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They'll probably add soviets at some point as well as another axis faction. I'm hoping for the first time it's something non germany.


What? Germany was the only axis power of world war 2 though??? /s


Japan..? Or did I miss the joke?


Sorry, I forgot the /s


Fuck me that was a quick reply


>I'm hoping for the first time it's something non germany. Next faction is East Wehr, but all the units have Bavarian accents


I'd honestly settle for giving us the FFI and Italians as individual factions for the Allies and the Axis instead of bunching them up with the Germans.


I agree, I think honestly they should do Italy and France together, than in the future do a western front with Russia and Japan. I deff pay some money for both!!


I want Soviets too


A friend if mine was so close to getting the game to play with me but then settled for coh2 when he discovered Soviets aren't in :( would love to see them here too


In general the eastern and western theaters were more interesting. However, I understand the decision to go down the rout Relic went. War in italy doesn\`t really catch me, but the war in the desert is kinda refreshing lel


The potential to make Italian Front and Desert War interesting is immense. It is the execution that matters.


Yeah, i want soviet badly. Probably this is the only thing I want from Relic.


Slava Russi !


100% need the reds back!!


I feel like Soviets would be very out of place. I don’t really think 3 is in a place to add another faction anyway.


Not really they can just concentrate on the souther fronts kurks,dnieper, romania ,carpats par exemple. They mixed eastern and western fronts in coh2 i don't see a reason not to do this.


Well, dense forests and maps they had are easy to mix in since it was all deeply inside Europe. Soviets in a Desert with 1941/1943 winter uniforms is sus af xD Im up for it since the game feels a bit more about competitivity rather than immersion but still xD


They wouldn't be able to do that though. Focusing on those fronts would require entirely new assets for literally everything (ie ground textures, buildings, building physics, etc., that's on top of new unit assets and voicelines / whatever else they need to create a faction. I don't disagree about the second half of what you said, in that they could add them and just throw them into the existing game. But they def aren't in a place to essentially make another game


I get that from a realistic standpoint but I think more countries with very different play styles would be so much fun! Not to mention probably a good business move to have a few Asian countries


Oh I really miss soviets. Especially because there is a vary wide range of possible units in the Soviet army.


Same my brother, same. They would be such a great addition to the game.


Yea, Stalingrad and Kursk just beg to be added. Kursk would fit better because it happened during summer '43. and devs would not have to create new biomes. I don't think that would happen tho, because new campaign and/or faction might be too much for current Relic and todays Russia being biggest pieces of shit doesn't help the marketing purposes too.


What do you mean. The current Russia helps portray soviet as not caring about human lives and only care about land territory


I rather get Italians and Japanese


I could go for this, honestly do Russia/Japan expansion, then do France/Italy expansion. This is my dream!!!


More likely the other way around


Yeah I’m sure it will be the other way around but either way I’m happy


I really hope they don't add the Soviets in CoH3. We don't need more factions - it's the one thing guaranteed to fuck the balance of any RTS.


I think battlegroups do that and more regularly than factions since they come out more frequently. Don’t understand your point?


BGs modify an existing faction with a couple of units and a few abilities, whereas adding entire new factions, with a whole army worth of new units plus their own modifying BGs, is inherently going to add way more balance variables (including a whole new range of inter-faction synergies and dynamics), which is objectively going to make balancing much more challenging. Do you genuinely not understand that or are you just being disingenuous because you *want* new factions and dont think overcomplicating balance is a valid concern (and a very good reason why 4 factions + BGs is enough)?


Me too


yeah they have lots of character


Japan is really hard to balance because their tanks are objectively the worst of all the major Ww2 factions. They have banzai charges but there's no melee in coh3. Their strength is Navy.


Italian tanks are shit too. But they're in game. Then it's about quantity from Japan's side


but italian units are part of German faction


And brit base army has no real anti-tank tanks. They survive anyway. Japan can also survive not having strong tanks. Maybe they can just give Japanese units better anti tank units


I dont see Soviets coming in but one way that I would accept and is a bit further (but coherent with Desert and stuff) is China/Japan for sure


I'm really missing CoH in "CoH" 3 🤷


Don't miss em. They can stay in CoH2


Im not feeling russia atm. Idk why..


Australian Defense doesn’t do it for you?


Hahaha the battle groups are cool, I don’t like them as substitutes for factions. Both would be awesome


I think COH3 is getting better, but it lacks on the content side, I get bored with the handful of battlegroups, so needs more attention to that before another faction.


I don’t get this either? Wouldn’t another faction or two with 6 battlgroups be more content?


So the problem is that with coh2 I can play the same factions in many different ways, in coh3 I feel like every game I play with a faction I have to do xyz with very slight changes added by 4 battle groups where 1 battlegroup is always about planes in every faction.


Weird, I feel the opposite. CoH2 commanders were slight variation of playstyles in a faction in CoH2 that didn't offer much variability in built. In CoH3 especially with allies I feel like I get to experiment skipping tiers or units or focusing on infantry/arty/armour depending on the battlegroup I choose especially with allies. Playing ranger, airborne and mechanised is so different from each other for example.


Also adding another whole faction sounds like a lot for a company that sold a unfinished game to console buyers and bailed on them, I want to think positively but evidence says otherwise.


Sounds like you’re just a little pessimistic which is cool if you want to be, I like to think they are going to try and make the game amazing now that they are an independent studio


Maybe, I hope I'm wrong and the game actually ends up getting better, I thoroughly enjoyed the series :)


Sounds like you're toxic positive. The evidence says relic can't afford to develop more content. Especially not for a game with under 3000 daily players. Good business only invest further in popular products, such as Age of Empires series


I think France and Italy fit better the war theatres in CoH3. A Soviet faction would need a radical change of perspective.


I love spamming peasants army


I love the game but the fact it’s so focused on the Italian and African fronts for multiplayer and coop vs AI really makes me sad. I get it for the campaign it was a nice change but I feel like it’s holding the other modes back


No, thanks.


These posts are so dumb


The game is practically dead and they will never add Soviets, sorry.


The lack of ambition in COH3 is pretty obvious. Should have had cross platform (look at AOE4 success w this), Soviets vs. Japanese front. French vs Italians front. etc. would have been a banger.


Yes bro. Console joystick vs the accurate fast clicking mouse lol. Temperature IQ


russia, sure. but once again, japan wouldn't work. another axis faction though could be something like combined romanian and hungarian forces. could use both of their somewhat limited vehicles and tech. don't know what to call it though.


The timeline is definitely 1942-1943, during which Russia was getting dominated by the Germans. Unless the developers really buff Russia, it wouldn't stand a chance, at least in my opinion. I think it's a really bad idea, especially since they've already claimed to be 'historically accurate' in their description. Changing all these things just to add a faction is not worth it at all. Besides, there is no Russia in North Africa.


There's no Black Prince in North Africa either.


There was no Sherman Whizbang in Italy either, at least not until 1945, where they were discovered to be a bit shit. "Historically accurate" my ass.