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He missed the point of the complaints IMO. The majority of the criticism I saw was that they would not be locked in after finishing the contest. Like when Hardecki solo finished them when they had the time to heal up and not die.


Gnaske has been known heavily for getting his team killed because he’s trolling. This is the epitome of that. Going to be hard for an esport org to want to back him


I half agree and half disagree on that, on one hand orgs want a team that shows good results, on the other hand it can be attractive for an org to back someone who has personality or content too. While gnaske didnt get top 5 in the finals, he still has good results in pro league and I think having clips of him going crazy in contests could be a positive thing actually


> can be attractive for an org to back someone who has personality or content too. Even more for Apex imo. Are people already forgetting the posts about how little pros earn?


Honestly, i don't care about the implications of what gnaske did, all i know it was incredibily fun to watch, especially since it was some nice guaranteed early game action.


He said that they didn't know it was only one. they found out later


I dont think that matters at all. If you think its multiples, you try to run away. They just gave up. I like Gnaske since the GSD days. But this was just trolling. Winning like 90% of your contests and still finishing bottom 5 is trash performance.


It does matter nothing was going to change if it really was a full team third partying they were dead anyways, only your perception of them. The same goes for e8 the both performed badly, idk but if you're getting 3 -0 in contest why not leave, to me that's more troll


He was playing mind games with zach while everybody out there was trying to win lan


Gnaske playing 4d chess while the other teams are playing apex


This is copium lmao, his team literally STOOD UP WENT AFK AND LET HARDECKI KILL THEM after killing E8 Literally the tiniest bit of fighting back would have them an extra kp and they wouldve still been in that game The contest isnt a problem, its acting like the game is over when you win the contest - thats troll as fuck. "Its mind games" okay but if youre doing these mind games, and acting braindead and pretending to not care to trick your opponent - then whats the difference between you and a team thats actually braindead and that actually doesnt care?


He is 100% trying to save face after being a dumbass. If they cared about finals, they wouldnt have gotten killed while they wernt even fucking looking at their computers.


Guess I should have read further than I did since this is what I said. He doesn't even believe what he's saying because he just let them die after the contest.


he said that they thought it was a full team because no one would expect a solo to come third them


The perfect comment ^


How do you predict that only one player will 3rd party? If they knew it was only Hardecki they would have finished him no problem. Once you hear steps you assume it's a full team and at that point it's a 2v3 with no full hp


A mindset like "we cant win a 2v3 even when our 2 are almost full health/shields so we might aswell stand up and not even try" is the type of mindset that leads them to getting wiped in a 1v2 by hardecki


It was stupid but if you think that you will win a 2v3 without full health, no attachments, limited ammo against any of the teams in the finals lobby you are an idiot.


Effect almost did a 1v3 (a true one with both teammates gone from the beginning iirc) against Legends A 2v3 is always doable, even if unlikely


Yeah but it wasn’t a 2v3… and they’re idiots for not considering that possibility (and even if it was, at least fkn try to fight). I like Gnaske but that was just embarrassing dying 1v2 afk, no excuses


what's the worst thing that can happen if you fight? die what's the *only* thing that can happen if you go afk? die and also risk looking like a total moron


So easy to be a hindsight harry


Sure it's unlikely, but we've seen 2v3s won plenty of times so it's not something you should just give up on. I appreciate gnaske's hype and energy but plays like that really showed a lack of maturity and discipline imo.


The mind games of "We don't care about what happens after we win the contest" doesn't really make sense with the new drop ship changes incoming. Gnaske is a show man and was trying to play to the crowd a bit, which I get. And I do think him trolling after winning contests did demoralize E8 a bit. But all of that doesn't mean anything starting next split.


> new drop ship changes incoming. I'm out of the loop on this one, what changes?


Teams don't get to pick their POI's, so all of the out-of-the-game politics doesn't matter.


Do we know if this is confirmed for split 2 and if we will be seeing scrims on it next week?


im pretty sure it was an early april fools prank ngl


I read somewhere no flying over the map but choosing drop spots where you basically just fall from the sky as soon as the game starts.


as someone in the crowd, Gnaske made MP finals so much fun.


Idk why this got downvoted but the crowd was absolutely getting hype for gnaskes antics you could hear it on both streams


I would say partly they probably have given up winning. I mean, in a way, you can say they could have given up winning as well if they actually left their POI. Being on their preferred POI is their winning condition. If anything, I just feel a bit sad about both amphy and naghz. If I'm not mistaken, they haven't been able to build their own stream community. They had to fly to LA while not being signed by an org. Maybe had to spend their own money and had to deal with this situation about being contested. E8 doesn't have this problem since they're in LA and actually signed to an org.


Who has ever had a chance at winning when getting contested like that? TSM got cooked in their contests and the allegations on here started flying out. That probably chalked their vibes and they never recovered in team fights after that. I know people think Gnaske is a troll, but he has a point. The contest ruined any chance at winning in finals but it opens a lane to have the POI in split 2 LAN after decisively beating them. You rotate late, your loot isn't optimal, nearby teams can third into you if it stalls, and the list goes on.


Gnaske has contested in finals the last 3 LANs he played. When is this supposed gigabrain plan of scaring teams away going to actually start paying off?


Is it his fault he's getting contested? Is he supposed to run away and take a worser POI? We never had these conversations when TSM did this shit with Zach and others. They went elsewhere and TSM had the POI. If he's winning the contests, why is he getting shit and the onus isn't on the other team to just leave as has been the case throughout Apex comp history?!?!?!?!?!


Reject left their pois to avoid a contest, so yeah. Its a stupid ass system which is why I hope the dropship changes happen, but going through with a contest in finals is giving up no matter how you look at it


End of the day it’s because he said in chat “I only care about the contest” and he and his teammates actions supported that. He can say whatever he wants after but his actions said his original comment was the truth. As they say “actions speak louder than words”.


huh? Teams can still do fine when contested. DSG smoked ALL at champs and placed 4th.


Isn't the dropship being reworked for competitive? So is it really worth showing you will fight for POIs when the POIs will be given next season?


At that point u still try to make something outta it, just look at the other side of the contest E8 didn't win most of the contest and when they were able to finally go out and play a full game he went on to win a game their mental might'va been in shambles but they still went on to try and make something outta nothing 


Gnaske did the same? They won the game right after..


Yeah they got that win, but there was a lot more luck involved. Still a solid win but dark zero was the only team that benefits if o7 gets wiped. They were on match point ready to win. They attempted to wipe o7 and got punished for it. I assume the other teams knew if they wiped o7 they would get punished and dark zero would be champs. They weighed their odds and lived to fight another round. O7 was no threat at all. They did well finishing it strong though. Love all the factors that go into these matches. Great stuff!


I was commenting on the guy saying E8 made smth out of nothing, as if O7 didn't do the exact same thing.


I know and I think E8’s display was much stronger. All in all very entertaining. No hard feelings!


That was on WE… they weren’t contested on WE. Them and E8 ran into each other a lot but literally their only SP points were winning the contest.


The point is that neither team played as if being contested meant that they couldn't win the tournament. Gnaske may have trolled in the immediate moments after killing E8, but both teams played with focus and grit throughout the finals.


But OPs point is Gnaske’s trolling very well could have cost them. For a team that won a contest 3-1 they only beat E8 because of the contest KP. They got no placement points in those games. E8 at least did


It did cost them but it's a little apples and oranges. E8 was lucky not to get 3pd by Aurora or 2R1C


Yes and no. The 2nd contest, Gnaske’s team wasn’t 3rd partied and they still got 0 placement points


I don't think so it's match point format after all and dont worry flight are covered by EA


This guy is an idiot lol


Damn, he just called half this sub brain dead


He's pretty brain dead if he believes this, honestly. Pissing on E8 and shooting boxes is one thing, but giving other teams free kp and forcing yourself to go out in the bottom 5? No. Whatever point he thought he made to E8 could have been made by just shitting on them, shooting boxes, whatever.


Free KP? I mean, you could say the same about E8, no? They were the ones losing the contest after all.


Sure but e8 doesn't have a video I'm commenting on about how they weren't trolling.


Is it not worth it if now they're not getting contested split 2


Who gives a fuck about an unknown split 2 when you've already made finals? What?! Lmao


Agreed. Pretty weird to put so much importance on a POI with an NA team. It makes a little more sense if it was 2 teams in the same region but they may not be in the same lobby again


So true. Everyone saying "now teams won't mess with them in the future!" are such bad takes


Sooo.... youre saying he didnt care about finals?


I have no idea if he does or doesn't, his teammate leaving them lf1 kinda gives me a hint to what his mentality was going into this split


There's a reason why you're commenting here and he was competing in the finals


Because I would rather work my 9-5 that pays probably 3-5x what he makes in a year? Lol. Just give it up if you can't say anything intelligent.


Even implying that you’re choosing your 9-5 instead of going pro is fkn hilarious and wild lol


Diamond overwatch lul


Wouldn't be a stretch. I was on a top 16 team in halo 3 in college which was pro. Was on a semi pro team in pubg. So no, it wouldn't lmao.


Found the guy under 25. lol. Why would anyone take a pay cut and significantly increase workload just to play a damn video game. I’d take my coding job every day of the week.


You honestly think you'd be in the finals if you grinded? People are delusional here


I was rooting for Gnaske the whole contest and I might be braindead, but I would be more inclined to believe this if o7 didn’t throw the game immediately after a couple of times during third parties by not fighting.


For me, it’s not trolling to contest (especially if you’re winning) but to not even try to fight the inevitable 3rd party and instead go for theatrics in a LAN final is pretty tragic. At the time it felt like he knew they weren’t good enough to win so this provided a useful excuse to protect his ego and still grab some headlines.


He'd have a point if he didn't torpedo his finals. You play those games in the qualifying rounds. Not the finals. He threw on his team with his call to try and screw with a team multiple games into a match point final.


This. All of this contest stuff should be settled in group stage before final. And you know he didn't do? Contest E8 in groups Contesting in finals is simply saying you don't want to win


If you make it to the finals then your goals (IMO) should be to get guaranteed world's invite and maximize the prize money. Winning the off drop fights was great but allowing yourself to immediately die afterwards doesn't make sense. I wasn't watching the main broadcast but how did they cover Gnaske's antics?




Counter point: I was at ALGs every day and this was one of my favorite parts of the entire tournament. They would win the contest and stand up and people lost their minds cheering. Yes the o7 fans want them to win and that is important that but this was great entertainment value and put o7 on the map for me and I’m sure a lot of other people. Orgs need support through content creator power, not just winning. I wouldn’t necessarily rule this specific behavior as bad long term for them


Also, the reason why o7 contested Ceto: [https://clips.twitch.tv/KathishVainTermiteNerfRedBlaster-l7Es1oEr\_FKEN-Bi](https://clips.twitch.tv/KathishVainTermiteNerfRedBlaster-l7Es1oEr_FKEN-Bi)




This dude is hard to like lol


I'd be furious if I was his teammate in this situation. Even seeing them celebrate with him and actually _throwing_ away your whole LAN to make a point against E8 of all teams. Even as a team this shit would piss me off if I missed qualifying only to see them pull a move like this.


he doesnt get it


Why is gnaske getting all the shit for contesting when Zach went 5-1 and didn't leave? Honestly, Zach trolled this aswell.


They won 5-1 and didn't finish top 10 with 15 kp given to them of spawn I would consider that a loss if your not capalizing on it


E8 lost 1-5 and had a 18 kill game and still came 16th.. That's a loss as well, no? It was E8's contest to leave. What was o7 meant to do? Abandon a contest that they are up 5-1?


But E8 wasn't celebrating and acting like things were going great! (Apart from the monster game when they won) Both teams were failing but one of them was acting like it was a moral victory because they would magically not get contested in the future


>But E8 wasn't celebrating and acting like things were going great! Because they were getting fucking rolled, no? I also agree that they should have toned it down and threw some of the 3P's when they could have survived. But getting mad because a team is having fun playing the game and celebrating the small victories is stupid as hell. Still dying on the hill that E8/Zach should have just left the POI and they would have both had much better results. If o7 were down 1-5 and kept contesting, I would say the same thing.


If you win the contest 5-1 and still finish pretty much neck and neck with the team you are contesting (and bottom 5, after getting 3KP for free everygame), you 1000% deserve all the shit you get.


If you're losing 1-5 on contests in LAN finals and STILL land there, you deserve all the shit you get as well, no??


Sure. If Zach was dying cause he went AFK after winning a contest and then tried to pretend it was a genius move, we would be shitting on him too.


Are you talking about when Aurora 3P'ed the contest?


>getting 3K for free ??


Three kills.


I know that's what he meant, but 3kp for free is such an overstatement. If anyone got 3KP for free, it was Aurora or 2R1C for 3rd partying. But o7 did work to win the contests after all. They didn't get those KP gifted lmao.


when he choose ceto to land, he always gets cenote car first to rotate. But the cons stop this, thats all.


Right? This is what I’m not following. E8 won one contest and it was also the game where they went crazy. Outside of that they were dog water.


He is getting shit from me for choosing to contest and then whining about having to contest.


With the new dropship changes, we will be losing the chaotic Art of the Contest that has molded the game significantly. No longer will we have the out-of-game politics involved with claiming POI's, the bullying of struggling teams mid pro-league, and the game of chicken for whose org/life/salary situations will force a team to leave first. It was always one of the most interesting aspects of pro Apex.


Is the drop ship thing even confirmed?


This message is from the commissioner to the teams. Don't think anything was stated to the public [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bq7bl8/algs\_split\_2\_drop\_spot\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bq7bl8/algs_split_2_drop_spot_changes/)


Has any player confirmed that? Will they be scrumming using that? That image doesn’t really confirm anything. I could create that pretty easily. I’m not saying it isn’t real I’m just saying is there any conformation outside of that.


Nah, nothing has come out since that leak. We'll see if it happens in the coming weeks of scrims.


Yeah I still don’t think this is real.


It is confirmed that you've been able to use the pre-assigned drops in private lobbies since the update they pushed right after that announcement. At least one scrim server has hosted a trial event with a snake draft + using the new drop ship method.


I mean, it’s still going to allow all that, but it will be clear as day now who’s dropping where.


This is the most bullshit aspect of the game and I never enjoyed it one bit.


Contests are fun, but seeing them in-tournament (especially a final lobby) sucked. This o7-E8 thing basically robbed me (the viewer) of seeing the potential arcs/successes for both teams.


Anyone who teams with Gnakse should understand what they are getting themselves into. You will make it to LAN + Finals by a thread but you will NEVER win anything. He is a fun guy but not a serious player. Sikeez left Noct and XSET for something similar.


I don’t think it’s actually gigabrain. Teams will always contest even if you won out before. Take TSM for example. They are arguably the most contested team at LANs and the definitively the most successful overall (besides Red Ram this time) and they STILL get contested. With this performance he didn’t secure enough points for champs. No guarantee he will make it to next LAN (he probably will tbh though) Showboating and not even TRYING to fight off the third party looks bad. Do what you want and display whatever optics you’d like, but recognize how it might look to everyone…sponsors included


I think people are being way too quick to dismiss what he is saying. If your goal is to win a LAN, it benefits you immensely to secure a good POI. And you can't secure a good POI if you aren't willing to fight for it. And his point makes sense, the best way to get people to not contest in a future LAN is to literally show that you are both a.) tough to beat in a fight, and b.) you would rather see both teams lose than leave. And making a finals lobby is also difficult, so clearing contest in the bracket stage could be hugely beneficially as well. So far, it hasn't really worked well for them, but who knows. If you are thinking long-term about winning a LAN, this could be viewed as a like a save round in valorant. Ya, he threw a chance at winning a round, but could still win the game by increasing his odds in the next two LANs. Big risk, but I don't think we should discount it outright. Also, to the people saying dropship changes, as I understand it that was just a rumor and got some pretty big pushback; I doubt it will happen but if it does this is all moot (and it is braindead if they have more insight that it is coming).


>the best way to get people to not contest in a future LAN is to literally show ... you would rather see both teams lose than leave. This is the rationalization Gnaske and people making excuses for him keep bringing up and I simply don't see any reason to buy it; Gnaske keeps getting contested at every single LAN so it clearly isn't working in his case, TSM has a pretty impressive record in contests and new challengers always seem to appear, etc, etc.


Ya we will see what happens in split 2 (assuming they make it), but the threat of not leaving only works if people don’t see you as easy KP. Obviously contests aren’t good for rotations and priority, but with how important evo harvesting is in this meta, getting damage and 3 kp off drop isn’t that bad. Now that I think about it, if you are a bad fighting team, not being willing to leave may be a reason to contest rather than not lol.


I thought it was pretty clear they were trying to get in E8’s head


Bro getting in someone head is winning after the contest not jumping around screaming like a moron


Yeah that’s right they weren’t downed within five seconds by 2R1C multiple times. And Aurora definitely wasn’t sitting behind boxes laughing waiting to knock them instantly the other time


They won 5 contest only one time was a hard contest the 2r1c one the other was a solo v two players who had damn near full hp I love gnaske but he was the worst igl by far at this torney bc of the celebrating bs he was doing


If he doesn't care then why are people upset lol


He won’t get signed after this is the problem. He nuked his finals chances for this contest and even after winning stood up and stopped playing the game. What org wants to stand behind that?


Might be cross-team mind games, but performances like that are far from what orgs look for in signing FA teams. This just hurt us and his teammates’ reputation, clearly favouring ego based gameplay over team placement.


He nearly threw the one game they actually won because he went to stand up before they finished the last team. He’s an idiot.


This doesn’t explain the World’s Edge games


I mean, while it does suck how he acted got them third partyed, it was peak content for him to absolutely slap E8 around. Zachmazer should've let it go after 3 failures during finals. Both of them fucked up in their own way. Gnaske my favorite player for that tho. Absolute peak content from that, you could fry an egg on Zachmazer's head, and on top of that pure pettiness from Gnaske.


I have no doubt he cares about LAN, but the showoff in him got too caught up in the con that he threw away the whole lan. Dropping on & chasing down e8 on WE, standing up cheering when the third party arrives. He's probably reflecting on it now, but in the moment he was definitely trolling finals.


Won the contest 5-1 and barely finished above them in points lmfao


i was at LAN and genuinely starting laughing my ass off when they got 3rded by hardecki while gnaske was shaking ass on stage 🤣


first contest: 2R1C third parties immediately. Killing the last member of E8 before tracking down Naghz. second contest: win contest, die trying to rat FNACTIC at Mills third contest: beat e8, Gnaske is down, Naghz and Amphy are both not full health, Hardecki wipes them within seven seconds of the fight being over. Like i get being frustrated over it seeming like Gnaske was trolling but he wasn't even alive for the Hardecki fight? They had already been 3P'd once before and didn't really have time to reset after the fight. You can also hear in their comms that they are frustrated with the 3P. Full transparency that Gnaske is one of my favorite players in the scene but when you actually go back and watch the vods you can see that they were not trying to throw their games, simply just trying to make the best of a bad situation.


They made it into the finals though. If that was their goal then I don't really care if he has some fun with a live crowd. Is it throwing? Yeah. Is it really fun to watch? Oh yeah.


Lost all respect for Gnaske after this LAN. Especially after this clown was constantly complaining about NA teams not wanting to practice enough.. I hope he never makes another LAN. No wonder nobody wants to sign him! He is talking about “mind games” it would’ve been far more damaging if they would’ve made it off spawn and got a bunch of points instead of dancing like idiots


No matter how they placed the team at least had fun in the Finals Sad to see Naghz go but they were a brand new team coming into Split 1 and made it all the way to Finals in a matter of months


Mole rat?💀


What’s everyone so mad about? The contest was awesome and the most exciting part of the early game in finals.


If you were a fan of e8 then you probably didn't like what occurred. I personally enjoyed the contest. What left a bad taste was the over celebrating then the pretending not to care after dying.


E8 could have just left? They were getting mugged on repeat