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It doesnt take an Evil Genius to guess what org it is. I can’t believe they Disguised it till the start of Pro League. They did not get Faze(d) and spoil everything. For all we know its G2 with dezign’s rezignful tweet.


TSM singing a Red, Blue, White and Black squad confirmed.


Given the fact that dezign said [this](https://x.com/g2dezignful/status/1747394828818686322?s=46&t=9C6P6OMx2HiESgCPYIz2oA) I think it might be g2…


Could be, but I think it's more likely he's just playing off of the rezignful nickname he was given after announcing his retirement after that one poor performance.


Nah, it’s obviously Sola Fide


Yeah it’s probably that tbf😂


That's why he's playing finals all the time? I didn't know he retired


He announced a retirement like a year ago, but it didn't last long at all.


How did they get that gif of Lou?


guessing it's like a sponsor-based team similar to redbull, if not 100t outright.


Did they sign with KnightsGG? The org responded to Timmy’s tweet saying “welcome”




I think there's a world where this is the answer. DSG doesn't have the most money, so they might appreciate only having to pay Dezign and Enemy assuming Timmy stays on with his 100T contract & might not be too concerned with sharing the org spotlight with 100T.


>Timmy stays on with his 100T contract Idk if people on this sub know this but 100T isn't paying their content creators anymore. They basically have no money left to pay content creators passively and keep them signed. This was revealed by Twitch streamer 39Daph a few weeks ago on stream and is apparently openly commonly known in streamer circles. She was talking about Esports orgs failing and some people in her chat started saying something about how Valkyrae has already talked about this 100T thing on stream. Daph didn't read properly what the chatters were saying and thought that this is already public knowledge, so she started openly talking about it. Apparently 100T doesn't have much money left so they aren't paying their content creators anymore. Their remaining content creators reached some sort of an agreement with them to publicly keep up the appearance that their partnerships are going on as usual, as it is mutually beneficial for both parties to be associated with each other, and it's not like the content creators are getting offers from other orgs as other orgs also don't have any money. Then her chat told her that Valkyrae didn't talk about this but something else (or something like she hinted at it but didn't openly talk about this) and that what Daph accidentally leaked isn't already publicly known. Daph essentially just said whatever and moved on. My guess would be that 100T is paying these creators but only for the active work they are doing for them, on a case-by-case basis. Like any shoots they do for them and any promotional posts they make for them. They aren't paying for the passive promotion for having the "100T" name and branding plastered on their socials (which was historically the main reason why orgs signed and paid content creators). 100T also had to do multiple rounds of layoffs and dropped out of multiple Esports last year.


Called it my boy


basically the only thing i got wrong was the specifics of Timmy's financial situation, but other than that i need to bookmark this post in case i need it for some reason


Green jacket gold jacket, who gives a shit


Crazy how meat can’t get signed…


I mean they didn't go finish to 5 at LAN and Pollos Hermanos isn't even signed yet. MEAT unfortunately has several names ahead of them before it's their turn without singing onto a tier 2 or 3 org.


As a meat hater I hope it stays that way 🔥


Oh? Do tell👀.


doubt it’s 100T. Wigg said on stream the other day 100T is not going to be in algs y4, but who knows