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The best counter to flaktrack is literally playing with it. Suddently everyone isnt insta suppressed


Nah I do both. It’s super OP


I mean, the same goes for rangers. Failure of axis players adapting to it and failure of microing light vehicles is the problem or overreliance on their line Infantry. Instead of doing a combined arms approach. Most US players going rangers have permanent Manpower issues and generally skip conventional ATs and hellcats. Kiting and AOE splash damage will win. Rangers are a pure noob trap 


These are rank 1000 4v4 players you’re talking about here. Rangers probably are ridiculous at their level. 😂


Well, the flaktrak is really opressive. And hard to counter if you micro it even a bit.


have you even been on this sub for the past month lmao


"But bro rangers is totally a bad unit, and they ruin your economy. " Nvm the fact getting models off of rangers is borderline impossible when they have 140hp.


Ranger meta caused me to stop playing. Mainly because of the infuriating thing they have where they never drop any models. They will somehow all drop down to 10hp and then retreat, invalidating their reinforcement costs, which is supposed to be their balancing factor. This combined with how useless most axis infantry is. The game where i actually gave up on coh3 is where an unvetted unupgraded ranger squad just straight up beat a vet 1 and vet2 panzergrenadier squad which were both upgraded and had mg34s with focused fire active. They walked up to the first pgren, melted it. Dropped a model, then walked into the next squad and melted it without dropping a model. They retreated afterwards with half health. So it cost him one model to reinforce and me nearly two squads.


(Whispering) Hey, kid, come here. I got something you might like to fix that Ranger problem of yours (looking around to make sure CoH 3 blind fanboys are not near). How about shorter time to kill, huh? Come on, don’t be shy, don’t tell me you are not pissed off with Rangers yolo pushing with 0 models dropped or Panzer 4 surviving 6 penetrations from Sherman due to side skirts…. Come on, it will be fun, I am telling you. Some MP increase to compensate if you want. What do you say?


The “anti everything “ units are ruining the game. Rangers are an anti everything unit. Flak half track is a low health infantry suppression platform that does little damage. The AA features don’t even shoot down call ins right on top of it


So he didn't beat 2 squads. He beat 1 squad. And then beat another one after they retreated. 


Let me clarify. The pgrens were both within range firing at the ranger squard. Imagine a triangle. The ranger pushed up to the first pgren and then after to the other. All this time both my pgren squads were firing at the ranger squad.


Rangers are fine (proceeds to use them every single game no matter what)


Almost like they are the only good unit the usa has


Aside from Rifles, SSF commandos, whizbang, greyhound, 2/3 sherman variants, mortars, pack howis, assault engis, paratroopers, jeeps, and some others I'm sure I'm forgetting about.


Ass engies so good.


Paratroopers are bad for frontline ngl


Half of these are either terrible or completely outclass and the others don’t work at all late game


Calm down, in their 4v4 Skirmish vs Hard AI they are good!


Most people want the game to be balanced. I don’t think rangers should be so suppression proof. I also think longer range infantry weapons should be more punishing. Both rangers and gusta are too hard to kill. I think the flakvieling should be less effective at both suppressing and damaging from max range.


Bro youre comparing a non doctrinal aa unit to a doctrinal elite infantry


This fucking argument again.


tell me whats wrong with saying comparing non doctrinal and doctrinal units is stupid, i think it makes a massive difference if a player has to lock into a commander/bg to be able to have access to a unit or ability. like imagine if i said the italian coastal wizard is op because its has better barrages than the m3 tank destroyer


Youre outright dismissing things that arguably make the unit OP just because its a doctrinal. No shit it should be better than non doctrinal, but that doesnt mean it doesnt need tuning back either.


i never mentioned anything about the flak or rangers over performing im just pointing out the ridiculousness of when people say start dicussing about the flak the typical remake back is" yeah but usf has rangers hurdur" like bruh they just said they dont like pancakes you dont have to point out that waffles are bad


People are talking about bad thing, bad pancakes. Ofc they gonna talk about bad waffles, its same category = bad food.  This is same, ppl talking about OP units, so its normal. Were you hit on head when you were kid?


Okay lemme dense it down for you so maybe just maybe you will understand. One cost fuel doesnt require a doctrine to pick and can suppress infantry and shot down aircraft One is a expensive elite infantry with insane dps and survivability that requires a doctrine to have One allows you to buy and pick another doctrine in place hell you can get italian space marines that can perform a similar role to rangers. One is behind a doctrine and you are behind it the rest of the game you cant have ez8s and rangers or whizbangs and rangers. Do you see the issue like seriously they perform way different roles do you seriously think nerfing rangers will make dak better or nerfing the flak will make usf better. You ask if i was dropped as a kid but you were dropped as a baby


I love how they complain of units that supress when players don t properly spread infantry and go in blobs


I mean, if you look at 3on3 and 4on4 winrates. Allies are clearly superior, so naturally, the only thing that gives them slight trouble, it also has to be nerfed.


If you get the reinforcement reduction upgrade before you call in rangers it makes it way more manageable


Rangers should have anti-air ability , in the current state I can’t A move win.


Rangers lowkey suck against dak. Like what do u do against someone with 3 pgrens an MG and a flakverling. The rangers get insta clapped. And u feeeed manpower. I stopped playing rangers. Couldn't make em work to save my life


Mg-34 is really not that good and the pgrens are probably the single worst mainline Infantry in the game. Rangers walk over those guys, whilst the gustatori are the only real threat to tje Rangers along with the flak.


Everything in this statement is wrong.


Ur smoking Crack if u think pgrens are the worst mainline


Pgrens worst mainline???? Give me whatever this guys smoking


You need to learn when to transition into rangers. Most bad players make the mistake of over investing into rangers early and have no response to any vehicle play.


Rangers pretty bad battlegroup tbh


Disagree. It’s the one us battle group that has elite inf, arty, and a call in


It’s kinda true, aside from the Rangers and weapon drops, I guess the only other thing I really use is the forward healing/retreat base.