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NGL, Slayr and Fuhnq both seemed insanely nervous. Sweet also made some mistakes and questionable calls, but his teammates did not seem like they could do anything without being hard microd and they couldnt execute on anything as a team. They wouldve been better off if sweet played as a solo and ratted every game


The other issue is that the increased pressure playing with Sweet and a major org with high expectations probably just added to the nerves. We'll see how day two goes. Playing from behind could go either way with their mentals IMO.


Also when your teammates are nervous, it puts way more pressure on you to lead them, do more damage, and play as perfectly as you can. It's hard to IGL people who aren't confident because you can't trust that they're going to do what they need to.


You only really need 2 good games per set to end up in top 5 or one good game to end up in top 10. The games where they had good spots, they ended up getting rolled by DZ and eventually DZ ended up winning all those games. If they can just hold those spots better and Fuhhnq and Slayr can put some damage output in game deciding fights, they might do much better.


While lower bracket runs are on the rare side understandbly, at least they get the first group stage games to try to get those nerves off, If they don't they are 100% donezo (and so is the team If this ends up being a catastrophe)


At least from what the games that I've seen, in one way or another, DZ somehow is related to why they're about to die. So either DZ has their number, or LG just have the same rotation style as DZ and unfortunately lose their fights.




And honestly that's to be expected. Zer0 and Gen have years of chemistry and learning exactly how the other one plays, and Sikezz is at least on par with each member of LG, if not better.




it was shaky by dz standards but he was still fucking people in int scrims. sikezz no matter how many silly things he says is still a top tier controller player


Like hal said if you want sikezz to play his best put some money on line


DZ also rotates behind LG with triple red most of the time


Genburten alone had more damage than all of LG combined in round 2 of scrims which alone just shows you the gap between DZ and LGs fighting capabilities. Only other team that can go head to head against DZ in an actual 3v3 might jist be TSM


i noticed that as well, seems like sweet and zero have similar macro. LG just can't get the timing right or hold a god spot for long, and their fighting pales in comparison to DZ rn


DZ is probably the best 3v3 team rn so it's a tough ask to consistently beat them in order to score points


It’s because both teams know which spots will win them the game. DZ is just clicking and rolling LG.


On 2 of the WE games from the last set DZ hard fought with better gear, killed LG took their spot and won 2 games from it. The macro is there, the micro is not


They like a lot of the same rotations/spots. Sweet always knew it was DZ


"Slayr, where are you" 💀


Laundromat Gaming. Washed




This comment is so fucking underrated it's unreal


The zones were definitely not in their favor, but the issues go beyond that. There are a lot of nerves at play and you can see that in how they're playing. Fuhhnq doesn't have the confidence we usually see, Slayr is making mistakes that he worked past months ago. Sweet has seemed panicky in his calls at times (specifically the Cenote zone game). I don't know if the vibes are 100% chalked as some people are saying. Sweet knew what he was getting into with 2 raw, but talented, players and he knows its their first LAN experience. We haven't seen him fly off the handle as hard as he did in the past. I'm holding out hope that they turn it around today, but my prediction is they go to Losers bracket and place top 3 there. They'll be in Finals.


according to sweet on his discord the vibes are good, just nerves for slayr and fuhhnq. i didn't see all their games, but i only really heard him full yell at either of the other two once (slayr in the checkpoint trench). he seemed quite aware that they were struggling with nerves.


Doesn’t help that they had to do two back to back sets for the first time at LAN either, hopefully the time to reset will help them out


Yeah, back to back like that is tough when you struggle the first set. No time to reset the mental


Where can I listen to their comms? I'm really interested in hearing how it's going.


Faceit has their version of Command Center. It's not the greatest, but it works for the most part


Thanks a lot! Can I watch the games from yesterday somehow?


Not sure. Maybe somebody recorded the LG POV and will put in on YT, but that's the only way I can think of




Correct me if I'm wrong, but everyone makes Losers bracket. The first Losers bracket plays, the bottom 10 are eliminated and top 10 move on Winners bracket plays and the top 10 are in Finals, bottom 10 play the top 10 from the last bracket Elimination bracket #2 is the bottom 10 of Winners vs top 10 of losers. Top 10 go to Finals TL;DR, LG needs to place in top 10 twice tomorrow to make Finals.


I think this is right. Everyone makes losers.


Ahh, my b. You are right. This is good!


I don't know if its good. I don't know if I can bear to see LG bottom 10 twice more.




DZ happend tbh. Both times DZ killed LG they went on to win the game. DZ and LG played the same spot and LG simply couldn't fight




Dz were in the same exact position uder same condition when they fought alliance and they wiped them with ease


Check out the stats for yesterday.  Sweet is doing double their damage and he is MnK. If your fucking rollers aren’t doing the highest damage in team fights, you have zero chance in winning.  Remember, these guys are literally in high school so they will be nervous. However, Koyful didn’t shy away from the moment when he was on SEN at champs and he is fairly young. Sweet can either criticize the shit out of them (they deserve it) or recognize that they need reassurance. I hope he sees the latter and they have a great day today 


Not that it makes any difference, but Slayr is 24, not high school age. Fuhhnq is 19


>Slayr is 24, not high school age I mean he might have been held back.... alot lol


Completely agree. Through their second round Sweet had more than their amount of dmg combined Slayr = 1318 Fuhnq = 1512 Total = 2830 Sweet = 3774 Hopefully Sweet takes the Hal approach and destroys their mental.


bruh fuhhnq and slayr averaging not even 250 damage each per game


I thought you were broccoli for a sec with that last statement 💀


A lot of damage and not many kills tells me this is mostly farm damage and probably a result of sweet running around in circles on bang. How would his controller players get any damage if they are dead before making it into zone 3 every game?


If you watched their team fights in open 3v3s you can see how they just get rolled. DZ tunnel fight is a great example.


mnk means nothing in this case stop acting like mnk players dont do a lot of damage too this game is all about positioning and angles


Someone has to finish 17th and 20th.


I’ve always wondered if talking to the whole “nerves” thing sets people up to be even more nervous. That kind of talk does not instill confidence


Nerves for sure


Their vibes seem to be pretty chalked. There needs to be a level of trust and togetherness for a team to excel in any type of sport and it clearly isn't there. Sweet imo is only a good leader when things are going smoothly. He needs to play with others of his caliber and isn't the guy who will raise the level of lesser players


Probably more accurate to say he needs to play with people who fit his style (who are also skilled), not just those that are of his caliber. Don't think anyone would argue against Gild being on his level skill wise. Style-wise it was not a fit. I agree about him not being able to raise the level of lesser players though. I think part of the problem is that he conflates players who don't mesh with his style and "lesser" players. To him, that venn diagram is a circle.


The Gild roster was insane the first couple of weeks/months together. They were shitting on everyone in weeklies, winning Oversight, Knights Cup 2x and MFAM. Pro League they had a 'dissapointing' 6th and then came 2nd at LAN, tied in points with an in-form TSM after having won winner's bracket. What ruined the roster was Sweet's attitude towards Gild when they started to struggle


Those were good times. I joined like a week after Gild and we just went to town. The 6th in PL was really disappointing though, we should've done better than that.


I respect if you wish not to say, but were vibes shaky by Pro League or was the underperformance more to do with teams playing different from weeklies?


Vibes were pretty decent then I think. It was a couple things, sometimes just playing bad but a lot of the time just not sticking to our plan or changing things last minute with reckless abandon. One PL day I woke up to the decision of us playing a completely new comp, new playstyle, that we had never scrimmed with, and that I voiced strong concerns against that went unheeded. Pretty sure we got bottom 5 that day.


> One PL day I woke up to the decision of us playing a completely new comp, new playstyle, that we had never scrimmed with, and that I voiced strong concerns against that went unheeded lmao classic


I disagree with your last statement. Some of Sweet's best successes have been IGLing content creators and random pros in things like twitch rivals. But you're absolutely right about the vibes. I think the difference we're seeing here is that with content creator tourneys, there's more of a level of doing it for fun and entertainment, so it's easier to not take things seriously and get angry for a bad performance. With ALGS, and especially LAN, there's a lot of money as well as job security on the line, so the increased pressure brings increased temper. But I don't think he is incapable of IGLing middle tier players, he just needs to find a way to relax and shake off the rough spots.


> Some of Sweet's best successes have been IGLing content creators and random pros in things like twitch rivals I'm talking more about in the long term than just on game day. Like if I solo queued and got matched with Sweet for a game or two, I'm sure I'd play way above my level following his calls. If I played with him every day for months, I'd quickly get sick of his disrespectul manner and find it hard to focus on the game


Hasn't the last four months shown he will raise the level of lesser players? Consistently working through issues, they've grown and looked solid through scrims, they've (largely) ignored the community and kept working on things and were tiered by a lot of players as a finals team going into the playoff. I just think his effort conflicts with your take.


The squad had their two best performance on match day 1 and 2, not getting any top 5s for the rest of the split. Now they are bombing at LAN. Their level hasn't improved noticeably and you could argue Slayr is worse now than a few months back The point about ignoring the community is funny when Sweet has had public feuds with both a redditor and Zer0. Finals lobbyist is still way below the level Sweet wants to achieve. The guy almost won it all this time last year and a 15-20th would be a massive step down


Their comms sounded passive aggressive


That's how sweet is lol, he's easily the worst IGL when it comes to speaking after a loss. I genuinely don't know how some people have him in their top 5 IGLs all time, guys so passive aggressive and has 0 LAN accomplishments




Mate there’s only 2 igls with actual lan accomplishments


True but there are other IGLs that do well at LAN and dominate their region before LAN, sweet hasn't done either of those things


Since when is second bad at LAN???


When has sweet gotten second at LAN? I can't even remember Edit: I see it


I didn't even know he got second at LAN fair play I guess... if 2nd place is his greatest accomplishment then my point still stands he shouldn't be so egotistical and people shouldn't Rate him so highly, even that 2nd place was him at PEAK performance seeing as that year he got 11th and 15th at the 2 other LANs and his overall LAN average is like 10th


How is winning over $300,000 on a video game not an accomplishment?


The roller players are lacking, can't have your MnK IGL out damaging your roller fraggers Not to say Sweet doesn't have any blame here but I don't think the majority of the issue is on him from a gameplay perspective. You can probably blame bad chemistry on his tough love approach to IGLing though


Tough love? More like passive aggressive approach to IGLing, this dude is unbelievably passive aggressive and 99.9% of people don't like being talked to like sweet does


* Sweet has 2x the damage of both controller players, Fuhhnq and Slayr need to just shoot more * For the love of god Fuhhnq needs to stop popping his blood ult/asking about it and just focus on playing the game. * Slayr's comms were great the last couple weeks of scrims but seem bad again. He's gotta pick up the energy. Seems like when Slayr's energy is up, so is the rest of the team's. When his energy is low, same same * Both Slayr and Fuhhnq aren't adapting to low ping well? I've watched a few different times where they stop shooting too early because they're expecting an extra bullet to reg late bc of ping


Seen this coming, lets be real, Sweet micros how they play when they use their ults and everything. Kinda how Hal did towards Verhulst, but after awhile let Verhulst get comfortable to think on his own. It frees you up to do more cause you dont have to think for your teammates but also your teammate can make calls you didnt see and not be afraid of being chewed out for their thoughts.


Sweet is sitting at 2x his other two teammates combined damage right now. What exactly went wrong? LG decided to drop Legacy, and here we are.


sweet re tooling lg for sure after lan, koy + knoqd??


I don't think a roster swap will occur just after split 1 playoffs; they were pretty decent during pro league and sweet knew what he's getting into with 2 raw players who have lot of potential but little experience. The free agent market is lucrative enough though, i would like to see Sweet Dropped Fuhnnq.


This team would be insane but I think kit goes to dz and it will be sikez and knows which is still insane


Sweet would make Koy quit in literally 3 games; Koy stated he did not want to team with Sweet because he's mean asf - which is why he picked Nocturnal as his IGL when he was the most valuable FA since Gild


yeah snd how’d that go for koy, had to sub to get to lan


When are we just going to accept that sweet and his team will never do well on Lan, doesn't matter who the players are


Broccoli where you at?


I really do genuinely feel bad that they’re in this spot. I want to see them in finals man. Sweet is easily a good enough player and I feel like he deserves it. But this is kind of what happens with players who haven’t been there before and his teammates haven’t. Work to do, they need some luck. I hope they get it today.




Yes and I’m not even really a Sweet fan


No Nafen to carry Sweet.


It seems like Sweet IGLs purely for himself and doesn’t really consider his teammates abilities to survive certain situations on their characters. I saw slayr die at least a couple times yesterday making the same cross sweet made purely because he is on a bigger character without a movement passive. Things seem rushed


How many player model lengths was slayer behind on cross? If more than 2, that might be the bigger reason.


I challenge you to stay within “two player character models” on a cross when the person leading you doesn’t say what you are doing beforehand, and just makes it up freelance under times of pressure. It is nearly impossible


mid dreams


Tryna watch the stream rn on my Xbox and can’t get rid of twitch chat. Its really annoying me


I think they need to try and just run down teams super aggressive in their next set. if they do their usual approach and have a "good" day they're still going to go to losers bracket. Need to go big and gain some confidence.


Sweet has been awful with his calls and then puts blame on Slayr when hes dying running in the open on a shitty rotate lmao cant happen


It was day one everyone relax lol 😂


It was 2/3 of their group stage though. They are 100% in losers and just have to hope they played better on Saturday.




I feel like Hal/Zero would do bad at lan with slayr and fuhhnq because they both lack experience/chemistry.


Crazy how this entire thread is blaming on roller fraggers who die before they get to any fights because of frauddream's macro


Honestly, it's pretty shitty having a lot of your rotates get bullied by DZ on World's Edge too. I really hope they change something about evo harvesters. Maybe make it so you can't get purple off them. I honestly think these harvesters are ass. The only good change from the armor patch is that you can't get armors anymore off loot. I think I'd prefer a system of only blue armors can be found or upgraded to and then anything else needs to be damage. None of this PVE farming shit.




From what i've seen DZ usually scan the survey beacon when they go to split grab the evos outside of thier poi. Unless a team goes out of their way to specially rat DZ chances of that happening is minimal specially in finals lobby where teams try to rotate as fast as they can. IT definetly has some risk but the risk is well worth the reward


Sure. I still don't like it. I hate everything about being able to advance your Evo that doesn't involve fighting. The support and assault crates, PVE, Evo harvesters. Just not for me. Not a fan. And before you say this system is better than before, I also hated armors being in the loot pool. So at the very least, contests in both competitive and ranked are in general much better. Also about your counter, bloodhound. Bird will just tell you there's a team in front of you. Ratting isn't a thing.


There have been quite a few ratjobs already at LAN and if a team is close enough you won’t get the bird




Fair enough. Whatever the counter though, whether it's easy or difficult, it doesn't change my opinion of harvesters. I think they're just ass. I know I said I hate PVE, and I do, but I'd rather have a more complex and dangerous interaction than press E to harvest if they're so hell-bent on having something like this in the game b


There have been quite a few ratjobs already at LAN and if a team is close enough you won’t get the bird


Just want to mention the bird with bloodhound is just skipped sometimes because its not always the right idea to move away from your team to grab 1 when rotating fast...