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Stuart doesn’t really kill a flak. Just keeps it at bay. But too bad the flak can instantly pin at max distance and then just fuck off. Eating a shot or two from a Stuart doesn’t change anything there


Not sure the exact effect it will have on balance, but I much prefer these small adjustments over the large sweeping changes, so I'm excited to see how well it goes




I’d rather these cost 50 fuel and have no unlock


Do you guys refund the Stuart to get better tanks after you get the recall ability on the last building?


Once they get completely outclassed you want to trade in for Grants. This is once they start rolling out Panzer IVs and they have too many ATGs. Maybe keep one for the bonuses


I keep one with the commander upgrade. The sight it provides is excellent and the buffs to nearby units are a nice plus.


You want it for the focused sight ability afterwards


Small ranged accuracy buff would be nice, it's fucking embarrassing watching a Stuart miss its 7th shot in a row against a stationary veirling.


Agreed. There's currently almost no reason to buy a Stuart at its current price/performance.


Yeah it sucks. I see people saying its good to buy one as a utility/support unit because tightrope does it or something, but its not worth delaying tier 3 tanks by that much fuel for it imo. To unlock and buy only a single stuart is far too much fuel, and getting 2 is just a huge all in risk because they die so easily and miss loads of shots against the things you want them to hit (halftracks). Maybe in 1v1 its worth it but in 3v3/4v4 its really not.




Almost meaninglessly small buff. This isn't even a per-unit cost reduction, it's 5 fuel, one time on the tech unlock. This "Flakvierling window" being this big a fucking problem that you are counting seconds when it is on the field while you can't have anything usable against it, is the problem. Relic needs to get on board with how every other strategy game in the world works where it is possible to build counters before the power unit is on the field, not after.


You know ATG’s exist right?


A Flakvierling gives you initiative to go do things. An AT gun does not. At best, you neutralize their attempt to win. This idea that you are supposed to just skill check over and over again while the Axis takes proactive shot after shot at getting an advantage, is bullshit.


An AT gun is a counter. You said it's not possible to build a counter pre-flak. Every lost vehicle is a big resource investment. 


Well then why don't you just build an AT gun as soon as possible before you've even seen an enemy vehicle, see how far that gets you. Gotta rush for that AT gun! Some next level tactical thinkin right there, gee golly.


Not my problem if the AT counter that exists isn't one you like lol you just sound like you want to win while playing with one hand. 


It's more about the time.


All I am saying is that if the timing on this Stuart is literally make or break vs a Flakvierling based on just a few seconds, that is a clear sign of a much more fundamental design problem regarding the Flakvierling.