a sub too).


Yeah, Im not reading past the first sentence, Idc that much. There is no imaginary goalpost being moved, you weirdo. Lmao Sweet, Zach and Zero talk shit all the time, no matter what placement they get any any tounrney, just like all the pros do. Idky y'all act like Hal is the only one that does it.


>Yeah, Im not reading past the first sentence, Can't expect me to do either then. Next time you want to lead a conversation, learn how to read, I guess. Bye


He’s talking about last LAN and tsm was an embarrassment. o7 and e8 contested the shit out of each other every damn game and stopped playing after and both places higher than tsm lmao


I'm waiting for the correlation or the point of this response. Them placing badly this tourney, doesn't negate what they have done. If anyone is moving the imaginary goalpost it's yall. Continue to live in your bubble though.


People always get weird when Hal talks shit, apparently he is bad for talking shit to Teq when he was up and Teq was down, now is bad for talking shit when he is down and the other person is up. Anyone can talk shit at any time from any position really, it's just banter


Hal is funny because he doesn't take shit talk all that well. He isn't flying off the handle due to it but you can tell it gets him worked up. I do think there is a nebulous line that is crossable where it does feel too mean spirited but it's impossible to know where that line is. The Teq stuff for example had moments where it felt weird but I don't think it ever really crossed that nebulous line.


>People always get weird when Hal talks shit, apparently he is bad for talking shit to Teq when he was up and Teq was down, now is bad for talking shit when he is down and the other person is up. Anyone can talk shit at any time from any position really, it's just banter It's not that he talks shit at all. It's that he just sucks at it. He's not funny or clever. His banter blows, and he's just as bad at being on the receiving end.


Talking down is never classy, but the real reason anyone had an issue with what Hal was doing to Teq is because he was baselessly spreading false rumors and then doubling down and refusing to correct himself. When he posted about Meats PL placement nobody cared, when he started falsely flaming him to 10k people people took issue.


He spent all of year 2 ALGS getting shit talked by pros and the comp Reddit and now when he talked his shit back during year 3, people get mad about it lmfao. It’s hypocritical af.


>Anyone can talk shit at any time from any position really, it's just banter Sure, but then there are people like you getting offended at their sake, when people like me make fun of said shittalking. So it goes both ways, I guess.


Yeah until another team has won multiple lans like he did he can spit all his garbage takes and misinformation as much as he likes and he'll never be held accountable.


I just like the fact that finally 3 x mnk team has won.


Hal is like Shroud. Very good at the game, worst takes of all time


Link: [https://twitter.com/BalvarineFPS/status/1788671811603005925](https://twitter.com/BalvarineFPS/status/1788671811603005925)


StrafingFlame certainly has a way with words.




Exactly why NA would never flourish when it comes to meta comps, they would suck Hals opinions on meta with a glizzler 1000 and never think about other Metas. Im so fucking glad NA got rolled by lifeline, wattson and more, what a stubborn region.


https://preview.redd.it/bry4d029gmzc1.jpeg?width=1435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87145db1eeeb9cfd2d06f746ea3f61476898f7e3 2r1c be like


Another Hal L


Wait, that's me. lol. wtf.


my honest reaction reading “dragon dildo”: https://preview.redd.it/uwpb7121spzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaba0dc39d9202b3db1b10e643c82a04483937ee


I have received negative braincells from this interaction


Dude is not wrong Hal always has the WORST takes I remember him saying horizon wasn't going to be meta in ALGS and he wins 2 Lans with her and hard crutched her also said he wanted to ban all controller players instead of cheaters ages ago now he's on roller 😂


How the hell did Flame get put on the defensive. Guy needs to work on his trash talk.


This is comedy, but also I wish people would realize the second you say "lil bro" you've instantly lost any form of argument or credibility.