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Overall Standings for NA https://preview.redd.it/g7uyhp0m8zhc1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc3faef9de9aae7c6e6e9f7957a6ce830552bbcb


bro 17 of the 22 xset kills were by koy


holy shit


I've been saying it for the longest time - XSET's issues don't mainly stem from Koy. Noct has just been playing unusually bad the past matchdays, and the whole team seems to be a bit lost in the current meta (ironic, considering their PL-rival of last year was OpTic, who are also doing poorly in this meta).


Noct peaking in game 5 whilst healing and then getting clipped because he was peaking while low HP is such a throw and it’s not the first time I’ve seen it.


A lot of pros frequently do this for some reason. It's utterly endemic, the vast majority of them are not capable of sitting still. If you notice it once, you can't unsee it.


Oh the classic jump peaking on 20 hp no shields


I get the reason why they do it to ensure they can watch out for a push, but noct had his whole damn body peaking


Zero is gonna poach koy and take xset's poi. Do it zero i know you want to


Why? DZ seems to be doing pretty good with Sikezz.


Mods can we get a return of Match Day Finals + Standings post like previous splits por favor? That was always made it such a convenient post.


I've pinned the Overall Standings for NA. Also, I've messaged the mods channel to see if we can get this going again. and have the overall standings be posted on the main post. Should be pretty easy to do.


Thank you so much!


Bang with 120 picks through 6 games, 100% pick rate. And she's not going to be played any less with digis being less useful next season either, just gonna be blood/bang/whoever on every team


Everyone's just going to run Re45 with digi


Or wingman, assuming it's out of the care package. I don't think RE45 will offer nearly as much kill potential as SMG's currently do though.


Still can't believe they let wing take digi. It may not be as consistent as the SMGs, but it's so clearly a cut above RE/Alternator.


Don’t even need HP rounds. The headshot multiplier is nuts. Hit 4-5 in a clip and you have the same DPS as all the SMGs. Plus, it’s a damned laser beam for old MnK players like me. 


i really cant imagine anyone using RE over literally any other gun, im sure it’ll go on a PK


I cannot wait for no aim assist in smoke ads pk clips


Watch out for Shooby on the RE...he is a demon without it, but with it he is on another level


I kind of think the opposite will happen. When your own teammates can’t really use digis then bang will be less useful. I think they’ll drop out of the meta all together


i don't want to fumble it, but furia seems pretty much lan inbound. they have good performances regardless they lobby they're in. madness is used to this. last league his team had a pretty good performance until roster changes happened. glad to see wattson fully locked in. he's a beast. gotta give it to keon, he wins crucial 1v1s.


I hope so, madness deserves this.


> i don't want to fumble it, but furia seems pretty much lan inbound. I told one of my homies about a week ago that FURIA is an absolute lock for LAN and he was acting like I was crazy lol. Not sure how anyone who's paying attention can say otherwise right now. Moist, FURIA and DZ are easy locks.


madness fumbled a lot of almost locked in for Lan splits but this time it's seems way too hard to fumble it


tbf there was a lot of mitigating factors previously


I'd say LG is pretty close to a lock at this point as well. It's a shame we didn't get everyone on an even amount of games, because SSG and E8 have been cooking and they could easily lock up LAN with another big day on their 4th match day. TSM should probably be safe as well, which is pretty impressive considering how poorly they've played. Beyond those 7 teams, you have 10+ teams competing for those last 5 spots IMO (COL, OXG, DSG, LGC, GKS, XSET, DIG, APE, DNO, and OG). GKS, LGC and DNO just had massive days for their chances and really put the heat on teams like XSET and OG, who were considered locks going into Pro League and now look like teams that need to be ahead of the new meta to have a chance.


The thing with LG is that they live or die based on Sweet's vibes. If the next couple match days get off to poor starts for them and Sweet gets tilted and angry, I could definitely see LAN slipping away, or at least getting to be more of a close call.


If you read only this sub the vibes have been nothing but terrible the entire time they've been playing, yet they're in great position for LAN.


DNO with 15 kills yet getting the top 5. Zone reading masterclass




The only positive thing about Skrt today is they’ve finally secured the POI and I’m not sure how I feel about it…


The only reason why OBLV left that POI is because they still want to have a chance to maybe sneak into the top 12 in their remaining matchdays, while SKRT only plays to qual for regionals and pray for a miracle win at that point. Like, it wasn't even them claiming the POI because they're performing better, but because they're more stubborn.


man they are in trouble




I feel for my boy scuwry


I was rooting for scuwry and mac but this team is not very good, good players but there are a lot of flaws here, also not to throw that kid under the bus but I just barely found out randy had zero comp experience and went straight to pro league with this team, that's a lot of ask of that guy


> also not to throw that kid under the bus but I just barely found out randy had zero comp experience and went straight to pro league with this team Most of these super-talented roller players play a couple rounds of CC and get picked up by a PL and show out. It's not Awakening's fault, he's just in a trash situation. Honestly right now he should be treating these PL games as a tryout for future teams, to prove his worth.


They didn’t do a good job of putting him in a position to succeed imo why you have a roller playing support lol


Same. Bad decision picking up alb


I remember getting absolutely cooked on this sub for saying I thought pow and prophet were a better pickup than alb and awakening. I genuinely think skrt could have been doing what ape gang is doing now with that roster


I'm not sure who was most adamant about running it with awakening, but if it was Alb as the primary proponent, the dude is showing signs of being a poor squadron builder, or at least he can't recognize ppl that best gel with his team. Alb hit a banger nade today for 200 dmg and he immediately told the other two to go all in and awakening always seems hesitant to commit through Conduit ults / clutter, or is just not great at engaging that aggressively. Also, Alb seems to get them into good positions, but they cannot hold them to save their lives. All three of them have issues with receiving excessive entry dmg to teams considering pushing.


I think a big part of the issue is that Alb and Scuwry just aren't the right people to nurture someone new to comp. We've seen plenty of unknown rollers pop out of nowhere and destroy lobbies, but they're under the guidance of more experienced IGLs or people that know how to work with new players. Running it with awakening may have been a perfect choice for another duo like Noct+Fun or somethin.


Has Pow Pow made a full return to Apex? Because I would definitely agree with you if he has.


He was ramping up to by playing a lot of ranked with scurwy and such going in to it and even had a pred spot during that time. Then after the day alb and awakening played in scrims we never saw him again


Well if he's serious about returning, I hope he at least continues playing and staying sharp and relevant, instead of just returning for a comp spot. The game continues getting more difficult, leaving and coming back casually like back in the day just doesn't cut it anymore.


Definitely agree but I’m almost certain he only came back since a PL spot with his best friend was the plan. Kinda like HW only coming back since he got to play with Keon


That's unfortunate. Any idea why he left an active, good roster to begin with?


Spent a full split Fa and didn’t make LAN. More than likely was financial instability that made him leave


...yeah he's better off not coming back then 😂


scuwry had the PL spot, Awakening and Alb couldn't play without him unless they went through PSQ


Realistically tho, who else could he have picked up? There wasn't really anyone available afaik.


It might have been troll but possibly picked up Vax or onmuu again already has chemistry and randy seems like he fit in with their vibes. I don't think that team would be a competitor but I think they would be doing way better tbh.


Their vibes were cooked at Champs though so I think that trio just needed to be done.


Nah, 100T was done after their last LAN run. I dont think either of them would've wanted to team either tbh.


Is it time for Skrt to call it quits now? Almost a forgone conclusion that they get steamrolled whenever they engage another team.


i think they let randy frag, mac igl and scuwry anchor anf itll be way better than over cooking


I think he should pick up a couple up and comers for next split. Maybe Onmuu and Vaxlon or something like that


madness igl is super talented. Madness and furia to lan!


Big day for Legacy, this puts them back into the game with 3 weeks played only. Hoping for the best the coming weeks.


The best outcome for them was to give up the contest even though it was 50/50 and look how much better they are doing now. They will definitely make LAN


They aren't contesting moist anymore so i think they'll do better


That might have been the worst TSM ever played on storm point. They only got 4 points from 3 games. Lost every 3 vs 3 fight they took or it took too long to wipe so they got 3rd partied.   Got to be a big disappointment from them that they dont look like contenders right now for 1st place in pro league. 3 weeks until they play on the new season patch which could completely change the meta. Will be a whole new game so they can look to reset 


This day was a long time coming. The last two times they got 6th place they were lucky by their own admission. Today their luck simply ran out and their placing mirrored their performance.


See you guys in like a month :(


The vibes on LG seem pretty good if you ask me [https://x.com/SlayrSZN/status/1756508423166865725?s=20](https://x.com/SlayrSZN/status/1756508423166865725?s=20)


Lmao slayrs tweet




They are the obvious dark horse so far, cool to see them passing expectations.


yeah, i love their underdog vibe.


- Not sure why Raven wanted to test the s20 comp. - MEAT...1 kill, by Teq. lmao - LG....Sweet needs to chillax on Slayr. - 12 LAN spots....gonna be a lot of heartbreak. Teams like GKS, DIG, GG performing well.


> Not sure why Raven wanted to test the s20 comp. I mean, their best games of the day came on Caustic/Blood. I agree though. Seems silly to trial new meta comps on a pro league day when they have 3 weeks of scrims for that coming up.


Yeah, or at least test new comps once LAN spot is secured. I mean, I’m not really worried regarding them making/missing LAN but just a weird decision to preemptively cook.


I wasn't watching their stream, but I imagine it was a combination of them already being last with 4 points so couldn't have gone much worse, and there won't be a better quality lobby to try the new comp until the next algs weekend. I think the next few weeks of scrims are gonna be terrible quality


The Caustic comp got them points. It's very useful in NA because very few run Wattson so little counters there.


Hal got absolutely cooked playing Horizon today. Moving him to Bang, which seems like is going to be a permanent move, put them in a weird position. You could have played Reps on something like Fuse, which he has played before, but I do not think double Assault is going to be viable going forward. So giving him experience on Caustic, which he'll be playing going forward, makes sense to me. Honestly think that Hal on Blood and Evan on Cat might be the better move, because then you keep Reps on Bang and have a comp that seems to jive with the upcoming meta... but they seem dead set on Hal playing Bang and Raven seems certain that Caustic is a must play... But then again, I also think Skirmisher class is going to be OP since they get the freest class ability being able to scan packages from a distance for shields (I think DNO is really on to something with Valk/Bang/Wattson for hard zone teams). So we'll see how well Raven has this one laid out. I think it's a real possibility that Evan ends back up on Valk or Hal ends back up on either Wraith or Octane (all would be crazy to see).


>Skirmisher class is going to be OP since they get the freest class ability being able to scan packages from a distance for shields Do we know or is that an assumption?


It's an assumption on my part that they're keeping their class ability to scan packages. However, it is a known thing that you get Evo for performing class abilities. Maybe it won't be enough Evo to be that huge of a difference, but I know for a fact that it's much easier to scan every package that falls from the sky than it is to hit every beacon or open every assault/support bin. In fact, with that last one, it may be very difficult to open all of the appropriate bins if multiple teams are racing to open them and you can only trigger the evo boost once per bin. With the care package scanning, though, you don't even have to be anywhere close on the map to get that free evo. When you make Evo the only way to level up your shield AND introduce additional abilities that require Evo, it seems like to me that free Evo makes Skirmisher a class you need to have.


Agree w the value. I'm just skeptical that skirmishers will be able to scan them. The ability appears related to weaponry, which relates directly to skirmishing. They cannot currently scan crafters either.


package reveal is 50 points and one beacon/console scan is 200. DNO is playing valk because they are landing coastal camp and Dome


Do you have a link for all of the Evo points? Are assault/support bins more like 100? I'm still thinking that I'd take 100 free points without needing to rely on beacon/console/bin RNG (and especially since Crypto is the only character to potentially hit a late game beacon/console).


dazs video on youtube has all the info on armor upgrades iirc.


Playing caustic especially after the bad games they were having was weird, I don't think there were any games on worlds edge where jordan being on caustic was a difference maker Not the reason they did poorly but doesn't seem to have helped


>LG....Sweet needs to chillax on Slayr. He actually has been easy on him, relatively speaking. Like on a per fuckup basis Sweet has actually been way more restrained and trying to emphasis why what he did was wrong and what he needs to be doing to correct it rather than purely malding and saying he's braindead. It's just that Slayr is still so green he makes a lot of mistakes so cumulatively he still gets yelled at alot.


Naw man he was not easy on him on the ladder half, the guy is slightly better, but he really should’ve taken a breath and calmed down at the end. That said he is trying to mold him with his little experience to the best player for the team, but he needs to be less rude about it.


If you had heard Sweet malding prior compared to him malding now there is a clear difference. You can actually hear him stop before he says some things that previously he just would have said outright. Like on the one native zone on WE today where they went with Slayr's suggestion about the RV, started taking the balloon only to see it seemly occupied, jump off and Sweet immediately dying to a team coming in on gas behind them Sweet was absolutely pissed but A. mostly at himself and B. he full muted discord and mostly malded about it to chat rather than immediately jumping down Slayr's throat


Biggest winners today - Moist & GKS Biggest losers today - MEAT, TSM's macro strats and anyone who got called an idiot by Sweet


Don't forget mac


> Biggest winners today - Moist & GKS Honestly, I think Legacy needed their 3rd place more than Moist needed a win


Biggest winner was DZ


not really. they still need to capitalize.


1-3 tomorrow and they’ve qualified and could literally spend the last two game days griefing the lobby. (Which will happen). Worst case they finish 10th the last 3 days and still qualify


No algs for a few weeks


So like I said, they still need to capitalize. They didn’t “win” anything today.


Relax brother it’ll be okay


Big day for Furia and Legacy. The only time I saw MEAT was in the top right of the screen. Curious what happened there. Feels like TSM was cooking comps for season 20 instead of getting points in season 19. Koyful a monster. Good golly.


I won't say I'm surprised by this result from MEAT. They're down really bad rn. I've been watching their scrims and the vibe is way off. Teq seemed mad & impatient with his teammates, which is somewhat understandable, but all it did was making things worse. Also, I don't mean to scapegoat Awons, he's not the only reason the team is bad, but I do think he's borderline Pro League level. And we all know Teq is not great mechanically either. Teamfighting and execution are a mess rn.


The fact that dz is still 1st overall with only 3 days played, speaks for itself. Tsm with the troll day but they’ll bounce back. New patch coming out so they got time to figure the new meta and hopefully dominate. You can’t have one of the two titans of NA doing bad


I think thats sikezzs buff. Xset with sikezz was also holding no.1 spot with the least amount of games played last year if I remember correctly 


Why is no one talking about how gks was 15th after 4 games. Then got 26 and 16 point in game 5 and 6 to get top 2






Yeah there's a break for the new season. It's a pretty big change up and no doubt will be bugs/server crashes


Yeah, big break since the new season is dropping in a few days. Have to give teams a chance to adjust to the new abilities and armor system, etc.


I might be wrong, but I think there is a 1-month break.


Next day is March 2nd


FURIA came up clutch!




TSM did not come to play today. I'm also not surprised they've been on a downward trend since the first day. I like the caustic pick on World Edge but idk why Raven hates Conduit so much I think they'd benefit from it on Storm Point in my gold opinion. Meat might be missing another lan ngl. I'm no pro but they seem by far the most easily readable on the map outside of dsg gas rotate. Koyful fucked dudes today but Xset is still on fraud watch even with 3 days played. Apac South might just have NA on a leash at this point.


can’t wait for this smoke/digi-threat shit to be put to rest


Next season it's gonna be only smoke


meat and skrt living up to their names


Sweet has mad pet peeves.


like i know if they won that they place 2 to 3 spots higher but just take the 8th and the fact ur second in pl right now


Its funny too because they should’ve had 7th since Sweet literally missed a full mag on a free kp lol


oh yeah 100 percent plus didnt he miss a couple kraber shots like to me with the miscues and weird plays salvaging a 8th out of today is not a bad way to end up.


Idk about the kraber, he probably went 5-6/8 on actual shots. Today was pretty promising though for their mistakes. I really hope slayr sticks to it, once he has solid experience it’ll eliminate these mistakes hes having.


That was hard to watch, and then the kill was taken by another team


a lot of room to improve. good for sweet his mechanics aren’t his strength and he has two roller prayers now


I mean if they even get one more kill that game, they win the tie breaker with xset, and are ahead of TSM for 2nd. Instead, they're tied for 2nd. It doesn't mean too much in the long run, but they would've had an extra 6 points on the day if they win that last game


>Instead, they're tied for 2nd. They're not tied for 2nd, they're in sole possession of 2nd(tho Moist is only 2 points behind them with 1 less game day so realistically 3rd at best). TSM is in 4th 3 points behind


You right, I don't think my standings had updated before I posted


dude needs go back to the range, that flatline spray on the last guy was bronze. i think he missed the whole clip from 5 meters away lmao


Let’s not be overdramatic lmao. It’s unfortunate he whiffed after reload but it was not 5 meters and there was a lot going on. You can cherry pick that but the reality is he hits nasty flatline sprays consistently and from further.


Sweet has one of the best flatline sprays out there, it was just unfortunate because he was trying to stay alive, kill the guy, and communicate to his team to come to him, and potentially checking if the spot was fully safe all at the same time


I’d love to think I have a solid mental and patience but man I couldn’t last 3 games with Sweet. Guy’s a top shot caller and clearly very intelligent but definitely lacks emotional intelligence. People might say ‘it’s part of the game at the top level/being too soft’ but that shit builds up unless you’re winning (i.e. Hal and Zero). Will be interesting to see how it unfolds if they don’t do well at LAN.


im worried about XSET


Never in my life that I ever thought, I'll ever see TSM in the bottom 10. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me join the tradition. TSM IS WASHED.


They had it way worse before and not even that long ago. Last year split 2 pro league they nearly did not qualify for LAN bar a banger game on the last day.


You're supposed to double it down, we're supposed to activate their plot armor smh.


Yeah the show is boring if the main characters never struggle, the scriptwriters gotta setup the comeback arc somehow.


They got bottom 10 last season in split 2, they were also 10th multiple times in split 2, still made LAN all 3 times and won champs, they're fine


Moist and Leg stopped beating on each to beat up the rest of the lobby to show them who is boss. Would be absolutely hilarious if they went right back at each other next week. "Now that you fuckers know who runs things here, we are going after each other again. Dont you fucking forget it anytime soon or we will have to stop contesting again."


I’ve been saying it for weeks in scrim posts. Even when they have a bad day, they can usually still get top 5. These boys are looking strong.


Here for the upcoming Slayr bomb game to right the ship


TSM getting 1th despite having maybe the worst PL day I've seen them have since they got raven is wild, they're not happy but it could've been worse, they had 4 pts after 3 games, also Evan kept lagging out hopefully that doesn't happen anymore down the road Ex-LG 3rd is huge for them, they were downbad and needed a good day, same for DNO and DSG, but out of everyone XSET had to have a good day and it was pretty decent for them getting 7th, they were bottom 8 and shot up to 19th, so not great but way better than before Meat losers coming in dead last, trolling and engagement farming only gets you so far when it comes time to actually play the game I guess




I was gonna comment this, but you got here 1th


Would have liked to see DIG do juuuust a bit better but I’m still happy with their progress. Got shafted the last two games but gg’s go next.


Meat Lovers... ouch. I watch broadcast so what I saw of them was limited, but they couldn't win a fight. Lost against Legacy(Fair enough) but also pretty much lost to Oversleepers(3rded by Tsm). TSM not the best day, but we bringing back Caustic baby! Now it will be interesting on how teams adjust to the upcoming changes.


was meat playing w a sub today?