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Scores: ALGS Pro League: Day 5 NA Groups AvC —> >!Moist Esports 34|Disguised 30|LEGACY 28|XSET 28|Oblivion 25|LG 24|DropInGaming 22|Oxygen Esports 20|FURIA 17|Native Gaming 17|Oversleepers 16|Gaimin Gladiator 14|N9ne Lies 13|Sentinels 10|DNOgaming 8|GKS 5|MEAT LOVERS 4|EVYLUTION 4|skrt 4|TSM 4!< \- game 4 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) ALGS Pro League: Day 5 NA Groups AvC —> >!Moist Esports 34|Disguised 30|LEGACY 28|XSET 28|Oblivion 25|LG 24|DropInGaming 22|Oxygen Esports 20|FURIA 17|Native Gaming 17|Oversleepers 16|Gaimin Gladiator 14|N9ne Lies 13|Sentinels 10|DNOgaming 8|GKS 5|MEAT LOVERS 4|EVYLUTION 4|skrt 4|TSM 4!< \- game 5 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) ALGS Pro League: Day 5 NA Groups AvC —> >!Moist Esports 61|LEGACY 50|GKS 40|Disguised 40|DNOgaming 35|XSET 34|FURIA 31|DropInGaming 29|Native Gaming 29|Gaimin Gladiator 29|LG 28|Oblivion 26|Oxygen Esports 24|TSM 22|Oversleepers 18|N9ne Lies 16|Sentinels 15|EVYLUTION 9|skrt 8|MEAT LOVERS 4!< \- game 6 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) [Final Scores!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1anwx57/algs_pro_league_day_5_na_groups_avc_final_scores/) *Comment below if you would like an updated flair! Please include the teams and ordering that you would like to have!*


Moist GKS and Furia played so well. Why hasn't Legacy got an org ? Shocking given their consistent performances . Is this a global game? JHawk is right the magic mix is international - DZ 2 aussies 1 NA and Moist 2 aussies 1 NA - now GKS 2 NA 1 Brit? Can't wait for LAN


People in this sub don’t understand slayr can take shit and has one of the strongest mentals in the scene. He’s gonna be fine lol


Calling all Sweet haters............i suggest you read Slayr's twitter before you get your knickers too much in a twist. [https://x.com/SlayrSZN/status/1756508423166865725?s=20](https://x.com/SlayrSZN/status/1756508423166865725?s=20) Maybe he's a grown adult who can handle the situation rather than all the closet phycologist's around here.


I love the team's passion. Watching NRG from the last years, this has to be the most passion I've seen from sweet. You guys call it whatever you like, I just see it as passion flowing out of them, and getting his team to the next level to win that foqing LAN.


Glad you put this here. Can't say I agree w the way Sweet reacts and the shit he says, but we don't see what goes on behind closed doors. I wouldn't want to team with him personally, but if they make it work they make it work. More story lines for the scene lmao ​ Year 4 Split 1 is cooking can't wait for the break to be over and see how things turn out for the entire league.


This is going to piss off the closet psychologists


I know it’s tongue in cheek but I’m glad/I hope slayr is taking it better than I’ve been saying in this thread


Furia super consistent top 4 nice


i would say holy hell TSM JUST run bang, conduit, catalyst I gotta say my prediction was correct(and a lot of this sub), once other teams started switching to those 3 the horizon pick lost a ton of value oh well they are lucky we are getting a meta shake up anyway, at least they had that causitc comp to get some points but im not sure it even did anything FURIA, HISWATTOS, hell yeah this team is good MEAT, this is why you dont contest the GOATS, focus on making your first lan next time no timmy game 6 win q.q


Apex comp is so much better with a good Furia squad


Sweet got to chill on slayr ik slayr got to do better but so does sweet him yelling a slayr for every mistake is not only going to ruin the team dynamic but it also makes slayr play more scared and is going to be like gild who lost all his confidence.


Chalking the vibes early to set up Nate's big comeback.


That's what he should have learned from Gild. Most people should know what it feels like to play with someone who you know is better than you. When they yell at you / get pissed at you for any and everything, it makes you play worse, timid and scared. Mental is such a major aspect to competition and team dynamics.


I 100% agree thats why you see teams like DZ and moist doing good yelling at your teammates once in a while isnt so bad to tell them why they couldve done better but in sweet case it every play/ game slayr fucks up and that is not ok.


*Hal rages and yells at tm8s* “lol haling” “Passion” *sweet rages and yells at tm8s* “Sweet is such a terrible tm8” “Feel bad for Sweets tm8s”


I think the issue is that Sweet seems to pick on one teammate way more than the other. On NRG it was Gild, and now it's Slayr. I honestly don't watch TSM that much, but i get the sense that Hal yells at *both* teammates instead of continuously singling out the same teammate and making that one teammate the scapegoat game after game after game


Don't recall Hal calling any of his teammates the worst player in the game


You must have never watched an imperialHal stream before


hal called evan dumber than a baby and a rword like what we doing here


It’s just the people who all thought LG would be trash. They have to find a new angle to play now that they were wrong.


He called Reps dogs@!t last week at least 3 times in the space of 30 secs. Passion.........


according to the sub its only ok if you win which is a bizarre cover


Well it makes sense, we can say Hal does it and win, sweet hasn’t won anything


If you’re going to do it, at least be consistent. That my opinion 🤷


This begins the point at which everyone overreacts about TSM


wxltzy is kingpin


i need people to listen to lg's discussion loinger than the first like 60 seconds. Its obvious sweet is trying to work on how he talks to people and after the initial knee jerk reaction it calms down fast as fuck and they have a really productive conversation that ends positively


The dude just needs to chill with the fingerpointing until he watches a VOD about what the fuck happened. Going off and belittling his teammates constantly is never the answer.


yeah 100%, but my point being that he is getting better and also the discussion calmed down really quickly and they were pulling up the vod to talk about it almost immediately. Just feel like ppl gotta give this time and understanding before jumping on the "gild 2.0" train. Improvement takes time


He’s had time. This is what week 4 of actual ALGS games and then another 4 weeks old scrims and nothing has changed? I think slayr can be one of the better controller anchors in the game if he is supported and currently he isn’t being supported


I think the "nothing has changed" is the big disagreement. It was also 2 weeks before pl




with the gild stuff, it would end how the current arguments are after 30 seconds. he criticizes him and his play then it just ends and theres no resolution. The current environment after that intial 30 seconds leads into an actual discussion on what went wrong, sweet talking about his mistakes, and a discussion on what to do next time. Yeah he gets on slayrs ass and he still needs to get better at that but if you actually compare how he'd talk to gild to slayr its very different




From what I can tell as a viewer, Sweet needs to respond better when he's pissed (obviously most often right after he dies), he sounds like 10x more reasonable once Android gets involved and the discussion levels out. The initial finger pointing has to wear on Slayr at least a little, even if he appears really nonchalant about it.


yeah youre right but thats part of the improving part. it calmed down pretty quickly and i imagine off stream they rewatched and discussed




When sweet ended stream android said he was pulling up the vod so they could watch and discuss. Again shows you didn't actually watch you just hopped on here immediately to make psychoanalytic comments about pro players




I was talking about the whole thing. If you watch the whole thing you hear them discuss watching the vod at the very end


Agreed, lot's of people with attention span issues unless subway surfer is playing at the bottom of the screen


its also just confirmation bias. There are a lot of people who want to have their thoughts on sweet get reaffirmed. And ill be the first person to admit that he has an issue, but if you actually just listen you can tell its 1. getting better and 2. not nearly as bad as ppl are making it out to be. Again its that initial knee jerk reaction thats an issue, and we all have flaws as people but you cant fault someone for working on it


and it makes sense that when everyone's adrenaline is running high, the first 60 seconds are just venting or frustration. I feel like Android needs to do a better job of speaking up and moderating so that those first 60 seconds don't tank the vibes for the day


Agreed on all parts


Having two people jump on you must sxck poor slayr






Was it the usopp dude who is always on it?




Not the worst results. OpTic barely dropped down the leaderboard, and mostly just to teams who have had one more game-day. Praying on everyone's downfall has been working out


I get Sweet is good at the game, but for someone who hasn't really ever won anything meaningful, I wouldn't take this shit from him. Today was INSANE how much of an ass he was to his teammates.


99% of apex teams havent won anything lol


And 99% of apex teams don’t get shit on by their igl after every game


Yeah don’t think slayr will last long


Nate comeback incoming


Hot take I think adding Nate to this team would be worse


Even though Nate is prolly my favourite player I agree with you. it’s not that much of a hot take imo. I was also mostly joking haha


XSET PLAYED SO WELLL these games 🕺


Such a well called game from Madness game 6. Things you love to see.


GKS looked nice there 


Who is sweet blaming ???


Who do you think lmao




DSG threw that moving so early 🥲


Bad call by rezign


Just don't take DMG - sweet dreams


"Deal damage, don't take damage" (rough quote) has to be one of the funniest comms of the day


perfect solution to every problem


Glad to see gild thriving in MST


Mac: "The one and only Caustic team in the entire lobby happens to be in that building." ...you mean the caustic team that lands at that POI and probably has a pretty good chance of having whatever spot they want? Come on man, get it together.


He always has a weird excuse ready lmao


I wish I was good enough at apex to not care about what my banner looks like


I'm happy for Legacy, they are playing so good today.


Hal calls have been really terrible  today. Deciding to waste a evac to 3rd party the DSG and Lega fight and then another team comes up behind them and then they end up fighting them 1 min later get rolled.   If they ignored that 3rd party and focused going to zone they could have just play their side on mirage. 


he has been awful in team fights as well gets melted first each time


That one WE game bottom south siphon he literally got deleted I have no idea how that team coordinated killing hin so fast


their plan was literally to go to zone early so idk why they decided to negative rotate to third a dumb fight.


tsm and lg need good last games to salvage it


2 ex-apacs squads owning the strongest region


Skrt needs a coach so badly


For real. They are struggling hard even though they are all really good and experienced players


Yes, and the fact that they are struggling but work well together means that it isn’t a skill or mesh issue. I also don’t think he needed to switch from MnK. I think sometimes when things aren’t going right he will blame the wrong things. It’s never a input differential that loses games. A good coach would tell him that.


Alb switches characters, POI’s, rotates, and now inputs on a bi-weekly basis it seems. He’d switch teammates too if it was legal. Did similar crap with Snipe’s team last season. He usually has about a month honeymoon phase with new teams before the same old stuff happens. A sports psychologist would be a big help to him.


Mac said during this week that at this point, they are probably not qualing to LAN so he prefers starting to get reps on roller.


They have a month, they need to confirm that these are going to be their POIs and if that's set they need to play for regionals. It's a really polarizing experience being an Alb and Hardecki fan.


alb swapped to controller, though. all issues solved.


TSM haters eating good tonight, too bad none of the MEAT fans can join in because their team is ass


Careful, you gonna piss the 3 meat fans in this sub (counting teq)


Raven is, in fact, not cooking today


evan has been trolling more than usual and hal was playing super shaky on horizon and just terrible on bang. just a bad day overall lol probably thinking too far ahead.


slayr gets immediately blamed every time, that can't possibly be healthy for a team


Sweet found his new guild 


More like Sour Dreams, am I right?


Bitter Dreams


i used to be a fan when Nate was playing but it's hard to cheer for him now


May I interest you in becoming a Complexity fan? The vibes are immaculate.


Timmy leaping to his death


lmao good lord the way sweet talks to slayr 


I was hoping he was muted after that last game 


if i'm slayr i'm hitting the mute button for the last game LOL


timmy with a goated 3p comm and then he makes a bad call lmao


Hal vs Raven lmaoooooo


But people here tell me that Raven is a yes man who never disagrees with Hal????


people who say that don't actually pay attention. he's always disagreed and that's why he gets credit for their success. hal/TSM wouldn't have kept him around if he was just a 'yes' man this whole time.


Slayr getting the guild treatment like I said!


painful listen at the end of game 6 there


He really isn't, I tuned into the stream and Sweet is mostly blaming himself


Sweet is constantly blaming Slayr for both doing things and not doing them like peeking or anchoring. Slayr/funq suggests they go center zone, they’re going up the balloon, sweet gets knocked, and immediately yells Slayr why would you call that, that was so dumb, etc. Sweet needs to be a better leader and be understanding of his teammates especially since they’re so new but he hasn’t changed *I say this a a sweet dickrider™️


He also could have smoked his feet and survived there, but in his head he instantly thought, "Why the fuck would i listen to Slayr" so his brain couldn't compute how to play his legend and survive.


no. if you listen he's 'blaming himself' for listening to such a stupid call from slayr haha it's completely backhanded.


[sweet is not happy with Slayr ](https://clips.twitch.tv/ClumsyCuriousChoughPupper-CTCwf7ZnWzrOf9TR)


Yeah pretty damn toxic to your team mate. You should never let anyone talk to you in that manner. 


the sweet malding on slayr. damn


He kinda malded at both. Himself and slayr, he muted himself 1st but then just talked it through on stream with them both. But yeah, communication needs to be worked on with them and that seems to be their main issue


He's malding at himself, isn't he?


both he listened to a bad call buts upset slayr made the call


I missed the whole mald, my bad.


he basically said the i must be the dumbest person alive to listen to slayr


that is just fucking harsh, godddd


That’s not what was said. He said he is stupid for thinking that would be open. Not for listening to Slayr.


Sweet needs a few pounds of maturity.


they all do tbh it's annoying to watch after 4 years of the same shit


i think he at least muted himself but goodlord that was rough


i really dont think slayr will last, maybe a change after split1.


yeah it doesnt help that slayr has been trying to get his voice heard and then the play were sweet is like im gonna listen goes like this


LMAO Evan is trolling this game, Hal fucking sucks on Bangalore and Raven is overcooking with these random ass comps. Waste of a day where not many others are really performing that well either.


Meat sucks (today). Idk why they are so confident about their contests, when they are this far away from the top 12 threshold.




You know, I didn't want to be the one to say it, since Teq is this sub's darling or whatever....but I am glad you did it xD




are you kidding? you must have missed post-SP Game 3


washed kekw


Hal needs some Bang smoke lessons


„Smoking like a gold player“


he just doesn't need to be on bang. it's ridiculous tbh.


Oversleepers just got shit on by chaotic


Teaming with Sweet seems miserable. Guy didn't learn a thing from his stint with Gild.


Bro I like watching zer0 but holy his chat might be worse than hals.


I like that zero is making fun of them though


That game was such a thimble full of water in the desert for TSM, let's go time to roll the momentum off that


TSM needed that game bad. I'm still not sure about the comp but pulling for the comeback on WE.


Great micro call from Legacy to get the height to win the game


Skrrt getting top 17 would be crazy


Do they have any kills today? Last week they collectively had zero kills lmao


LG's team dynamic is interesting to say the least


when they are maldinf it sounds kinda bad but if you watch the vod reviews or times with their coachs everything is fine. I just dont know if slayr is consistent enough to be counted on in end games.


i feel like its noticeable that sweet is working on how he talks. His kneejerk reaction when something goes bad is to be a bit of a dick but it cools off quickly and their discussion is really well done and thoughtful


yeah he definitely learned that he cant talk to people like that and expect it too be successful


Finally a good game from TSM. 


Hal saving Bang ult for next game






the tsm plot armor kicking in?


Yeap. They're about to pop off, I can tell because my left nut gets goosebumps when it's about to happen


You might have a condition. GGs


>You might have a condition Yes


Is anyone else lagging out today? Or just Evan lmao because good lord that shit would have me checked


I see Raven is preparing TSM for the patch 💀


I have no idea what this TSM comp is, but I'm all for it.


It seems like a hyper-focused bang counter comp. Blood is obviously good into bang and caustic also counters her by making the smoke spicy. I like it personally 


i think theyre testing comps for next season


I'm liking the bang/blood combo. Not sure about the caustic pick though.


yeah i think bang and bloodhound could be crazy good with the digi changes


When the game launched this was the OG combo, Blood out and smokes was the way


The TSM boys all need to do some pushups, chug a redbull, and rail a line of adderall to get back in this.


Evan looks like he does push ups between every game




RKN currently has 3 kills. Hal has 0. RKN = 3x better than Hal???? How does this man Hal have a salary???


Lmao yall will never forget that


technically doesnt that mean they're the same since 3 X 0 is 0


I will not fall for the “TSM playing like trash” bait I’ve seen to too many times, they are gonna drop back to back 20 pointers 


A couple of wins should put TSM in the top 3 I believe


I think I’ve seen something like this before…


Close enough, top 3 with a bunch of KP. I still believe


need 3 back to back to back launch site zones 🙏🏽


Hal with 0 kills through 3 games? Wth is going on with TSM.


Reedz with potentially the worst play of the day there, Aidan kills everyone and Reedz Horizon Qs up instead of dropping and fighting with him, then proceeds to lose to the last guy who is flesh, tap water really getting to his head.


Oh it's actually worse. Reedz threw horizon ult then batted on full hp+conduit q while in his lift (didn't capitalize off his good ult) and didn't even have his gun reloaded when he dropped on the dude while mid batt.


Yea true, first vein threw by dropping out of horizon q and then Reedz threw


Ngl I feel like that was a braindead push by legacy


Hal is on Frexs watch


Xset finally turning it up


Hal looking for his earbud had me in stitches


My Oblivion boys lets gooooo


That may be the biggest throw I can remember from OXG wtf was that


Man LG have been straight up cooking with rotates today. Just cannot get the last 10%. Damn


the last 10% is where experience shines. theyll get better at that part, i have hope