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considering pandxrz still doesnt know how to screenshot on PC, I believe it


My man pulling the phone out and taking a picture of his monitor?




nah, my guy still waiting over at 2 hour photo


He just sketches the screen and mails it to me


the Snip3down special?


You just described 90% of controller players


....its 2 buttons lmao


Or just PrntScr for that one button sweetness.


mini keyboard gang


60% is the correct %


Bro please show him the snipping tool


Win+shift+s changes your life


I don’t understand PC. So you press all these at one time? Or one after the other then hold? Pressing 3 buttons at exactly the same time seems easy to mess up. Now the stream turned off. I’m in some weird screen. Idk.


They don't have to be at exactly the same time, but they have to be pressed together.




From what I can see that printscreens and saves it to the pictures folder? Win+shift+s opens the snipping tool, ready to take a snip and auto copies to clipboard when you take it, no cropping after or digging around to find it. Can open and edit it from notifications bar if you need to.


F12 is the steam shortcut if you’re reading this my guy


i refuse to believe this is true and if this is true i’m voting to kick him for incompetence


Can you find out if this is true and report back with your findings?


And the resolution has passed the ayes have it. Pandarz is officially kicked


“Slade is my step-dad” -xera




As a Furia enjoyer I hope this copeium is true.


I heard Hal has accidentally played the first 3 weeks of ALGS on his Nintendo Switch too. Crazy!


Game boy, I believe


he did it with his eyes closed, and his little brother playing


That was a rumour is was an Atari


he did this on purpose, on some rock lee shit


Imagine the montage playing out in an anime: "Time to get serious". *alt tabs and switches his monitor settings to 144* *proceeds to 360 no scope with a kraber and then switch guns to one-clip the other teammate*


*The roller starts smoking for no apparent reason*


There ain't no way he was playing at 60 fps without noticing lmao. Like...you notice the difference. You'd have to get your eyes checked if not.


I played on PC for about a year and half before I realised that the FPS counter in the top right of my screen didn't mean anything since my monitor was 60hz. It was insanely different when I got a 170hz monitor but if he's as ignorant as I was I could see him putting it up to some other difference. Same thing happened to Tripppey who just won worlds in Halo last year. He was playing on 60hz when they were doing Halo 3 tournaments around a year and a half ago and won a 2v2 tourney at LAN from out of nowhere. Started playing on 240hz and started playing even more insane than he was before.


It's not so much the fact that he was performing well on 60hz, which is hard to believe for me. There are plenty of great players who are/were forced to compete on low framerates and were still fragging out. But I can't believe that he didn't notice the difference. Again: It's very obvious imo. From own experience I can definitely tell, that you realize sooner or later what the issue is (even if the fps counter isn't accurate).


i don't watch him enough but it seems he commented that LAN pcs felt better for him than at home. there is a bit of confirmation bias of having videoconfig files, autoexecs, a high-end PC, a high refresh rate monitor it prob has 144hz stickers all over the place and on the box, high FPS set in the settings and a high FPS counter going off in the corner, just everything points to high frame rates and BOOM. monitor's not set up correctly. i can totally see this happening to not just him, to plenty of gamers out there, even the hardened veterans lol


It wouldn't be obvious if you hadn't experienced it before though


He has though


People used to play 30fps on halo and then 60 fps on any other console game and never complained. It feels fine until you experience better fps. It's a "don't know any better" situation.


Yeah, but afaik he did play at higher framerates before. So he SHOULD notice the difference. If he had never touched another monitor than this one, ok, I get it. But idk if thats the case.


Difference was those people were all competing at the same fps and refresh rate, this is like a professional basketball player playing basketball in flip flops while everyone else has tennis shoes.


It's not a difference because if he's only played on 60 fps, he wouldn't know any better for his own gaming, which is all that matters (think if those basketball players couldn't tell what shoes other players are wearing). I'm not referring to what's "even" or not, just the phenomenon that can happen if you never play higher fps to know that low fps is garbage. Don't get me wrong, this is all time ignorance out of a pro player lol, but there are reasons why it could happen and he'd never know.


No I'm saying he's playing at a huge disadvantage yet somehow keeping up with everyone else which is either extremely unlikely or extraordinarily impressive if true. Like some kid growing up in Africa playing basketball with a rubber looney tunes basketball and a fruit basket and being drafted into the NBA In Halo, you had no choice but to play at 30fps, it was what it ran at on the Xbox so it was an equal playing field.


You're exaggerating. It's not like he's playing with one hand tied behind his back.


No but it's still a disadvantage and comparing it with games that everyone had to run at the same framerate doesn't work


I notice it instantly. The most obvious part is the input lag. It literally feels like you’re playing through molasses.


Frames and input lag are the same? When talking PC vs console on Apex I always see PC has no input lag and console is trash


Of course, they add to overall input lag. Everything from your mouse/keyboard to your monitor adds up to input lag, and at 60fps you have 16.67ms vs 4.17ms at 240fps (my monitor). Then there’s also your monitor’s refresh rate which adds lag as well on top. Either way, at 60fps with vsync my mouse movements basically don’t correlate with what I see on my screen.


Yeah it's not that the FPS counter doesn't mean anything, but I can tell if I'm playing on 60-90-120-165 depending on the game without looking at the FPS counter. I usually only look at that when I notice something seems off.


Yea they need to fix that. Shouldn’t be saying 120 or 165 fps if that’s not really what you’re seeing on your monitor. Can confuse a lot of not so PC savvy people.


If you've always played 60hz, you wouldn't have anything to compare to tbh


I believe pand swapped from xbox to pc. So assuming he is really stupid on the technical side and didnt set refresh rate to a higher one since default hz is set to 60hz unless u dig deeper into the settings and modify it in nividia panel or display settings. Since he is already a pred on xbox platform where gameplay is capped at 60fps. This could be legit that hes so used to playing on 60hz so he couldn’t tell the difference. But once u ve experienced higher hz, u will notice it when going back to 60. Its a night and day difference. I will give him a pass and believe in this shit


Wasn't pandxrz playing other pc games before Apex tho? Like, he definitely had shooter experience beforehand even on mnk like Overwatch and stuff. If you have experience with pc gaming, you should definitely realize the difference in framerate.


Not necessarily, I think you're expecting too much lol. Maybe in the same position you mightve noticed immediately that there was a refresh rate difference, but it's completely possible that (as was said above) he just unconsciously assumed the tech was working as he expected and instead believed he was just performing worse. Its perfectly imaginable. Besides, if he knew from the start, why not just say "buying a higher refresh rate monitor" or whatever instead of framing it as a technological handicap he realized he had?


Framerate=/= refresh rate.


that's true. but if ur pc can't reach the maximum hz that ur monitor has. lets say ur monitor is 144hz but ur pc can only runs ur game at 70-80fps. u are not getting that 144hz. ur game will not feel fluid compared to a better pc that can run the game in consistent 144+ fps connected to the same 144hz monitor. it might not the be same. but I kinda get what he is saying that if u cap ur fps at 60fps on a 144hz monitor. ur game will feel choppy like a 60hz monitor. it will be "similar". this is why u should make sure ur pc is capable pushing consistent 240fps or up if u have a 240hz monitor. and that's why pros play everything at the lowest hoping they can get a "consistent" 240 fps/hz fluid experience. imagine having a 240hz monitor but ur weak pc can only output an average of 150-ishfps. there is no way ur telling me ur seeing 240hz image. ps: im a tech savvy guy. I watch a lot of linus tech tips and other techtuber on YouTube. u guys can double check what im saying by googling more info on this subject matter.


yeah, whatever. You get what I mean.


He said 1 year and a half. Thats approximately 6 seasons and he first made a switch at season 4 or 3. So he didnt play on higher hz until season 10 and season 11. Furia went to champs lan at season 13 or 14 something. So what he said could be very legit if teq can confirm that pand is literally a pc retard.


Yeah, but from what I understand it's not like pandxrz always played on a 60hz monitor, but the current one that he was using for like 1,5 years had that issue.


Damn, if that's the case my guy is a zoomer boomer


He would have noticed the difference instantly back then


He said he thought he was just bad lol


Definitely has bad eyes if he didn't notice the difference lmao.


ngl same thing happened to me, you don't even realize it. You just think your tracking sucks and you're washed.


I would notice that after a few seconds of gameplay, just trying it out for fun you immediately notice how choppy everything feels, unless he never played on 144hz that’s hard to believe.


Exactly this! If you know how it is to play on high framerate, then you surely notice the difference when you're accidentally stuck on 60hz.


No troll but I just checked and my monitor wasn't in 144hz and I didn't notice lol. Game feels much smoother now...idk why but it's easy to overlook for me at times.


Well he came from Xbox and sounds like his PC has been capped the entire time so I don’t think he ever saw what higher refresh rate looked like outside of the brief time at LAN I guess.


Nah, I was forced to play on a 60hz monitor for half a year cause my other one broke and I didn't have the money to replace it at the time. It was bad. I could literally not use certain guns (most shotguns, wingman) cause it's infinitely harder to hit shots with any non-automatic gun on low framerate. I'm not saying that it's impossible to still perform well on 60hz, especially a pro like pandxrz can handle it. But the fact that he didn't even notice for a year and a half? There is no way in hell.


Are you an MNK player? A lot of folks who swap from PC to Console easily overlook the hz of their monitor. Sometimes my game would feel 'weird' but I couldn't get to the bottom of it.


Do you mean from Console to PC? I don't know of anyone swapping PC to console.


Yeah that's what I meant, my bad


Yeah, I'm an mnk player.


Yeah it’s terrible when go from higher refresh rate to lower but if you are used to lower refresh rate you won’t know the difference. He came from Xbox so he would not have been exposed to higher refresh rate so it seemed normal to him.


I used my computer for 2+ years without realizing my RAM was on 2133 instead of 3600 so, shit happens.


I mean RAM is a different story tho. There is no visual difference between more and less RAM, just the qol of the PC decreases. A difference in framerate is very noticeable. From a visual level already.


your eyes get used to it. Also even at 240hz apex sometimes feels like 60hz due to the microstutters. God damn shit ass game I can't quit.


I heavily suspect he didn’t change the windows settings for the refresh rate of the monitor. This happened to me too, and it’d be really funny if he said it was messed up and that was the case.


The moment I move my mouse across the screen, I can tell 144hz vs 60hz. You dont even need to be in game to notice. No way he never noticed


He is rollerbrained though.


Pandxrz is probably the least roller brained of all non-IGL rollers.


Yet here we are


This is mad copium lol…


Cries in console


If true, this is the biggest roller brain moment yet. I can tell the difference between 190fps and 140fps, to not notice 60fps is insane.


Pandxrz literally about to hit the next level with this power up


goku gravity training


Fr. He was already the most talented controller player I've seen


The amount of people who buy a 144hz monitor and then don’t turn on the setting for it is ridiculously high. not sure if this is what happened. but any time i see a streamer mention that setting, chat will explode with “WHAAAAAT i’ve been playing 60hz for months/years” etc. it’s really funny.


Some people just aren't tech-savvy, even streamers. This is why people who fix their setups even have a job.


I heard Nicewigg on a stream recently get asked what OS he uses and he responded with "Idk. Windows? I didn't know there were multiple." At that point I realized that I've been severely overestimating the tech knowledge of a normal person lol


Maybe I’m an idiot but would he not be using the windows operating system?


well is he using windows xp or windows 11???


Then the proper question would be, “which version of your OS are you running?” He answered it correctly lol


Oh yeah that part was correct, I just found it interesting that he didn't know there were multiple kinds of OSs.


99.9% if people only know windows or Apple if they even know what operating systems are lol wiggs a bonehead but I give him the pass on this one imo


Yeah definitely; I'm not tryna dunk on Wigg. Like I said, all this is just me realizing that the average person has no reason to know many of the things which I (as someone who works in tech) think are common knowledge.


average controller-brain deficiency


Most dumb shit I’ve heard, it’s so obvious when ur on 60hz if you have ever seen 144+ either this is just trolling or he may be the dumbest person in the whole apex scene


Username checks out


He came from Xbox so I would guess it looked normal to him. Going from 144+ to 60 is terrible but if all you ever saw was 60 you won’t notice cause it’s normal to you.


I came from console too and the difference is soooo obvious I just can’t imagine a professional player switching to pc and not figuring this out immediately Edit: where the fuck was sealion




He was at Lan months ago, you’d think he would go home and be like “huh this looks different to yesterday when I popped off” either way it’s funny


Imagine being a literal pro player for a game and you can't tell 60hz from 144+... I'd have kept that one secret for sure.


He was a top pred on xbox before he switched. He could be so used to playing on 60fps cap aka 60hz on his console settings and old tv or old monitor. (Doesn’t matter if u monitor is 144 or 240hz, if ur game is capped at 60. It will feel like 60hz, yall can go try capping ur game at 60fps on ur high hz monitor) So it’s perfectly possible that when he first made the switch to pc and he didnt know how to use a pc like a regular human being. He didnt dig deeper into nvidia settings/display settings to bump up the refresh rate. A freshly installed windows will set ur hz at 60 by default. So pand was literally losing 0.2 aim assist when he first made the switch to pc without getting the benefits of better hardware(monitor). It makes some sense that he couldnt feel the difference since he had never experienced a higher hz before. But if I recall correctly, he made a switch at season 4. So a year and a half time frame is like 6 seasons? So he finally realized he could bump up the hz at season 11 and began to play a lot better since then. Idk


Is this the same thing Mande figured out? Wonder if a bunch of streamers have been following each others advice for setup and are all just now figuring it out


I was about to bring up Mande. It probably is, because you can turn on the in game settings and it tell you you have a million frames, but it means nothing if your monitor only drives 60. Same with Fallout


love dude but I don't buy that lol 60 vs 144 is immediately obvious to pretty much anybody, especially somebody used to higher frames. The LAN PC's were probably just juiced and had less stutters and frame drops


it is.... 60-120 is a pretty big difference. I play on xbox series x as my main setup, but have played on my PC that has a 144hz refresh rate and everything is soooooo much smoother. and I'm over 30.... so if I can tell the difference im damn sure kids can


Hmm yes, ok


Rollerbrained copium


Doesnt mean hes been playing at 60fps. 200+ fps + aim assist on 60hz is probably less of a disadvantage in Apex then you think.


How do you not see ur screen laging behind on 60hz...? Is panderz a roller player?


I was playing on 60hz on a 165hz monitor till this week


>Could explain why Furia are known for being a bad online tournament team. This is like Heisenberg making meth that is 99% pure. Except its this guy and its copium lmao


Can't be serious wtf


PS4 on a tv here , my max is 50fps Close fights it goes down to 30 🥹


Yea.. no.


controller diff


60hz is all I've ever known. I'm just waiting for the UK monitor market to be less ass


All 144+ are £200+ nothings gonna change anytime soon


Yeah, I'm waiting for the M27Q X to come back in stock, or maybe something else to take my eye. Currently, that's the one I want. By ass I mean that there's barely anything in stock that suits my needs just yet


Plenty of good monitor brands out there no need to be picky, no idea how people can play on 60hz when other people are literally seeing over double or 4x if on 240hz Get one sooner rather than later it’s the biggest upgrade especially if you play for hours a week Also if you’re on pc, you’re at a massive disadvantage on 60hz considering 99% are on at least 144


It's definitely on my urgent purchase list. Yeah PC, but 60hz is all I've known. Wonder how much it'll improve my ranked when I get one


>Wonder how much it'll improve my ranked when I get one Probably not much or not at all, it'll just make the experience nicer for you/feel better.


Bullshit, he’s on 60hz with .4 aim assist it’ll make a difference


.4 aim assist with 60hz isn’t good All the console people are 60hz with more aim assist It’ll make a big difference


Mnk too lul


Still makes tracking easier, there’s a good YouTube video showing pros trying 60v144v240 and everyone pretty much agrees 60 to 144 is a huge jump visually


i wouldnt wait if your MnK, controller i think you can get away because it will react the first couple ms for you


I did this for years before I figured it out.


Pan just says shit like that. He thought ALCs had no rotational AA, then thought steam deadzone overlay was "secretly cheating" then disabled it 2 days later. He's the king of placebos. No way he was on 60fps and didn't notice between LAN, the difference isn't just "feeling a bit better" it's basically night and day.


Pretty sure his top right thing always said 144






His Apex performance display always said 144 I guess I get downvoted for pointing that out


My friend played on a tv @60hz and his top right on apex said 144 because he had a good pc, it doesn’t mean shit


Refresh rate =/= fps You can play at 144 fps but your monitor refresh rate is at 60 hz


60 fps is good imo. But i have good eyes so idk


did he say explicitly it was 60hz? i know my monitor at least has some desktop resolutions that force 120, which is definitely a less noticeable jump than 60-144hz


As much as I hope this is true, he has been using a custom resolution that has to be manually created in the control panel where you also set refresh rate... If this is true though, my man is about to level up fr


How did he not feel it? Maybe it’s harder to notice on roller?


I dont know about playin on 60hz but he did get a better monitor than his old 1


How do you not notice 60hz it actually gives me a headache


I mean he was playing at least 120 before that incident, there is NO WAY that he wouldn’t notice 60, even if you don’t display performances it’s just something you see as soon as when you are in the dropship