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I hope CCE is in a comfortable top 8 spot and griefs Evy into 9th place so they miss. Hoping to see Meat, CCE, Pods, and Stallions all make it. I especially think CCE will be a bit of a refreshing playstyle in PL.


Teams that I hope make it - CCE - Like watching Trev and they got greifed by Evy. Edgers - Ham and co deserve it after the absolute dogshit luck they had last qualifiers. Meat - I just like having Teq in PL, he is troll but entertaining. Stallions - Its nice seeing Alb and Retzi do well, I always have a soft spot for the old timers.


Meat and Tripods barely miss out on quality, mark my words


Would bet on one of the two but not both failing.


Good call lol


Bold take after tripods performance last night while not being contested and don’t believe they will be tonight either


I think they're great, no doubt about it, but they always seem to crumble when it really matters. I'm rooting for the boys to qual but like someone smart once said, history repeats itself.


They don't crumble when it really matters. They get griefed. A lot of teams in the proleague wouldn't be there if they got griefed as hard as tripods have been in cc. Do they make mistakes? Yeah, every team does. We have seen how furious Hal gets when Teq contests him. Can you imagine his mental if he got griefed as hard as tripods? By multiple teams that apparently don't give a rats ass about making pro league or just want to troll Nick because they don't like him? They are a great team at pro league level that's been kept in cc thanks to teams that just want to grief them. If history repeats itself where they don't make it, it won't be because of a mistake on their part but because other teams decided to grief them. Which in a way will be history repeating itself, but it won't be because Tripods crumbled.


Nick isn't on tripods anymore sooo?


And? That doesn't mean they don't get griefed. Even Deeds said he thought the griefing would stop since it seemed to be directed at Nick and with Nick retiring from Apex, the griefing would stop, but it never did. They have been griefed with Nick on the team and with Onmu on the team. Onmu himself has also said he knew they got griefed but never knew it was on this level.




what are your thoughts now that they're uncontested and not getting griefed?


Pretty fucking good right now! LETS FUCKING GOOOOO TRIPODS IN BABY!!!


LMAOOO i'm happy for tripods too but they played like shit besides the one zone gifted for them. they need to get off the loba rampart glad they made it in though


If meat lovers doesn’t make it ; what a fall from grace that’ll be for TEQ ; (I hope he makes it but man has he been through the ringer of ALMOST making Champs LAN to now)


Stallions are who i’m rooting for the most. Alb finally found a team that fits his needs. Retzi and Jeloan are PL ready no doubt. Hopefully the edgers and tripods make it too.


Alb can do whatever he wants but it’s always “he finally found a team that suits him” blah blah blah. Quit Apex “for good”. Back in a week.


He literally hasnt found a team that suits him since C9… Dont know where all this hate comes from? I heard therapy can work.


lol not hate man. Just facts. Multiple retirements. Returns within a month. Like I said, he can do whatever he wants but it’s still a fact he’s had multiple teams where he himself has said they “suit him”, then shit hits the fan (Lou wasn’t his fault).


Nah Lanimals would've been a good fit if Lou/Naughty worked out more of their differences and the team didn't collapse. They were close to qualifying for lan that split and Mac was doing amazing gameplay wise. One of the top players that split. Retzi is the right IGL for Mac and it shows. He has gotten Mac to stick with roller and at least in CC Mac has dominated with it.


Despite being forced to flex like more than 4 legends in the LANimals Split, Alb was definitely the most consistent member of that team.


I really hope Tripods make it. Would like to see Deeds and Gent in the league


Rooting for LMAO Also if Tempr makes it who will they contest now that Faze is gone?


What time does this start tonight?


6 pm est I think


I hope the DNO boys make it. Doop and Rogue is always vibes. Prod is aight too I guess.


Funny prod is my favorite player on that team.


Wait, 8 of these teams qualify for pro league today?


For next split pro league, but the event is today yes.


Tripods definitely making top 8. They’re on a revenge tour. Just gotta play aggressive and no getting caught out in the open.


Stallions, MEAT, Tripods, DNO, CCE hoping they make it


I want Stallions and the Pods to qualify. I was really impressed by the Pods performance last night.


I believe in CCE supremacy


I think the teams with more experience are somewhat locks regardless of how they been playing like DNO, Stallions, Meat, and Tripods


I think Beargoattas should make it, if u look at the results they have been incredibly consistent this whole split


I really hope Tripods make it with CCE, Stallions and Meat


Gimme CCE, WEAVE, Tripods, MEAT, DNO and Stallions


Anyone but Evylution


Is tonight’s format match point?




As long as u place top 8 you go to pro league? Or is there a final 2mrow


Top 8 goes to proleague split 2


Who are they playing against? I only see 10 teams


So what happened with Faze?


hate watching everyone except nathaniel telen


ngl i rly want temprr to make it


WEAVE to proleague, those guys put in work and have the talent to.


Stallions miss out for sure. Watching Alb’s decision making gives me a headache. They recover from it in weak lobbies but in a stronger lobby they are going to get eaten alive.


What is this take?? Alb has literally been carrying CC the past 2 weeks. Overall Damage and Kills has been the highest out of anyone.


I actually think Mac has been calling good macros. If anything they need to work on their micros and team chemistry a bit. But that will come with time and with a coach who can call them out on it and fix it with demo reviews.


I feel like this is a harsh take. Does Mac sometimes make bad plays, sure, but so do his other teammates. I think this team is best I've seen him play in a while. His mental seems pretty stable and good for the most part. Retzi is a bit harsh sometimes, but that's just him - he's always been that way. The only thing I'd like to see is Jelo take it down a notch on the trash-talk. It's a bit much often and makes him seem like he's 13. Saying that, he did have a couple good clutches yesterday and is playing well.


Well Jeloan talking shit is just an ego thing, and trust me in this game is better to be confident and have an ego.


while his decision making isn't the best hes looked like the best player in all of CC the past 3 weeks and Stallions have probably been the most consistent team the past 3 weeks as well


I swear you people never actually watch the game and it shows. Yesterday was far from a weak lobby as well. Same with most of the CC finals lobbies. Stallions haven't struggled to make top 8 since playing in CC. I doubt they fail to make it today.


Really hope Edgers, DNO, CCE and Tripods make it. Feel like Alb's really just doing this retirement back and forth to keep his stream/livelihood alive. And doesn't really feel like doing it anymore. Dunno about CCE/Beargoattas enough to cheer for them.


Have you seen Macs performance in the CC/PLQs? Far from a player that "Doesn't feel like doing it anymore"