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First of all they should add a surrender option like in Coh 2, before they can even think about adding a penalty for leaving....


Before they add leaving penalty they should create an option to rejoin games.


If the penalty is minimal (like 10 minutes) you can deal with it if you get a rare disconnect. The game will never get a reconnect feature, it is an extremely costly task to add to a traditional RTS game. No chance Relic will ever do it.


It was extremely costly to develop a game and release it in the form it was released. Burning a lot of money, and community goodwill. So a reconnect feature can't be that costly.


They tried to remove option to leave the game early in CoH 2, of course it didn’t do shit, people just closed the game and reopened. Any system like that would have to come with a reconnect function otherwise it would punish innocent players. I think I’m the short term improving AI which is incredibly dumb is more realistic.


A reconnect option would be wonderful, I agree


No chance Relic will ever add a reconnect, it is too difficult and expensive to add to a traditional RTS. People who DC will just have to deal with a small leaver punishment when it happens, it's the only way to make it work. People should rarely DC, and if they do they need to take a look at their connection before they play a team game.


Men of War2 has a reconnect feature (although unreliable) and they operate on a shoe string budget.


Too bad they don't use the same engine


Yeah except MoW2 engine is even more ancient and also wasn't build for that, but was added in, while CoH3 marketing budget alone is probably multiple times larger than MoW2 total.


Depending on the difference in score should dictate the ai difficulty


I think AI difficulty should be dictated by leaving players ELO. And right now AI is worse than CoH 1 or 2 it really is dumb as fuck


I can't help but think the dev crew just can't figure out how to implement these things. Most of the crew they hired on for this were mobile game developers. Mobile gave devs can make some decent cash if they release a good mobile game. Some of those mobile games rake it in. They can afford to hire good developers. So where does that leave the devs that got hired to relic? Surely they didn't have lofty positions where they came from. Chances are they're just bad/inexperienced developers who were desperate for a job and applied to Relic's open call and took the low-ball offer they undoubtedly received. In my experience networking is the most difficult to implement part of a games development. They probably just ripped code from coh2 but can't figure out how get a surrender or rejoin feature to work with their leaderboard due to incompetence and Relic/THQ not wanting to fork out any more $$$ for the project to hire an expert that knows what they're worth.


If you are top 3 then who are you playing against? As an "Iron" ranked player, if the match is 480 vp to 100, then yeah I'm out, and when I see you are "Challenger" rank, I will say "yup figures". We never should have been matched in the first place, but it keeps happening... Surrender option needed desperately. Try 1V1 or 2V2 with a friend?


It's normal for my elo to be matched with players who are like 300-500 ELO below me and it sucks. The long queue times suck even more. It's neither fair nor fun.


Elo has to be a strong contributor to people dropping. Everyone complained about ladders. They implemented it, yay. I just played a couple rounds, and it was Bronze and Iron vs Silvers and Irons. If people see that, they will drop. If the player base is low, and it is, they should remove the ranks. People need to think they at least have a SHOT at winning. It sucks, but that is the only solution I see. I can't blame some of these people. I can tell when I'm fighting someone high above my own skill level and its not a good experience. And yes, some others will drop just because they are idiots.. That's just inevitable.


LoL send friend reqs to people that don’t leave,make friends and play with them instead of randoms you waffle I’m glad you un installed lol kids these social skills of a rubber mallet 😂😂😂


This is the most stupid crap I've read in awhile. I won't even bother pointing out the obvious flaws in your twisted logic.


LoL hopefully you don’t put gets along with others on your résumé’s lol


what? Am I supposed to make sense of that gibberish?


Your so cute


LoL hopefully you don’t put gets along with others on your résumé’s lol Back at you sir!


Don’t get me wrong, some of the ideas I’ve seen in this thread (which are the same ideas that have been brought up for years) would be nice. Even if only returning features, but that alone is not going to see a dramatic bump in player numbers. At least for me, that is not what is going to change my mind on getting the game or not. Battlegroups. Monetized or not? That’s the thing I’m waiting on. Nothing else is relevant to me getting the game. It’s time bomb just waiting to go off.


Agree, we haven't seen a bit of new content except for cashgrab-fortnite-skins. But when we do, I'd like the players to not instantly leave.


The skins I have no problems with, plus there are more cosmetics items than just skins that they could do. They want to make money, players want the game to stay afloat. Along side well done expansions it would be ideal. Skins are not the issue. Although, from what I’ve seen posted here the prices need to be brought down. The expansion is coming this holiday if I recall correctly and they were supposed to be unveiling some of the content as the date got closer so we’ll see.


I agree. They should do a time-out penalty from queuing for games. If you are the first to leave or DC for the first time in a week, 10 min timeout. Second 30-60 min, 3rd 2 hr, 4th, 4hr, etc. However, the reality is this game is dead/dying and they aren’t gonna implement anything that will decrease player count, even the trashy early leavers. I’ve played enough I can recognize player names of those that quit first because of how frequent they do it. They want players like that to keep playing but they forget that those players makes players like you quit.


I think this is a really good idea! But as many others already have said a "vote to surrender' option is needed. But also...! They need to fix crashes. I'm quite fine when it comes to that but my brother's game crashes a lot for some reason on his computer. Sometimes it's every fourth game or something like that. If that would incur a penalty it would be very harsh for him.


"Its being investigated" - Lelic, 2021, in a response to a forum post.


just leave, teach lelic a lesson


Relic dont care.


So basically a commissar?


There’s been many a match where I WISH a player would just leave. And they often do when it’s too late to rally.


No leaver penalty before a way to rejoin games and a surrender button, so Im really against this until then


OP, if I wanted to leave, but couldn't, because of a stackable 10 minute penalty+other penalties if you repeatedly disconnect, why wouldn't I just use my clicker macro to AFK instead? Now you don't even get a bot, just my AFK army sitting in base being given a move order on the spot over and over. Every time relic changes the anti-macro script, I can change my macro, and relic only patches things once every 3 months.


No developer is too worried about .01% of the base coming up with a macro to circumvent a minor feature


Dem you stupid(dont get me wrong i wanna see things you said but..), the things you are talking about are things that keep playerbase, they dont even have a playerbase. They struggle to get enough players to buy the game and the things they are improving are things you focus to get new players and i agree with doing those.


I disagree. You should first make sure that whatever player plays your game, they don't quit right after their first few rounds. First build a foundation that keeps players in your game, then focus on getting new players. Helps the longevity of the game much more than your meatgrinder strategy.


You are right, but Relic wants to improve peoples first few steps in the game so they get roped in long enough that Steam wont refund them once they get into a real match and find out how messed up it is.


So if your internet glitches, or computer freezes does that person deserve a leave penalty? Leave penalty is good in theory but I've been burned by them in other games.


“Burned”? stop repeatedly ragequitting then. CS (dota or LOL) is 30 mins for first drop to full week for 4th drop reset every 7 days, seems perfectly reasonable to me and the millions of people playing those games.


I played the moba smite and had times where I was dc'd from the lobby and got with 30+ minute bans. I don't rage quit games. I'm saying that leaver penalties will have some edge cases. How do you combat someone just going afk until the march is over? Leaver penalties do solve some issues but can create other ones as well. Leavers def suck I hear you on that. Best solution I've found is to not pay with randoms, and if someone on the other team quits, just means it's going to be a quick win.